279384 �, � . ���� g y' J Crnv�rii PUe DPo.�1!l�1--8�E�Niad�— R�SOLVS�TSrt.+y�lhe paeitte4 d S70 A�a3at�s, -tbat.sictim� d Wi�lk'�. . d'1Lat the DY4tliora'm1�1t _ �,ib is�v�k��be.. �Aea�!'�bY � ` ti�l����: � ���9�_�� A1T� of"lf�di'��fx`Y�1�Iiii�Y 16�o�ae wem�n!for at[aet �I. ��°�,���� tlaa ot�aphd I�v41e Avm���� � t� � � uvlM Avwwe and N:1���1�r'� +�.'�'��`� deAiationmus��it�vtth, , oEtle �11i6e�7�o�l��d��'1�$�ete�M De�ry�., taiP�Ufti[m�s.rmAll� oi �I . f ,:.k . � , . � �!`�"`7�• _ .� �. - � . � �! � �+'°f L Tlat th�p�li��'b tLs pt�� , ��+;�� „�, � mi�at tr«tw'�ikr fbe v,�btli{4t 11er1�es �:,�p�4I l,os��k <�alw�°t Ava.�..the�n et�1.S�e.elb: ,ot .t tb.uq�,t� : de�ll4ea: �.�.cs�e�a�tloee�s�s1(et�`'r� �0"tb' =�f.l�teet y�,��.�� �1��i� e .y , ab�oO��.�.w.�r.rr��ill� . �` .��,�,1�l�a-:�''�"�R: ` „ � ; oaaAtihas��ffiN vrM�iloir M�rin'qp?'`l�ilio► oiAioit6l���.. �#hface �7'.i�i n/rawPLlexliRl�li��a�: d� 1i'70'`�'; ` �ittet!►a $�q`f���';��el�isr�uf`«���� a�t � c�bi�c�##!��f�6e � ��y���t�qet��Hsni�ld�toa�r ei�Yi � ',�J �t e!�dH�eNb�3�6e' bsuwt et ant�at�t��m�fIM�1�. . aab�et�1Y`tb�E6e fo�l�'t�buditiona, orsustaioedb7�f++YSae,p�a1`,#�!Ip!+` , and ra�r�Yt�, ,_ fy,on�aCOUnt o[fbh?aattf�alS arbrMlt�d !�'llut tl��i"m be s.ub�iet iv L1I t6e •itl0�'i�C6?f'e1ni�Yf�dM1t��1t, ternot aed cpaditloow of f�i�'�teedi8ed �d D'W�'�11►�4�IF�aldr D/a�k11.i411,otlke&P'atil �ode:� �bilu7,a�{tiieiuwyM�r[al► ��!l93i1%� ar �d.9neiodin� thff. . �f.,atl tloaF�+�tlt�Nr�+l►�� py�Cptil��� ,, .: -, daoa�vi��k�ier�9'.fl#�f�F�t�, 8.Zbat a �!`be e�c�iiu�d to °!�'��'��'��,,� , padteet tLe fi�i�FP�lkY�Power p,.,�t�Pln�R�yi�qr�1"�,.� �P�tf+�tlee vs�ted'�i1C�tl�E�tirifriM. w(ttrMt��r at rlh aiatka��t,�'',} 9.Tha�,�r aj�re[tic�t.b�iEtaiaed fo �hbe�toaocapt��„ ProYsct;;t�e''i�tes�eet of Noikb�Hell � 'aid'ded�A��pt tor�i�;? 1�eleppore�ln�y,wit6}n t�r�v�+�ttd dreet �►�P�b5�-11k GouociI OatoLer*t0,�`49�4:, atea. � � �� ' � " �� A�t+�Wtd Octoper El�1�Y. � 4.That a Water Utility e�aAln4�e es��ain- (Qetaber 90,l9� � ������'�F�t°r � t.ttu ��xrni�a s�++�tt+. � �y � ,,a'�R ir �Ilrl��iMrM� �1� � � . _�i+eM�'�YAI�'i�'��I�IiF tiw and m�fatN►s�e of the mcistie�sewe� � fatliitirs. ReArieti� wlttri�ttre e� araas�d�. - e)'k�Y£�d -itB��er trees are pi�ttE6��a3�.or �7����t�trrate. �cmi or ot6eet iDkeb�iiilli�proh�it norm�l�oona to waqr�#d�ew�rfldllti�s ��eO�rtPoMIF; .�aa>, m)1�t ae►df�e�e 1n tl�e�►tNai�YM 1t Da�mlKed wftbord v�.D�!r� tbe 1lat�i�dlib'��!� l�'wol�ev�:,:s �`-�'r:r. _s• =: , - e{'1ldltidw`a��k 1���the ewill�t ie�iTe�ii�i�ililihl►1R�wi4t IYi�f`�eM�1i�`�lYttf•�� ����� �.. ��«�: . , ��� ���=� ��� ��.��: �"`�"�i` :�• .�ia.r�e` ���t` ��' ` �ada6r/bs��t a�+rkr O�va wai�rauip�or���id rmervad ai�eeen�,at1A�'ifdt{ldriLr"Y�!!ni teos� �sj a�{oa or q�leee c��e qfUtloeei+. thdr emylqae�,a�ebts otbqriwa favttees. , , Department: .Finance & Management Ser� � ROUSItiG AyD EXPLANAtIQN SHEET Contect: 1. William Donovan October 14, 1982 (GREE�u SHEET) pl�oae: 292-7019 For �►dministrative Orders, Resolutioas, Ordinances and agreements � Q� ? RCUTiNC �RDER � ROUT£ BY ASSIGNED NUMgER: a�9 3 g y pIRF OF MANAGEMENT I//J 2 MAYOR J�f' DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 1 DIRECTOR, FINANCE � MGT. SERVICES CITY ATTORNEY BUDGET DIRECTOR ..3 WUNC/L/l��I(/ /VJCOSIJ� L�C e IQrj REQL1 ST � �CLI P A L,l,�CATI QNS F�R MQYQRAL S j�NATLIRE): Mayor's aignature needed so resolution can be submitted to Couneil. �IHAt WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TaKING ACTION ON TNE ATTACHED MATERiALS �Pl1RPOSE ANl] RATf�NAI�t Vacation is needed to meet the minimu� requirements of the building code of St. Paul. This resolution is being hand carried thru the aroaer channels ut on the Council Agenda or u r 19, 1982, so the petitioner cah fini8h s Wor dur ng the remaining fall Work season. FtNAMGIAI_. RL�CETARY AND PER�,ON1N ,j� IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ' Petitioners to pay compensation to the City in the amount of $1,550.00. \ n ATTACHME"1TS ��I ST AU. ATTACHMENTS): 'TFC��� o°F,�, �'r�,� FO I� Proposed resolution ,� Fpq�'F�F ' �'� J � 2 Copy of Valuation report to the City Council �Mq qMF�,�yF��98? , cF �F '�F 3� Map of area MF Fj CT NT s tiqN�R FR��c�s ,. G : �eaae z2�•c::v �t�ws�..,:y �a.t a.Lt�zcune►u; c� •�t2 �o c�cv�creg Su►.+;�c2tuu� ocunrGtits Ue�zan¢xt - Gi,tN A.ttc•ut2cr: i. CowtC<.� ResCZuLi.o:t Rz.�;,c,i.iC.�`." YES XUC' 1. RLSC2u.t.i.o�t? YES X V� _. t�uw�ec2 Re.�;xi,:��? vES XuC ?. i�uu�:►tce Su��-i..ei.�,r.t? Y�'S X v� 3. i►:au:a:ccz aLLxe%�e,:? _yES X Vc� �zsi� ars:a�ais2 A�parbNnttFisaac• aad Naos��wea� Ce�atacts J. j�illias Da►n�nran Octob�r 14. 1982 ~ � �� — Phoaes �9Z-7C19 � ��y z 1 3 Mayor'• tiga+�Eus� a��d�d ao r�solution caa be aubaittsd to Couacil pacation is oesded to ss�t ths e�ia�isa�r�quir�eents of t�u buildie�g ca�� of St. Paul. ?hi� r�solntion is beiag haad carri�d thru th� prop�r chaaaels iw ord�r ta b� pnt oa th� �ouncil Ag�nda tor ?wsday. patvb�r 14, 1982 so th� petitianer eaa fini�h his vork during the rwinie►� lall �ork •eason. petitioa�rs to pay ce�pea�atiaa to th� Gity in the �ount o! �1,350.00 Propos�d r��olutioa Copy of Yaluation r�port to th� City Cou�eil Nap of ar� X 7C 41f� A �