279611 WHITE - CITV CLERK COURCII �� /���� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARV - DEPARTMENT �0 BLUE - MAYOR File NO. City Attn�/JTH Council Resolution � � Presented By -c� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That, for the purpose of funding the Capital Improvement Budget for 1983, including the St . Anthony Hill Sewer Rehabilitation: Western Tunnel (Thomas-Dale Sewer Project) , of funding redevelopment project activities , and of ineeting general fund cash flow requirements , the Council of the City of Saint Paul upon the recommendation of its Finance Management and Personnel Subcommittee and in accordance with appropriate statutory and charter provision, does hereby authorize the issuance of General Obligation Bonds and Tax Anticipation Certificates in 1983 as follows : a) Capital Improvement Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of Five Million Three Hundred Seventy Thousand ($5 ,370 ,000) Dollars ; t�) Water Pollution Abatement Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of Six Million Eighty Thousand ($6, 080, 000) Dollars ; c) Urban Renewal Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of Five Hundred Thousand Five Thousand ($505 ,000) Dollars ; and d) Tax Anticipation Certificates in the aggregate principal amount of 'l�renty Million Nine Hundred 'Itaenty-Five Thousand ($20, 925, 000) Dollars . COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: , Fletcher � �� � � ����� �evine [n Favor ; Masanz Nicosia ��, Scheibel _ __ Against BY , Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B� Approved by \4avor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY WHITE - CITV CLERK COl1IICII ��V�� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARV - DEGARTMENT File NOr BI.UE - MAYOR ' Council Resolution _ . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- RESOLVED FURTHER That the Director of Finance and Management Services is hereby appointed and directed to initiate preparation of the appropriate documents looking toward the sale of such bonds and certificates and report to the Council with his recommendations details for the sale of the same no later than January 11 , 1983 . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher ( � r►�� � � k°'��1 In Favor // Masanz ,___�� Nicosia B scheibe� _ __ Against — Tedesco Wilson ; DEC 2 3 1982 Form Approv City Att rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified assed by ou cil . cretary BY ` � � ���" .. By '\ -DEC 2 9 1982 p pro�e Mayor for Submi ion to cil t�p d by Mavo te � �, \ � B _ BY . PUBLISHED D E C 31 1982 Finance - Treasury pEpqRTI•1ENT 2'79611 Gary Norstrem �ONTACT . 292-7016 PHONE ���� �� . December 16, 1982 DATE (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Nun�ber for Routing Qrder (Clip All Locations, for Mayoral Signature): Department Di rector � 2 Ci ty Attorney � �FCF� 3 Di rector of Management/Mayor OFA'�i�� �L"2� `FO �,1�Fi nance and Management Servi ces Di rector �� qRT,��Ty 15�� � 4 Ci ty Cl erk ��NT O���R Budget Director ��Nrs qN�R , ��,�� What Will be Achieved by iaking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): This resolution will allow the City to incur fees associated with the preparation for a bond� sale, mainly those of the financial advisor and bond counsel. 1. The CIB Bond sale will provide for the financing of the 1983 adopted CIB Program. 2. The Urban Renewal Sale will allow for the continual assistance in financing specific Urban Renewal Projects. , 3. The Tax Anticipation Certificate Sale will provide sufficient funding to keep a positive General Fund and Debt Service Fund cash flow during 1983. 4. The WPA Sale will continue the City's Storm Water Relief program. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: Another resolution which will be presented on or about January 11, 1983 will address the fiaancial impact of the proposed Bond and Note issues. Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: Attachments (List and Number all Attachments) :_ 1. Proposed Council Resolution. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached? . Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for �instructions) uh4;. �.:, . .: ..... . .: : ., .. " a�.. .. ...: . . ,:;Y`� . ` w� , .._ . . . . � , . . . + �,� � . r �� �Ffnance - Treasury pEPARTf�1ENT ` . : ,.� � , . ,,. r v ,N , E' Gsrv ;�lorstrem rONTACT y . ��..� ; < 292-7016 . �� n , pHONE �� ° ' r � � � � F � � December 16, 1�82 pATE " 'c�w : +' .. � • �� , ;.. .<.. „��: �, .. - � .� µ�_ ,,_ �� � � ��: . ,w:.> .:� , (Routinq�>ancC-�lanativn~�heet) �,-, _ ,,�.. ' � ���, ,P� Ass i gn Number for Routi ng Order� (Cl i p Al l�.Locati ans for Ma�yoral Si�ature): , ,} . . . Department Di rector : �; �, M : . : , _ , , : : 2 Ci ty Attorney §�� ��k .,.. � _.. � r, �._f 3 Di rector of Managenent/Wa3�or . �„ ��:�:: 1 Finance and Management Services Di�ector , ; ��.. 4 City Clerk �;� ,_ . : . „ ._ ��`; ; �x ,, � ; Budget Director , � ,. . ,_ ;. . � ��,: �, � . ; ::,,s: : '�Ihat Wi 11 be Achi eved b 'iaki n Acti on on the Attached �►later�i a-�'s?.: P�ur .�se �Ratia ` � : This resalution will allow-the City to ineur fee�1 :assoetsted with the prepars ,: for a bond� sale, mainly those of the..financiaL adv� �n�' bc��ud -cou�t�asel.- - f�''' �M< 1. The CI8 Bond sale will provide for the fiasn�ing;�of the 1983.adopted CIB a�, ,, �, � �� , ,� � �' 2. The Urban �enewal �le�will silow for the. ca�t,,,,�i�n�a�;as�fs�s� � fina�c " specific U.rban Rrenawa�.;Pra3ects. : ` � . -+ ' �: ; �¢ KY,� . �� 3. 1�e�;`Tax A�ticipation Certificate Sale �illJ provide �eu�iciieat� �diu� `La 4 a pos�,tiv� General`�'uiul asyd Deb�� Se�vice Fund c�b �1� dur3°gg �"�8�. �y��x . 4. The� WPA Sale will continue the Gity's Storm Wstes Reli�f progr�i; ��` `��� ` ' Finar�cial , Budgetary and Personnei Is�pacts Antici� - �, `��" R� ,�� *. ° _ r., �_ . �..�;fr Another resolution which will be preseated on or about Januarp 11, 1983��rill ;� ,�,, address the financial impact of the proposed Bond a�d Nflte. ie�ues.� ��-� �'� ,.,, . � . � . . � . . � i ...y* � - � :, � d� . . �«• .� ' . �:. � . .... �, .. ... _. .. ���. ...-� � :i � ' { ' . .� � ,w . � � ': . '. • %� �, ���. ..� " ;.��, - Funding Source and Fund `l4ctivity Number �Charged ar Cr�d���' �� �' . `� ' ... . ,.---�—� � ��� , �° . �; " .. _ , �. �� � Attachments (List.and Nuober aai Attachments): . , � S �,�: `: . , ,: .., � � �.� � �.�� � ;:;k�,. 1. Pro�osed Council Resolution. ,�,: ;, ; . .. . �``�_ ' �r ,"r�.= , ,, : .; _ , . . ��� . u � , .:. ; . .�. � . ,. � . , ,. , . . � . � , DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORh1�Y REYIEW ', .. . , . .. .�. . .. ,�:. . � s' Yes No Cauncil Resolution Required? Reso'ttrtion lReq��ned? � Yes - �-. 0� . � x Yes No Insurance t�qui�red? Insur$nce� �ufficie�at? Yes ;�,,,,r t!k� ' , , Yes No Insurance Attached? . � � • ° .,�,, . . ,,� _ ., - ,�, - , , �;� _�, �.� ,�(�3��n��o#�.Octobex�;,�;�_�82 r , . . �.:_ �a ,:I,�' ,r, ,�r'_ .. � �'1�r K x+_�,' � .. a .. �,y . �,„�. , . . ' ' " .: �. . . .., , . ,, . . �� -.:... . . . ... . . .. . .. . . .. r_.e..L.....�d. .I;*MC, � . . � . .y�'t:,�.:., . . . . ' .�z.�. � .. -... 2�ssz�. . ����'�Lr C I TY O F SA I NT PA U L G~0` �l i '; �.; OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �: ,�:v i111�1�11�1i �5 ;� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY <,., _ �:,,, �... . 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �,�m�� 612-298-S121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR December 15 , 1982 To : Gary Norstrem From: Jim Hart ' Re : 1983 General Obligation Bond Issues Per your request find enclosed a draft initial authorization resolution for submission to the Council Finance Committee. The original is retained for detail of the Tax Anticipation Certificates issuing amount. Enc. � � � ���z� M�MITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINAN�E COUflCll BLUER� - r�',yApqTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L File NO. c�ty attny/JTx Council Resolutia� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ` Out of Committee By Date ' RESOLVED, That, for the purpose of funding the Capital Improvement Budget for 1983, including the St . Anthony Hill Sewer Rehabilitation: Western Tunnel (Thomas-Dale Sewer Project) , of funding redevelopment project activities , and of ineeting general fund cash flow requirements , the Council of the City of Saint Paul upon the recommendation of its Finance Management and Personnel Subcommittee and in accordance with appropriate statutory and charter provision, does hereby authorize the issuance of General Obligation Bonds and Tax Anticipation Certificates in 1983 as follows : a) Capital Improvement Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of Five Million Three Hundred Seventy Thousand ($5 ,370 ,000) ` Dollars ; b) Water Pollution Abatement Bonds in the � aggregate principal amount of Six Million Eighty Thousand ($6, 080 , 000) Dollars ; c) Urban Renewal Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of Five Hundred Thousand Five Thousand ($505 ,000) Dollars ; and d) Tax Anticipation Certificates in the aggregate principal amount of COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher �evine In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel A gai n s t BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certif�ed Vc,ssed b�� Councal Secretary BY . � . -- -- - -- �/ J��� _ wHITE - G�TV CIERK PINI( - FINANCE CAN.►RV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I �TT �AL L COUI�CI BLUE - �..�AVOR File NO. Council Resoluti� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date , Out of Committee By Date � -2- RESOLVED FURTHER That the Director of Finance and Management Services is hereby appointed and directed to initiate preparation of the appropriate documents looking toward the sale of such bonds and certificates and report to the Council with his recommendations details for the sale of the same no later than January 11 , 1983 . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher Levine [n Favor Masanz — Nicosia sche�bei _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved b� City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Yassed by Council Secretar�� BY .,:` �� � � �_ �;. . , . : � . , , . ;:, .. F; ;, .;. � , k,. .. .,. ��e �F ,. :� ,,.: >�: , f, �� . F iaaance - Treasury lyEP1C�tTi�1T�. �� �` � .� .�::�k - � � Gair�► �Torstrem_ ��NT�ICT`_�' ' } . - . 292-7016 :� . � P�ONE `�.��" � .; �� �� �� ��� . . rqo�• December 16, 1982 DATE � :� , ;_ .. _ , , •- �. � .� . .� ,"�. �(Routing and Y~ '_ -ar�i on Sheet) � "�`. �. . ,_ y� . �_:.�, �; ,�4 ,.. •�r �, ;� ...; � .� ` Assi Number for Routin Order:f:��C z �kll:�lacatians f�ir � � oral �i ature : �. . . �,;; Department Di rector �; - z �,�� ,. `; . , . . , -, 2 Ci ty Attorney =;a ,� .y �e � ,� � .,. .. . �^ 3 Di rector of Managea�ent/Ma�yor , . _ _�.� ` 1 Fi nance and Management Ser.vi ces .�i rector - � �. 4 City Clerk ;} .. : . � �. Budget Di r�ctor 1 �� ... _ . L ' � �t _ �' `�' � ; , ; . � � $.`.-. r� . .� .., . .;r .. .. � -.. : ,-e� .. -. �lhat Wil l be Achieved by �ak�ng�1ct,�a� on,the Attached Mla�erifals? (Purpose/Rat��e � � Ttiis resolutioa will -sllvw the�:�i�y to iaaur fees ;asssrci,a�tecY with :the prepasa�n" for a bond�sale, mainly zhose of. f:lie.;finana�Y.a1 ad�.sc� a�rd bond counsel�� �. � • ° L The CIB 'Bond sale'will pr�t,ide for the :#inancing 'bf the i963 adopted CIB P�bgram. > r_ -2.-:;; 1he Uxbaa 8enewa�e ai�.�<'s�o�, f� Lhe con�im�tl,�sa��s�ance_.ia"���an�i .�,,. _ " ;; ; speciffe, II�ban;�+ei�ai�o�"ec�s.r.�, ���. ,, �. � . .. , , ., � .° „ . .` . s � 3.`" The 'Tax SAaticipat���c�teJ'�ySa� will�ps�vic�is a�fficient`��t��.ng t�9r g' �*, � a�positive'Genera�� �'�d�.a�D�t .3e�►ic�e F�nd�cae�i �cw-�elu�3r�$�.-19$3:� � x , . , 4. Zhe W�A`Sale will' coati�en"�'�fie%C�ty?",'s' Stut�a W�ex�Bs��i� p�`3ogram. � �' Financial , B�dgetary amd �Aerysor�i+e1 -��p�ic#ts J�ntt�ipate�: �� . � � � �:- �$""� f5: � ... . ��L. � ��1� ?f ., ' .,�� ` ��y. .� kk,'; `f'�' � Aaother resolution which will be presented on or about 3anuary 11,,. 1983 wi2� �'� � " address the financial impact of' the p�oposed Bond andt-t�ivte issues.- � `� � � � a� �: ,, � " A �: ��t y�` Fundi ng Source and f und Act'i�ri t�► �Nfi�nb�r Chai�gect or�Credi�d;: � �"� �": � , . . ._ ,. . . �: ; Y h`• �" . ' '..* . :, ... � m� .. �v� . . .: ^ I.� r.; � r.G, fry r+�.... �y,. i � . � .�b �i:. .�' ).., .,,'� . .�� ; ��.. .._. ...�., aa.ry. v� � . . . +. . �.'- " ' .wXh. . g : l�ttact�ents (Lis.t and._Nu�r� al� Atta�� ' ', , .. �. �; k�� ' +. � t� ' � : � r�� �.� , ,� � .• � a' �� � - w „ . ,.µ .- : : . - � : „ ; �,. 1._�: Pxoposed Council =Resolutio�. `� � � �: �.; ;�': � - � �, ��.: , �. . :, , ��� �. ' � � , ,: '���. �., . . ..:. .. � - �f�;' ; . . ., $ {�( �#4�� kY _. ,� ,� a��:� � ��F x., _ :"r, . �> , . ,,} `�,, - +' � • � � � �; �. r,` " ;�, F,; ��� � �- . .�'; " '' , ,, x'DEP"AR�tT REVIfW ; V �� � � _,; CITY ATTORNEY--REYIEW � r� � . � , � ��� . �r �,� . �. .,, � � � � . . . . • y �f.. .. , . . . � , " .fi _ �� 4 Y�s�. � Na �o�ci I Reso)�ut�on ���tequi red?. NRes�ol u�`i�i�� Requfred� � ' Y��� No , - � ,. YPS i�lo 1 nsu ra�e�� �=�d� ;�' � �` I ns�ra�c�-:�uff i�i e�? � Ye�.} „ . � � r � . . _ �s�-'— Nfl`� � �a �� �� � I��s� � No �Insi�ra�ce"�At�,ac��ied� ; �":� . � � ��� �� - . '�� _ ,� * f° �. r ��� � ,�: �; � ' � �:. � .. .:. :;�. Y y�... 4 �Y � • ",�" , �._� ' s� ,y,,, � �� ,� � � .�� � ��� � � ,�;�, ���S ��;-�� �C � 1�$2 r � ;x`�', � �`�� „ � . . ... �' ''^5'- N� :;�,:: `.+���' `t � ,{, �+,-G :x �' �h..�: :.inr�> yrAi ��,':� . .. � �- '�:t. ��;.� «�•, . . _ . .. �,,,_�.... ...��i...�rt �ii�•: . `� Y ' ' CYTY OIi` SAZN'L` P.AITJ� � A a7��� ���; 1 . "�� ' ! � O�+'1�'ICI: ON' 1'HF�: C:ITY C:OI72�CIL r• .� .:�:-.� :� �:,� �:_:��-r-► i' D a f e . December 16, 1982 c .� -` �. `�" COMMIT'i � E RE PO �?T � TO = Salnt Pau t City Cou�cit FR Q (� = Cornr�i�`�e� Ot7 Finance, Mgmt. �, Personnel CHL�IR Jim Scheibel - 1_ Approval of.�pinu��s rom �t' o hel d December 9, 1982. �- ° �¢��� ���-�- � - 2. �7q�P R�nd Sale (Fi�nce Dept.) e--_ 3. Resolut authorizing additions to the 1982 Equipment Services Fire �, Police � Budget. •, e Department) 4. Resolutio 'thorizing an Agreenent between the City of St. Paul arid the U of D4 �hereby the will provide an instructor tv teach in the U of ti's Division of School Heal ucation. (Health Dept. - S. Resolution �authorizing the Port Authority to sell indiistrial development revenu - bonds for the Broadway Square project at Fifth F, Broadway. Sts. (Port Authority . � 6. Resolution authorizing the Dept. of Finance �, P•1gmt. Services to pay fhe Assn. of Dietropolitan A�unicipalities and the League of P•linnesota Cities for memberships. (Finance Dept.) + 7. Resolution authorizing the Nlinnesota 1�Iutual Life Insurance Co. to nake payments to employees of the City for dividends earned throuoh the Group �lealth Insurance policy. (Personnel) � � � - 8. Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules for employees in the Fire F Police Groups to insure that all in these groups live ►tiithin areas from tiJhich they can report to duty in a timely manner. (Personnel) . 9. Reso 'on revising the fee schedule for emergency medical services, a fee � for fa larms caused by malfunctioning electronic fire sur��eillance equipment, a fee structure for certain fire xevention inspection services. ( Dept_) ��� c�, ,�ut.�.i.wc� �(1. : 10. Resolution concerning a hot water District Heating System 11. Resolution authorizing the investment of HRA Pension Plan contributions to be transferred from Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. to Investment Advisors, Inc � . �—- . +' y ��V��� ` ��m�'I``� CITY OF SAINT PAUL `�,T, �. ♦ � '!,` 9; �.. OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �� in�il lllu ,l� ',: ""' 1°"� s€ EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ��''Lr,,., .... �F`'� . 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 -��.4�, 61�-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR December 15 , 1982 To : Gary Norstrem From: Jim Hart Re : 1983 General Obligation Bond Issues Per your request find enclosed a draft initial authorization resolution for submission to the Council Finance Committee . The original is retained for detail of the Tax Anticipation Certificates issuing amount. Enc . �.. �� f,, ..�� ������ .�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM December 10, 1982 T0: Debbie Sederstrom Councilman Scheibel's Office FROM: Gary R. Norstrem Treasury Manager RE: Finance Committee Agenda Please insert following item on the Council Finance Committee Agenda for December 16, 1982 �k) Resolution authorizing the Finance Department to initiate preparations for the sale of: a) 1983 Tax Anticipation Notes b) G.O. Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 1983 c) G.O. Water Pollution Abatement Bonds, Series 1983 d) G.O. Urban Renewal Bonds, Series 1983 Please let Jim know that I appreciate his courtesy in this action. I will bring a draft resolution to his office for review by 11:00 a.m. on December 16. GRN: sd cc: Peter Hames v�; , � . �''���� DISTRIBUTION initialydate copies to: 1. AL OLSON 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. L � � . 8. �� c�•r ,a- I� .. O approvai p arepare ly . ❑ necessary action ❑ contact me ❑ note and return O recommendation O note and forward The attached (draft) resolution was approved by the City Council's Finance Committee today (December 16, 1982). The amount of the Tax Anticipation Borrowing will be detennined on 12/20/82. Will you place this on the December 28,1982 City Council Agenda as per our canversation. � Gary R. Noretrem date 12/16/82 Flnance and Management Servlces � 234 qty Hail, Saint Paul, Mn. 55102 (612)298-4637 � � � �,., - - a � �c�� DISTRIB TION initials/date coPies to: � ,. .� �.� 2, l Li' � • s-, ' �'X - 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. L7 approval O prepare reply ❑ necessary action O contact me � note and retum ❑ recommendation O note and forward . 11c Go � �� � � `°,�� l?�-�,�-^-� /a..!'*� ��z_ � �.�c� ;� � 4?t ..-,�..�� �fA -s�n GatE'cv� . �� tc�'�� "^ � / . , ' J �.�=.�`� � -��2� < ���►�—.� .� .��'t . G c �. •.�/_�'' �'Z trom aac Flnance and Management Services 234 qty Hall, Saint Paul, Min. 55102 (612) 298-4637