279603 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COIIIICIl (� / 4 PINK - FINANCE �7 9 V �� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By ����� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution revi sing the cla s s specification for the title of Nutrition Assistant II in the Civil Se rvice Rule s. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended by striking from Secti.on 32 the class specificati.on for the ti.tle of Nutrition Assistant II, and by substituting in lieu thereof, the attached class specification for the title of Nutrition As si stant II. App rove d: ` � Chai rman Civil Service Commission COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � PE RSp �"'�T ,% [n Favor ; Masanz i; Nicosia scheibel � __ Against BY Tedesco W�iaeerF" pE� 2 1 1982 Form proved by ity r y Adopted by Council: Date — r Certified assed Co cil , cretary BY � ° � / By- ' � ° App by Mayor for S i sion to Council t�p ov d y ;14avor: Date — ��--�. By — PUBLISHED D E C 31 1982 Y . ^ f'0 17 ti� •.4`� Title of ¢Y�ss � �J`��tl�'ION A�SISTANT II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement o� Duties: Per�o�n� technic�l raork in assisting with the �dministration and et�ff �upervision of a nutrition program; perfo s nutrition ecreening and nutrftfon educ�tion dutiea at clinics; and perf rms rela�ed du�ies as �equiredo Superv3sion Receiv�d� Worke unde� the gener�l supervi�ion of a unit head. Supertrision Facercised: E�cer�ises c�,ose technical supervision over nutriti as�i�ti8n�s and cleric�l workere a��igned tc the programe � TYPICAL DUT'IES PERF°ORMED The li�ted ex��p�.e� m�y r�ot �nc�.ude all dutc�Ces performed by all positions in this cl�s�o Schedule�, a�sig��, organ3�e� �nc� rev3.ew� the work of Nutrition Assistant 's and cleri��l e�►ployeeso Assists the grogse�m adm�nist��tor in pl�nn�ng �nd managing the personnel and administ��tive need� of the program by identifying problems and re�omqaending �c�luti�ne o Cocrdin�tea with program vendors, revie�a� vend¢�r contracts, resolves vando problem� and msint�in� eom�un�.�ati¢�n� w��h vendor�o � Checks �nd di�tr�bu�e� �offipute� fe�n�; performs liaison with computer staF . Maintain� invent��y of suppli�� �nd prepares requisitions as necessary; �alloc�tes new eq�ipment to facilit�esa Particfp�tes ix� �h� oriantation �nd t�aining of Nutritimn Assistant I's aa cler3c��. employeesm Meete wft1� �omYnun3ty groupe �� pr�vide nv�tritional information and to expl�in nutrition p�og�amso Moni�or� hemat�logy re�ult� �eceivecl fr�m the Divisicn of Public Health, amtif ie� nutrition ���i��ants of pa�ient abnormalities and follows up t insure th�t e�.ient receiv�s appropri�te referr�ls and/or education. Perform� health �ncl nu�rft�.onal screen�ng indices �ecording to standard procedures in�luding height and weight measurements, head circumference' blood p�essu�e� hemoglobin, hem���it, erythrocyte, protoporpherin, ser choleste�ol, cardiova��ula� ri�k f��to� quea�ionnaire, dietary evaluati� and socio-economic evalu�t3ona Aesesses an ind�tvidual'e he�lth and nutrit3onal status based on data frcm the health �nd nutrition �creening� Develop� and fmplements invididuali�ed patient �a�e plans for those person determined to be at high ffiedical or nu�ritional risk based on data from �he health and nutrition screeningo Issues vcuehe�°s �o� appropriate supplemen��l foods to nutrition program i participant�3 Mrakes �ef e���l� to �ppropriate �gen�ies in the �o�muaity. (con�inued on rever�e side) � Effective June 28, i980 I�TI�TRI�"ION ASSISTANfi II �-. . NUTRYTION ASSIS��T II ! (continued) KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working lcnowledge of nutritional needs �nd developmento The ability to evaluate and aolve clinic and/or program related problema. The ability to relate tm individual patienCs, veadore and community groups. Th� �bility to comrnunicate effectively and tc write reportso Working ebil.ity to determine pricri�ies, plan and coordinate worka Worlcing knowledge of unit policies, proeedurea and operations. MINIM�JM QUALIFICATIONS �ao yeare' work e�cperience as a Nut�ition Aasistant I mr equivalent, one of which involved worlcing in a �ommunity nutrition programo Must possesa a valid Minneamta driver's licenaeo � / • � � 2`��6 3 NUTRITION ASSISTANT II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work, as a lead person, providing nutrition screening, education and staff supervision at a major clinic; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises close technical supervision over nutritio assistants assigned to the clinic. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID • The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Schedules, assigns, organizes and reviews the work of Nutrition Assistant 's and Health Interpreters assigned to major clinic sites. Communicates the problems and needs of the staff of a ma�or clinic to the program administrator; recommends solutions. Checks and distributes computer forms; performs liaison with computer staf . Maintains inventory of supplies and prepares requisitions as necessary. Participates in the orientation and training of Nutrition Assistant I's. Meets with community groups to provide nutritional information and , to explain nutrition programs. Monitors hematology results received and notifies nutrition assistants of ' patient abnormalities and follows up to insure that client receives appropriate referrals and/or education. Performs health and nutritional screening indices such as height and weigh measurements, head circumference,blood pressure, hemoglobin, hematocrit erythrocyte protoporphyrin, serum cholesterol, cardiovascular risk facta r questionnarie, dietary evaluation and socioeconomic evaluation accordin to standard procedures. Assesses an individual's health and nutritional status based on data from the health and nutrition screeni.ng. Develops and implements individualized patient care plans for those person determined to be at high medical or nutritional risk based on data from the health and nutrition screening. Issues vouchers for appropriate supplemental foods to nutrition program participants. Makes referrals to appropriate agencies in the community. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of nutritional needs and development. The ability to evaluate and solve clinic and/or program related problems. ' The ability to relate to individual patients and groups. The ability to communicate effectively and to write reports. Working ability to determine priorities, plan and coordinate work. Working knowledge of unit policies, procedures and operations. (continued on reve rse side) � MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Ttao years' work experience as a Nutrition Assistant I or equivalent, one of which involved working in a community nutrition program. Must possess a valid Minnesota driver's license. _ _ . ' IGr � a.l �.►'�� N[JTRITION ASSISTANT II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work, as a lead person, providing nutrition screening, education and staff supervision at a major clinic; and performs related duties as required. � Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit head : Supervision Exercised: Exercises close technical supervision over nutriti assistants assigned to the clinic. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties performed by aIl positions i this class. Schedules, assigns, organizes and reviews the work of Nutrition Assistant 's and Health Interpreters assigned to ma3or clinic sites. Communicates the problems and needs of the staff of a major clinic to the program administrator; recommends solutions. Checks and distributes computer forms; performs liaison with computer sta$ . Maintains inventory of supplies and prepares requisitions as necessary. Participates in the orientation and training of Nutrition Assistant I's. Meets wifih community groups to provide nutritional information and , to explain nutrition programs. Monitors hematology results received and notifies nutrition assistants of patient abnormalities and follows up to insure that client receives appropriate referrals and/or education. Performs health and nutritional screening indices such as height and weigh measurements, head circumference,blood pressure, hemoglobin, hema.tocrit erythrocyte protoporphyrin, serum cholesterol, cardiovascular risk fac� r questionnarie, dietary evaluation and socioeconomic evaluation accordin to standard procedures. Assesses an individual's health and nutritional status based on data from � the health and nutrition screening. Develops and implements individualized patient care plans for those persor� determined to be at high medical or nutritional risk based on data from the health and nutrition screening. Issues vouchers for appropriate supplemental foods to nutrition program participants. Makes referrals to appropriate agencies in the community. KNO[�TLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of nutritional needs and development. The ability to evaluate and solve clinic and/or program related problems. The ability to relate to individual patients and groups. The ability to communicate effectively and to write reports. Working ability to determine priorities, plan and coordinate work. Working knowledge of unit policies, procedures and operations. (continued on reverse side) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS �tao years' work experience as a Nutrition Assistant I or equivalent, one of which involved working in a community nu�rition program. riust possess a valid Minnesota driver's license. � , ; . , . • i ..._. .__. ._.__.-_ ._ __... . _ �((('''-�,�,�,(((---__-._'_.. .�..___ . _ . _.. ..._-_____.-___'_____._"__'-.. _.__. .. .. .. ._...._.. _.:_. .__. ..__.-.-'_ . __'_'_ WHITE - C1TY CLERK .. .- . .--__ _._.___�� �V PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT 1 BLUE - MAYOR Flle NO. CITY CLERK Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution revi sing tlie cla s s specificati.on for the title of Nutrition Assistant II in the Civil Se rvice Rule s. � RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended by striking from Section 32 the class specification for the ti.tle of Nutrition Assistant' II, and by substituting in lieu thereof, the atta.ched class specification for the ti.tle of Nutrition A s si stant II. App rove d: Chai rman Civil Service Commission COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fie�cner PERS�J E � �e�tr,e [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scnetbe� A gai n st BY ' Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted !,y Council: Date , Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by :Vlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . . . . 2�� �,� NUTRITION ASSISTANT II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs technical work, as a lead person, providing nutrition screening, education and staff supervision at a ma�or clinic; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit heacl Supervision Exercised: Exercises close technical supervision over nutriti n assistants assigned to the clinic. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID - The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions i this class. Schedules, assigns, organizes and reviews the work of Nutrition Assistant I's and Health Interpreters assigned to major clinic sites. Communicates the problems and needs of the staff of a ma�or clinic to the program administrator; recommends solutions. Checks and distributes computer forms; performs liaison with computer sta f. Ma.intains inventory of supplies and prepares requisitions as necessary. Participates in the orientation and training of Nutrition Assistant I's. Meets with community groups to provide nutritional information and , to explain nutrition programs. Monitors hematology results received and notifies nutrition assistants of patient abnormalities and follows up to insure that client receives appropriate referrals and/or education. Performs health and nutritional screening indices such as height and weig measurements, head circumference,blood pressure, hemoglobin, hematocri , erythrocyte protoporphyrin, serum cholesterol, cardiovascular risk fac r questionnarie, dietary evaluation and socioeconomic evaluation accordi to standard procedures. Assesses an individual's health and nutritional status based on data from the health and nutrition screening. Develops and implements individualized patient care plans for those perso determined to be at high medical or nutritional risk based on data fro the health and nutrition screening. Issues vouchers for appropriate supplemental foods to nutrition program participants. Makes referrals to appropriate agencies in the community. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of nutritional needs and development. The ability to evaluate and solve clinic and/or program related problems. The ability to relate to individual patients and groups. The ability to communicate effectively and to write reports. Working ability to determine priorities, plan and coordinate work. Working knowledge of unit policies, procedures and operations. (continued on reverse side) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS �ao years' work experience as a Nutrition Assistant I or equivalent, one of which involved working in a community nutrition program. Must possess a valid Minnesota driver�s license. , : _ , � � , - ; � A. ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��� ��7 _ a � � - . OFFZC� OF THF. CITY COIINCZL .�•:,... ; .�,.. ...., . � �'�=�=���� D a t e : December 3, I982 ; � � � C� MNitTTEE - R �. PORT = � ; � TO = SQ�n� PQUi City Cou�cit � _ � . �� _ _ _ _ _ . - _ : �.� ; ' F R 0 � ' C O ty1�T1 jt t G Q O tl Finance,. Management � Personnel .s,�..�,..� j � � �- . -.. . �_ - _;; � ��-- s_ z ;��.- � `��, ' - C'.H L��R �J3meS SC ' .. 'a .,..< ; heibel . _ _ I . - . . - . i . _ . . ... .. � � . .. ` -�.� S� . _ - . �_ • - _ i - ' - ' .. . � . . . y1Y�1 - . _ � . . � - . . . ... . ... ao.-,- � . - . � , _ . ' . - .. .� � .. . - . . . ' ' ��.._...�.�- � ' _ __ . . . . . ' - " .. . . . . - _ . �__ _ _ 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held November I8, I982. „�,���:3�� � _ _ ,--- - � 2. -Resolution replacino the class specification for Associate City Enginee _ � . - with a new class specification. (PERSO��iEL DEPT.) [�� (_ � � 3_ Resolution replacing the class specification for Nutrition Assistant II - - with a nei� class specification. (PERSONNEL DEPT.) ���,���� ,- ���'] , � � 4. Resolution authorizing the Director, Finance F� btgmt. Services, to sig @i40�tE�D�- employee gayroll deduction agreements on behalf of the city. (1�fAY0R'S C�:� ; . . � . . � S. Resolution enabling the Dept. of Community Services to pay city expense � incurred by house movers and charged against their deposit; _also allows' he � W city to refund deposits, should a house nover so re quest. (CO�L�ItI`tITY S VI � SJa u � �. . . - 6. Resolutio aut rizing an Agreemen� bet�.een the City and the U of TI whe' by the City wi provide an instructor to the U of l�1 to teach in the Divis' n of School ea �ducation. (CO�f�IINITY SERVICES) Lq�� Ovf.R Zb �Zf g �. 7. Resolution authorizing additions to the 1982 Police Project Fund (Polic I l�eighborhood Crime Prevention Project Fund 34111) . (POLICE DEPT. t��-3-� 8. Resolution evi ng the fee schedule for emergency medical services, a e for false a s caused by malfunctioning electronic fire surveillance equipment, a fee structure for certain fire prevention inspection s vices_ (FIRE DEPT O O�1E.l� �'O 1� 16�8a 9. Resolution���nsfening funds from the Lexington paving proz ect t o a - Lexington �dnal revision. (PUBLIC �YORKS) C�t� •ove.rQ i'VU�i�t IT'�[.S/. 10. Conti d discussion of the financing for the Civic Center Parking Ramp renov�t�i"on. . -� - - �"OVER �� � - CTTY HALL • SEVENTH FLOOR SAINZ'PAUL, MINNES TA 55102 I ��� I . - , - .._.-.-.,�.__ �._� �. -----____.,___�---__.__.._.._ ._ __-.------ . .. 8a - a PersonnelOffice DEPARTI•tEN� � Be rnard P. W right �ONTACT ��� 4221 PHONE � �� November 17, 1982 DATE ��/� (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): (� Department Di rector � Cit Attorne Y Y / ��... Di rector of Management/Mayor �` ��;c�IVE'D Finance and Management Services Director �OV 1 `� �►��=-'. City Clerk Budget Di rector ������ ���iC� What Will be Achaeved b Takin Action on the Attached Materials? Pur ose Rationale This resoluti.on replaces the class specificati.on for Nutrition Assistant II �rith a new class specifi.cation. The duti.es of the positi.on have changed substan"�ially since the po sition wa s c re ated. The Ii st of dutie s ha s been cha.nged. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: None. Funding Source� a�d Furrd Activity Number Charged or Credited: Attachments (List and Nurr�er all Attachments): 1. R.e solution 2. Copy for City Clerk. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? �Yes o Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes o //�j� Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for Instructions)