279600 �NH17E - CI Tv CLERK � �� w^
C uncil Resolution
Presented By �"'�'��
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
A. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the
City of Saint Paul , Minnesota (the "HRA") will issue its
$30,500,000 Floating Rate Monthly Demand District Heating
Revenue Bonds, Series A (the "Series A Bonds") to finance, in
part, the construction of a hot water district heating system
(the "System") by District Heating Development Company, a
Minnesota non-profit corporation (the "Corporation") ;
B. The City has, by Ordinance No. 16947, adopted
July 20, 1982, as amended by Ordinance No. 16962, adopted
October 5, 1982 (the "Franchise Ordinance") , granted to the
Corporation a non-exclusive franchise to construct, own and
operate the System; and the Franchise Ordinance requires the
Corporation to pay to the City certain fees (the "Franchise
Fees") as further provided in the Franchise Ordinance;
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�ev�ne [n Favor
schetbei _ __ Against BY --
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certifi ssed 'rly C cil cre�ary BY
EApproved by ;Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counc'
Bv - - — BY
� . � � �~� ��LI
C. The United States Department of Housing and Ur an
Development ( "HUD" ) has awarded to the City an Urban Develo
• ment Action Grant No. B-81-AA-27-0028 (the "UDAG"} for the
purpose of assisting in the development of the Systems and
has further authorized the City to use certain �ommunity
Development Block Grant funds pr�viously awarded to the City
� for the purpose of further assisting the development o� .the
System for a period oi not more than three years;
D. The Corporation has proposed that the Czty
should, finance, in part, the development of the System by =
making certain loans to the Corporation, as follows:
(i) A loan of $9, 800, 000 to be
comprised of $7, 500, 000 of proceeds of the '
UDAG referred to above, togetY►er with
$2, 300, 000 of tax increments derived frorn the
Seventh Place Redevelopment Project (the
"City Loan" ) ; and the City Loan is to be
repaid over a period of thirty (30) years
with interest thereon at five percent (5$)
per annum;
(ii) A loan of $5, 500, 000 to be made by
the City from funds provided to the City
� pursuant to the Community Development Block
Grant Program, which loan is to 'r�e repaid in
full, without interest, at the expiration of
. __ _ three years (the "CDBG Loan" ) ; and
(iii) A loan of $5, 500,000 to be made by
the City �rom tax increments, derived from the
Seventh Place Redevelopment Project (the "Tax
Increment Loan" ) whic'� loan is to be used to
refund the CDBG Loan; and the Tax Increment
Loan is to be repaid in ten equal consecutive
annual installments, without interestr from
the date the Tax Increment Loan is made,
subject to the terms of the City Loan
Agreement and Payment and Priority Agreement
hereinafter described;
E. The following agreements have b�en submitted o
the City Council for approval:
� ' • ' �~�J �;!�?
(i) A City Loan Agreement, dated as of
� December 1, 1982 (the "City Loan Agreement")
by and between the City and the Corporation,
providing, among other things, for the City
• Loan, CDBG Loan and Tax Increinent Loan, and
. with forms of the promissory notes for each
of such loans attac?�ed 'Y�ereto as exhibits;
� (ii) A City Mortgage, Fixture Financing
Statement and Security Agreement, dated as of `
. December 1, 1982 (the "City Mortgage") made �
by the Corporation in favar of the City to -
secure the obligation of the Corporation t.o
repay the City Loan, Tax Increment Loan and
CDBG Loan, and certain other obligations of
the Corporation to the City;
(iii) A Payment and Priority Agreement,
dated as of December 1, 1982 (the "Payment
and Priority Agreement" ) by and among the
City, the Corporation, the HRA and The r^irst
National Bank of Saint Paul (the "Bank" )
providing, among other things, for deferral
of cer�ain payments (including, but not
limited to Francnise r^ees) required to be
made by the �orporation to the City and the
Bank, and the repayment oi those deferred
amounts and certain other obligations to the
City and the Bank;
(iv) A Disbursing Agreement, dated as of
December 1, 1982 (the "Disbursing Agreement")
by and among the Corporation, the HRA, the
City and First Trust Company of Saint Paul,
as Trustee (the "Trustee" ) under the
Indenture of Trust and Pledge pursuant to
whicn the Series A bonds are issue�.
F. Pursuant to i�iinnesota Laws 1981, Chapter 334 ( he
"District Iieating Act" } , and City Ordinance No. 16811 (the
"Ordinance") , the City is authorized to assist in the devel
ment of the System;
G. The City is authorized by Minn. Stat. Chapter 462
to use tax increments derived from the Seventh Place Red�ve op-
ment �roject to finance the construction of improvements wi hin
the geographic boundaries of the Seventh Place Redevelopmen
Project, or, if such improvements are located outside the
.� .� , - ��ss�o
boundaries of such project, improvements which benefit prope
ties and facilities located within the Seventh Place
� Redevelopment Project; •
?10W THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council f
the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, as follows:
1. It is hereby found, determined and declared th t:
a. The System is a hot �ater district heatin
system of the kin3 described in the District Heati g ='
Act, and the participation of the City in the deve op-
ment and financing of the System is authorized by he
Act and the Ordinance;
b. The r^ranenise Ordinance is a proper exere se
of the City' s power under its Charter and the Iaws
and Constitution of the State of Minnesota to gran a
franc:7ise with respect to a hot water distri.ct
heating system;
c. '�he developr�ent of the System confarms to
and will implement, the policies expressed in tdinn
Stat §116H. 31;
d. The use of tax increments to finance, in
• part, the construction and development of the Syst m,
on the terms an3 conditions set forth in the City
Loan Agreement an3 Disbursing Agreement, conforms o,
� and is authorized by, P4inn. Stat. Chapter 462 and he
financing plan for the Seventh Place Re3evelopment
e. The execution and delivery of the City L n
Agreement, Payment and Priority Agreement and Dis r-
sing Agreement by the City and the performance of 11
covenants and agreements of the City contained th e-
in and of a11 other acts and things required unde
the Constitution and Laws of the State of Minneso
to make the City Loan Agreement, Payment and Prio ity
Agreement and Disbursing Agreement valid and bind' g
obligations of the City in accordance with their
terms, are authorized by the District Heating Act,
Minn. Stat. Chapter 452, tl�e Charter of tne City f
Saint Paul, and the Francnise Ordinance and
�� - � � � ��l�s �
f. The development of the System for the
purposes and in t'!1e manner contemplated by the Cit
Loan Agreement, Payment and Priority Agreement and
Disbursing Agreement conforins or will conform to a 1
• ' pertinent statutes, regulations and ordinances of e .
State of Minnesota, th�County of Ramsey, and the
g. It is desirable that the City make the Ci y ;
Loan, the CDBG Loan, arrd the Tax Increment Loan on �
the terms set forth in tl�e City Loan Agreement and
that the City pArmit the Corporation to defer the '
payment of certain Franchise Fees as provided in t e
Franchise Ordinance, the City Loan Agreement and t e
Payment and Priority Agreement, and that the Corpo a-
tion should secure its obligations to the City by
granting the City Mortgage in favor of the City.
2. The forms of the City Loan Agreement (includin
the forms of the City Loan Note, CDBG Loan �Tote and Tax
Increment Loan Note contained therein) and the forms of the
Payment and Priority Agreement, Disbursing Agreement and Cit
Mortgage, and exhibits thereto, in the forms submitted to th
City Council at this meeting, are 'hereby approved. Such of
said instruments as require the execution of the City are he e-
by authorized an3 directed to be e�:ecuted or accepter3, as th
case may be, and delivered in t'ne name and on behal£ of the
City by its Mayor, City Clerk, Director, Department a£ Plann ng
and Economic Development and Director, Department of Finance
� —and Management Services, upon execution thereof by the Corpa a-
tion, the HRA, the Trustee and the Bank, as appropriate, and
upon approval of the forms thereof by �the Office of the City
3. The �orm and terms of tne City Loan Agreement
(including the forms of promissory notes contained therein) ,
Payment and Priority Agreement, Disbursing Agreement and Cit
Mortgage may be varied prior to execution and delivery by t_
parties thereto, provided that any such variance s�iall not ,
in the opinion of Briggs and t•Torgan, Professional Associati
(bond counsel to the HRA) and the City Attorney, materially
adverse to the interests of the City. The execution and
delivery of such instrumen�s as provided in Section 3 hereo
shall be conclusive evidence of the determination that any uch
variance was not materially adverse to the interests of the
�� � : � �'79 ��
4. All actions of the officers, employees and staf
of the City heretofore taken in .furtherance of the developmen
� of the System including actions taken in connection with the
UDAG, Community Development Block Grants, tax increment finan
cing and the Series A Bonds, are hereby approved, ratified an
� confirmed. � - =
5. The tdayor;, City C1erk, Director, Department of ;
Finance and Management Services and Director, Department of �
Planing and Economic Development, and other officers of the
City are authorized and directed to prepare and furnish �
certified copies of all proceedings an3 records of the City
relating to the development of the System, the loans to be ma e
pursuant to the City Loan Agreement, the Franchise Ordinance,
the Ordinance, an3 related matters, and such other affidavits .
and certificates as may be required to show the facts relati
to the Iegality, tax exemption and marketability of the
Series A Bonds, or as may be required to show execution and
delivery of agreements, or as may be required to obtain fina
approval of HUD to the disbursement of the UDAG or Community
Development Block Funds, and disbursement thereof, as such
facts appear from the books and records in said officers'
custody and control or as otherwise known to them, and aIl s ch
certified copies, certificates an3 affidavits, including any
heretofore furnished, shall constitute representations of th
City as to the truth of all statements made by the City and
contained therein.
- - ____ _ 6. In the event any of the officers of the City
authorized to execute in5truments, affidavits or certificate
on behalf of the City under this Resolution shall for any
reason be unable to do so, any member of the City �ouncil, o
any other officer of the City, is hereby directed and author
ized to do so on behalf of the City, with the sa.•ne effect as if
executed by the officer authorized to do so in this �esoluti n.
7. The Director and Deputy Director-Development o
the Department of Planning and Economic Development are here y
designated to execute certificates of the City under the �it
Loan Agreement, Payment and Priority Agreement, Disbursing
Agreement or City Mortgage, and such officers are hereby
authorized an3 directed to take such action and execute such
instruments as may be required thereunder.
8. The City and the Corporation have previously
entered into various security instruments and agreements
including a Design Co�npletion and Loan Agreement, a Pledge
Agreement, Uniform Cominercial Code financing statements and
Mortgage Note and related mortgage deed all dated on or abo
WHITE - G7V CLERK �� / ��O
BLU�E � - MAVOR File NO.
, �.
Council Resolution
Presented By !
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
April 1 , 1982 evidencing or securing certain obligations of the
Corporation to the City on account of loans made to the City in
connection with development of the System. The Mayor and other
officers of the City are hereby authorized and directed to
execute and deliver such instruments or documents as may be
required to release and discharge the liens of the aforesaid
loan agreement, or to subordinate the security interests
granted thereunder to the liens of the Mortgage and City
9. This Resolution shall take effect immediately.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
F�et�ne� = P1 anni ng and E omi c Devel pment
�� In Favor
Nicosia Q
scneibel _ __ Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date �� � � �4 Form Approved by City Attorney
Certifie assed by ou �1 S retary By ;�!���v/�/�
l � � ' ��
By � .
DEC 2 � 1�� �P� o Mayor for $ ' sion to Council
f�ppr y ;Navor: Date ,
�{A/ -, � p
G�- i:�'�' ,
B _ I�/�'+�
Y — � -
PUBUSNED D E C 31 1982