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279591 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COUIICIl ��{ PINK - FINANCE .J�/) CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L •- " �� �� � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Co n 'l e ol tion Presented By � y Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the City Attorney, the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 09070-511-000 , to: 1. Elisabeth Segl the sum of $501.87 in full settlement of her claim of damages sustained on or about July 24 , 1982 , as more particularly set out in the Notice of Claim filed in the City Clerk 's office on September 30 , 1982 . 2 . Allstate Insurance , Marvin Branstad, and Loretta J. Branstad the sum of $311.00 in full settlement of their claim of damages sustained on or about May 19 , 1982 , as more particu- larly set out in the Notice of C1aim filed in the City Clerk' office on May 27 , 1982 . COUNCILMEN �'eas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � _�RVL°°^ [n Favor � Masanz Nicosia SCheibel _ O__ Ag81I1St BY — �— Wilson DEC i 6 t982 Form ppro ed b ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date „ � Certified Yassed by,Council S cretary BY . I\ppro by Mavor: e D�C 2 � �9g� Approved by Mayor for Submission to C ncil B — — BY ����ISH�.� �E C � � 1982 (5;��;��;' ' 00'TT�$ �o �unoure au� ui ui-r�T� �za � �o �.uauiaT�}as au�. sano.zdd� a�-r��o szus •a�.��sTt� '�u�duio� a�u� nsu-r .z-rau� �q ap�ui s�n� �.uauiasanqur-raa T�z�.z�d i.j�TL�M �0 00'TT $ �o �unoure aq� u-r pab�uz�p s�M aT�-ruan .z-raus •p��su�.zg uina�W • s�ys pu� •ays s�.u�u�-r�T� Iq pauMO aT�zuan paxz�d � x�na�s �TTa�.S aurnr �Lq uanz.zp .zacIaan�s �.aa.z�.s Tn�d �uz�5 �o ��-r� � ' Z86T ' 6T � tni u0 ' L8 ' TOS$ �o �.unoure aq�. uz ui-r�T� s, Tbas • sys �o �uaui -aT�.�.as aq�. sano.zdcl� a�z��o szus •Maz� a�u�ua�u-r�ui sx.zoM , TQ�d � �q pa.z-r�daz s�ty Lj�TLjM x1�n�ap-rs �o uoz�.zod pasz�.z � n�o s p-rp uo-r�.��oT szu� �o xaau� � �.�u� paui.zo�uz a.zaM aM 'uoiszn-rQ xT n�apig sxaoM �iTqnd �o �uatu�.z�daQ au�. Lja.TM buzx�aua uodn ' Z8 6Z ' i� �Tnr uo qdTopu�� 50L .z�au .zo ��e pa�.��oT xT�en�apis ��z� uo uM pTT�� e �o �.Tnsa.z � s� pa.zan�uz aqs Lj�TLjM sass�Tb .zau �o a-r�ed a pu� sTTzq T��zpauz .zo� �uauias.znc�uza.z s�.sanba.z Tbas u�.aq�szTg '�u uri�T� a�rssN�xg •r �z s�xoz aN�z Q�zss�g Nzn�t�zr�t '�� nsr�z �s�zssz�a ac�a z��s HZ��Fz' zz� �g 'IIIFZd SI�IIFZS 30 1�ZI� ZSi�IIFIJFZ SWIKZ� � naN � � w � r� Z86T �a a�aQ � ao�vw 213WIldl 3�?103� LZLS-86Z-Z19 ZOLSS e�osauury� `�ned luieS `IIeH �l!J Lb9 •°•` .13N21011V �lll� �2121V1S �d 421dMa3 4v iu�iiui° r J13N21011�/ �lll� 3H1 �O 3J1��0 F � lflb'd 1NIdS �O Jlll� ¢e°°jy'''0y` �k.��'��,�C� Y •