00-369Council File # 00�3LQ ORiGiNAL Resolution # Green Sheet # .�o� n g � 2 3 4 Presented By RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA i Committee: Date 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Referred To Preliminary and I7na1 Plat Approval for Pedersen Addition WHEREAS, Lynn Hass has submitted for City Council approval the attached preliminary and final plat for subdivision of properry at the southwest corner of White Bear Avenue and A Street into five residential lots and two outlots; and WHEREAS, the appropriate City depariments have reviewed the plat and found, subject to the recommended conditions, that it meets the requirements of Chapter 67 of the Zoning Code; and VJHEREAS, notice of a public hearing before the City Council was duly published in the official newspaper of the City and notices were mailed to each owner of affected property including all property situated within 350 feet of the subjectproperry; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on the proposed plat on Febri.iary 23, 2000, where all interested parties were given the opportunity to be heard and the Council considexed all the facts and recommendations concerning the p1at; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves the attached preliminary and final plat for Pedersen Addition at the southwest comer of White Bear Avenue and A Street subject to the following conditions: Outlot A and Outlot B must be tied to the adjacent residentiallots to the west and 2. The applicant shall file a copy of the Council Resolution approving the plat with the Ramsey County Recorder's Office. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: � �� �C� Approved by Mayor� Date •` �z�'�L/ By: Planninq & Economic Development By: Form approved by City Attorney B �����^'� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council &y: Adopted by Council: Date �� �� appp DEYARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET rto.• 101779 V �� � PED Zoning 03/30/00 ' CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: � INIY'NL/DATE IrvITIAUnATE Allan Torstenson 266-6579 ? D�r,u���.i. n� 5 CTTY COUNCIL MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) �SIGN 3 CITY ATTORNEY r/ • _ CITY CLERK NUMBER FINANCIAI. SERV DIR _ FINANCIAI. SERV/ACCTG FOR ROU1'ING 4 MAYOR (OR ASST.) 1 PI.ANNING AD ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _I_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATIJRE) acriox xeQ�s�n: Adopt resolution to approve preliminary and final plat for Pedersen Addition at the southwest comer of White Beaz Avenue and A Street. The City Council held a public hearing and voted to approve the plat on February 23, 2000. RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R} PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST APiSWER'I'fiE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Has this person/fivn ever worked under a contract for this departrnent? CIB COMMITTEE Yes No CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciTy employee? A_ Staff Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a Skill not normally possessed by any wrzent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green s6eM , INTTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTL7NITY (Whq What, When, Where, Why): Finalize council approval of plat to crete five residential lots and two outlots. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: New single family homes would be able to be constructed on the new residenrial lots. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: , , , , ; .,��; r ��.iL-W TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ COST(REVENUE BUDGETED: -_ -_ _- M ,�"��, rIJNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: � - - '� � ` - `� ' '� - - - - ° ��-� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIlV) ��!?fi�`?� �9"�?��'s�1 ��59�£L' �� xvsna.w�roxsr�vs�zoHw���sncss��s�isrM � ,�; ; s,..u�„��,�'3T �.��3^�'s.:�s' . .. ' L6iJi➢ A�� �. � ���� � ✓ I P�DE.RSEN ApDITION D O -'� � °I , i "�� � , _ ' � , ° � , � , � — � c I - _. • . - ti?e.�J `'`'' a,.� � ` ` J �'� I 1 `i � I� � NZO o � P�� � I 'v � . "' � I "\ �` ,t �� t 'E '` � ` \ � sop� 9 �. � I T ' � o � �1 }� �� � � �` � ~ i f�� j5 0,; � ? � � m 51 " : ; ��;: ! � �' � � . I�. I ' I 1; „ w���- " �# I ---------- If6o.co � � 'i_ , `. �� _'_"'_'_'_""_'__"'_'_'__'_'__'_'___'_- - I < = � _ I p�TE1,�, A co„�,�E � ` ` ?J.�� � � I ' �i' � > vt � l ���Y_"-.- , � <� I o o� � y3' I 1 � �� � � y l � s'siio �k<y. to � s;� � I � � f 1 �� � � 1 " � I /� � � NORTH � 150A0 � •` � 4 � 80.00 Eo.00 I � s: I � I a i OUl'LOT B o";�, OUTLOT A�� ; '; � /L7 ° L_"O_____'____ � �' ' ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U � �y — ` NORTH _ 80.00 w . <' NORRf 80.00 4 � • — —"� — — — — _ _SOU1M _ _ 1 N 93_ 1� i — ; — _ _ _ _ i i _ � _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ , i � a � _ _ _ _ _ , . � fi i � �� I � � ��� f � � 2 � _ � ' f � � �_ � � � � � � n � � � � ' 1 � I � I f I ' N ^ . -'� S� � � I �{ I �? .. � If � � � � � 1 � � � � � o n. � ' � � 7 m� O 2 y �/� v� I I C I N �° o n � � i 5 1 ��. 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I i I 1 i i i � �� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweeney7nterim Director Oo-3�`( � CTTY OF SAIl�IT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor February 9, 2000 25 (Yesi Fourih Sneet SaintP¢vl MN55102 � l� _ -�-a-.--- Y �°�-�--��-- �^-°--�-�'� � Ja3 lo� Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saant Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Subdivision Review Zoning File # 99-1 78 1 1 8 City Council Hearing: February 23, 2000 TeZephone. 612-2b6-6565 Facsimile: 612-228-3314 I 63? i":w:.�G..v�..s=;: �.i �B 6 � �fl�� Purpose: Subdivision to create 5 residentiallots and 2 outlots by combined plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Dear Ms. Anderson: APPROVAL Ms. Lynn Hass, has submitted an application for a subdivision review to create 5 residential lots and 2 outlots on a combined plat. This application meets all subdivision requirements and staff recommends approval of the final plat application. The property is located on the southwest corner of A Street and White Bear Avenue. The public hearing is scheduled for February 23, 2000, 530 p.m. at City Council. I understand that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please ca11 me at 266-6583 if you haue any questions. S�ly, co-----� Paul Dubruiei Zoning Aide cc: City Council members :��,. scrTTesoFrueascs�c..; . The Saiv# Paul City Counc3Fwll1 conduct a publlc�he2ting.ori WednesdaR Febma� 23, 2000, at-5:30�p.m. in the City Gqitincil Ghambe;s, Third Floor, City Halt, to consider-fhe applicatlon of IvIs. Lynn Ilass for a� subdivisian. review �f.o create,five residential lots and two outlots-.on a combined pIat on the southwest�comer of A Str-eet and W1uYe BeazAvenae. " Dated Febniary 10, 2000 - , NANf�Y�t3DE12SQN - � , Assi4tanfCityEoa�ueii�,SeCreYary .. .. . � `� ',(�b'..'1*�'�"" - _ � \ , r=s-�-BT:PAULLECv9�Fr�....a••n�°°:c'�_ _ L�l�l\ • . ..� . & ECONOMIC DEVECAPMENT Brinn Sve¢rtey, Interim Directar SAINT iPAUL � AAAA CTTY OF SAIN'T PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor 25 Wu� Fourth Street Saint P¢ul, MN 55102 February 17, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 Ciry Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �p _3�`( Telephone: 651-266-6700 Fncsimile: 657-228-3120 RE: Zoning File #99-178-118: LI'NN HASS Preliminary and Final Plat for Pedersen Addition Southwest comer of White Bear Avenue and A Street City Council hearing: February 23, 2000, 530 p.m., CiTy Counci] Chambers PiIRPOSE: To consider a preliminary and final plat request by Lynn Hass to subdivide property to create 5 residential lots and 2 outlots. Deaz Ms. Anderson: � Lynn Hass has submitted an application for preliminary and final plat approval for subdivision of property at the southwest corner of White Bear Avenue and A Street into 5 residential lots and 2 outlots. Attached are the staff report and the preliminary and final plat for your consideration. Subject to a requirement to tie the two outlots to the adjacent residential lots to the west, this application meets all subdivision requirements and staff recommends approval of the preliminary and final plat. This item is scheduled to be heard by the Saint Paul Ciry Council on February 23, 2000. Please call me at 266-6579 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Allan Torstenson Senior Planner Attachments City Council Members, Larry Soderholm, Lynn Hass � OD-3�� � 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PLAT REVIEW: STAFF REPORT FOR CITY COUNCIL FTLE # 99-178-118 APPLICAI�3T: LYNN HASS DATE OF HEARING: 2l23J00 CLASSIFICATTON: Subdivision Review LOCATION: Southwest comer White Beaz Avenue and A Street PLANNING DISTRICT: 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subj. to Rd. & Ex. S. 160 ft. of part lying W. of E. 251.21 ft., Lot 8, Montville, Dayton & Warren's Prospect Addition PRESENT ZONING: R-1 and RC-3 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 67.301, 67.406 STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 2115{00 BY: Alian Torstenson 8. DATE RECEIVED: 11/19/99 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: extended by applicant • A. B. C. D. � PURPOSE: Subdivision by preliminary and final plat to create 5 new residential lots and 2 outlots. PARCEL SIZE: 80,740 square feet / 1.85 acres EXISTING LAND USE: vacant 1.7'Z17i►��i.[el 1I�►i1i1.�� North: Single-family residential in an R-2 zone East: Single-family residential in an R-1 zone South: Single-family residentiai in an R-1 zone West: Single-family residential in an R-1 zone E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 67.301 states that platting is required when a subdivision creates five or more lots. Section 67.406 gives criteria for the review of subdivision applications. These criteria are covered below under "Required Findings." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: The five new residential lots aze for construction of new singie-family houses. The two outiots will be attached to two adjacent existing residential lots west of the proposed plat to provide additional backyard space for the existing houses on those lots. Zoning File 99-178-118 February 15, 2000 Page 2 G. DISTRICT COLTNCIL RECOMMENDATION: None received. H. REQUII2ED FINDINGS: Atl f6e applicable provisions of the Legislafive Code are being complied wit6. Subject to proposed Outlot A and Outlot B being tied to the adjacent residential lots to the west, the pmposed plat is in compiiance with all applicable pmvisions of the Legislative Code. 2. The proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the present and potentEal surrounding land uses. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the surrounding single-family homes. Two 30 ft. by 80 ft. outlots are proposed to be tied to the adjacent residential lots to the west to provide lazger back yards for the existing homes at #22 B Street and #30 B Street. The area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and compatibility with the proposed subdivision. The azea sunounding the proposed plat is already developed with single-family homes. �� 4. The subdivision is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. The • proposed subdivision is in conformance with the Housing Plan, which calls for ensuring avaifabiIity of a full range of housing choices to meet the needs of a full range of household types and income Ievels. 5. The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site's important natural features, whenever possibte. The lots are oriented to existing White Beaz Avenue, A Street, and B Street. 6. All land intended for building sites can be used safely �vithout endangering residents by peril from flood, erosion, continuously high water table, severe soil conditions or other menace. Potential building areas for houses on all of the proposed lots have slopes no greater than 18%, and thus meet the River Comdor standards and criteria for residential development on slopes. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATIOIV: Based on required findings 1 through 6 above, staff recommends approval of the final plat for Pedersen Addition at the southwest comer of White Beaz Avenue and A Street subject to the following conditions: Outlot A and Outlot B must be tied to the adjacent residential lots to the �s�est; and 2. The applicant shall file a copy of the Council Resolution approving the plat with the Ramsey County Recorder's Office. • oo� 36,`I SUBONISt4N REY(EW APl�LiCAT10N � beparimenr o jPlanalnp pqd Beonvmie Developmenr • 7onlxg Seaivn I100 Ctty Ha(! A anec �S West,Fowrfh Strret Salrrt PQut, MIV 53102 266-6359 APPLICANT Addresa (4�� NOR.TH atR�(-! LP.KC: QLVD. Cfty WH7c ]�� C.4icfi Si. Mu Zip ��10 Daytime phon �� 4Z -7Z23 Name of owner (H diherent) Contaet pereon jif dffferCnq�/G L1At�L cqNn�0�.1 Phon�51�4�7-.364: PROPBRTY I Addre I.00ATtON �egal F2'.' • TYPE OF SUBDlV1510fJ: d Lot Split Q Lot Spiit with Variance C I Prellminary Pfat p Final Plat Reg. �end fiUrvey Combined Plat • �ii ■ I)�� {//� Mrt_ �tfvN l.�AJ1` ) {` S �nnlicenPc cinn�Vnre /f'G�i�.A Lr _ _ n�._ �I�,17/04 ...,_. _ _ _ . /�A.1 DEPARTMENT: Nahual Resources - DNR WaterS STATE OF MINNESOTA Office Memorandum oATe: Febniary 16, 2000 70: FROM: Paul Dubriel 1 � Q� East Team (Zoning) � a,{/l/` i� City of St. Pau2 Saady Fecht � J Critical Are ydrologist • coNr�eC Phone (651) 297-2401; fa�c 296-5939; e-mail: sandy.fecht@dnrstate.mn.us suB�eCT: 'Loning File # 49-178I 18, Combined pIat Lynn �Tass - White Beaz �ve. S. between A Street and C Streei Mississippi River Critical A.rea Corridor 'I'hank you for the norification of a project within the G�iticat Area Coixidor. We have no object�ons to ihe creation of the 5 residential lots and 2 outlots for the Lymi Hass property at White Bear Ave. S. between A Street and C Street, u¢der the following canditions: Any future ptans for development activities shall comply with the St Paul Ordinance for RC-3 District and the requirements of Executive Order 79-19. We would particularly wanl to emphasize from the City's Zoning Ordittauce: Sec. 65.411 (c) (2) on gzading and fiI1i� Sec. 65.411 (c) (7) on m;n;m;�ation of clearing and gading Sec. 65.412 (4) on restoration of nstuxal vegetafion after any conshuciion restoration with native trees arrd vegetc�tion species appropriate to the site Sec. 65.413 (c) (1) -(3}, (6) on runoff ��e recommend Since there are stcep slopes on this property between 12% and 18%, we wouId also recommend that conditions be placed on future buiIding permits that require the use of best management practices for esosion and sed'unentation controi. This is especially important for proposed Lots 1, 2, and 3. Thank you for the oppominity to review. cc: District Council I.atua $aIi - Nafional Pazk Service Krisiina Smitten - Metropolitan Council MolIy ShodeenlJoe Richter Steve Johnson • • • � �, <- � � � � � � i � j "_"_______'_ i I i 1 I I I � f i -- � i � � -� S� P�DER SEN ADD1T10� i i ' : . � ` � � � � � i "_____'_'._j �60-M `'CJ i '_""_"" ;�� I i � � �-' I �;l 1 � NORTH � 160.00 ' ` `" r�� �_ P � N � i ` � ► O � G V q 5� OUTLOT B gI ";�; OUTLOT A L�_ I � i l ; � t, U1 :'�� NO —=�—� r I I �� � I I � �� I I � 1 I � � 1 I � � I t � � I S i i I I i l I I I 1 I �I -_� I �\( �� �. . 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Ia-�i1� ..c rsr, ¢ Tr�� 1�-t�`'I S: ALE 5" = 40�3' w�iae��J ' �A fl mulli��'- 13'^•''i ..'_ " _' �" �f ��._ � . . n c�rn::i_•,_,�� � a ..... .--:�,-::�, V :11.'.; � �l ll . 58 �p _3(��j • Lynn Hass Subdivision Approval Ms. Hass is the applicant, and should go first after the staff report. Seeks subdivision approval under section 67.405 of the Legislative Code. Not an appeal. To be decided by the Councii. r1 LJ • Council must make the findings required by Section 607.406, St. Paul Legislative Code. !'�iVlotion to grant application, and approve the subdivision, and to adopt the proposed findings in the staff report, File #99-178-118. n�6de the a� �'iit did n t meet out which �t� rljcratio and dis ne or mor of the were not me m the Sec. 67.406. Review of divisions of land. (a) Subdivision review criteria. The planning commission and city council, in the review of subdivision requests and in the application of this chapter shall take into consideration the requirements of the city and the best use of the land being subdivided. Particular attention shall be given to the width and location of streets, sidewalks, suitable sanitary utilities, surface drainaae, lot sizes and arrangements, as well as requirements such as parks and playgrounds, schools and recreation sites and other public uses. All of the following findings shali be made priar to the approval of a subdivision or a lot split: (1) All the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are complied wixh; (2) The proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the present and potential surrounding land uses; (3) The area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and compatibility with the proposed subdivision; (4) The subdivision is in conformance with the comprehensive p1an; (5) The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site's important existing natural features, whenever possible; (6) All land intended for building sites can be used safely without endangering the residents by peril from floods, erosion, continuously high water table, severe soil conditions ar other menace; and (7) The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services. Council File # 00�3LQ ORiGiNAL Resolution # Green Sheet # .�o� n g � 2 3 4 Presented By RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA i Committee: Date 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Referred To Preliminary and I7na1 Plat Approval for Pedersen Addition WHEREAS, Lynn Hass has submitted for City Council approval the attached preliminary and final plat for subdivision of properry at the southwest corner of White Bear Avenue and A Street into five residential lots and two outlots; and WHEREAS, the appropriate City depariments have reviewed the plat and found, subject to the recommended conditions, that it meets the requirements of Chapter 67 of the Zoning Code; and VJHEREAS, notice of a public hearing before the City Council was duly published in the official newspaper of the City and notices were mailed to each owner of affected property including all property situated within 350 feet of the subjectproperry; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on the proposed plat on Febri.iary 23, 2000, where all interested parties were given the opportunity to be heard and the Council considexed all the facts and recommendations concerning the p1at; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves the attached preliminary and final plat for Pedersen Addition at the southwest comer of White Bear Avenue and A Street subject to the following conditions: Outlot A and Outlot B must be tied to the adjacent residentiallots to the west and 2. The applicant shall file a copy of the Council Resolution approving the plat with the Ramsey County Recorder's Office. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: � �� �C� Approved by Mayor� Date •` �z�'�L/ By: Planninq & Economic Development By: Form approved by City Attorney B �����^'� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council &y: Adopted by Council: Date �� �� appp DEYARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET rto.• 101779 V �� � PED Zoning 03/30/00 ' CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: � INIY'NL/DATE IrvITIAUnATE Allan Torstenson 266-6579 ? D�r,u���.i. n� 5 CTTY COUNCIL MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) �SIGN 3 CITY ATTORNEY r/ • _ CITY CLERK NUMBER FINANCIAI. SERV DIR _ FINANCIAI. SERV/ACCTG FOR ROU1'ING 4 MAYOR (OR ASST.) 1 PI.ANNING AD ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _I_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATIJRE) acriox xeQ�s�n: Adopt resolution to approve preliminary and final plat for Pedersen Addition at the southwest comer of White Beaz Avenue and A Street. The City Council held a public hearing and voted to approve the plat on February 23, 2000. RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R} PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST APiSWER'I'fiE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Has this person/fivn ever worked under a contract for this departrnent? CIB COMMITTEE Yes No CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciTy employee? A_ Staff Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a Skill not normally possessed by any wrzent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green s6eM , INTTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTL7NITY (Whq What, When, Where, Why): Finalize council approval of plat to crete five residential lots and two outlots. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: New single family homes would be able to be constructed on the new residenrial lots. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: , , , , ; .,��; r ��.iL-W TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ COST(REVENUE BUDGETED: -_ -_ _- M ,�"��, rIJNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: � - - '� � ` - `� ' '� - - - - ° ��-� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIlV) ��!?fi�`?� �9"�?��'s�1 ��59�£L' �� xvsna.w�roxsr�vs�zoHw���sncss��s�isrM � ,�; ; s,..u�„��,�'3T �.��3^�'s.:�s' . .. ' L6iJi➢ A�� �. � ���� � ✓ I P�DE.RSEN ApDITION D O -'� � °I , i "�� � , _ ' � , ° � , � , � — � c I - _. • . - ti?e.�J `'`'' a,.� � ` ` J �'� I 1 `i � I� � NZO o � P�� � I 'v � . 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I i I 1 i i i � �� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweeney7nterim Director Oo-3�`( � CTTY OF SAIl�IT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor February 9, 2000 25 (Yesi Fourih Sneet SaintP¢vl MN55102 � l� _ -�-a-.--- Y �°�-�--��-- �^-°--�-�'� � Ja3 lo� Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saant Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Subdivision Review Zoning File # 99-1 78 1 1 8 City Council Hearing: February 23, 2000 TeZephone. 612-2b6-6565 Facsimile: 612-228-3314 I 63? i":w:.�G..v�..s=;: �.i �B 6 � �fl�� Purpose: Subdivision to create 5 residentiallots and 2 outlots by combined plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Dear Ms. Anderson: APPROVAL Ms. Lynn Hass, has submitted an application for a subdivision review to create 5 residential lots and 2 outlots on a combined plat. This application meets all subdivision requirements and staff recommends approval of the final plat application. The property is located on the southwest corner of A Street and White Bear Avenue. The public hearing is scheduled for February 23, 2000, 530 p.m. at City Council. I understand that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please ca11 me at 266-6583 if you haue any questions. S�ly, co-----� Paul Dubruiei Zoning Aide cc: City Council members :��,. scrTTesoFrueascs�c..; . The Saiv# Paul City Counc3Fwll1 conduct a publlc�he2ting.ori WednesdaR Febma� 23, 2000, at-5:30�p.m. in the City Gqitincil Ghambe;s, Third Floor, City Halt, to consider-fhe applicatlon of IvIs. Lynn Ilass for a� subdivisian. review �f.o create,five residential lots and two outlots-.on a combined pIat on the southwest�comer of A Str-eet and W1uYe BeazAvenae. " Dated Febniary 10, 2000 - , NANf�Y�t3DE12SQN - � , Assi4tanfCityEoa�ueii�,SeCreYary .. .. . � `� ',(�b'..'1*�'�"" - _ � \ , r=s-�-BT:PAULLECv9�Fr�....a••n�°°:c'�_ _ L�l�l\ • . ..� . & ECONOMIC DEVECAPMENT Brinn Sve¢rtey, Interim Directar SAINT iPAUL � AAAA CTTY OF SAIN'T PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor 25 Wu� Fourth Street Saint P¢ul, MN 55102 February 17, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 Ciry Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �p _3�`( Telephone: 651-266-6700 Fncsimile: 657-228-3120 RE: Zoning File #99-178-118: LI'NN HASS Preliminary and Final Plat for Pedersen Addition Southwest comer of White Bear Avenue and A Street City Council hearing: February 23, 2000, 530 p.m., CiTy Counci] Chambers PiIRPOSE: To consider a preliminary and final plat request by Lynn Hass to subdivide property to create 5 residential lots and 2 outlots. Deaz Ms. Anderson: � Lynn Hass has submitted an application for preliminary and final plat approval for subdivision of property at the southwest corner of White Bear Avenue and A Street into 5 residential lots and 2 outlots. Attached are the staff report and the preliminary and final plat for your consideration. Subject to a requirement to tie the two outlots to the adjacent residential lots to the west, this application meets all subdivision requirements and staff recommends approval of the preliminary and final plat. This item is scheduled to be heard by the Saint Paul Ciry Council on February 23, 2000. Please call me at 266-6579 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Allan Torstenson Senior Planner Attachments City Council Members, Larry Soderholm, Lynn Hass � OD-3�� � 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PLAT REVIEW: STAFF REPORT FOR CITY COUNCIL FTLE # 99-178-118 APPLICAI�3T: LYNN HASS DATE OF HEARING: 2l23J00 CLASSIFICATTON: Subdivision Review LOCATION: Southwest comer White Beaz Avenue and A Street PLANNING DISTRICT: 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subj. to Rd. & Ex. S. 160 ft. of part lying W. of E. 251.21 ft., Lot 8, Montville, Dayton & Warren's Prospect Addition PRESENT ZONING: R-1 and RC-3 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 67.301, 67.406 STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 2115{00 BY: Alian Torstenson 8. DATE RECEIVED: 11/19/99 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: extended by applicant • A. B. C. D. � PURPOSE: Subdivision by preliminary and final plat to create 5 new residential lots and 2 outlots. PARCEL SIZE: 80,740 square feet / 1.85 acres EXISTING LAND USE: vacant 1.7'Z17i►��i.[el 1I�►i1i1.�� North: Single-family residential in an R-2 zone East: Single-family residential in an R-1 zone South: Single-family residentiai in an R-1 zone West: Single-family residential in an R-1 zone E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 67.301 states that platting is required when a subdivision creates five or more lots. Section 67.406 gives criteria for the review of subdivision applications. These criteria are covered below under "Required Findings." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: The five new residential lots aze for construction of new singie-family houses. The two outiots will be attached to two adjacent existing residential lots west of the proposed plat to provide additional backyard space for the existing houses on those lots. Zoning File 99-178-118 February 15, 2000 Page 2 G. DISTRICT COLTNCIL RECOMMENDATION: None received. H. REQUII2ED FINDINGS: Atl f6e applicable provisions of the Legislafive Code are being complied wit6. Subject to proposed Outlot A and Outlot B being tied to the adjacent residential lots to the west, the pmposed plat is in compiiance with all applicable pmvisions of the Legislative Code. 2. The proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the present and potentEal surrounding land uses. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the surrounding single-family homes. Two 30 ft. by 80 ft. outlots are proposed to be tied to the adjacent residential lots to the west to provide lazger back yards for the existing homes at #22 B Street and #30 B Street. The area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and compatibility with the proposed subdivision. The azea sunounding the proposed plat is already developed with single-family homes. �� 4. The subdivision is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. The • proposed subdivision is in conformance with the Housing Plan, which calls for ensuring avaifabiIity of a full range of housing choices to meet the needs of a full range of household types and income Ievels. 5. The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site's important natural features, whenever possibte. The lots are oriented to existing White Beaz Avenue, A Street, and B Street. 6. All land intended for building sites can be used safely �vithout endangering residents by peril from flood, erosion, continuously high water table, severe soil conditions or other menace. Potential building areas for houses on all of the proposed lots have slopes no greater than 18%, and thus meet the River Comdor standards and criteria for residential development on slopes. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATIOIV: Based on required findings 1 through 6 above, staff recommends approval of the final plat for Pedersen Addition at the southwest comer of White Beaz Avenue and A Street subject to the following conditions: Outlot A and Outlot B must be tied to the adjacent residential lots to the �s�est; and 2. The applicant shall file a copy of the Council Resolution approving the plat with the Ramsey County Recorder's Office. • oo� 36,`I SUBONISt4N REY(EW APl�LiCAT10N � beparimenr o jPlanalnp pqd Beonvmie Developmenr • 7onlxg Seaivn I100 Ctty Ha(! A anec �S West,Fowrfh Strret Salrrt PQut, MIV 53102 266-6359 APPLICANT Addresa (4�� NOR.TH atR�(-! LP.KC: QLVD. Cfty WH7c ]�� C.4icfi Si. Mu Zip ��10 Daytime phon �� 4Z -7Z23 Name of owner (H diherent) Contaet pereon jif dffferCnq�/G L1At�L cqNn�0�.1 Phon�51�4�7-.364: PROPBRTY I Addre I.00ATtON �egal F2'.' • TYPE OF SUBDlV1510fJ: d Lot Split Q Lot Spiit with Variance C I Prellminary Pfat p Final Plat Reg. �end fiUrvey Combined Plat • �ii ■ I)�� {//� Mrt_ �tfvN l.�AJ1` ) {` S �nnlicenPc cinn�Vnre /f'G�i�.A Lr _ _ n�._ �I�,17/04 ...,_. _ _ _ . /�A.1 DEPARTMENT: Nahual Resources - DNR WaterS STATE OF MINNESOTA Office Memorandum oATe: Febniary 16, 2000 70: FROM: Paul Dubriel 1 � Q� East Team (Zoning) � a,{/l/` i� City of St. Pau2 Saady Fecht � J Critical Are ydrologist • coNr�eC Phone (651) 297-2401; fa�c 296-5939; e-mail: sandy.fecht@dnrstate.mn.us suB�eCT: 'Loning File # 49-178I 18, Combined pIat Lynn �Tass - White Beaz �ve. S. between A Street and C Streei Mississippi River Critical A.rea Corridor 'I'hank you for the norification of a project within the G�iticat Area Coixidor. We have no object�ons to ihe creation of the 5 residential lots and 2 outlots for the Lymi Hass property at White Bear Ave. S. between A Street and C Street, u¢der the following canditions: Any future ptans for development activities shall comply with the St Paul Ordinance for RC-3 District and the requirements of Executive Order 79-19. We would particularly wanl to emphasize from the City's Zoning Ordittauce: Sec. 65.411 (c) (2) on gzading and fiI1i� Sec. 65.411 (c) (7) on m;n;m;�ation of clearing and gading Sec. 65.412 (4) on restoration of nstuxal vegetafion after any conshuciion restoration with native trees arrd vegetc�tion species appropriate to the site Sec. 65.413 (c) (1) -(3}, (6) on runoff ��e recommend Since there are stcep slopes on this property between 12% and 18%, we wouId also recommend that conditions be placed on future buiIding permits that require the use of best management practices for esosion and sed'unentation controi. This is especially important for proposed Lots 1, 2, and 3. Thank you for the oppominity to review. cc: District Council I.atua $aIi - Nafional Pazk Service Krisiina Smitten - Metropolitan Council MolIy ShodeenlJoe Richter Steve Johnson • • • � �, <- � � � � � � i � j "_"_______'_ i I i 1 I I I � f i -- � i � � -� S� P�DER SEN ADD1T10� i i ' : . � ` � � � � � i "_____'_'._j �60-M `'CJ i '_""_"" ;�� I i � � �-' I �;l 1 � NORTH � 160.00 ' ` `" r�� �_ P � N � i ` � ► O � G V q 5� OUTLOT B gI ";�; OUTLOT A L�_ I � i l ; � t, U1 :'�� NO —=�—� r I I �� � I I � �� I I � 1 I � � 1 I � � I t � � I S i i I I i l I I I 1 I �I -_� I �\( �� �. . 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Ia-�i1� ..c rsr, ¢ Tr�� 1�-t�`'I S: ALE 5" = 40�3' w�iae��J ' �A fl mulli��'- 13'^•''i ..'_ " _' �" �f ��._ � . . n c�rn::i_•,_,�� � a ..... .--:�,-::�, V :11.'.; � �l ll . 58 �p _3(��j • Lynn Hass Subdivision Approval Ms. Hass is the applicant, and should go first after the staff report. Seeks subdivision approval under section 67.405 of the Legislative Code. Not an appeal. To be decided by the Councii. r1 LJ • Council must make the findings required by Section 607.406, St. Paul Legislative Code. !'�iVlotion to grant application, and approve the subdivision, and to adopt the proposed findings in the staff report, File #99-178-118. n�6de the a� �'iit did n t meet out which �t� rljcratio and dis ne or mor of the were not me m the Sec. 67.406. Review of divisions of land. (a) Subdivision review criteria. The planning commission and city council, in the review of subdivision requests and in the application of this chapter shall take into consideration the requirements of the city and the best use of the land being subdivided. Particular attention shall be given to the width and location of streets, sidewalks, suitable sanitary utilities, surface drainaae, lot sizes and arrangements, as well as requirements such as parks and playgrounds, schools and recreation sites and other public uses. All of the following findings shali be made priar to the approval of a subdivision or a lot split: (1) All the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are complied wixh; (2) The proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the present and potential surrounding land uses; (3) The area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and compatibility with the proposed subdivision; (4) The subdivision is in conformance with the comprehensive p1an; (5) The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site's important existing natural features, whenever possible; (6) All land intended for building sites can be used safely without endangering the residents by peril from floods, erosion, continuously high water table, severe soil conditions ar other menace; and (7) The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services. Council File # 00�3LQ ORiGiNAL Resolution # Green Sheet # .�o� n g � 2 3 4 Presented By RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA i Committee: Date 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Referred To Preliminary and I7na1 Plat Approval for Pedersen Addition WHEREAS, Lynn Hass has submitted for City Council approval the attached preliminary and final plat for subdivision of properry at the southwest corner of White Bear Avenue and A Street into five residential lots and two outlots; and WHEREAS, the appropriate City depariments have reviewed the plat and found, subject to the recommended conditions, that it meets the requirements of Chapter 67 of the Zoning Code; and VJHEREAS, notice of a public hearing before the City Council was duly published in the official newspaper of the City and notices were mailed to each owner of affected property including all property situated within 350 feet of the subjectproperry; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on the proposed plat on Febri.iary 23, 2000, where all interested parties were given the opportunity to be heard and the Council considexed all the facts and recommendations concerning the p1at; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves the attached preliminary and final plat for Pedersen Addition at the southwest comer of White Bear Avenue and A Street subject to the following conditions: Outlot A and Outlot B must be tied to the adjacent residentiallots to the west and 2. The applicant shall file a copy of the Council Resolution approving the plat with the Ramsey County Recorder's Office. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: � �a=�C� Approved by Mayor� Date •` �z�'�L/ By: Planninq & Economic Development By: Form approved by City Attorney B �����^'� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council &y: Adopted by Council: Date �� �� appp DEYARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET rto.• 101779 V �� � PED Zoning 03/30/00 ' CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: � INIY'NL/DATE IrvITIAUnATE Allan Torstenson 266-6579 ? D�r,u���.i. n� 5 CTTY COUNCIL MUST BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DATE) �SIGN 3 CITY ATTORNEY r/ • _ CITY CLERK NUMBER FINANCIAI. SERV DIR _ FINANCIAI. SERV/ACCTG FOR ROU1'ING 4 MAYOR (OR ASST.) 1 PI.ANNING AD ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _I_(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATIJRE) acriox xeQ�s�n: Adopt resolution to approve preliminary and final plat for Pedersen Addition at the southwest comer of White Beaz Avenue and A Street. The City Council held a public hearing and voted to approve the plat on February 23, 2000. RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R} PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST APiSWER'I'fiE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION 1. Has this person/fivn ever worked under a contract for this departrnent? CIB COMMITTEE Yes No CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION 2. Has this person/firm ever been a ciTy employee? A_ Staff Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a Skill not normally possessed by any wrzent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green s6eM , INTTIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTL7NITY (Whq What, When, Where, Why): Finalize council approval of plat to crete five residential lots and two outlots. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: New single family homes would be able to be constructed on the new residenrial lots. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: , , , , ; .,��; r ��.iL-W TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $ COST(REVENUE BUDGETED: -_ -_ _- M ,�"��, rIJNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: � - - '� � ` - `� ' '� - - - - ° ��-� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIlV) ��!?fi�`?� �9"�?��'s�1 ��59�£L' �� xvsna.w�roxsr�vs�zoHw���sncss��s�isrM � ,�; ; s,..u�„��,�'3T �.��3^�'s.:�s' . .. ' L6iJi➢ A�� �. � ���� � ✓ I P�DE.RSEN ApDITION D O -'� � °I , i "�� � , _ ' � , ° � , � , � — � c I - _. • . - ti?e.�J `'`'' a,.� � ` ` J �'� I 1 `i � I� � NZO o � P�� � I 'v � . 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I i I 1 i i i � �� DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Brian Sweeney7nterim Director Oo-3�`( � CTTY OF SAIl�IT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor February 9, 2000 25 (Yesi Fourih Sneet SaintP¢vl MN55102 � l� _ -�-a-.--- Y �°�-�--��-- �^-°--�-�'� � Ja3 lo� Ms. Nancy Anderson City Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saant Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Subdivision Review Zoning File # 99-1 78 1 1 8 City Council Hearing: February 23, 2000 TeZephone. 612-2b6-6565 Facsimile: 612-228-3314 I 63? i":w:.�G..v�..s=;: �.i �B 6 � �fl�� Purpose: Subdivision to create 5 residentiallots and 2 outlots by combined plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Dear Ms. Anderson: APPROVAL Ms. Lynn Hass, has submitted an application for a subdivision review to create 5 residential lots and 2 outlots on a combined plat. This application meets all subdivision requirements and staff recommends approval of the final plat application. The property is located on the southwest corner of A Street and White Bear Avenue. The public hearing is scheduled for February 23, 2000, 530 p.m. at City Council. I understand that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Please ca11 me at 266-6583 if you haue any questions. S�ly, co-----� Paul Dubruiei Zoning Aide cc: City Council members :��,. scrTTesoFrueascs�c..; . The Saiv# Paul City Counc3Fwll1 conduct a publlc�he2ting.ori WednesdaR Febma� 23, 2000, at-5:30�p.m. in the City Gqitincil Ghambe;s, Third Floor, City Halt, to consider-fhe applicatlon of IvIs. Lynn Ilass for a� subdivisian. review �f.o create,five residential lots and two outlots-.on a combined pIat on the southwest�comer of A Str-eet and W1uYe BeazAvenae. " Dated Febniary 10, 2000 - , NANf�Y�t3DE12SQN - � , Assi4tanfCityEoa�ueii�,SeCreYary .. .. . � `� ',(�b'..'1*�'�"" - _ � \ , r=s-�-BT:PAULLECv9�Fr�....a••n�°°:c'�_ _ L�l�l\ • . ..� . & ECONOMIC DEVECAPMENT Brinn Sve¢rtey, Interim Directar SAINT iPAUL � AAAA CTTY OF SAIN'T PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor 25 Wu� Fourth Street Saint P¢ul, MN 55102 February 17, 2000 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 Ciry Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �p _3�`( Telephone: 651-266-6700 Fncsimile: 657-228-3120 RE: Zoning File #99-178-118: LI'NN HASS Preliminary and Final Plat for Pedersen Addition Southwest comer of White Bear Avenue and A Street City Council hearing: February 23, 2000, 530 p.m., CiTy Counci] Chambers PiIRPOSE: To consider a preliminary and final plat request by Lynn Hass to subdivide property to create 5 residential lots and 2 outlots. Deaz Ms. Anderson: � Lynn Hass has submitted an application for preliminary and final plat approval for subdivision of property at the southwest corner of White Bear Avenue and A Street into 5 residential lots and 2 outlots. Attached are the staff report and the preliminary and final plat for your consideration. Subject to a requirement to tie the two outlots to the adjacent residential lots to the west, this application meets all subdivision requirements and staff recommends approval of the preliminary and final plat. This item is scheduled to be heard by the Saint Paul Ciry Council on February 23, 2000. Please call me at 266-6579 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Allan Torstenson Senior Planner Attachments City Council Members, Larry Soderholm, Lynn Hass � OD-3�� � 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PLAT REVIEW: STAFF REPORT FOR CITY COUNCIL FTLE # 99-178-118 APPLICAI�3T: LYNN HASS DATE OF HEARING: 2l23J00 CLASSIFICATTON: Subdivision Review LOCATION: Southwest comer White Beaz Avenue and A Street PLANNING DISTRICT: 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subj. to Rd. & Ex. S. 160 ft. of part lying W. of E. 251.21 ft., Lot 8, Montville, Dayton & Warren's Prospect Addition PRESENT ZONING: R-1 and RC-3 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 67.301, 67.406 STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 2115{00 BY: Alian Torstenson 8. DATE RECEIVED: 11/19/99 DEADLINE FOR ACTION: extended by applicant • A. B. C. D. � PURPOSE: Subdivision by preliminary and final plat to create 5 new residential lots and 2 outlots. PARCEL SIZE: 80,740 square feet / 1.85 acres EXISTING LAND USE: vacant 1.7'Z17i►��i.[el 1I�►i1i1.�� North: Single-family residential in an R-2 zone East: Single-family residential in an R-1 zone South: Single-family residentiai in an R-1 zone West: Single-family residential in an R-1 zone E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 67.301 states that platting is required when a subdivision creates five or more lots. Section 67.406 gives criteria for the review of subdivision applications. These criteria are covered below under "Required Findings." F. HISTORY/DISCUSSION: The five new residential lots aze for construction of new singie-family houses. The two outiots will be attached to two adjacent existing residential lots west of the proposed plat to provide additional backyard space for the existing houses on those lots. Zoning File 99-178-118 February 15, 2000 Page 2 G. DISTRICT COLTNCIL RECOMMENDATION: None received. H. REQUII2ED FINDINGS: Atl f6e applicable provisions of the Legislafive Code are being complied wit6. Subject to proposed Outlot A and Outlot B being tied to the adjacent residential lots to the west, the pmposed plat is in compiiance with all applicable pmvisions of the Legislative Code. 2. The proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the present and potentEal surrounding land uses. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the surrounding single-family homes. Two 30 ft. by 80 ft. outlots are proposed to be tied to the adjacent residential lots to the west to provide lazger back yards for the existing homes at #22 B Street and #30 B Street. The area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and compatibility with the proposed subdivision. The azea sunounding the proposed plat is already developed with single-family homes. �� 4. The subdivision is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. The • proposed subdivision is in conformance with the Housing Plan, which calls for ensuring avaifabiIity of a full range of housing choices to meet the needs of a full range of household types and income Ievels. 5. The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site's important natural features, whenever possibte. The lots are oriented to existing White Beaz Avenue, A Street, and B Street. 6. All land intended for building sites can be used safely �vithout endangering residents by peril from flood, erosion, continuously high water table, severe soil conditions or other menace. Potential building areas for houses on all of the proposed lots have slopes no greater than 18%, and thus meet the River Comdor standards and criteria for residential development on slopes. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATIOIV: Based on required findings 1 through 6 above, staff recommends approval of the final plat for Pedersen Addition at the southwest comer of White Beaz Avenue and A Street subject to the following conditions: Outlot A and Outlot B must be tied to the adjacent residential lots to the �s�est; and 2. The applicant shall file a copy of the Council Resolution approving the plat with the Ramsey County Recorder's Office. • oo� 36,`I SUBONISt4N REY(EW APl�LiCAT10N � beparimenr o jPlanalnp pqd Beonvmie Developmenr • 7onlxg Seaivn I100 Ctty Ha(! A anec �S West,Fowrfh Strret Salrrt PQut, MIV 53102 266-6359 APPLICANT Addresa (4�� NOR.TH atR�(-! LP.KC: QLVD. Cfty WH7c ]�� C.4icfi Si. Mu Zip ��10 Daytime phon �� 4Z -7Z23 Name of owner (H diherent) Contaet pereon jif dffferCnq�/G L1At�L cqNn�0�.1 Phon�51�4�7-.364: PROPBRTY I Addre I.00ATtON �egal F2'.' • TYPE OF SUBDlV1510fJ: d Lot Split Q Lot Spiit with Variance C I Prellminary Pfat p Final Plat Reg. �end fiUrvey Combined Plat • �ii ■ I)�� {//� Mrt_ �tfvN l.�AJ1` ) {` S �nnlicenPc cinn�Vnre /f'G�i�.A Lr _ _ n�._ �I�,17/04 ...,_. _ _ _ . /�A.1 DEPARTMENT: Nahual Resources - DNR WaterS STATE OF MINNESOTA Office Memorandum oATe: Febniary 16, 2000 70: FROM: Paul Dubriel 1 � Q� East Team (Zoning) � a,{/l/` i� City of St. Pau2 Saady Fecht � J Critical Are ydrologist • coNr�eC Phone (651) 297-2401; fa�c 296-5939; e-mail: sandy.fecht@dnrstate.mn.us suB�eCT: 'Loning File # 49-178I 18, Combined pIat Lynn �Tass - White Beaz �ve. S. between A Street and C Streei Mississippi River Critical A.rea Corridor 'I'hank you for the norification of a project within the G�iticat Area Coixidor. We have no object�ons to ihe creation of the 5 residential lots and 2 outlots for the Lymi Hass property at White Bear Ave. S. between A Street and C Street, u¢der the following canditions: Any future ptans for development activities shall comply with the St Paul Ordinance for RC-3 District and the requirements of Executive Order 79-19. We would particularly wanl to emphasize from the City's Zoning Ordittauce: Sec. 65.411 (c) (2) on gzading and fiI1i� Sec. 65.411 (c) (7) on m;n;m;�ation of clearing and gading Sec. 65.412 (4) on restoration of nstuxal vegetafion after any conshuciion restoration with native trees arrd vegetc�tion species appropriate to the site Sec. 65.413 (c) (1) -(3}, (6) on runoff ��e recommend Since there are stcep slopes on this property between 12% and 18%, we wouId also recommend that conditions be placed on future buiIding permits that require the use of best management practices for esosion and sed'unentation controi. This is especially important for proposed Lots 1, 2, and 3. Thank you for the oppominity to review. cc: District Council I.atua $aIi - Nafional Pazk Service Krisiina Smitten - Metropolitan Council MolIy ShodeenlJoe Richter Steve Johnson • • • � �, <- � � � � � � i � j "_"_______'_ i I i 1 I I I � f i -- � i � � -� S� P�DER SEN ADD1T10� i i ' : . � ` � � � � � i "_____'_'._j �60-M `'CJ i '_""_"" ;�� I i � � �-' I �;l 1 � NORTH � 160.00 ' ` `" r�� �_ P � N � i ` � ► O � G V q 5� OUTLOT B gI ";�; OUTLOT A L�_ I � i l ; � t, U1 :'�� NO —=�—� r I I �� � I I � �� I I � 1 I � � 1 I � � I t � � I S i i I I i l I I I 1 I �I -_� I �\( �� �. . 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Ia-�i1� ..c rsr, ¢ Tr�� 1�-t�`'I S: ALE 5" = 40�3' w�iae��J ' �A fl mulli��'- 13'^•''i ..'_ " _' �" �f ��._ � . . n c�rn::i_•,_,�� � a ..... .--:�,-::�, V :11.'.; � �l ll . 58 �p _3(��j • Lynn Hass Subdivision Approval Ms. Hass is the applicant, and should go first after the staff report. Seeks subdivision approval under section 67.405 of the Legislative Code. Not an appeal. To be decided by the Councii. r1 LJ • Council must make the findings required by Section 607.406, St. Paul Legislative Code. !'�iVlotion to grant application, and approve the subdivision, and to adopt the proposed findings in the staff report, File #99-178-118. n�6de the a� �'iit did n t meet out which �t� rljcratio and dis ne or mor of the were not me m the Sec. 67.406. Review of divisions of land. (a) Subdivision review criteria. The planning commission and city council, in the review of subdivision requests and in the application of this chapter shall take into consideration the requirements of the city and the best use of the land being subdivided. Particular attention shall be given to the width and location of streets, sidewalks, suitable sanitary utilities, surface drainaae, lot sizes and arrangements, as well as requirements such as parks and playgrounds, schools and recreation sites and other public uses. All of the following findings shali be made priar to the approval of a subdivision or a lot split: (1) All the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are complied wixh; (2) The proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the present and potential surrounding land uses; (3) The area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and compatibility with the proposed subdivision; (4) The subdivision is in conformance with the comprehensive p1an; (5) The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site's important existing natural features, whenever possible; (6) All land intended for building sites can be used safely without endangering the residents by peril from floods, erosion, continuously high water table, severe soil conditions ar other menace; and (7) The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services.