279580 wH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVO'R File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WNEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint aul , does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of thos estimated in the 1982 budget; and WHEREAS, Council File 277510, adopted October 1 , 1981 , did establish certain Specia Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, the Mayor reco�nends that the following additions be made to the 1982 budg t: FINANCING PLAN Current Budget Chan es Ame ed Bud et 436 Police Projects Fund 34111 Fund Balance 5,018 16,006 2 ,024 Net Change 5,018 16,006 2 ,024 SPENDING PLAN 436 Police Projects Fund 34111 219 Fees 5,018 357 ,375 34111 253 Registration Fees 50 50 34111 255 Dues 65 65 34111 362 Duplicating Supplies 1 ,248 ,248 34111 369 Other Office Supplies 41 41 34111 521 Refunds 14,245 1 ,245 Net Change 5,018 16,006 2 ,024 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1982 budget. APPROVED: Bu et i ctor COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher PO11 C2 Levine In Favor Masanz �11�� � scheibei _ __ Against BY Tedesco aAFilaaa� Adopted by Council: Date �E� � 4 1982 Form proved C' t �rney Certified � -s y Council Secretar BY ' l�lpprov d y iVlavor: Date DEC �. 7 1982 Appr ved by Mayor for b �ssion uncil BY - — -- BY UBUSHED D E C 2 41982 l y � � �'795�� . � � DEPARTMENT OF POLICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION To: Tom Reding ��� From: Elsie Bedbury Nov. 5, 1982 Please process the attached Council Resolution. Re: 34111 Neighborhood Crime Prevention Project Fund Received from St. Paul Companies $38,859.00 in January of 1981 . Expenditures in 1981 were estimated at $33,788 when preparing the 1982 budget. Therefore, only $5,081 was budgeted in the 1982 budget. However, $17,835.81 was spent in 1981 , leaving a balance of $21 ,023.19. Expenditures in 1982 have totaled $6,778.41 , leaving a balance of $14,244.95 to be returned to the St. Paul Companies. � � S � ��' fi � � � � � '� . � �'� � I � S �'� s � � � � s . �`P � ' ��� � .� oc �'� �� � . S � P �s �� � � �� . � . , � � � s E � � a ��� �p L .� � � �' ' PM 73-65 ' E�.U6-FINANCB ACC�T6 C I�T Y O F S A I N T P A U L .• CANARY-VfiNDOR ADVIC6 - � � WHIT6-ENCUMBERIN6 �-' � 6R6HN-PURCHASINO U[PI�KTMENT UF FINANCE AND MAN/\GEMENT $ERVICES V_ � .��' PINK-S6r'T', ACC'T6 • y� <� . O�ROD�►R[�ARINO 01rFICE City I-lall, $dint Paul, Minnesota 55102 "F ` � CHARGE To PAY V O U C H E R DEPARTMFNT��1 fTTT�i� oivis�oN DATE AUTHORI.TY ` D ACCOUNT CODE � . =`~ PAYMENT N0. E ; °• r � .. ��; B = �,�:�' � ���Z������ ' FILE NO. T P V A E � �t. Paul Ca�panfcs Incr REFER. NO. 1 Y N �B� ��h��tAl1 S'C�@L REFER. NO. 2 D T o St. Paul, �i�nasoLa 5510� � R VENDQR NO. '' :�:, R�f�! to The St.. Paat Ce�epaaias t� ttte fi�s�x re�i�i�g �"�_ '� • ;'' � tr� �ur coatri�utia, af �.i�9.tKf #� Jsawry a1' ]98t fc�r L� �i�hbori�aad Cri� Fr+e�ntia� Goordia�atio� ProJect. �2�,6i4.Q5 has t� exp�clt�! o+� 'tt� prts�t�ct. '";c'" I i �rf�►d � 4.Z44.lb '' � I .x; _ i !''u� --_` ,,� " ' '�'" ! / _, � .' � � � ! � � ,,�;,� ; , ��� �, �' r��� , ,�� � �><;i� I .�G'v `, ,� � 4 �"� ,� I ��� ' . �l 5��... FOH PROPER USE OF THIS FORM OBTAIN INSTRUCTION SHEET FROM PURCHASING PA THIS AMOUNT OR ACCOUNTING DIVISION. EXEMPT FROM PAYMENT OF MINN. SALES TAX, MINN. STATUTE 297A.01 TO 297A.44 � ��•� ! � nMOUnr oF coNrRncr PURCHASING AGENTS A PROVAL.,:. PAioR PavnnENTS AS TO PURCHASING REQUIRE ENTS `#-�.� THIS PAYMENT TOTAL PAVMENTS ?'-�. BALANCE OUE ON CONTRACT BY -'��',�, 1 NEREBY GERTIFY THAT GOODS HAVE BEEN R6CEIVED 1 H6REBY C6RTIRY THAT TM6RH� ARt rt/ND3 FINAL AUDI Approval .-. IN GOOD ORD6R� INSP6CT6D AND GNECKED AS TO AVAILABLB TO►AY TFIIS ORDRR. qUALITY AND QUANTITY A8 6�BCIRI6D iN TFtlf ORD6R. � ACCOUNTING DIVISION /� DAT6 R6C6IVHD tY . -... � _ � �;�t,..., ��'' BY � . . . � . . � . DEPARTMENT Approval For Payment BY _ BY --- BY - __._.._ ��_ . ; , � CI�Y OF SAINT PAUL -� - _ � � -: ' ,�.���� •' OFFZC� OF TFIF CLTY COIINCIL 2'795 0 , .�.....,.... � . � «'.;.�.. - O a t e : December 3, 19 2 � - CQMM (TTEE R � P4RT � ; _ ..; .:.., � . � TO = SQ�n� PQU i City Counci! . . , _ _. _ . - . ., . _ _ .� � ' F R�� = C O t71 Ri 11 r t Q Q O il Finance,. Management Personne 1 _ ,��. - . _ _ - � - - � � .._ _ _ _ .- - - �: ,,��. '�" �:',� ::r� :� � ���,� _ ,�c ' : � C H A I R James Scheibel . - � ? � � . . ,.- • - - . ; - - - t�' - - - . _ - . . � - � - . - � .. .. : � . . � . - =>,�.r . - .. � . . � _ ' - . _ _ • . �_ ` __ .. _�._. -•_ ----... . -- -- �---."-----'_ - �_�._'_' . � -. - �— . - . . , --- � � - . - . i _ - - " _ ,:._ - • - _ '_ -_ - _ _ _ 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held November 18, 1982.��r��: �_�� _ � _ . � - - --- . � 2. -Resolution replacing the class specification for Associate City Engin er _ �� � - with a new class specification. (PERSO�NEL DEPT.� - � . . . . � � _ _ - .�. � 3. Resolution replacing the class specification for Nutrition Assistant I . - with a nei� class specification. (PERSO�NEL DEPT.) �ti.- . � 4. Resolution authorizing the Director, Finance � hfgmt. Sezvices, to si� - �t ,�-��-.__•__.�:j. employee gayroll deduction agreements on behalf of the city_ (yfAYOR' - � S. Resolution enabling the Dept. of Community Services to pay.city expen es _ _ � incurred by house movers and charged against their deposit, .also all s th � city to refund deposits, should a house mover so request. (CO�iUNITY SERVI � �°`�� 6. Resolutio aut rizing an Agreemen� bett,�een the City. and the U of bI w ereby the City wi provide an instructor to the U of 6! to teach in the Div sion , of School ea �ducation. (CO�i�iUYITY SERVICES) L.A�fJ Ov� �D « 9�Y�. �7. Resolution authorizin additions to the 1982 Po ' g lice Pro,7ect Fund (Pol; ce reighborhood Crime Prevention Project Fund 34111) . (POLICE DEPT. � �_ps =_:.,__i 8. Resolution evi ng the fee schedule for emergency m�dical� �e�ices, fee for false a s caused by malfunctioning electronic fire surveillanc equipment, a fee structure for certain fire prevention inspection services. (FIRE DEPT O Ovf�.lZ To �� 1`�8a. 9. Resolution sferring funds from the Lexington paving pro ect to a Lexington ��1 revision. (PUBLIC �YORKS) L�t� •Ovg.�q iN��i�1 tT'� � 10. Conti��d discussion of the financing for the Civic Center Parking Ra p � _ renov on. " OVER � . ti 'Y V'R.,yN.�� _ S 1 _ - - ; CITY HALL � SEVENTH FLOOR SAINZ'PAUL, M!N FSOTA 55102 ; »�,.„� ��.--.-..,_....__._.. ..._.__— � - --- ` RECt�v�u �� -a NOU e 9 �1982 ,�+� DEPARTMENT: Pol' e ��Ty ��p�� EXPLAl�iATION SHEET CONTACT: � � (GREEN SHEET) PHONE: �'or Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and Agree�nents ROUTING OR�ER - ROUTE BY ASSIGNED NUMBER: a� �, /�/���� R C� _. . DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMEIaiT _ h „� ��.:r , __.. . ... �I MAYOR�, Mp R 0 �ICE �._._._- D.EPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE & MGT. SERV S ,�CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK R�C "�� Y � BUAGET DIRECTOR � -• U �.,; 2 ACTION REQi7ESTED (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR MAYORAL SIGNATURE) : ���Q�� y`��'L A City Council Resolution authorizing additions to the 1982 Police Project Fund Budqet, 34111 WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS (PURPOSE AND RA ONALE)?: Proposed expenditures and receipts for the Police Neighborhood Crime Prevention roject Fund (3411,1� were set too low when tF�e budget was originally prepared. Amendin :that budget will bring it in line with the actual activity occurring and planned for the fun for 1982. FINANCIAL, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTTCIPATED: The actual balance of the fund currently exceeds proposed expenditures �or 1982. There is no impact from this request on personnel . � ATTACHMENTS (LIST ALL ATTACHMENTSrd ' 1. 2. 3. NOTE: Please review necessity for attachment of the following supporting 8�cumen Department: City Attorney: 1. Council Resolution Required? �Yes No 1. Resolution? �Yes o 2. Insurance Required? Yes �0 2. Insurance Sufficient? Yes o�� 3. Insurance Attached? Yes c/No Revision OM:4/29/