279574 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICIl �`J Q PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Fr/ a1 � l� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By y�� � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re soluti.on amending that Se cti.on of the Civil Se rvice Rule s conce rning the filling of vacancie s. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 8.A so that the paragraph immediately followi.ng the third paragraph in said Section 8.A shall read as follows: "In the absence of an eligible list for the positi.on requested, the Personnel Office may certify from higher classes to vacancies occurring in lower classes, or from the nearest appropriate list, where the examination reasona,�ly measures the ability of the eligible to perform the duties in the class to which certification is made. Certi.ficati.on from a related li st as de scribed in this paragraph shall be made only from original entrance eligible lists. " Approved: Chairman, "vil Serv�.ce Com sion COCTNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas F�etcher NaYs ��' PERSONNEL OFFICE �evine y�_ In Favor Masanz .� RFi�e�s18'� Scheibel _ � __ Against By — Tedesco aMilse�n DEC � 4 1982 Form A ve y City tt ney Adopted by Council: Date — � Certified P�_ •e b Cou cil cr BY g„ ',� � DEC 1 App ved by Mayor for Subm' si to �ou il t�pp y Mavor: Dat — BY Bx ,� �X �' BC1aHE� D E C � �¢ 1982 � 1 � , ' ' � � G'ITY OF ►Sr�iI�i'1' P� UL � ��� t It .....;.. OFFICE OP` THF� CITY COIINCIL , - �...:.... Q"='_'�" D a t e : November 19, 198 COMMITT � E RE PORT ` TO = Sa�nt Paui Cify Councii F R � � = C o m tn i t t e e O�l Finance, Management � Personne 1 . . � C H A i R James Scheibel . — __ _ . _. . � _- 2. Resolution enabling the libraries o spend additional xevenue received in 19 2. (Community Services) � ' . - - 3: Resolution allowing the libraries to spend 198I fund balance and increased I 82 � interest income� for needed books and materials. (Community Services �4. Resolution adopting the Revenue Sharing Budget under tiYhich we operate enter on the City's financial records. (Finance Dept.) - � 5. Resolution authorizino additions to the 1982 Speciat Projects - Police _ __ Rudget. (Police Dept.) '�' ""�`��� - , 6. Resolution adopting the Severance Pay Budget ureder which we operate entered n- ' � _ the City's financial records. (Finance Dept.) ��`�' _ � . 7. Resolution adopting the� Revenue Sharing Budget under trhich we are oper.ating n�ered on the �ity's financial records. (Finance Dept.) - � . � . . � 8. Resolution enabling the libraries to spend noney received in 1982 and 1983 f om C the Friends of the Library for specified ro'ects. � ---�:::�•. `: p ) (Community Services} _ _,�:�._.�.,,,� ` 9. Resolution enablino the Libraries to spend the 198I Fund Balances and 1982 � Grants on the specific projects for which the money was received. (Community Se v�) �� t . 10. Resolution abolishing numerous vacant titles in Sections of the Civil Servic Rules. (Personnel) � .,3:� �' : �--,�" -.- - � 11. Resolution establishing the Salary Plan and Rates of Corrr�ensation Resolution for ' -- the new title of Clinic Dentist. (Personnel.)�_��..�--�� �_ Resolution establishing the title of Clinic Dentist�.and a class specificatio Perso ne�) � � Resolution making the certification process more flexible (Personnel ; � ?� � _R__ �i�/� 14. P.esolution replacing the class specification for Pire Equipment Operator (Pe sonneJ.)�Y.a a � .- . ,- 15. Resolution approving Special Intermediate School District I�o. 916 as a full contributing participznt of our Joint Purchasin Office. -..:.:;,.�:�:Y�-� S (Finance/Purchasin _ 16. Resolution approying current Port Authority practices in holdin�_..�ublic hear nos required by law in the issuance of bonds. (Finance) ���=�--O� 17. Resolution approving an agreement with ISD �625 providing various police ser ices for the elementary school patrol program (Police Dept.) �.�;�=��.,,� _ _.,.. 18. Resolution approving two budgetary_actions for the Housing Information Offic (Housing Information Office)?11�-:", a-o�:�� . . � � - — ---- �� � ,c,�� i' r `�� WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL �� CAN RV - DEPARTMENT �� / �� /1 BL - MAVOR V, � , Council Resolution /, Presented By �''�� �1 -�' �'� � d ✓Referred To � h��N�C Committee: Date a � � $ Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the office of the City Attorney is currently representing Thoma.s Gleason, Director of the Civil Service Commission of the City of St. Paul, and Steve Conroy, Chief of the Fire Department of the City of St. Paul in a lawsuit filed in United States District Court by James Fowler, Jr. , et al. , Plaintiffs, which is scheduled for hearing before the Honorable Edward J. Devitt on August 15, 1983; and WY�EREAS� the office of the City Attorney also represents the Department of Human Rights of the City of St. Paul and the Human Rights Commission, which ha.s passed a resolution on June l, 1983 directing its attorney to file an amicus curiae brief in relation to the above-mentioned lawsuit; and WHEREAS, the office of the City Attorney cannot by reason � of conflict of interest provide an attorney to the Human Rights�i, Commission; and WHEREAS, Section 5.02 of the Cha.rter of the City of St. Paul, and Section 2.05 of the Administrative Code, empower the 'i, Council, upon the request of the City Attorney, to appoint spec al counsel and provide compensation therefor, in cases where the City Attorney cannot by reason of conflict of interest provide 'i representation; and W�iEREAS, there is a specific line item �i�09073, under mediation expense in the general budget, allocating funds for the hiring of outside counsel on beha.lf of the Director of the , Department of Human Rights; now, therefore, be it COUNCILMEN Reques ed by Department of: � Yeas Nays Fletcher GaO� In Favor Masanz ♦ Nicosia scheibet _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ` � �� By� �� t�pproved by IVlavor: Date App by Mayor for u s i� to Council I 1 By — B � � • , - - � �� �`� � WNI• — CITV CLERK COUI�CII ,a� PI — FINANGE C ARV — DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL UE — MAVOR File NO. . � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. ', RESOLVED, tha.t the Council hereby, upon the request of the '� City Attorney, a�point R. Scott Davies as special counsel to 'i act as attorney in preparation and presentation of an amicus ' curiae brief in a case entitled, James Fowler, Jr. , et al. , 'i Plaintiffs� vs. Thoma.s Gleason, et al. Defendants, United States District Court, File No. 3-72-2�i5, and fixes the compens ion at $40.00 per hour, such compensation to be paid out of activit 09073. i !� � � � I i i � COUfVCILMEN Requested by Department of: I Yeas Nays Fletcher Galles [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibet _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by CounciL• Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By, tapproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY . � . �'r� _ � •Personnel �ffice DEPARTI,tENT �� B�,rnard P„ Wright CONTACT 646-0268 PHONE � �� ' DATE ��� (Routing and Explanation Sheet) �3 Assign Nurr�er for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): �X'� Department Di rector -�-`"�� Ci ty Attorney �� �����"��� L�'i rectar of Mana ment/Malyor `�"' s� f�:`�:`�:�' ; �� -� ..��2 Finance and Management Services Director ��,;`:���� :�o�-i�� Ci ty C1'erk Budget Director i�hat Will be Achieved b Takin Action on the Attached Materials? Pur ose Ration e : This resolu�ion is for the purpose of maki.n.g the certification proce'�s more flexible by allowing certi.fications from other eligible lists, when no eligible list exists for a class in which a vacancy occurs. Financial , Bwdgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: Noae. Funding Sour�e and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: Attachments (List and Number all Attachmentsl : 1. R.e soluti.on 2. Copy for City Clerk DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? � Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No�i� Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for �Instructi s)