279552 � �^+ CITY OF SAINT PAUL , �r ����_ �„ � ' - OFFICE OF TH'F. CITY COIINCYL :.•:,.: , 1 •1�1��1it�^•�� � . � ��� D a fi e : December 3, I9 2 � COMM (TTEE RE PORT = � � � Z'O = Sain� Paul City Councii . - -__.,� _ , _ . _ . _ . ___ - -- -_ :-� ' F R � � = C o m r�r�i t t e e O tl Finance,. Management � Personne 1 , I �..�y � , .. . . , - . . . . � .._ �_ ..: . -- � � �� . ` � � � - .. ._.�� � � � �`•�4- �-;�y'�.'� .a�' ; C H A I R James Scheibel� . � � ; . _ , � .. _ _ i _ . _:.. _.. - _. - -- ` . - t: � . :�,..� _ _ _ - - _ - � _;� � - - - . - :_ - . . • � __ - _ �_ _ _ 1. Appzoval of minutes from meeting held November 18, 1982.�,t��p� - - _ - _ . _ : . _ . - . . . . .�.;��, -- . �-- --- . � 2. -Resolution replacino the class specification for Associate City Engi eer _ - with a new class specifica.tion. (PERSO�NEL DEPT.) ��� . �_�- � ~3. Resolution replacing the class specification for Nutrition Assistant II _ � with a nei� class specification. (PERSO�NEL DEPT.) - - --- � , . . . } __ 4. Resolution authorizing the Director, Finance � bigmt_ Services, to si n���pf;p�� , employee gayroll deduction agreements on behalf of the city_ (1�iAY0R S ; � �6 f S. Resolution enabling the Dept. of Community Services to pay city �x�e ses q � incurred by house movers and charged against their deposit; .also all ws the'��±�,,,,a�-� � city :to refund deposits, should a house mover so reQuest. (CO,�NNI SERVI ) '�_ 6. Resolutio aut rizing an AgreemenC betc�een the City and the U of ri hereby the City wi provide an instructor to the U of bi to teach in the Di ision of School ea �ducation. (CO�I�iil�JITY SERVICES) Lq�D Ov� �b � .r`1lS� 7. Resolution authorizing additions to the 1982 Police Project Fund (Po ice I�eighborhood Crime Prevention Project Fund 34111) . (POLICE DEPT. ��3-0� 8. Resolution evi ng the fee schedule for emergency medical services, a fee for false a s caused by malfunctioning electronic fire surveillan e equipment, a fee structure for certain fire prevention inspectio services_ (FIRE DEPT D OvE� �D I� IL�Ba. 9. Resolution���nsferring funds from the Lexington paving pro ect to a Lexington 'atial revision. � (PUBLIC i�fORKS) C�,riD •OV�.�q i���.F��J f �-c�/. 10_ Conti��d discussion of the financing for the Civic Center Parking R mp $ i renov on. � -- � - �" OVER -: " ' ' k _ � -_ . - ; ! . � CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINZ'PAUL, M1 NESOTA SS102 � .�r,a � . . . �, a EPARTh1ENT Haupt , _„��ONTACT r Y 6861 PHONE ��"��� 11/15/82 DATE �v�� �� (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): Department Di rector City Attorney 1 /Mayor Finance and Management s Director 2 City Clerk Budget Director What Will, be Achieved b Takin Action on the Attached Materials? Pur ose Ration e : Chapter 39 of the Administrative Code will be modified to nermit th Director, Finance and Management Service, to sian emplovee nayroll d uction aqreements on behalf o.f the city. Change was aenerated bv A:�SCML' c cerns with present de►aartr.lent director anproval. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: None Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: Not Applicable Attachments (List and Nun�ber all Attachments): Ordinance UEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes _ No Yes X No Insurance Attached? Revision o�' October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for Instructio ) � � � _ [� 2nd � � - � � -, �St k� � _,3 � � '1_ '1� Adopted � � 3rd Nays Yeas � FLETCHER LEVINE �,S�Z 2'795E'7 ( NICOSIA � � ' SCHEIBEL I `� n�Y WILSON �. PRESIDENT TIDESCO � , I