279555 - LANARY - DEPARTMENT ` �iITY OF SAINT PAITL Council 2'�95 5 kUE - MAVOR File NO. • indnce Ordinance N 0. � . � , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has made a survey of an area co�nprising 48 acres of land bounded on the east by Snelling Avenue, on the south by St. Clair Avenue, on the north by Summit Avenue, and on the west by Macalester Street, Cambridge Street, Princetan Avenue, and Vernon Street, and has determined that the � number of real estate descriptions being offered by the proposed ; zoning changes would make it impractical to obtain the necessary j 2/3 consent of contiguous property owners; and i I WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has conducted a public i hearing on September 10, 1982 following publication of notices I of public hearing in a daily newspaper and having found and � determined that the proposed amendments are in keeping with the existing uses and to a plan for future land use in the area, and is consistent with the City' s comprehensive plan, and the Plannin Commission has recommended its approval to the proposed rezonings to the Saint Paul City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council, having considered the report and recommendation of the Planning Commission and having conducted a public hearing on the proposed zoning code amendments on November 18, 1982, following publication of notice of hearing on November 6, 1982 in the St. Paul Legal Ledger; � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. � That pursuant to the authority granted by and in accordance with the procedures set forth in Minnesota Statutes §462. 357 , th Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the St. Paul Zoning Ordinances by amending the zoning classifications for the following properties as shown on the Zoning T�'laps of the City of COUNCILMEN � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � � � �evine In Favor — Masanz � N�cos�a Against BY Scheibel Tedesco Wilson Form Approve b ty Att ey � Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By � Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by a r for Submission to Counci� By BY WHITE .�- CITV CLERK COUI1C11 � • ���� PJNK� - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Ordindnce Ordinance N�. � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ! Out of Committee By Date } Saint Paul, Sheet Nos. 18 and 26, as incorporated by reference in ' Section 60. 301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: l. Rezoned from R-3 to RT-1: 205 Macalester Lot 5, Block 8, Macalester Park, � except the south 45 feet. Vacant Lot The south 1/2 of Lot 4, Block 8, Macalester Park. 195 Macalester The north 1/2 of Lot 4, Block 8, � Macalester Park. ' 196 Vernon Lot 13, except the south 42 feet I thereof, Block 8, Macalester Park�. 188-190 Vernon Lot 14, Block 8 , Macalester Park.' 2. Rezoned fram RT-1 to RT-2 : 1568 Summit Westerly 1/2 of Lot 9 and all of ' Lot 10, and the easterly 11 feet !' of Lot 11, Block 2, Summit View j Addition. ' 1576 Summit Lot 12 and except the easterly 11 ! feet thereof, Lot 11, Block 2, ! Summit View Addition. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) ',� days from and after its passage, approval and publication. , COULVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � _ ! — y�,�_ In Favor Masanz �) Nicosia �'s Against BY � — Scheibel Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date DEC 3 01982 Form Approv d b ty Att ey Certifie Passed y cil Secretary BY i �. - � B � App y M yor• at � ���3 Approved y r for Submission to Council � � � � ' By BY e�tS�D �At� i983 , i . . �..... �'���� ` _R���•=_�., . CITY OF SAINT AUL �o a DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � iiil�ll�n r E •,' ^ DIVISION OF PLAiNNING 'f ��``��s� 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnespta,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR November 16, 1982 Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #9218 - Macalester College 40-Acre Study II City Council Hearing: November 18, 1982 PURPOSE: Rezone property to RT-1 to permit use of structures as language houses. Rezone property on the southeast corner of Summit and Snelling to RT-2 to permit conversion and sale of 5 condominium units. PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION: Approve (14-0) STAFF RECOMMEPJDATION: Approve SUPPORT: 1 letter OPPOSITION: 1 letter, 2 people testified Dear Sir: On September 10, 1982, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this 40-acre study. One person testified that some neighbors objected to the proposed rezonings on Vernon and Macalester because of problems with students in the housing and potential impact on property values. However, a position of opposition had not been taken by the neighbors. A second person also testified in opposition, citina Macalester's refusal to work with homeowners regarding student renters. At the close of the public hearing Mr. David Lanegran explained Macalester College's position. He stated that the college felt the changes would enhance the area, and that they had worked with the Tangletown Association. The Planning Commission then voted 14 to 0 to approve the 40-acre study and submit it to the Mayor for transmittal to the City Council . This matter will come before the Council on November 18, 1982. Please let met know by November 17 if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the 40-acre study sites shown at the public hearing. Sincerely, `��G��'�J�D Patricia N. James City Planner PNJ/mb attachments O i 10NING STAFF REPORT . � �`�9555 . 1 . APPLICANT: MACALESTER COLLEGE 40-ACRE STUDY LI DATE OF NEARING /10/82 2, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C L A 5 S I F I C A T I 0 N . . . . . . . . . . �. . �. . . CURRENT PLANNING & tONING COMMITTEE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS . Rezoning �7 Var�ance . ❑ � Special Condition� Use U Administrative Review ❑ Oetermination of Similar Use ❑ Other ❑ Change of Nonconforming Use a � � Other � 3. LOCATION: Macalester College and surrounding neighborhood (see map). � 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See file � 5. PRESENT ZONING: ZONING CODE REFERE��CE: i 6. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE 8/27/82 BY Wayne Th pson ============-============-===========================-====--==---===-===-===-===-" ==-====== � A. PURPOSE: Macalester College, the High Winds Fund, and the Tangletown Neighbpr od Association have developed a plan for the redevelopment of several parcels of l nd owned by Macalester. This 40-acre study involves the conversion of seven parcels of and to uses which will better serve the needs of the college and the neighborhood. B. BACKGROUND: � � � 1 . � The State Municipal Planning Statute Section 462.357(5) allows cities of t � first , class, which includes St. Paul , to initiate a survey, conducted through th ir Planning Commission, of the whole city or of an area not less than 40 acre for the purpose of recommending that the City Council rezone portions of the city. 2. A 40-acre study is recommended when the number of property owner signature required for a rezoning consent petition is excessively high and therefore impracti al to obtain. In this case, a consent petition would have required over 63 prop rty owner signatures of the 94 eligible properties adjoining Macalester College owne property. 3. The Macalester College 40-Acre Study Area II comprises 48 acres of land wi hin an area bounded on the east by Snelling Avenue, encompassing the southeast co ner of Summit and Snelling; on the south by St. Clair Avenue; on the north by Sum it Avenue; and on the west by Macalester Street, Cambridge Street, Princeton Avenue, nd Uernon Street (see map). ; 4. The Macalester College 40-Acre Study Area II was initiated by the request o Macalester College. It was passed by Resolution number 82-33 on July 23, 1 82 by the St. Paul Planning Commission for the purpose of considering amendmen s to Chapters 60 through 64 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. i ; 5. Legal notice of the public hearing scheduled before the Planning Corr�nission September 10, 1982, was published on August 20, August 27, and September 3, 1982 pursuant to state statutes. 6. Most of the Macalester College owned property in the 40-Acre Study Area II s presently zoned R-3. The exceptions to this zoning include three areas rez ned to RT-1 by the first Macalester College 40-Acre Study, and the southeast co ner of Summit-Snelling, currently zoned RT-1 . - � i � C. PROPOSAL: 1 . Macalester College proposes the rezoning to RT-1 and the issuance of Specia� Condition Use Permits for four parcels located on the Vernon-Princeton-�1aca ester- St. Clair block. These parcels , currently used as "language houses ," will • � continue to be student housing operated by the College. In addition, a vac�nt �ot between two of these houses will be used for parking. 2. Macalester College proposes the rezonin; to RT-2 of tv�o parceis located on �he southeast corner of Sumnit and Snelling Avenues. These two parcels , curren ly used as student housing, will be converted to 5 condominium units and sold o the public. � D. FINDINGS: l . The rezoning of the 5 parcels to be converted to student housing is consist nt with the development plans of the College as reflected in the first Macales er College 40-Acre Study, and the District 14 Housing Plan. In addition, the - �'�9 55 � Macalester College 40--Acre Study �II Page 2 D. FINDINGS CONT'D. � . , i proposed conversions all lie within 228 feet of the campus and student park'ng will be available both on and off the site. A total of 28 students will be � housed in the four houses located on the five lots. These proposed convers'ons comply with the RT-1 zoning designation as described under Section 60.423(2) Special Condition Uses. � � 2. The rezoning from RT-1 to RT-2 to allow the conversion to condominiums of � � student housing further diversifies the residential character of the area. ' This conversion is in line with the District 14 Housing Plan which supports a variety of housing types within the district (apartments , condominiums, co-operatives) while retaining the single family character and residential ) quality of the district. ' � 3. It is the opinion of the City Attorney's Office that restrictions on the us of property created by eminent domain within the Summit Avenue Restricted Residence District are not� enforceable for failure to file notice of the i � continuation of the District within forty years as required under the • � Marketable Title Act. However, the unique architectural character of Summit Avenue is protected by the City's power of zoning and heritage preservatio . The proposed conversions for 1568 and 1576 Summit Avenue are consistent wi the City's guidelines for maintaining Surrnnit Avenue as a Victorian residen ial boulevard. . � 4. The number of parking spaces required for five condominium units on the 15 -1576 � Summit Avenue site is 7.5. The site plan submitted by Winsor/Faricy Archi cts . calls for the construction of 10 garage spaces and 3 spaces for guest parking. ; E. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Based upon the above findings, staff recommends the I following changes to the .St. Paul Zoning Code: i 1 . Rezone from R-3 to RT-1 : � , 205 Macalester Lot 5, Block 8 of Macalester Park, except the So�th 45' . Vacant lot South z of Lot 4, Block 8, Macalester Park. ; 195 Macalester North 2 of Lot 4, Block 8, Macalester Park. j I 196 Vernon Lot 13, except the South 42' thereof, Block 8, j Macalester Park. � 188-190 Vernon Lot 14, Block 8, Macaletster Park. I � 2. Rezone from RT-1 to RT-2: ! 1568 Summit Westerly 2 of Lot 7 and all of Lot 10, and the e sterly 11 feet of Lot 11 , Block 2, Summit View. 1576 Summit Lot 12 and all of Lot 11 except the easterly 11 �eet thereof, Block 2, Summit View. � 3. Upon adoption of the changes to the St. Paul Zoning Code as described abov�, Macalester College will be required to apply for 4 Special Condition Use P rmits for 205, 195 Macalester; and 196, 188-190 Vernon. ; I � i � � i I � ' i i � I�U�LHLtJItK LULLCUC 4U�HLKt JIUUT 11 �$yLI�J . , rage 3 ���. 4o QCRE sTUpY- �ou�D�►Ry �� � . Y ----- NI UN RiES 5�� �X l STI N�, �0 NG �0 DA � � PROPOSED �0�1INC� � ; , � . � � 7r- 1 . � , SUMMIT � � • , , � �--� � � ,� ; � � ` � : ► � I G � RT �2 ; � J t : ; � � t��T���4 /� /yAG4LE,STER + -- -------- � I l � �, ` CO[.C-EEr- �� 1 i / ; ;�i r � - � I ._� .. _ _._ _ _ - - - -- - -' � �� CRANI> ; VE' _����_�- . � � ' g � 2. �' O �-- � � Z w � _� � � , - ; , � , � -- - - - - - - - - - - - �- - Q � � � � � � � � v �� `' . --.� � � � � � � � � i j � , ,. , . L/NCOLN ' � � i � ��.r .w ....w ... � . � � ' ' ' I � � � � � � � � � i � . . -- - � .--- __ _ � , � � � � ; � � � i ; ; ii ; { - � 3 � i � { �I ��_ _ `. I � � � � � � 1 � � � i ----r--- ; � , � � �' ' � � � � ;� � J � � � i � ��-- �,d � ; � , �' �P RT- 1 ; � � ; ' I , ; I : � � PR i n�c roN r � , . I.-- � ' ' I r ~ ' � _ �4L', �'-- L t � TC�1 � � � � � t k, — ; � , �� ; i � - RT_1 �- �c�; c �� ��<< � � � w� , , '�'RT! �RT-' � � l � I Z _ ..-__ -�Rr-J � I �� i ' � . __ --_ Q M� � �� � __ ___ - - �; ;; � i � _.--- - --- __ �� , 1 . _ __. ,.,_ -... __.____ _ --- � , I � _ � t -Z t __ ST CLAII� t � _... _ ... __ ... _ .._.........� .. _.. � _. � .. .. .... _ � .. ... .. .. .. ... .... ,. .. .. ...1 � ' I � � � . � . I 1 � � i i • _ ' , .Z - ' • � ����j�j ; � . , � �a���., , �� �;`. s , #�t-���a� t�:: .�: � � r� ..��`� . � . � � .�C .' ;y. . y���� � L�=1. �y3z., k'.._.. "#A�SR■5�•'A��i����� .. '�" . i��a�F�t. :te uf �.'` ' �.� x f� . ��'�Fl��l�f��NtC�s:��lt. ' to :+rainle, �r � t .. � i Pr�aca�v.�t,�,at.l�,. aad ln eie.�. . acre st�M'��ii1t�. ;: At�t t1�ne�y��jpe(� eif penoas� �q�;;�� �FNowmAllr�'ii�t. � :� ' � �.�?LSON.'�''��i ' � � : :�.:.r a�� : �� � ,�:,;�,_ cu�o�".e�' �R�, ^ ; ,' 1 . , . . . �, � � � 5� , , , , . � �, � . November 2, 1982 , , , , . � , � a � . , ; . , . , Y1�miag Stiaff-Zoniag SecCioa ` llth Flour . . Citq Hall Aaaes � , � Dsar Siras \ _ .� � , The Cit�y:�ouncil todaq rec�ived tha r�comaandation of ths Plaaaiag � Cc�i�sias for rwwfi�g of proparty i� the Ntcaleat�r-P.riaco�on-�erno� ar�a sad tha Sw�nait-Saalliag area' undar the� fotty acre �tudy pravlsion , 5 � ' - of ths Zoning Ordinance and a he�ring date vw sah�dulad for Nov. 18, 148�. � " Ver,y truly yo�rs�. � � . , Albett�B. Olson CiCp Clsrk � �. . , ABO�sah - i � , 1 _ , / , ' . ; � �, , � . � , f , � � �*,,��T*o,y �CI•T� O�+ SAINT PAUL 2"i9 �5 e � y • OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � �uinim� , I • �� i���n � ' � �Q 347 CITY HALL i �... SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55302 GEQRGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR � � � Octobe r 14, 1982 , Council President Victor Tedesco and Members of the City Council c/o C��C1erk � Room 386 City Hall � Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 � Dear Council President Tedesco and Members of the City Council : � Qn September 10, 1982 , the Planning Commission voted 14-0 to approve a resolution recommending the rezoning of seven parcels ovined by Macalester College. These recanmendations�are the result of a 40 acre study initiated by � the Planning Commission on Ju1y 23 , 1982 at the request 'of Macalester College. The College sent notification letters to neighbors , and the ' 40 acre study report was reviewed by Zoning Committee of the Rlanning Corrun i s s i on. I �n transmitting these rezonings at the request of the Planning Commission with my recom�nendation for your review and approval . ! � Sincerely, � . ��v� eo g atimer May GL:sb En cl. CC: David Lane�ran �� � � � � � � � � 2'��9 55 � � city of saint paul planning commission resolutiot� ' � .file number $2-36 date September 10, 7982 � ; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of St. Paul initiated a � 40-Acre Study on July 23, 1982 for the purpose of considering amendments ' � to Chapters 60 through 64 of the St. Paul Legislative Code; and � !. I WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined that 63 property � owners are needed to sign a petition for Miacalester College's proposed � rezoning of five lots in the ��{acalester-Princeton-Vernon area to RT-1 , and the rezoning of two lots in the Summit-Snelling area to RT-2, making such written consent impractical ; and I WHEREAS, the Planning Corr�nission has conducted such a survey of 48 acres � in the N�acalester College area of St. Paul and considered a written report i relating to the proposed zoning amendments ; and , i WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined that the proposed rezoning ' of five lots in the Macalester-Princeton-1'ernon area of P1acalester College �o RT-1 and the rezoning of two lots in the Summit-Snelling area to RT-2, is reasonably related to the overall needs of the community and is ; consistent with the St. Paul Comprehensive Plan ; and j � I WHERcAS, the Planning Commission provided adequate notice and conducted a public hearing on September 10, 1982, on the proposed rezoning of these six parcels; � NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Flanning Commission of the City of � St. Paul hereby approves the Planning Division recommendation for- rezon�ng j five lots in the Nacalester-Frinceton-1�ernon area of �,acalester College to ! RT-1 and the rezoning of two lots in the Summit-Snelling area to RT-2 as shown in the attached 40-Acre Study and hereby transmits this resolution as Planning Commission recommendation to the St. Paul City Council for their consideration and action. ' . � I � � ._� . � i � I maved by Surr�ners � secor�ded by Gra;S _ . ', in favor �4 � against � � - i � � � � ; ..�., . � . � � i . � � � � i � i ; � . � . " i , 20NING STAFF REPORT ��95�5 � . . . � l ., APPLICANT: MACALESTER COLLEGE 40-ACRE STUDY II DATE OF NEARING 9/�10/82 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURRENT PLANNING 8 ZONING COMMITTEE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS . Rezoning . Variance ; . ❑ Special Condition Use � Administrative Review ❑ Determination of Similar Use ❑ Other ; ❑ Change of Nonconforming Use a � ' Other 3. LOCATION: Macalester College and surrounding neighborhood (see map). 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See file ' 5. PRESENT ZONING: ZONING CODE REFERENCE: ' 6. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE 8/27/82 gY Wayne Thom� son A. PURPOSE: Macalester College, the High Winds Fund, and the Tangletown �leighborho�d Association have developed a plan for the redevelopment of several parcels of la�d owned by Macalester. This 40-acre study involves the conversion of seven parcels of l�nd to uses which will better serve the needs of the college and the neighborhood. ; B. BACKGROUND: � 1 . The State Municipal Planning Statute Section 462. 357(5) allows cities of the first class , which includes St. Paul , to initiate a survey, conducted through thei� Planning Corrgnission, of the whole city or of an area not less than 40 acres hfor the purpose of recommending that the City Council rezone portions of the city. � 2. A 40-acre study is recommended when the number of property owner signatures equired for a rezoning consent petition is excessively high and therefore impractic 1 to obtain. In this case, a consent petition would have required over 63 prope ty owner signatures of the 94 eligible properties adjoining Macalester College owned property. 3. The Macalester College 40-Acre Study Area II comprises 48 acres of land with�in an area bounded on the east by Snelling Avenue, encompassing the southeast cor er of Summit and Snelling; on the south by St. Clair Avenue; on the north by Summ t Avenue; and on the rvest by Macalester Street, Cambridge Street, Princeton Avenue, ar�d Vernon Street (see map). f 4. The hlacalester College 40-Acre Study Area II was initiated by the request ofl Macalester College. It was passed by Resolution number 82-33 on July 23, 19�2 by the St. Paul Planning Commission for the purpose of considering amendment to Chapters 60 through 64 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. I 5. Legal notice of the public hearing scheduled before the Planning Commission � September 10, 1982, was published on August 20, August 27, and September 3, h982 pursuant to state statutes . E , 6. Most of the Macalester College owned property in the 40-Acre Study Area II i� presently zoned R-3. The exceptions to this zoning include three areas rezo ed to RT-1 by the first Macalester College 4Q-Acre Study, and the southeast co er of Summit-Snelling, currently zoned RT-1 . = ! i C. PROPOSAL: i 1 . Macalester College proposes the rezoning to RT-1 and the issuance of Special� Condition Use Permits for four parcels located on the Vernon-Princeton-P�lacal�ester- St. Clair block. These parcels , currently used as "language houses ," will � j continue to be student housing operated by the College. In addition, a vaca�nt lot between two of these houses will be used for parking. 2. Macalester College proposes the rezoning to RT-2 of two parcels located on he southeast corner of Summit and Snelling Avenues. These two parcels , curren ly used as student housing, will be converted to 5 condominium units and sold o the public. i D. FINDINGS: ' 1 . The rezoning of the 5 parcels to be converted to student housing is consist�nt with �he development plans of the Colleoe as re`?ected in tn.e first Macales er Colle�e 40-Acre Study , and the District i � Hous;nc Flan. :n addition , �he ! . i � � � �'95�5 Placalester College 40-Acre Study II Page � , . � ' i G. FINDINGS CONT' D. proposed conversions all lie within 228 feet of the campus and student parkir�g . will be available both on and off the site. A total of 28 students will be housed in the four houses located on the five lots. These proposed conversi�ns comply with the RT-1 zoning designation as described under Section 60.423(2) i Special Condition Uses. ` ; 2. The rezoning from RT-1 to RT-2 t� allow the conversion to condominiums of i student housing further diversifies the residential character of the area. This conversion is in line with the District 14 Housing Plan which supports � variety of housing types within the district (apartments , condominiums , I co-operatives ) while retaining the single family character and residential ' quality of the district. � � 3. It is the opinion of the City Attorney's Office that restrictions on the usel of property created by eminent domain within the Summit Avenue Restricted , Residence District are not enforceable for failure to file notice of the j � continuation of the District within forty years as required under the • ; Marketable Title Act. However, the unique architectural character of Summit� Avenue is protected by the City's power of zoning and heritage preservation. j The proposed conversions for 1568 and 1576 Summit Avenue are consistent withl the City's guidelines for maintaining Summit Avenue as a Victorian residenti�l boulevard. � ' 4. The number of arkin s aces re uired for five condominium units on the 156811576 P 9 P q Surranit Avenue site is 7.5. The site plan submitted by Winsor/Faricy Archite ts calls for the construction of 10 garage spaces and 3 spaces for guest parkin . E. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Based upon the above findings, staff recommends the following changes to the .St. Paul Zoning Code: 1 . Rezone from R-3 to RT-1 : 205 Macalester Lot 5, Bloc.k 8 of Macalester Park, except the Sout 45' . Vacant lot South � of Lot 4, Block 8, Macalester Park. � 195 Macalester North 2 of Lot 4, Block 8, Macalester Park. '; 196 Vernon Lot 13, except the South 42' thereof, Block 8, Macal�ster Park. ; 188-190 Vernon Lot 14, Block 8, Macaletster Park. i 2. Rezone from RT-1 to RT-2: ' i 1568 Surr�nit Westerly z of Lot 7 and all of Lot 10, and the easfterly 11 feet of Lot 11 , Block 2, Summit View. 1576 Summit Lot 12 and all of Lot 11 except the easterly 11 f�et thereof, Block 2, Summit View. ' 3. Upon adoption of the changes to the St. Paul Zoning Code as described above�� Macalester College will be required to apply for 4 Special Condition Use Per�mits for 205, 195 Macalester; and 196, 188-190 Vernon. , I � ' . i . , i � I N�CALESTER COLLEGE 40-ACRE STUDY II (�9218) ' Page 3 � .�: 40 ,4CRE�s�Dy � �oUNDdRY 2'�, 5�5 ---- - �X lSTlNG �ONING �OUNDAR�ES , i -� PRo PoSED �O�IiN C� ; ; . . � . ^ � R _ � , � SUMM IT � ; ; ; � ; . , . � , � , ; ; � � '� : , � ' � G� � � RT ;-j�. ; � � �� j � � J � � � ' ' ' , , , ; ,�,j"r"�i j � . � /+1AG4L£$TER i --- ------- --- I i �� i � ` COlE!.= !-. � � . ;j, • i � � ..._ � — - — - -_— _ _ —__ _' i ` �R,C�/�/� ; H E �.._�._'Y �� ., _ � ` �� � � � � 2 �w __, ��, - � -z � � � � ._ ' ' ' -- - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ �----------,Q ;-= `- ! � I i . , � , . _� � , ' � Q ` I ; � � � I � `---.� L/NCOLN � ' _ �--� ♦.....r�� ..�.w ... ' j *-_• I � , ! l: �=� L �I , t ' I ,� � _ ! � � ;— ---�� � � _ I � � � t ! � � � ! ' j ' � j ' j � `, i j _i _ � .� , ! L'Ti I 1 �! � , � + � � _ _� __. r�- � i � � � � � � ' � i .(�( ~ �, ; i � 1 � � ' \p 1 � `.� � � �, , � q�- , , � _ ` �� � _ � ; � �P RT 1 i � � � , ' � ' ' I A ti' � r ' .�� � � � � — R 1 C o,�; �` i � ; � �� /7L. C- � c.�, . :;= li �' �� � � ' � ' l � � �----� I � t � � ;—.—� t ��— � �_ � ------jc�; � �� ���� ; � ' i � RT 1 �RT 1 lE R7—� � �� i�—�— � { ?� — � ' �: � i Z i ---__-_� �Rr� �..� ; , I��_ 0 � � t Z ----- _ i� ! � � -_---- ---I� � i � � � — _,�' t -- � .�� r � 'r — �—- — —a 1 � , , � , � Z � , t sT �� � � I .� �1 � ..�.-� ... .-� ... ...� ..� r r-�r+ .... ...�rr r r .......� n., u.... .r ►.� �r �--� a.. r+ H �r ►.r ►+ ►r � r-+ r ...� v� r+ w.�i ',.. � � . � I ' � I - � I . � • _ i.u�.ii »ir:i ��.ii�r;i� � � • • .\1nl ,�Il �lllti t)III �.I � ��` �ldNll.I:,\'�'I�:\1'f \I i1 � 1AW I I'Al ll , \11\\�I ti�11 A �',IU'. �. � �(�I.�I��'J(� !�411. � i August 24� 1982 ; � � � ' Dear Neighbors, � ` � � � i Macalester College has requested the City Planning Commission to � � change the zon i ng of four propert i es owned by the Co 1 lege f rom � R-s (single fanily residential) to RT-1 (�two family residential) , i The. properties in question are 188-190 Vernon (formeriy a duplex� , � V,i` .�;,- ' 196 Vernon (formerly a duplex) , 195 ]Le.�--rtarr, and 205 �s-na�. We l`�i"�'J'`"f' ' ' are requesting this change so we may ask for a "special condition � use permit" to operate these buildin s_as__'!lanquage houses". A ' - language house is o'ccupie by students who are�ell learning �the same ianguage. They speak this language as part of the daily activities ; in the house. The houses do not contain classrooms or offices. ' �� ;. ��= As you probably have noticed, we have begun an extensive rehab- � ilitation ro ect to make 196 Vernon habitable. 188-190 Vernon ,.� ; . r ,J , P � ; ���� hos been a language house for some tirr�e, 205 Macalester is currently -- used as a base for Black Cultural activities on campus but if this i �, plan goes through it will be occupied by students of Spanish; � � 195 Macalester has been occupied by various tenants in the past, ���' but would become. the fourth language house under this plan. � ue believe the use of these buildings by tha language p rograms I wiil enhance the neighborhood because we will be able to invest more in their maintenance as is evidenced by the rebuilding of 196 Vernon. If you have any questions about this request please call David Lanegran, Executive Director of the High Winds Fund at 696-6504. I � I There will be a public hearing on this request before the Planning �i Commission on September 10 at 9:00 A.M. in room 1500 of the City ' Hall Annex. � • � David Lanegran � �9. � DAL/sn � ' _ ' ; - i i � i i � 1��1/��1_ESI�� � � COLL.�C:�� _ ; � . ,�,� .. . � ; . �'I � . � � � � � � . i ' • _ ' 167G St. Clair �ven StoPaul ,i�:ir.nesota �✓� ��� • . AU�USt 29 r �9`-+2 0 .. I . , i TOS i TtIE ST. PAUL PLANNING COM"��ISSION ' and ( The StaPaul City Council j � I hope that you will not find it necessary to grant bSacal- ester College the zo:�ing variance mentioned in �he enclosed let- ter from David Lanegran. Filli:�g one and �wo fa�r�ily houses ' wi±h student renters is definitely nct the way to enhance the j neighborhood. T�iac put us znrough that routine once before. ' The c'ollege has always coveted the block surrounded by Vernon, Princeton, N;acalester and St9 Clair. Several years ago tney bcught up all of the houses �hey c�uld get in t:�at area and the . Filled them with student ren�ers. For a few years we � had 2 hour-a-day bedlam, and the properties so used rapidly de�erior - - ted. Things are better now but we st�ll do r.ot trust. Nac and I tR2t area is no longer attract?ve to potential home buyerso i i . � � � I� live on St.Clair at Verr.on. '�dher. we bought the house 41� years aoo, Macalester College was sev�r'31 bloeks away. ;�ow t they are using houses less than a bloc� ak�ay and tney are stilli pushir.go I believe that the hoase �� 196 Vernon was never i a duplex as 1►:ac claims � and Nrs. �e�erson wrio has lived or, Ver- non since 1926 agrees with meo 196 is a big elc3 house where , Koch' s lived f�r many years. They raised a big �a�ily and i t;-iey sadly ne�lected the house wh_ch :�`acalester College boug'�� � about a year agoo Sincerel��� � ' I„ `�.1 � � ; � �� (:�s` G�. � - � � �. � Mrs. James Krenik � 1�70 St.Clair Avenue � . St. P�u1 ,I�"inneso�a-5S1o5. I i c . c . StoPaul City Council �' � _ ', i � ,_r. _ __._:__ __ _ - r -- ------� � _ __ . ____. _ _ - � � � i _ �. (�� e � . - --- ! . �----__ --- -- = - _ -,-- .--. - __ ._ . � ; ! , I � I - a . . ,.�..,�,..,.. . I , � I I f . _ � i . ` , _ , -��e �(�� �o a e, . : , � . ; . . � ,,w � �,^ ; , • AFFIDAVIT OF PUF3I,ICATION �- . _:�._. ; ';� .._K..;` � ��� . � -:�' V � l��L��' ', _. _ i `• ,: ;'�'� (�4� �! ,:,.�,;-:,;:.;-, � STATE OF MINNESOTA � , � �� _ �-�, ; . �..`5.�;. . . .. .. . . .�.�'�1�i COUi�TY OF RAMSEY ' �, , ROSEMARY J FRANK` , b ing ' ` � duly sworn on oath, says: that he is, and d ring i ; al) times herein stated has been, Clerk o the _ ' � -� Northwest Publications, Inc., publisher of the - • • Noticcs pnewspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch St. '�-OP Pt1BlO1C1NEARING'-- I + $UI Pioneer Press, St. Paul Sunday Pio eer T� �„Y Pla�ainq camm�s•I Press, a newspaper of general circulation w thin slon I+as inHi�letl Drocee0• � inqs rNeNve ro consitler�oq the Cit �f St. Paul and the Count �of Ram @ . � t�t retoninp O1 prODerties M . y Y Y � tne.MKdester Colleye. �0- . AC�e S�utly ArN snd re1s17ny to/he consideralion ol[oniny msp .m.�am���. �o ��� sf: - That the Notice hereto attached was cut rom � Psul 2oninq CoCa�A CoDY.ot f�e D�oposed ,�+�9 maD I the columns of said newsp.aper and was pri ted � emenOmems b on.•111c cro ` Lerry Sodir�Olm, CIfY P�e�• -and published therein on the following date : . •' niny Divfsion.bute0 af 1701 . �City Msll AnnlY. 25 WlSt I . � FovM� Sireet. T95J1SA. sn0 2 0 th d aV O1 u 7 19 0� I' msy De viev.eJ f�ere vpon re• � �TTe3Cify^.Plennin0 Commis- � J f � si0o hs5 fiYltl tAe lOtn dey ol ' � • 5e0femper. 1V67 at V�00 e.m. I 2 7 th � Aug �2 In the Gty Hell A�n�x Autlilo• ; r1vm, ISth floor, 25,west { day Of � 19 FovrtA�Streel, sf sel0 lfine • antl plsce ihe Plennlnq Com- : I missroo wi1�neer eu testimo- ! '� 3 Y.d p�f � � ny- relattve to t�t DroDOSeO '. da� O� Sep ' �n OG I � nzoninps in tAe Mate�ester � •/ Colleqe fo-ACre S1tidY Aree.� � . � TROmasG..FlfzGicbon. , � C�sfrmsn .. ..�. - `--- . . C�tyPlennlnpCammisslon day Of , 19 01 St.Paul � PresrDlsp Au9�20.27.SeDt 03 � . . No.62V .-.._ .. ,.... _. . - _ I day of , 19 day of , 19 day of , 19 j i � , � � Subscribed and sw•orn to before me this 8th day �►f SeP , 19 82 i � i � Nota�r�• Public Washingt n County, Minne ota . My commission expires Oct 10 � 1 87 i ' k4A6AARAkraAtaAr.�AAAt\AF�.;.C�.-•.,t�.:,�G.4t,/aQ4X i � ':_;;,;;�`'�, K.4Y h1 RITCt;I� y i a ��,,r ,�� ttOT�.�Y PUBUC• I.•I'�:':•C"O�A w � �,�r��� 1�� u �..y;''��;`1� Vt'A SHIN GT O\C;CUi.i Y A � � 4�.••� My Coma;ission Expirs Oct 1J, i587 � I krvrvbnrnvdvevnr��ror��rr�rv�t�rryvy�+x i I ,. . I - i . j ' I� _ . i I I i ' i _� � �� , ; ` .- �. - ' , , '" ,, I . _ - . �'�9 �95 � i _. � �� � � � ,� i . i . city of saint paul planning commission resolution � file number 82-33 - date ��,y z3, ,982 -- V _ . � _ , � . : � . _ � WHEREAS, Macalester College and the Tangletown Neighborhood Association . � have developed a plan for the redevelopment of several parcels of -land owned by Macalester; and -' . j WHEREAS, according to the plan, two houses now used as student residences ; will be converted to condominiums for sale to the public, requiring the I rezoning of these properties from RT-1 to RT-2; and " - i . �. , WHEREAS, the College wishes to have the houses now used as "language houses" � conform to the letter of the zoning law, making it necessary .to change the 1 zoning designation of four lots in the northern portion of the block bounded� by Princeton, Macalester, St. Clair and Vernon (see accompanying map); and ; WNEREAS, according to the normal procedure all the property owners surroundi�g . the entire campus would have to be solicited for signatures . Thus over 100 owners, some over one quarter of a mile away from the sites, would be involv�d in the pracess; and � ! WNEREAS, the Planning Commission is authorized under Minnesota Statutes � 462.357(5) and the St. Paul Legislative Code 64.400 to initiate a 40-acre ' study for the purpose of amending the Zoning Code; ! , ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESdLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of St. Paul initiates a 40-acre study for the purpose of considering ' amendments to Chapter 60 through 64 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. ' � i ; � i � � . i moved by Pangal ; s�;cor�ded by Surrmers . � in favor �4 � against o ' � � , � i i . ; . � . � , •.,., � K _ . i C/ '�% '�� I � lst .� '" ' "" dY� 2nd ��- �6 __ o� 3rd �� " � ca�l� �� Adopted ��'a O `O � � Yeas Nays FLETCHER LEVINE � � � �� � � � �,S�Z S - NICOSIA � / � �� i �� SCHEIBEL ` a WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TIDESCO I � f � � � _ � �