279550 WH17E - C�TV CLERK � �� �O PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. • • RETURN COPY TO VA ONS CZ ReSO ZL�ZOIZ ! DIVISION Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, On August 31, 1942, by Document No. 202209 the State of Minnesota did convey to the City of Saint Paul certain tax-forfeited land to be used exclusively as a City dump and is described as follows: ��, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, �lock 8, Defranchy's Division; and � Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Block 14, � Denslow's Rearrangement of Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Block 2; Lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, Block 3; and Lot 11, Block 4, Cruickshank's Garden Lots, I and I WHEREAS, the said resl estate consists of the east half of the block bounde by Minnehaha Avenue, Etna Street, Reaney Avenue, and Birmingham Street, in t is city, classed as Rki-2 (Multiple Family) property. and WHEREAS, it is no longer permissible or desirable to use this site as a Ci dump and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul now requests the use of this site be chang to a City playground. BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials be authorized and directed apply to the State of Minnesota for said land use change and to accept and recor said land use change. COUNCILMEN R uested b De artment of: Yeas Ftetcher Nays e9 Y P Levine Fina nd Manag ment Services Masanz In Favor �"�� __ A ainst By _ retor�� Scheibei g Tedesc� "�'�°" DEC 7 ��2 Form Approved by ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified s�e by Coun ' Secr tar `�s -�'�' B �1ppr y Mavor: D �DEC 1 0198 A rov by Mayor for S mi n t Counci By BY PUBLISHED D E C 18 1982 i i y:r � �f.j..� .,r . �' 1 P",. ' � . ..._..Y�f..... . ;' .��. I.,�f'i'�.�.Y� . . STATE OF MINNESOTA , , DEPARTMENT OF TAXAT I ON � • ' ' �� �� � ` � ,.. .. . 5�� � CONYBYANCB OP POAPBI?BD LANDS � (Iasued pursuant to Lawe 1941, Chapter 511) i I THIS INDENTURE, made thia 31et day of Auguat 194!E, between the State of b,ir�nesota, as party of the first part, and� corporation. � as party of the second 'part, WITNES3 , WHEkEAS, the land hereinafter described wae duly forfeited to the State pf biinnesota for the nonpayment of taxes, and � WHEFtF�NS, pureuant to Laws 1941, Chapter 511, the party of the second part s applied to the Commissioner of Taxation for the conveyance of lands hereinafter de - cribed to be used by it exclusively for eit dum , a d WHEREAS, the �3oard of County Cocrunisaionere of the County of Ramsey � State of �iinneaota, has recommended to the Commissioner of Taxation by resoluti�in adopted on the 17th day of Auautst 194 2, that such conveyance be made, NOW, THEREFORE, The 3tate of N1lnnesata, purauant to said laws and in consider - tion of the premises, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the party f the �econd part, forever, all the tracte or parcels of land lying and being in t e County of Ramaey , State of Minnesota, described as follows, to-wit : i Lote one,�t wo, three, f our, f ive (1,2,3,4�5), Block eight (8)� Defranchy•$ Diviaion i , � and Lots one� two, three, four, Pive, siz, seven� eight, nine, ten, elev�en, tweltre � �e�� • . . • . , . - '' ' � ' ?i�'D i (1�2�3�4,5,6,7,8,9,10�11,12)� BloQk fotiTte9�1 (14) � D8II810ovt8 R98xTa21g681el1t o Lote�l ��3/�S/._ five, siz� aeven, eight� nine, ten eleven t�ve v � _ � r 1 e('S�r6�7�8�9�10�11�12) � BlOOk,taro (2� Lota nine� ten, eleven, tvr�elve� thirteen� fourteen� lifteen, aizteen� saveateen� � eighteen� nlzleteBII (9�10,11,12�13,14,13�16,17,18,19) � Blogk three (3)� an$ LOt;' e19-1 ven (11� Bloc�lc four (4� Cruickshanlc's (3arden Lots, ' � , Tb HAVE AND TO (fLD THE BAI�, together ►�ith all the hereditacnents and appu - tenarices thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the said party of• t e second part so long as it ahall cont.inue to use said land for the purposes aPoresai , arid upon conditian that if such uae ,����, cQa.Qe �si�„ �ty, f tlle fir�t nart,. IN TESTIA�ONiY WHEFtEOF, the 3tate of �linnesota, party o�' the first, part, h�s caused this deed to be executed in ite name by the Comm esioner of Taxation at tl�e Capitol in t e City of St. Paul in eaid atete and da an ear first above writt�,n. � In prosence THE OF MINNE3 I �, ' , � / , . - Corruniseioner of a ation - STATE OF N]INNE3QTA ) ___ ) SS i CaUNPY OF RAMSEY ) On thia 31at day of Auguat 194 $ , before me personally appear d G� HOWARD SPAETH, Commiasioner of Taxation of the $tate of Minnesota, to me known to e the person who executed the foregoing instrument in be alf of the State of Mir�nesot�, and acknowledged that he exeauted the eame ae the fr e act and deed of said atat,le pursuant to the statutes in auch case made and provi PAIO ANA TAAJI�Ff R fNTERED � �c �-x� �Q�cbs ' � ` �s eance�►n�i punuant f�l+�w� 1935,� �Q�d ��b�n. Sa(d i�nde owne . M. CRA 386, �s am�nded,ueoa fafeitu�e cf d , I�fe for nonpsyment.�t t�res) bT ���` �� forfelture for i�oq, Notary Publi�. Ramsey County, Minn, S E P � ° 1947. o'��ac oE cax��,j,�w�2935,Ch.3fib MY Commi ion Expires J uue 3, 1943. NE A. MONICK, �uditor S��' 2 194� MSSY CO y�rv, nn��,vIN. Ej,$A bt. ABQT. Tees�uttc � 2 � -r�.z.-��`�Y`............ U TY,MINN �S�)?� P nr�•,»..wr.w � •' � - . �4 . ...���. �. � x � � .. . pg� �����yy��y�yp��� . �. - • y t . r.. . ...i. . .. ��,. 'f�. �.... .. �. . N� .. ... . � . 1X{S/9f�iti'.'d'�Q!6R� . .�-:.� .,a. . . . ... . . -� .. .. . . :'i:S,;:.s:; . 1{Y1[IfW�R`.•' i Ur �rirlment of Texation Fonn Nu. lU%r\ Re�• '" `���`� I [ ( lecd April l, 1�)n4) I APPLICATION FUR APPROVAL QF A NEW USE OF 1"AX-FURF�f:ITEp 1_At�DS '' ; AND ORDER CONSENTING TO CHANGE THEFtEOF Pursuant to Minnesota $tatutes 1949, Section 282,01, Subdivision 1, as umerided. � In �he �4�!ter of the Application I �,f _City of_Saint Paul � ----- -----------_-- --- -- a Governmental Subdivision, for Approval of a Ncw � Use of Certain Lands f�eretofore Conveyed. , City of Saint Paul, a Municipal Corporation ', (,omes now_. ---------- ---------__ __-- _.____-- _..-----__ .__ ._.._ __ ._..�--__._._. and alleges: (Namr �f Subdi�isi�m) I. Z'hat applicanc is a (a)___ Munici�al_ Corporation _ _____v____ _ _ _ _ __ ---_ 2. That on th�_31st _�a ��E August �� 42 Y ---------_.... , 1 , fflCft' WHS con�•cye�] tu thc sP4�1 cant certain cax-forfeitc:d land in thr County of�$an!S�_-___ ___..__.__ __ dcscribe�l as follow�: . Lots_ , .2 , - 3, 4, S, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Block 14, Denslows Rearrangements of L ts --------- _. _ __ _.__._ S, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13 ,-��,- Block Z, Lots _9, 10� lls_IZ�__T3; 1�+_�....1_S�._��� 1 _�_8�_ --- - -- - ---.�.._----- 19, Block 3 and Lot 11, B�oc�c �Cruicks�ank's Garaen�ots- �---�----- ; — - -----------�----------- ----------- ..-------- --------_ _ _ .__--------- -___ on conditiun that such land be used for the followinK ��urpc�se,>: ..___Cit�dump _A_ __ ' - ---}----- -- ---- -------------____ ----___ _ . _ _ _ _- --- --- . -._ __� . __. 3. That said lands are (b)_yacant_land and located in a RM-2___SM_ulti�le Famil�)_t zoned area ! ----- --_.._------ _ _— -- --- -------- --- - ------- ----------- ------�' ��. That a licant desires to obtain a> >roval of the use c>( the land hereinahove describec! tc' PP I f � a �>ur pose othcr than �hat sta�ed in the condition c�f the deed hereinab�,�ve reFerre�l t��, f�,r the (oll�nvin� �j�ur pose5: ��)-- -��Y--R-1���4un�._ � -------------------- . ------ --- ------------ ----------------------___ _- - _ --' --------_.. ' r --.___. 5• Thac (d) attached hereto is_a_ resolution of_the __City_Council_ of the__City of _ _ Saint Paul asking that the use of said land be changed from City dump to C _--- ----------__ _ ---------- ----- -----_------ Ci ty p layground ____.._- ____._- - -.------- ------------- -� -------- ---_._------------- -- -------___ --- -__--- --�___..___ _.._----- , _- --- --_-- - / ----- -� ___ _-------*--------------._ _ . Whercfure applic•ant prays thut the use of the lan�1�, for the new pur�,t��;eti h�•rcinaborc r;�atl��i �,c. ap�>r�>ved. � ----__-----_..----__.. --------_ ------------- ---_ _ _ _ _+- ------ BY- -- _ I�y -- -------___ - +--- ---... Ic�; Director of Finance and its Mayor Management Services and __.--------.---------------_--- -----. --____t_ _ _ _.__._ I�s City Clerk (a) 5tate facts relative to legal orKanization. (b) Describe nacure of lands, use of surrounJinK pru}��'rty an�l ��ther �irnilur (acts. ' (c) Give statement of facts as to the new use co be made of such lan�is and ehe reasoi� for nc�t usknr :licr� for the purpose stated in the deed to the ap�licant. , (d) State facts showing authorizatic�n of change of use of the land hereinabove ile�crihed bv resub�icic,n r,f �overning body, attaching co�ies of resolutions, if any. , i STA7'E OF MINNLS01'A ) � ) ss. I C011NTY OF ) % i ----- ----------------------.tn�l —_. --_---- . . - — .----- --- _ � _ _ _ cach being first duly sworn, deposc and say, eae:h for him.�clf, ehat thc�� ar�• rc� E���cei�•cly nc� ...__. .__ ._._.. -- ------------- �-- -_ - --- --- ---------- ancl __.__.___. _-----__ ., _ _____ _ .__ _ __ i _. _ ___ c�( the -.---- ____� __.. ___.. ____ ; th:tt they have re�nd nc�� Ie,rc�e,in�; ,iE�Plicatie�n anci l�now tt:� contents thereof; and that �he matters stated the•rein are rrue. � _._.___ _ _ - - -_ __ _ __._____. .._. .. __ t- ---- i ---------- -------- - - ------- - -- -_ Subscrihc�� �ir��l scvorn to f•�efore me this____ .._. �.__._______. d�iy� of__._------____----_.__.... i t)----- • i __._ _ .._____ _._. _._ __ __ _. .__ _ _�_.______ N��tary I'uhlic,-------.....-------__...:---..—( uunt�. ��9inn. My (.c,inmis�ion ex��ires-------__._.__�..__.._ __ . rt._.__._- i � ; � � � ��95�� Urp��rtn�ent of Texetiun F��nn No. !U7A (He��ised April 1, 19ti9) APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF A N�W USE OF TAX-FOFtF=FiT'ED !_A�rC�S ! AND � ORDER CONSENTING TO CHANGE. THE.REOF ; Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1949, 5ection 282.01, $ubdivision 1, os airiended. In the I�1�ttcr c�f the Applicacion �f_ _Ci�_of Sa_int Paul a Governmental Suhdivisiun, for Approval of a Ncw Use ��f (:ertain I.ands fleretofore (�onvcyed. ' Cit _ of Saint Paul, a Municipal Corporation i � ��tlfTlf'S IION'--------y----�-----. ..__. _.._.. .. . .._._ .._.._ _ ... E. ...__...- --- -- -----------' --._. ..--- -.__ .__. . (Nam� ,�I tiub;.li�itii�m) � and alleges: 1. Thac aprlicanc is a (a)___Municipal Corporation, State of Minnesota . - -- - - _-------__ _ _.-- ____ 2. "I�hat on the__ 31st _.�lay uf_.August -- --- -- . 1�� 42 , thric u,is cunv��y<.-�1 �u thc u�,�,ljc.int cert.�in tax-forfc•itcd lancl in thc� Count uf_ Ramsey _ ._. __. �I�::�,c rilx�cl i>; f<�Ilows: Lots ne two�, three, four and five (1 , 2, 3, 4, 5) , Block eight (8) , Defranchy's � � --------- _ __ - _. _. .___ ____ _ _ _ ._ . _ _._ _ _ ____Divis ion --------------------------- on condition that such land be us�d for the fullowin�; ��ur�,use�;: __ City dump^--------.----,+ ---- -- ---- ------- --- -------- - . . - -- - . _ __ ___ _ -- - ----- �. 'I�hat said lands arc: (b)__v_acant land and is _located__in_RM-2 �Multiple_Fs�mil�; _ zoned area � -------------- -- -----__-- - _----- __ ____. __._ ___ __.__ . __ _--_ __--- _ _ ------ ----� __ ._.__ . ------ -------- ---__------ -___..------- . ____ ---------____ .- --_� _--- -----+------- 4. "I'hat applicant desires to ubcain approval of the use of tht: land hereinabove described fu� a pur- pose other than that stated in the condition vf the dced hereinahove referred to, for �he followin� pur �,�5�5: (c)_ City play�round _ ------------ _____._.___----------- -- - ---t------ ----- - -- - ___ _-- _ -- -- -- -- _-- --- ----- -- ---- 5. 'That (d) attached hereto is a resolution of the City Council of the City�of ------ ------� --- _ __ --- --__ _-------- -- ----- ---. _Saint_Paul_aski� that_ the_use of_ said Land be changed from City dump to ! _ _-- ---. _--- _ _._ .,. _�.___ ---�i-t�play�round 1 _- __ - - -------------_._--- ------ _ __ __---------}- -- - ------------ ---------------- � - -------_ ______--�-�_�__. ------ -__------------ ------1------ _.---- � --------_____._ _. ____ _____._ __.__-------- -_._ ._-----...----._._____�_ _ Wherefore applicant pra}�s that thc: use of the land�; for th� ne�v pur��oscs hcrcinabo��e stateJ It�c� a�pr�>�ed. � I�}'---- --- - l;v--------------- _- _ _. _ ..._ _..____._ _ ----�.._-------- It5 Director of Finance and � ��`' Mayor ' Management Services a��d --------------.--__^_....----------- ..�_�.-.-- I�s City Clerk ' (a) Stare facts relative to legal organization. � (b) Describe nature of lands, use of surroundinK property and c,t6er similar facts. � (c) (�ive statement of facts zs co the new use to be macle o( such lan�ls an�l che� reason Eor not usin� them fur che pur�ose stated in the derd tc� the aprlicant. � (d) State facts showing authori•r_ation of change of use oF the land h�•rcinabc>��c �Icscrihed b�� res��lution e�f governing body, attachin�; copies of resolutions, if any. � STA��E OF MINNESOTA ) � SS. (:Ol!N'I'1' O1� � � --------_----------- -- -- an.l � _. ---- ----- _.... - --- ___. ___ .. __ _ -- __ __ . _ .._.. . each being first duly sworn, depose and say, earh for hiin.�c l(. th�ie thcv arc r�� ,� < � i i�cl} rh�• . -_..�- --� ---- __------------- ------ — s n cl ._ ._. ' ---------. _ _-------.—-- -_. _ ___ _ _ a.._ ______ of the ,-----;.-----.-----.------.-----_._� ; that they havc• re,�d the fnrc�oinr� aE,}�licati,>n ,�rd 4�nc,w rh�• contents thereof; and thac the matters stated therein are rrue ' --_ _ .... ... . .... . --- -- --- _.�_ .--_—,-,- --- ------..__....---- ------..._..__._-�-------------�------.__� Subscrihc-�1 ancl su�orn ti� l,rfc�rr mc this.----. _;_.__...---_.- day c�(_ ____------__------1`�---- • � _---- -----_. ---- ------ --�----------- Notar�. I'uhlic,--------..___.__.----------(.uuntiy�, !�tinn. My Cummission expires---._.._-__----__._+�_----- i � j � i _ ' r. - -----I--• • � I i � .I � I w '' � �C1 � _�____\_______I�`.._ __ ---.__._ 1 � . � . � � � + � I � � � � � � � � -•- - ---- _..�--- - �� . ti � � �, j � ' �, � 2 95�� :, �-- o � � I o ; �, •4� � • ."-"- - -----r ----..�_._. . _--_.._ .. '_'__._.. . _,� .. �•.. O� L � � _A :I � __._ � ,� `�'- ` li � �. i --- --------- -____-__ .._. _. --, ;--. . _ -------i _.`(n..� • � � 1� � i �V _ ----� � : w I n, � c.� �,,, � ___ __� _- - _. ____--- � i. ti , f __. ; -,�,� _ tn � ' 4�', � i �' o; I o � � ' n� � � �c.,; � � � ---- ----- -_-- __.__ . . _ _ . . ,. n, �, � ` ~ I+v �, .� �i�' ' �'R�-_—_a/ � ------�28 62.--J __.._ _ /2B 62 � l� 'A�2548 � ; /2 S 08 c„ i ----- -O - -y�Otff•9�Q- - � �. �N d �i , " I :" _ N r-� ' f� - , --- �� � _�--- /28.� ��%P�-_I...�_ � I- ____. . _%�508 - --� —�- � I � 12S 08 c� � $ J , � ,,A , � � � J r V ; _.._ _.___ __-� ...1-- � � :.�i O w� ; r___��_--- o ; . _ . 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William Donovan �ONTACT � . 292-7019 PHONE � � • November 5, 1982 ppjE 1 ��� (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): Department Director City Attorney d`t�_����7�Di rector of Management/Mayor//�7��2 rX Finance and Management Services Director 3 City C�erk Budget Di rector i�fiat Will be Achieved b Takin Action on the Attached Materials? Pur ose Rational : Change the State Use Deed for this parcel from Citq Dump to City Playground for which it has been used for sometime. Financiai , Bud,�etar�r and�Personnel Impacts Anticipated: None Funding Source artd Fund Activity Nun�er Char�d or Credlted: None Attachments (List and N�nber all Attachments�: 1. Resolution for Mayor to sign 2. Copy of Use Deed from State (1942) 3. Copies of application for new use deed approval 4. Map of area DEPARTMENT RfYIEW CITY ATTORN�Y REVIEW _� Yes No Council Resolutfon I�required? Resolution Required? x Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes R No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (�ee R�verse S�de for 'Instructions WN11�E - CITV CLERK ^.�.� ��� PINK - FINANCE ��r� CANARY- DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL F1eci1N0. NO � �BLUE - MAVOR ounci Resolution � - • Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 231.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, (as �ended by Ordinance No. 14662, approved December 1, 1970) pertaining to regulations for the a, justing of sewer service charges, and upon the recommendation of the Department of Public Wprks and approval of the Board of Water Commissioners, the Council of the City of Saint Paul�, does hereby certify that because of partial diversion of their total water consumption f�om the City of Saint Paul's Sanitary Sewer System, the below listed firms have justifiablelreason for application of an adjus trnent to their sewer service charges as levied; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that a full or partial refund of paid sewer service charges, base� upon these adjustments shall be refunded from the Sewer Service Fund and shall be in the follo�ing amounts: NAME & ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOU Olympia Brewing Company P.O. Box 3115 St. Paul, Mn. 55165 Attn: Accounting Dept. August 17 - September 17, 1982 $219,�12.11 Champion International Corp. 2251 Wabash Avenue i St. Paul, Mn. 55114 Attn: Jack Geilenfeld August, 1982 158,'�10.64 Jacob Schmidt Brewing Co. 882 W. 7th Street St. Paul, Mn. 55102 Attn: Shirley K. Nice, General Mgr. ! of Administration August, 1982 10,3�15.13 National Can Corporation 139 Eva Street ' St. Paul, Mn. 55107 , Attn: D. Staberg, Controller September, 1982 5,5b1.28 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Pub1iC Works ' �e��ne In Favor Masanz Nicosia ` scneibel _ __ Against BY � Tedesco Sewers & Ut� ties Divi ion , Wilson Form Approved b it ttor Adopted by C ouncil: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY ` ✓ � , By . Approved by ;Vlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submissi Council! By _ _ — By - � 2'�95�� , Page 2 COUNCIL RESOLUTION I I NAME & ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUN Central Warehouse P.O. Box 43456 ' St. Paul, Mn. 55101 Attn: Louis H. Ouellette August - September, 1982 $1,85�.20 Gold Medal Beverage Company ; P.O. Box 43466 St. Paul, Mn. 55164 Attn: John C. Fitzenberger August 11 - September 10, 1982 1,44�.78 St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press 55 E. 4th Street ' St. Paul, Mn. 55101 Attn: Bruce Anderson, Controller August, 1982 1,35�.30 West Publishing Co. 50 w. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Mn. 55102 I Attn: Lawrence Linkert August, 1982 1,22]1.08 Postmaster United States Post Office Procurement, Property & Supply Office Room 425 180 E. Kellogg Blvd. ' St. Paul, Mn. 55101 June - August, 1982 1,03�.18 lst National Bank of St. Paul W-1390 lst National Bank Bldg. St. Paul, Mn. 55101 Attn: C.G. Olson, Vice President September, 1982 41];.60 McGill/Jensen, Inc. 655 No. Fairview Ave. St. Paul, Mn. 55104 Attn: Mark McManus August, 1982 32'�.32 Rutzick-Sheehy Office Center P.O. Box 43570 I St. Paul, Mn. 55164 For: Agriculture Bldg. � 90 W. Plato Blvd. Attn: Joan Benson July 29 - August 28, 1982 29�.00 � WHITE - CITV CLERK � /���1� PINK � - FINANCE COIIIICII d ti� �. CAN�RV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L � � �LUE - MAVOR ' File N . F uncil esolution � , ,. , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date Page 3 NAME & ADDRESS T�ME PERIOD �p� St. John's Hospital 403 Maria Avenue St. Paul, Mn. 55106 � Attn: I.S. Mularie September, 1982 $295.�6 E.M.C. Corporation 283 York Street St. Paul, Mn. 55101 Attn: David Feinberg September, 1982 245.�0 Plastics, Inc. 224 Ryan Avenue St. Paul, Mn. 55102 ' Attn: Bob Lynch August, 1982 234.�6 Twin City Barge, Inc. 222 W. Grand Ave. P.O. Box 239 So. St. Paul, Mn. 55075 Attn: W. H. Starr August/September, 1982 229.q0 Girl Scout Building 400 So. Wabasha St. St. Paul, Mn. 55107 ' Attn: David B. Bain Properties Director September, 1982 119.a0 Hartzell Manufacturing Company ' 2516 Wabash Ave. ' St. Paul, Mn. 55114 Attn: T.M. Jaeke, Controller August, 1982 91.q0 ; COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: I' Yeas Nays � ��'' Public Works � �evine In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel � __ Against BY �4i�e�e� Mgr., Sewers & Ut� �ties Divi n lhiilMw- DEC 7 1982 Form Approved b ity ttor y Adopted by Council: Date { Certified -s- d b Council Secreta BY - ( I By, MY�-� � A by ;Navor: Da '- DEC 1 01982 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councili - - BY � -- PUBLISHED D E C 18 1982 � ' , DEPARTMENT:�lic wor� j , ..� �A�: Har�rey o . . 'ROUTING A�n EXPUINATIgN SHEET PHONE:� _ 2�5 . ` � , 6REEN SHEET ��;�� , r �t7v � For Admiaistrstive Orders, iteaolations, Ordiaances snd A�reem�dts ROUTtNG ORD R-- ROUTE BY ASSr�NCn NIIMRRR; ' —.�:_ TOR OF MANAGEMENT NOU 9 1982 �►YO �IC !1)2��g� Pi1RTl�ltT DIRECTOR � DIRECTOR, FiNANCE S N6T. SERYICESATT RNEY C ATTORNEY CITY CIERK BUDGET DIRECTOR RECEIVE'D AC'fI(�! REALIEST�tI �LtP ALI 10CAFi��fOR,��Y,�RA..,5 tiA�tRF)� I ` '. . r�,o r � u �982 Refund sewer service charges from Sewer Service Funds MAYORS OFFICE Investigation has determined that certain volumes of water which were assessed sewer service charge did not enter the sanitary sewer system and that payment of the arges for these volumes should be refunded. �tNANCiAt , $inr:�TARX ANn PattcnNN�� 1�aarTC A,urirtpeTCn; � Z . Z ' NOne PPpr°vea to r B�dget�� ec By ` ATTIFCHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMEN7S): 1. Council Resolution 2. Board of Water Comanissioner's Resolution Recommending Refunds 3. = e Rev.cmv nec on o o auppo cun�enxa � - � Ci.LI A,Lto�.aesl: i. Couxci.t Reeo,tu,tion Reqwi�tcdY X yE5 NO 1. Rtaotwti.oK! X yES �NO 2. iKawaxct Rtq:si�etdt yES X NO Y. iwwance Sa6�.ic�Len�t yES X NO 3. Iee Wra+�c.t �lt,fi�tcl�t.dt Yf�.S X NO A�visl�an 0![si129/E2 � CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ , .��� OFFI�� OF-TME BOARd OF WATER COMMISSiONERS �*^�'•�^•�:_ r� = � R�S4LUTION —GENERAL FORM ���°� � > . „ PRESENTED gY COMMISSIONER DAT a�� � �:r�p .+nu w ..,...,. � «..¢,.�wht�*Ya� �`i�� ��C '� � � �M'fr�' �� � ��� � �� �� � �.� �'�+�' dt �fi'�Ob�.' i�� �.� #I� '� ��' 'Fi� �I�i#li�'1 �" ��. �• �+D�� �t � � �i#i�� �. 'MJ�St i�x3,1 Oa�' �wrlt�al �r Od` � 1�ir�'+It �� � 1M�► �t��E 31� #s� 1�rt 1r�#*ar'� +�+� �t 10 ?Mt �1 �+e► 'i�At "�r�qe �r3� ��" t I y Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Com ssioners Yeas Nays �� 19� �iowia rit� 1h�Nt,td�t �► I�t�sf.�# �t� In favor�.— Opposed�— SECY. � 4; N'HITE - C1TY CLERK ����' �� B UE - MAVOR E GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ` CANARY - DEPARTMENT File N 0. y - ' C uncil esolution � , A . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date « Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that Pursuant to Section 231.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, (as ended by Ordinance No. 14662, approved December l, 1970) pertaining to regulations for the a justing of sewer service charges, and upon the recommendation of the Department of Public W rks and approval of the Board of Water Commissioners, the Council of the City of Saint Paul' does hereby certify that because of partial diversion of their total water consumption f�om the City of Saint Paul's Sanitary Sewer System, the below listed firms have justifiablelreason for application of an adjustment to their sewer service charges as levied; and be i� FURTHER RESOLVED, that a full or partial refund of paid sewer service charges, base�l upon these adjustments shall be refunded from the sewer service fund and shall be in the follo�iing amounts: NAME & ADDRESS TIME PEA�OD AMOUN 3M-General Offices U.S. Controllers Bldg. 224-6SW August - September, 1982 $261,946.02 St. Paul, Mn. 55101 Overpaid for June & July, 1982 -1,270.00 Attn: Clarence Fussy $260,�i76.02 Olympia Brewing Company P.O. Box 3115 St. Paul, Mn. 55165 Attn: Accounting Dept. September 17 - October 19, 1982 196,�52.56 Champion International Corp. 2251 Wabash Ave. � St. Paul, Mn. 55114 Attn: Jack Geilenfeld September, 1982 138,�72.72 The Gillette Company Personal Care Division Fifth & Broadway Sts. St. Paul, Mn. 55101 Attn: Frank Daley, Manager ' Cost Accounting July - September, 1982 11,�93.88 COUNCILMEN ' Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher Levine 1 Masanz [n Favor NiCOSia ` scheibel _ __ Against BY - ° 7edesco Manager, Se rs & Util' ies I�ivision Wilson Form Approved Att ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by A�lavor: Date _ Appro by for Submi io o Councill Bv - - — BY � ' , , c�,����,� ' RESOLUTION Page 2 NAME & ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUN�' Jacob Schmidt Brewing Co. 882 W. 7th St. St. Paul, Mn. 55102 Attn: Shirley K. Nice Gen. Mgr. of Administration September, 1982 $8,122.91 National Can Corporation 139 Eva Street St. Paul, Mn. 55107 Attn: D. Staberg, Controller October, 1982 5,021.21 Amherst H. Wilder Foundation 750 No. Milton St. St. Paul, Mn. 55104 Attn: Gary Priessler For: 873-77 W. Minnehaha May - September, 1982 1,870.00 American Bakeries Company 97 E. 12th St. St. Paul, Mn. 55101 Attn:David Duncan, Plant Mgr. January - August, 1982 1,694.90 American Red Cross 134 E. Fillmore Ave. St. Paul, Mn. 55107 Attn: Jerry Huna, Bldg. Mgr. May - October, 1982 1,36�.00 St. Paul Dispatch-Pioneer Press 55 E. Fourth Street St. Pau1, Mn. 55101 Attn: Bruce Anderson, Controller September, 1982 1,134.97 Brooklyn Center Development P.O. Box 43570 St. Paul, Mn. 55164 For: American Center Bldg. 297 Jackson St. Attn: Joan Benson September - October, 1982 841.22 Gold Medal Beverage Company P.O. Box 43466 St. Paul, Mn. 55164 Attn: John C. Fitzenberger September 11 - October 12, 1982 803.70 West Publishing Company 50 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, Mn. 55102 Attn: Lawrence Linkert October, 1982 79�.16 Fox Chemical Company 137 So. Robert St. St. Paul, Mn. 55107 Attn: Cindy Carletto July - September, 1982 742.00