279549 WHITE - CITV CIERK /�� � 5�9 PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L COUIICII CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ' Resolution - . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date « RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby author�zed and directed to execute a lease agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the St. Paul Seminary; said agreement providing ' for the use by the City' s Police Department of the Seminary' s ' gymnasium facilities for the purpose of the physical training o� Police Academy recruits, a copy of said agreement to be kept on ; file and of record in the Department of Finance and A�anagement ' Services. i COUNCILMEN Requested b ep tm t of: ' Yeas Nays �Ci.� PFslsl+a�. �e��ne In Favor Masanz /� � Nicosia .� � � scneibei _ __ Against BY ��deaev aAFilaar�• DE`' 7 ��� Form A rove by orn ; Adopted by Council: Date �. CertifiE:d a 5 by Council Se ar BY B;� — � � t�p ro e by Mavor: e �n���� Q ��OZ Ap ved y Mayor for Su mis o to C uncil i t, BY — — BY� , � PUBUSHFD DE� �� 19E� a � � � 3� . �-��3� 9549 DEPARTMENT: Polic ROUTING AND EXPLANATION SHEET CONTACT: S . D Pazdernik (GREEN SHEET) PHONE: 292-� 55 For Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and Agreements ROtJTING ORDER - ROUTE BY ASSIGNED NUMBER: October 19, 1982 � � � . DIRECTOR- OE M��NAGEMEWT � 1 i982 �C � � 1 MAYOR � �;•��, � ;� . .. "�o �u'��� i DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINAI3CE & MGT. SERVIC - CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR ACTION REQUESTED (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR MAYORAL SIGNATURE) : Authorization of an Agreement between the City of St. Paul, Minnesota and he St. Paul Seminary. t WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACI�D MATERIALS (PURPOSE AND RAT NAT�)?: The physical conditioning and training of inembers of the City's Police Department ,Recruit Academy. k � FINANCIAL, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTTCTPATED: $760.00 budgeted in the St. Paul Police Department Training Code 04303-21 060. Saiaries budgeted in St. Paul Police Department Patrol Code 04100-111. � �� ATTACHMENTS (LIST ALL ATTACHMENTSr: ` � 1. Four (4) Copies of Agreement � � 2. 3. Y 4 NOTE: Please review necessity for attachment of the following supporting d�cumen . Department: City Attorney: 1. Council Resolution Rec�uired? es o 1. Resolution? Yes � No ____ �� �, 2. Insurance Required? Yes �/No 2. Insurance Sufficient? Yes No/r�'" 3. Insurance Attached? _�Y,�s No � 'i''CP _ Revision OM:4/29 2 �' (k. f ,r