279547 WHITE - CITV CLERK ^OUnCl� �g5�►�
ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date : -
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul after review of the Saint
Paul Division of Public Health's proposal for "A Comprehensive Health Education
for Preschoolers" hereby endorses the application for funding to the Saint Paul
Foundation and fully understands the conditions of funding should the grant be
awarded to the Division of Public Health.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�'�'"' Community Services
�evine In Favot
Scheibel _ � __ Against By r +
DEC 1 �982 Form proved b Cit t ney
Adopted by Council: Date �
Certified P� ss' d � ouncil S ta BY
App d by 17avor: Dat _ �l. � ]q8� Approved Mayor for Subm�ssi o Counci
By - — BY
PUBUSNED D E C 18 1982
.:���<«�:::�. Cl�Y OF SAINT P�UL
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. - 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesot�55101
George Latimer (612)2�2-7741
Mayor ,
October 26 , 1982 ' '
Mr. Paul A. Verret
Executive Director
The Saint Paul Foundation
1120 Northwestern Nati.onal Bank Building
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
Dear Mr. Verret: i
Enclosed you will find an application for a grant to fund a pro- !
ject entitled "Comprehensive Health Education for Pre-Schoolers":
This proposal is being submitted by the Health Education Section
of the St. Paul Division of Public Health. Our agency has a
commitment to serve the unniet health needs of pre-school childre#�.
You will find in the proposal that health education is one of the
primary needs identified by the pre-school service providers, yeit
the resources to devote to this effort are spa��se. A copy of
this proposal is being sent concurrently to our City Council for;
review and approval. ,
Your consideration of this project would be most appreciated. �'
The contacts for this application are:
Jeraldine Day and Paula J. Peterson '
Health Education Section
� St. Paul Division of Public Health -
555 Cedar Street
St. Paul , Minneso-ta 55I01
292-7723 •
• Sincerely, '
Edward R. Eberhardt
Public Healtn Services Manaber !
ERE: jr
City of Saint Paul ,
Department of Community Servic�es
Division of Public Health •
Section of Health Education �
555 Cedar Street '
St. Paul, Minnesota 55101
2���4� -
Table Of Contents
Purpose and Significance ...... .. .. ...... ..... .... ..... ... .....1 �
Need Statement .... . ... ... . . ... . ...................... ..... ....2
Goal and Objectives .. .......... .. . .. .... ..... .. ... . ...........3
Applicability and Number Benefited .......... .. . . ..............4
Need for Foundation Support .. .... .. .... ....... . .......... . . .. .5
Division of Public Health Platching Contributors .... ... ... .. . . .b '
Budget Summary ... ... . . .. . . ...... . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. . .. ...... . . . .8
Personnel Roles and Responsibilities . .... . .. . . ... .... . ... . . . . .9
Time Line .. .... ..... . . .. .. .. ... . . ......... .. . .. : . ... ..... ....10
Job Descriptions .. .. . ... ... .. . ... . . ... ..... ... ........ ...... .13
Assurances ..... .. .. .. . ....... . ..... .... ..... .. .. ..... ...15
St. Paul Financial Report .. ...,.. ... . ,... .. .. .. .... ...... ..16
Tax Exempt Status .... ... .. ... .... . .. . ........ ... .. .... ...... .21
Agency Capability . .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. . ... .... .. ... .... ..... ..22
City Council Members . . .. .. . ... . . .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . ... .. ..23
Resume of Health Educator II . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .... . . . . .24
2`�954'7 �
Health Education ,
Request For Funding
Submitted - Fall, 1982 ' �
� I �
Purpose Of The Project
To contribute to the improvement of the healttx of Minnesota people by cultivating pqsitive
attitudes and constructive health behaviors with pre-school children and their fami�ies who
are under the supervision of licensed day care and education providers.
Significance To Soci.ety
In the early 1900's the mortality rate for children ages 1-14 was 870 per 100,000 a� com-
pared to 43 per 100,000 in 1977. This was mainly due to infectious diseases as a r�sult of
poor sanitation practices, poor nutrition and housino, and lack of vaccines and ant�.biotics.
Today, these reasons are much less responsible for early childhood deaths as a resu�lt of the
commitment and role that public health has taken in the areas of maternal and childi health,
environmental health, epidemiology and nutrition. Today however, inost causes of dqath and
other probZems facing young children are largely due to poor safety and health praqtices.
Today, 45% of the deaths occurring to children ages 1-14 are due to acci.dents in g�eral
and motor vehicle and pedestrian accidents in paxticular (�tealthy People, 1979). any of
these deaths could be prevented if parents and children were educated in the area qf motor
vehicle, pedacycle and pedestrian safety. Safety and health education seeks to inc�rease
knowledge and positive attitudes and most importantly influence safety and health tlehaviors.
However, accidents are not the only problems children face. "Tooth decay affects �ost chil,-
dren after age three when the primary teeth have appeared. By age 11, the average American
child has three permanent teeth damaged by decay. By age 17, eight or nine permanQnt teeth
have decayed, been filled or are missing" (Healthy People, 1979) . The state of de�tal health
in todayts children is furtner illustrated by the American Dental Association whic� indicates
that half of the children ages 3-5 are in need of dental care due to caries. The �actor
most contributing to these dental problems is the ingestion of sweets. The establishment of
sourid nutritional habits in addition' to a dai�y brushing program could greatly red�ce tooth
As stated in Healthy People, 1979, nutrition education can also serve to decrease .jone of to-
day's most prevalent nutritional problems - overeatino and ill advised food choicJs. Nutri-
tion education also has many i:nplications for reducing fat consumption which is a �risk fac-
tor for heart disease, a leading cause of death in the United States. It can alsq serve to
help correct alr�ady diagnose3 local pre-school children nutrition problems that unclude
obesity, iron deficient anemia and excessive intake of empty calories (Ramsey Cou�$ty Nutri-
tion Program, 1981). i
According to Promoting Health Preventin� Disease, Objectives For The Nation, othe� important
health promotion issues that need to be addressed are physical fitness, smoking, �lcohol and
drugs, and mental health. Early childiiood provides the foundation on which the adult health
lifestyle is bui.lt. Children need an early start on developing a liLestyle that �romotes
fitness, enhances self esteem and lends itself to the development of attitudes th�tt �oill in-
crease the probability for responsible use of alcohol and avoidance of drug abuse�
_. _ � __ _
_ ' _ 2`7�954'7
In the Spring of 1981, it �vas estimated that 20% of the total number of 3-5 year ol�s in
Ramsey County were enrolled in Head Start or full day facilities. This makes theseE.programs
a logical setting in �ahich to reach children. The most efficient way to do so, caou�d be
tt�rouoh an or;anized comprehensive health education curriculum that includes staff traiming
and parent participation.
Need Statement '
� In the Spring of 1980 the St. Paul Division of Public Health (DPH) conducted a needs assess- �
ment of Head Start staff in St. Paul and Ramsey County to determine what was needed! in the
area of health education for 3-5 year olds.� It showed that 13 of the 18 surveyed fielt thexe
was a "great need" for a comprehensive health curriculum. Topics �indicated to be o�f most
importance were self esteem and safety with 60% or more supporting the need for phy�sical
health, social health and sex education.
Another county toide survey sponsored by St. Paul and Ramsey County Public Health De�artments
was done to identify general health related practices and future needs of licensed Iday care
centers (1981). Several questions relating to health education and in-service needls were in-
cluded. This needs assessment showed that 65% of those surveyed are in need of a cpmprehen-
sive health education curriculum and 82% need training in. the area of health educatiion for
young children. (Specific top-ics referred to are safety, exercise, personal hygie�e and self
Subsequently, a literature search was done in an attempt to find a curriculum that would meet
these needs. Curzicula that were found were either outdated aad unavailable, or w�re too �
specific to one topic area. j
To systematically reach a minimum of 75% of the children and their families receiv�ng Ramsey
County licensed pre-school day care or education services with a high quality, eductationally
sound, practical comprehensive health education curriculum by 1990.
OBJECTIVE 1 -- To continue the deveZopment of a comprehensive health education
curricullzm appropriate for use in day care and pre-school. To
date, a draft and copy has been developed. The overall goal of
� the curriculum is: '
Children will adopt positive attitudes and constructive health I
behaviors that are the foundation for the ability to naintain
a high level of physical, mental/emoti_onal and social well-
, being through an active involvement of the pre-school, community
health agencies, and the"home.
OBJECTIVE 2 -- To train, p.rovide resources and technical assistance to a min- .
imum of 70 day care and pre-school education providers in the j
pre-school curriculum by December, 1985.
1. To maintain the invoJ.vement of appropriate pre-school and
community health resources in planning, implementing, eval-
uating the curriculum. �
2. Dissemi�ate the curriculum to St. Pau1 and Ramsey County
pre-school and day care organizations by planning and con- '
ducting trainino �aorkshops. This would be coordinated with
loc.al training providers.
- 3 - !
a. Adults and Children's Alliance ���"��
Contact: Patty Kester
b. Resource for Child Caring, Inc.
Contact: Cathy Polanski
Both agencies exist to train educators and care providers
on issues pertinent to early childhood development.
3. To provide a centralized resource for free-loan mate-
rials needed in the implementation of the curriculum. '
OBJECTIVE 3 -- To engage 900 pre-school children in St. Paul Division of �
(Impact) Public Health Pre-School Curriculum activities by January,
1985. �
1. Monitor the implementation of the curriculum by main- '
taining contact with those who have been trained.
2. Record numbers of children receiving program and. what
part of it they are receiving.
3. Provide techaical assistance to those experiencing pro-
blems in the implementation of. the curriculum.
OBJECTIVE 4 -- To enable 50% of the pre-schoolers who participate in more
(Outcome) than three lessons to demonstrate increased awareness and
knowledge of a minimum of three positive health behaviors ;
that will have a known impact on their future risk of death
and/or disability due to chronic disease or accidents. - !
1. A minimum of the folloEVing characteristics of the
curri.culum will be evaluated. �
Characteristic I Sample Met:�od
Content accuracy Review by professionals in field
Ease of implementation Feedback from day care and educa-
tion providers
Educational principles Review by educators of pre-
. schoolers ar�d University of
• � riinnesota Child Development
Effectiveness of inethods t�ith cooperativn from teachers i.e. , �r�
used with children i.e. , implement evaluation techniques, ;
raising awareness, improv- designed with consultants
ing knowledoe, devel.oping ;'
positive health behaviors `
Evaluation will be subject to the limitatians of inconsistent ;
attendance, lack of consistent quality in settings and per- '
sonnel and in general the difficulties of obtaining valid
measurement with pre-school age children.
- 4 - 2'795�`7
OBJECTIVE 5 -- Once the evaluation phase of the project is completed, to provide
training for a minimum of 60 pre-school teachers/providers per
year, to maintain a resource center for free loan materials for
teachers, to periodically update the curriculum as needed, and to
continue gaining visibility and support for the project with in-
terested local, state and national professionals.
idhere Applicable
This comprehensive health education curriculum will be applicable in any day care o�lpre- ,
school setting. Since materials cost tb the provider will be minimal, the curriculudm will
be easily implenented in any size day care/pre-school facility:
Home day care Up to 5 children
Family day care 6 - IO children ,
Day care centers 10 children or more
riontessori Schools
Head Start
Parents will also be able to do most curriculum activities with their children on aione-to-
one basis at home.
In addition, parents will be intricately involved in curriculun activities conducte� at the
day care/pre-schools. A11 units of the curriculum wi11 describe specific parent/ch ld ac-
tivities related to the objectives of those lessons. This will be in the form of p rent
letters, chi.ld activities done at home with parents assistance, sharing health proj ets with
the parents, and displaying bulletin boards that are done by children to their paret�ts, and
parent/child functions such as awards ceremonies, inforriational meetings, and health related
skits put on by the children. .
Number Of Minnesotans To Be Benefited
Once developed, the curriculum will be promoted to St. Paul and Ramseq County day qare centers,
Montessori, and Head Start programs. This will be done through personal contacts �» the Child
Care Council, Chi1d Health Consortium, Project Head Start, and other organizations.; An appro-
priate number of workshops will then be organized to accor�odate those interested i�i being
The goal of this project is to disseminate the curriculum and information on healtl} services
and health protection issues to 30 early childhood provid�rs within 5t. Paul and R�msey County
in a t�vo year period.
Upor� completion of the St. Paul Foundation funded project, St. Paul Division of Pu}plic Health
�aoulrl provide workshops on an on-going basis. Division of. Public Health would neg, tiate with
Project Head St2rt, day care programs and pre-schools for provision of these works�iops.
Health Education would also make periodic on-site visits to r.►onitor the implementation of the
curriculum, troubl�-shoot and provide technical assistance.
No. of �Jorkshops Conductzd No. of Providers Trained No. of Child�en Affected
1982-83 2 40 (pilot training) 600; �
1983-84 3 30 300i
1984-85 3 30 30q
- 5 - � .
The Need For Foundation Support
In February of 1982, Health Education submitted a pre-school health educal-
tion proposal to the Federal Government in response to their requests for
proposals under "Discretionary Funds Programs HDS - 82 - 1 Alternative
Public Initiatives Public Innovations". We were later informed that al- '
though the project had merit, 600 proposals had been submitted and we woyld
not receive funding.
tn the last half of 1981 and the beginning of 1982 the Heatth Education
staff was reduced by 2.5 FTE because of the government budget pinch. Wi�h
those reductions, a person with considerable experience, expertise, and dom-
mitment to the education of pre-school children was also lost. �
In the meantime the section's Health Educator assigned to School Health I
Education had already begun fio gather the resources from the community and
Division of Public Health personnel to develop the pre-school curriculum.�
One of her accomplishments was to develop awareness and enthusiasm about
health education with the providers of day care and pre-school education in
the community. These effor.ts resulted in a commitment by Ramsey County Nead
Start to include health education as an integral part of their curriculum.
They are eager to have their teachers attend in-ser'vice training and to �m-
plement the program during this year. As a resutt, they will serve as tF►e
project's pilot participants. However, their commitment cannot extend td
funding, because of government cutbacks. Further commitment in support df
the project has been made by Adults and Children's Alliance and Resources�
for Chitd .Caring, Inc.
Ba�ed on the enth�siastic response to the idea of a Comprehensive Health
Education Curriculum, and the agency commitment to the health of the pre-�
school children, the Health Education Section placed a moratorium on all
other activitie� .for varying lengths of time for different personnel dur�
ing August of 1982 to get the pilot edition of lesson plans written in j
the standard format, typed, and printed.
- Now the next phase of work begins. The curriculum needs to be dissemina�ed
and its effectiveness evaluated to insure that the program has breadth,
depth and quality. Once revised on the basis of sound evaluation then the
r task is to get the program 'into.as many pre-schoal settings as possible.
St. Paal Foundation funding would enable the acconplishment of data coll�c-
tion, analysis and evaluation of the children, teachers, parents, and th�„
curriculum itself and dissemination to a much greater number of people tF�an
wouid otherwise receive it.
Division of Public Health Contributions Matching Requested St. Paul Foundation `Funds
A. Pre-Funding Contributions Pre-Funding Year-One Year-Two iPost-Funding
Health Educator II -� ,
1 ) Has planned curriculum development and �
obtained commitment from specialists
for contributionso
2) Gained support by Head Start for devel-
opment of curricuium as a permanent and
official component of Head Start educa-
tional plano
3) Developed strong ties with network of .
pre-school organizations concerned with
training - e,g. , Toy's N Things, Parent
and Child Alliance. �
4) Conducted needs assessments referred to �
in proposal . ,
5) Provided some strong ieadership within
DPH to coordinate a redirection of agency
activities which will focus on day care
providers and pre-school children,
Estimated dollar commitment Health
Educator II time: 16,000
6. Agency Contribution During Project
Phone 2400 240,
Space and utitities (est.) 300. 300. (es�.)
Health Educator II .20 FTE 6,370. 6,816.
Supervision and administrative (est.) 1 ,000. 1 ,OOOo (es�.)
Clerical support (�05 FTE) 1 ,000. 1 ,000. �
7raining space, promotion of workshops and ;
mailings - these will be provided cooper- '
atively by DPH, Toy's N Things, and Parent .
and .Child Alliance. . Total 9,150. 9,3560 �
C. Anticipated Post Funding Agency Contribution
1) Division of Public flealth would dissem-
inate the curriculum by offering two-
forty hour workshops per school year to
pre-school service providerso Forty
training slots would be availabte for
teachers and this �ould have a potential
; im�act on an estima�ed 240 children per '
� year. '
2) Division of Public Health would offer five-
three hour workshops on individual teaching
modules of the curriculum. Modules would
be selected on the basis of request by
teachers/providers. Twenty slots per work-
shop would be available ��ith a potential
impact on 200 children per year.
3) The hea] th educator would be available for
consultations on an individual basis by re- '
4} Materials Hiill be available for free loan
to teachers. '
Pre-Funding Year-One Year-Two Pos�-Funding
C. Anticipated Post Funding Agency Contribution (continued) 2�g�4 (
5) The health education curriculum will be in-
tegrated into the broader public health ser- '
vices that will be provided by Division of
Public Health to Head Start Day Care Centers
and group family day care providerso
Estimated Health Education commitment 1985
salary - Heatth Educator I ) (.25 FTE)
approximatety: $)p,000/year
� .
�..,-T -
Pre-School Health Education Curriculum '
Health Education Assistant
(salary and fringe) , 5 FTE $ 9 ,562. $ 9,984.
Evaluation Consultant 1,250 . ].�,250.
Eight (8) Workshop Presenters 700.
� .
Materials : films , filmstr:ips ,
models, books, kits to be
assembled for eact topic,
Kiddie QR (Stress Management � �
for Children) 2,OOU.
Printing 500.
$ 13,3I2� � 11�934.
Indirect costs .047% 626 , �: 561.
- - —+--
$ I3,938. $ 12y495.
Total request: $26 , 433. '
_ 9 !
� 7y���
Roles and Responsibilities ;
Introduction .
The two basic personnel that will have responsibility for this phase of the pre-s�chool
curriculum will be a Health Educator 11 and a Health Education As.sistant. The two �ill
work closely together with the Health Educator II having the responsibility for dir�cting
the project. The Health Education Assistant will assist in planning and under clos�
supervision carry out directions by the Health Educator I1 . As indicated in the tirde line,
only the Health Education Assistant will be funded by grant monies. The Health Edu�ation
Section is supervised by a Masters level Health Educator 111 who reports to the ager�cy's
Director of Administration.
Health Educator II Project Responsibilities I
-- Has overall responsibility for planning, implementing and evaluating the project
and its activities
-- Orient and train the Health Education Assistant for the project
-- Locate consultant for evaluation and work with supervisor and administrators 'to
establish contract for services
-- Plan the evaluation and its implementation with the consultant. Health Education
Assistant should be included in the planning since implementation and data galth-
ering will be her/his responsibility ,
-- Coordinate implementation of the evaluation and schedule workshops ,
-- Monitor Health Education Assistant evaluation and workshop organizing activit�ies
-- Maintain and expand community liaison with pre-school providers to keep themlin-
formed and stimulate interest
-- Present project and its results to professional organizations such as Minnesmta
Education Assoc+at�ion
_ -- Prepare reports on activities and accomplishments for Supervisor, Division of
Public Health Administration and Foundation as requested
Health Education Assistant
-- Complete orientation and training �
-- Participate in the pianning of the evaluation and workshops for teachers
-- Assist with material development for the resource center function and workstibps
-- Assist with the organization of v�orkshops including such tasks as communications,
arrangements, follow-up on special requests by teachers when possible
-- Administer evaluation methods such as conducting interviews to obtain feedb ck
from teachers and parents, testing ct�ildren for changes, leading group proc ss
for feedback from teachers and parents
-- Summarize �•�orkshop evaluations and other data for analysis
-- Assist in maintaining contact with pre-school praviders and stimulating int@rest
in the project
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- 13 -
€ Title of class:
G�neral Sta�ement of Ducies: Perio�ma skilled zechnical work in the deivelop-
ment and presentation o= matsrial.s and proorams intended for clients!,
spacific groups or cl�e general c�amunit� wh�ch promote positive haaLth
behaviors and use of preventive h�a1�h s�rvices; and perfor.�ts relatejd
duti�s as xequired. -
Sup�rv3sion Receiv�d: �dorks undar th� ger.aral techri3cal and administraltive
sup�rviaion of a unit heade
Suparvision Ex�rcis�d: None. � .
The list�d exa�pl�� may not include all dutias psrformed by all p�sition� in
this clasae �
Prepazes ma�t�ri�ls and presen�s educational programs to individual.s and
groupso �
Assists in planning and devel�ping programs, d3splays and printed mate�ials. r
Provid�s printed informati.on, f31ms and othet re�flurce naterials to � �
cotaatunity o�rg�nization�.
� AssisCs co.�amunity groups in devslopi.ng �duca�i�nal components in their'
- programs, -
Prepares and pr�aents informati�n tah3ch znabl�s individuals to ar.alyzejand �
� undeYStand �he rea�ons for behaviar which is not conducive to good �ealth
and subatitute more constru�Give bshavi.or, •
Leads disce�ssion groups in which individuals axa encouragad to conside� and
adopt behavioz which 3.3 conatruct�v� and ��mp�tibl� with thair indijvidual
life stylase
� Uses audio/viau;al equipment and macQrials. �
. AssisC� �in avaluating the ef=ectiven�s� of programs and mat�rials; su�ests .
3mprovemants a:nd additions �o existing programs ar.d materials.
• � i � .
Soma kno�rl�dge of th� use and �aintenan�e of a�i3ioJv�tsual equipment. ;
The abiZi�y to facili�ate group discuasioa and intaraction for learnit�g.
Working ab�?].3ty �o co�r;:Lnica�e e�fectiv�ly both ordlly an� in wziting: _
Working ability La p1an, schedule_ and promote r�du::at3or.a1 programs.
, ,,
So:�z? kno=.vl,edge of the psychol�gy of hunan b2haviors � ��
The ab�lity ico �fltablish and maintain eff�cLitie working relationships{
w�th staff and th� gen�ral psbli�_
1�ao years of collzge; or ona yeuc's exper�anc� in pl�nning ar.d cozduc�.ing •
{ . heai�h are3 safe�y educarion pcog���� s,
Eff active Juna 28, 1980
- �4 - 2795���
� .
_ 1 Title o£ class:
General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible pxofessional work i»volw .
ing the planning and conducting of a health education program of th�
Public Health Division; and performs related duties as xequi.red.
Supervision Received:_ Works under the close technieal and administrat�ve
� supervision of a higher leve� health educator. - - ' '� '
� . Supsrvision Exercised: None . � - =-�_ �
� TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED .. . �. ._ . . � _ . .
Th� listed examples :nay not include all duties performed by all positior�ls in
. this class.
Seeks opportunities. to promote utilization of Division o£ Public Hea�.f�h
� services through mass� media, human resources agenc}�, and interpersdnal
contacts. �
Assesses needs, and develops, implements and evaluates health educatimn pro-
grams and activities.
� .: Prepares and assembles educationaJ. materia2s including pamphlets; bro�hures,
exhibits, posters, films and film strips, slides and other audio-v�sual
� materials. ,
. Develops and conducts training sessions for staff and volunteer persoinnel
. concerning health programs and facilities. .
Compiles and maintains a health znfarmation library containing pamphliets, �
books, films, slides and� other material; compiles and maintains heia.lth
. � in£ormatiQn resource fi3.e. .
Organizes a�d conducts health eda�ation meetings and conFerences foricom-
munity groups and oxganizations; selects and distributes educatio�al
. � matexials. . .
• �Ians and prepaxes publicity materials zncluding news xeleases, radi� and
� television copy and related art matexials.
Cooxdinates and supplies specific health project information and tra.�ning
to staff personnel. � -
" Confexs with people interes�ed in planning health education programs, nakes
xecommendat?ons, compiles xeference materials and suggests futuxe� health -
agency involvement. ' ,'�
Assists in compi.ling and preparing statistical and naxxative sectiort�s of
annual reports and other appropriate agency publications.
P.eceives and responds to inquiries from the general pub�.ic xelated t�o infor-
mation concernin; health sexvices and. heal�h educational resource�s. ..
(continued on xeverse side)
� ,
. Effective November 2�, 1977
iVarking knowledge of public health education prin:.ipl;s and practiceso
ti9�rking ability to deal tactfully and ef£ectively with the general publi�
and st�.£f pexsonnel. . . . .
Working ability to organize and coordinate work activities,
Working abili�ty to use and interpret health statistics;• , , .
Consid8rable ability to communicate.effectively both orally an3 in wr�.tinge
T�ro years' experience as a Health Educator I or equivalen*� - .
. ' . : �: - � , .
' .. . . . .. - _ : � , . . . " : �
. _ � .
, . • . _
. . (
- 15 -
The St. Paul Division of Public Health gives the
following assurances to the Saint Paul Foundation if
the grant is received:
1. The funds will be spent solely for the pur-
poses stated in the application, and make
such reports as are required by the foundationo
2e The St. Paul Division of Public Health real-
izes that any payment of funds granted, should
that occur, �aill be at the convenience of the
foundation, including modification of previously
agreed upon payment schedules should such mod-
ification be deemed necessary by the foundation.
3. The St. Paul Division of Public Health under-
stands_ that the foundation, in ressarching this
grant application, may if it deer:is appropriate,
review any and all of the information submitted
• as part of this request with advisors of the .
foundation` s choosingo
S55 Ced�r '+ ���
j� . - 16 - �
�`•����� rn�r r�T �T�f ,-��, f�
zrv o�; � �i�3.:L �i� ►�Jt�.31�i�' ���J�u, t:��1N:G'�'�'t��A
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� • � ' For tna Fisc�al Year Endzd
� DECEN18ER 31,1981
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' Ciiy oP Snint Faul, Hinaeao.a /"�
GEKEBAL FtI:7D , . ' SCt1?G111I� Z
� Fo: the Fzeca? Year Ended DecCmbrr 31. 1S81
�� . � • � . TOC316 . �
� Year Euded :
� Deceober 31
1981 19R0
,.. REYE.RUES � .�_ ___._, '
j; . ?axes:
�i i Pzoperty i.axes - :
Current Tax�ayer I4,519.132 I3.440�951
De2inqueat Zazpayer 355,442 310.24: �
�; , Fiscal Disparitiea 2;201,27b 4�8,033
�� ?o[al Property Taxes 16,075,850 14,659,305
�i Peoalties and Interect on Yroperty Tazes 70.694 78,786 _ f
�f Eorfeited Tax Sale Apportiooment 62,fi84 51.526.
�� . , Gsoas Earnings Franchiae Fee� 14,8�3,085 13,532,595
Salec and Use Tax 228,426 199.190
Dsug Store nnd Hortwry Tax 3,806 - 3,804 •
Total Taxes i '
S 31.314.545 20,525,509 ' � •
: Licence9 and Yerwita 2.684,215 -2,593.478 . -
• Intergovezrmeutal Ravenue (See Scbedule 36) 34,923,241 32,194,747
�t Fees� Sales and Servicea 2,375,992 2,524,770 � • � �
�: _ Assessmeots - Hiseellaneous - - y�6y1�
4� ' Interest Earned: . . .
� On Investments 1.373,700 1.291,933 _ .
Other 119 . • - '
. Hiecallan�ous Revenue 399,b47 369,915 + • � � � .
�f . To[al Revr_nues . -
73,071,459 67�502,996
'�' Curren[: .
y' - Ceneral Govermnent 6.459,683 b,233,141 _
"� Publi< SaEet -
y 3U.,713,244 28,653,711
Highvays $nd Streets 5.700,239 5.�5�,701 .
9; Health �-- , „ ,_ _, ..; _ _r,�_ , _-....o.�;,,.�_T-4..865.059._'��,?3f..�..',f1,;;_
Culture and Recre�tion - 9.989,3T9 8,7u2,�8i"
�, . Economic Davelopment 135,02J 69.628
� Economic Opportunity 141,825 139,348- - - '-' -I'.
Hiscellaneous - ° '�
�,1 .
Employee Fringe Benefita 14,049.323 1I.976,67T � • ` . _ .
�� gublic Improvement Aid 191,S15 241,278 • r� `
�� Other 1.403,447 1,757.012 '
Capital putlay 2,325,745 2,325,335 .
;� Total Expenditures 74,941.I42 6$,B84,736 � -
� ..
Exces9 of Reveoves Over (Under) Expenditures (I,859,683) (1,381,�40)
Operatin3 Transfers In 5,192,053 S�Z83,656
Operatzng Tzansfers Ou[ (3,456,141) (2,94b,551)
^ _ y •
� Total O�hrr Financing Sources (Uses) 1,735,9l2 2,330,705 `i�.�
. Excess of Revertues and O[her SourceE Over
� (Under) Expenditures and Othe: Uses (133,771) 450,393
# - - --- -
FUND BAUNC£, January 1 13,2I0,813 12,373,370 ,
z Residual Equity Transfer Io 148,105 228
: Residual Equi[y 7zans:er Ou[ (164,011) (113,178)
� Decrease in Reserve for Inventory (129.510) t4,572)
� F1JND BALANCE, Decenber 31 • -^12,431,550 13-210,813�
i The �otes to the £inancLal atatrmente aze an integral part of this sta[eaent.
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�' SCHcD[!L� Oe RE{iESUeS - BUDGET A:YD ACTUAl, SC�12C�LL�.e G' '
� SPcCIAL REVE.tiUE F�'tiDS " 2O - '
� -�� For thz r'isca2 Yea: £n3ed Decembzr 31, 1931 •
� ; Yarianc
� � Bu_ dgat Actu.al (Unfavor.
Si{.aDL TiZ'tt DIS£.aSE CO�IROI.
� Inte:goveror anta2 Revenua
.,�, Stace Di:ect Grants-in-4id ,
� Agricul.tural Shade T�e_ Disease Control Su6sidy 215,258 215,258 I -
Fe3eral Direct GranLs-ia-Aid
'� Flood Control ' 12.714 12.7L4 -
?�- I
� • 227,972 22T.972 j -
'-'���. Fees. Sales and Service9 I .
� Servi:e to O[her Ci:y Dzpar�ents . 1,830 I,830 - _
� . Serv�ce to the Yub2ic 37,372 37.372 , -
,.� . .
i. • . 39,202 39,202 -
� Sale of tlssets 2,410 2,410 � _ -
�s .� ,
� Total Revenues . . . � 269>584 2b9.584 G . -
� Operating Transfers ia from � � �
� General Fund 9I3,269 913,2b9 ' . -
� Special Revenua sund '
� Communi[y Developaiant Block Crant : 95,961 95.9b1 ' -
� . • . , _
1>fl49,230 1,009.230 '
��` ' • • ..1 _ ,
� Torai. _:. • . �. 7�_e.� .��Z$,,.,,� ; . . -
� • � - - .
� � Z00 A.y I*•!AL . ' " .
� Fees, Sales and Services -- .
� Service to the Public - ' 22,457 �Y2,457 . -
g` Sale of �nimals �- =--_ 1,621 1,621 . -
r TOT.1I. ' ;' c . . 14,,a78 •14.07� � � -
� - �
Fe�s, Sa12s and Servicaa --- - � ' .
i Serviceg "-" 106,50 10�1
� • __... .- . . .
�- � � � � - . . . - t �.. .
'- TOSJY SQ�JARE PARiC Flf?`1D -- . � �
w � Miscellr.neous Revenux • :_ � _
y Program Income . 47,282 47,282i -
? Ocher � 430.043 ' 430,043 -
�� �
� TOI�L . . . _---- ' � . _ 477.3�� � � . -
h - , . .. _ . ., .. ___ _ _ .__ . .._, _
. .. .- .- . , ..
_ ��`� __ __
�:- �:.— -_�_- .-- . . -- - -
�- IaCergoverrs.-eental Revenue� � ' . �
Federal Direct.Crants-in-Aid � �
� �„ 1� Fapily Planning Prnject 297,022 297.Q2 -
� a ; Madei Cities 25b.27I 256,27I� -
--a Fe�'eral Direet GranCS'-ia--Aid .
'o = - S[aCe Adninistere3- . - • ' �
�rn , SpecLal Supplemental food Prograrq 512,439 512,43� � • -
:'� St�te Direcc Graats-in-Aid '
'_ � '� Connunity Heal�h Se:vices . I26,635 � 716,b1� -
� � �� I:ative �.��rican . 39,253 39,25 � = _
_ :� ± ' Leas Sc:eenin; in EPS Pro3:sm 2,713 2,7I :'
° _ � ' -
�� i Scate Famiiy ?laanin3 Grants 33,438 33,43 -
; � � Couacy J?rect G:an_a-in-Aid
� N : Sndre o� Cost 167,725 157.)2
_ �
-; o � � 2,025.496 2,02i.44 -
i t� ` . I
' ..� ce�;, 5a��� a^d Se:vi.cs
r � Se_^.•ic�s 7I2>535 772.5�5 -
� V
+ � � t�•.... t fti��' � _ .
� L�o.2L�3:1�0U3 Y.ev�ne�e - 0_..__
� -� Co:��r:hu:_oas fro� Outsida ?�rcies ' 10,S=r2 10.3'�2 -
= �,�-, e'.e'u^d of Prioc Years Ex�anditures 900 4Q0 -
' fterz�a� o[ Equipcaent 617 . 6 7 -
S 12,�i19 1?.4 9 -
?`�' f Tor,�[. • . _ � Rtn.r,5a . ____ '' __ -
�•, � . t — ____•
- 2� - 2'7954"7 �
�xtra Session - Laws, 1967 - Chaptex� 32 � '
Article XIII � !
Section 25. Stzbdiyi��.on 1. The _following are,.specifically exarapted from the ta�s
. imposed by this Article: ;
(j). The gross receipts from all sales of tangible p r-
sonal property to, and all storage, use or consumption of such property by, the U�iited
States and its agencias and instrumentalities or the state of MInnesota and its a�en-
cies, instrur.�entalities and political subdivisions.
. . . . ' ��� '
_ . Name :3*�;,�r�+s�n#s3#��ms,�v�s� £�.
_ �,�. t :��� �"�
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The St_ Paul Division of Public Health, Department of primary source of state funding is the subsidy allocated
Community Services, operates under the City Charter through the Community E�ealth Services Act (i�4inneso�a �
� adopted,'on June 2, 1972. Under the Charter, which statutes, 1976, Section 145.911-145.922 as amended). .
` estabiishes a strong mayor-council form of government,ihe
City Council elects one of its members as Councit President, The Division of Public Health is divided into Administrativle
who in turn appoints members to serve on nine subcom- Services,Medica}Services and Environmental Health Seevice�. f
� mittees,one of which is Community Szrv�ces and Elections. Administrative Secvices are directed by William G. Timr�h. .
Most components of administration serve only intern�l
The Director of Community Services is appointed by the functions. Only Health Education and Vital Registry sertae
,� mayor with Council approvaL 7'he Honorab!e George the public directly. Medicat Servir.es, directed primarity lty
L.atimer is the mayor. David Paulson, M.D., are provided to prevent and tre�t
disease at an early stage,to maintain good states of health in
Thomas J. Kelley was reappointed as Director of the the community, and to maintain surveillance for potentipl
� Department oE Communiry Services on Oct. 25, 1976. He community hea{th problems.Environmental Hea{th Servic�s
t previously served from July 1973 to January 1975. The are directed by Paul J. Cox, D.V.M., and are designed#o
Division of Public Health is administered by the Public control and prevent develoament of environmental cont�i-
Health Servlces Manager, Edward R. Eberhardt. tions which may adversely affect tne community.
� �
The City Council serves as the Board of Health for St Paul. The Division acts as fiscal agent, in part,for.Face to Fa�,
A 15-member Commutiity Health Senjices(CHS)Advisory Family Tree, Hetping Hand, North End, and West Si e
� Committee to the Board was appointed by the mayor in Neighborhood Health Clinics.The Division also actsas fise�al
� 1977.Its function was to advise the City Councii on health agent for the state•funded tndian Health Program,a Spe�l
policy and appropriation of CHS funds. The 15-member Grants project. The Model Cities Fiealth Center, w6i h
CHS Advisory Committee for St. Paul was dissolved by the opened in 1972, is part of the Division.
� City Council on Apri126,1979,through council resolution. j�
'The dissolution was effected for the formation of a new BeginningonFeb.7,1977,thirteenprogramsweresubsidiz�d
Committee to advise in the drafting of both the St Paul and through CHS tunding Community health Administratia�n,
suburban Ramsey County CHS plans for 1980-81. Maternal and Infant Care (MtC), Tuberculosis Contrpl,
� Public Health Nurtition,Dental Hea(th,Child Health Clini�s,
� A new 21-member CHS Advisory Committee,consisting of Healt6 Laborato_y,Environmental Control,Venereal Dise e
boih city and suburban Ramsey County residents, was Control, Streptococcal Detection, Health Services for t e
formed on June 4, 1979,by the Ramsey County Board of Elderly, Food Regulation, and Health Educatioa Mi
� Commissioners. This committee is composed of thirteen which began in 1966, is no longer under the Divisio 's
(13) St. Paut CHS representatives and eight(8) suburban. jurisdiction. The program was transferred to St. Pa -
representatives.The makeup of this committee consists of Ramsey Medical Center on Oct.1,2977.The Nuisance a d
� eleven(11)public officials,four(4}health providers,and six Complaint component of Environmental Control was tra s-
^(6) consumers. ferred from the Divison's jurisdiction to that of the Divis n
. ' of Housing and Building Code Enforcement on May ,
� Previous to the 1972 charter,the Division was known as the 1979.
Sureau of Health under the Department of Public Safety. ,�f
-1� T5e department u.�as directed by a commissioner elected at In 1979, the Southeast Asian screening program began in
large by the vote:s.The Bureau of Hzalth u�as established in response to the large influx of Southeast Asian refuge�s.
2914. Previous to tha� public health services were under The screening clinic expanded in 1950 to include prim�ry
� the St.Paul Soard of Heatth which was established in 1854. care. ln 1981 the Division's non-public school nursi�ng
A committee on heatth was active even before that time. program ended after more than 5Q years involvement.7�e
service has been absorbed by independant School Dist ct
"Che St Paul Uivision of Public Health is funded primarily #(�25. A separate medical records unit was established�in
� through local taac revenues. Other sources include federal the agency. �
and state grants, fees, cor,tractual and other incomes. A �
� i
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Councelman � SU�A►N VANN'cL1_I
- Le�islative Ai�e
� , June 2, 1982 � -
. . .
. • - : . .
`, • �
• . .
, Councilman Robert Fletcher, 722 City Hall i
Legislative Aide--Pat Devane, 721 City Hall. �'hone: 298-5�78 .
Secretary--Jane Chada . �
Councilman Leonard Levine, 718 City Hall + Phone: 298-�:473 �
Legis2ative Aide--t•lark Skubic, 717 City Nall N
� Secretary--Gloria Frantzen � � ��
. Councilman'Hugo Masanz, 704 City Hall Phone: 2g8-5�g9
Legislative Aide--Leonard "Red" Vanek, 703 City Hall ��
Secretary--Do].ores Tautges (Temporary) �! �
� Councilman Chris Nicosia, 701. City Hall Phone: 298-4�75
Legislative Aide--Lou Cotroneo, 702 City Ha12 �f
. Secretary--Ruth Swanson �
Councilman James Schezbel, 716 City Hall Phone: 298-5fi179 �
Legislative Aide--t�iae Seely Sylvester, 715 City Hall �
Secretary--Deborah Sederstrom ,�
1 ,
Councilman Victor J. Tedesco, 719 City Hall Phone: 298-55106
(Cauncil President}
Legislative Aide--Susan Vannelli, 720 Cifiy Hall . •r
Secretary--Lois Coakley ,�
' ; Councilman i�illiam Flilson, 713 Cifiy Hall Phone: 298-46`�4fi
� f Legislative Ai.de--t4artha Cobb, 714 City Hall «
Secretary--Vera Oakes ,M
. . � I . _
CCCY F(.1LI. Sf3Vf:�iT[I I�fAOft SAIN"1'!'AUi.. t�tt\;ti:iSU'1'.� iilOL � i
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� - 24 - �
°F 2'�954'�
January - 1982
Birth Date: August 2, 19�4
Address: 159 ricBoal Street �
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 .
Telephone: 297-9630 (home)
292-7723 (work) ' i
Iiigh School: Superior Senior High School, Superior, Wisconsin �
Undergraduate: University of Wisconsin, Superior .
Degree: Bach.elor of Science I
: Major: Physical Education .
Minor: Health Education ' '
Graduate School: University of Wisconsin, LaCrosse
Public Health - Emphasis: School Health Education ;
Three credits and Thesis remaining for completion of �Ma�ster •
Science (Thesis work near comQletion) �
. Public Health Administration Contemporary Health Issues
Mental Health Philosophical .Foundations .of Educatio�t
Drugs and Alcohol Educational Research
Principles of .Sex Education Grantsmanship Workshop (30 hours) i
Health Aspects of Aging Community Health Perceptorship I
Psychological Aspects of Health Behav�.or
� Current: Health Educator II tor St. Pau1 Division of Public Realth�y
555 Cedar Street, St. Pau1, riinnesota 55101 (Nov. 1979'': -
present) .i
Duties: Plan, direct, coordinate, and evaluate health education p�ograms
in all public and private schools in St. Panl and Ramse�
• County, •pres:chool-grade 12. �
Plan, coordinate and evaluate St. Paul adult community he��th
education programs. -� � �
Specific Duties: Development of a comprehensive health education curri.culujn for
preschoolers in conjunction with Ramsey Action Program �
Project Head Start. i
Development and implementation of a Biofeedback Smoking Ihter, •
vention Project for pregnant adolescents.
Development af a computer based health Iifestyle assessme�t for
junior high students. �
Grant writino to obtain funds for school health education;
, �
Consultant to schooZ health personnel of Ramsey Action Frogram
Project Head Start, St. Paul and Ramsey County K-12 public
and private schools.
Member Health Advisory Board Ramsey County Project Head Start.
Member Ramsey Coun.ty Nutrition Advisory Board.
tJestinghouse Health Consultant.
Health Educatar for Ramsey County Lung Association, 614 Portland Avenue, St. Paul, Minne-
sota 55102 (April 1978-November 1979) .
Duties: Plan, direct, coordinate, and evaluate�School Health Education
programs within the agency. .
Accomplishments: Teacher training.
Coordination and implementation of primary grades health curri-
culum. (tdhite Bear Lake, St. Paul Parochial Schools)
� Evaluation of primary grades health curriculum.
Development of smoking education program i.n Ramsey County Schools.
Recruitment, trair.�ng and coordination of volunte�rs.
Development of Internshin Program, Intern Supervisor.
Planning and coordination of junior and senior high school pro-
Graduate field taork done at Harry J. Olson Senior Citizen Center, LaCrosse, t4isconsin.
(1977-1978) .
Duties: . Ass3st �lirector in the planning, implementation, coordination,
direction and evaluation of center's program.
Accounplishments: Developed "Good Health. Through riovement", (exercise program for
the elderly) .
Title VII Nutrition Program - Technical Assistant.
. Coordination of volunteers through R.S.V.P.
' Noontime health education presentations.
Instructor of. classical bal�.et at Western Wisconsin Ballet Academy, LaCrosse, Wisconsin
(1977-1978) .
Substitute teacher, LaCrosse, Wisconsin (1976-1978) .
Teacher-intern and substitute teacher, 'Cloquet, Minnesota (rall-1976) •
Community Education Instructor, Duluth, riinnesota (1975-I976) . .
Society of Public Health E�ucators (SOPH�) , 1979-80 Chairperson of School Health Task
Minnesota Alliance for Health, Physical Education and P.ecreation (i•�Pr.R) .
American Alliance for Healtn, Physical Education and Recreation (AAHPEK) .
Comuni $ervices
Jeraldine Day CONTACT
292-7723 PHONE ���� �� .
November 1, 1982 DATE
(Routing and Explanation Sheet)
Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature):
�Department Director
f� Ci ty Attorney ������-�l���
3 Director of Management/Mayor ,
,_ ,
Finance and Management Ser�ices Director � � �
4 City Clerk �_-:a-�---�.` . _ ,=�=���
Budget Director
i�hat Will be Achieved b Takin Action on the Attached Materials? Pur ose Rationale :
Fulfillment of the requirement by the Saint Paul Foundation that the governing body of the ity
review and approve the proposed grant application.
Financial , �udgetary and Personnel Impacts Ar�ticipated:
Total budget for Yeor One is $13,938; total budget for Year Two is $12,495. Additional
personnel needed: Health Education Assistant - 0.5FTE. In-kind contribution: 0.25 FTE
Health Educabr 11 .
Funding Source and Fund Activity Nur�er Charged or Credited:
New code
Attachments (List and Number all Attachments) :
1 - Resolution
2 - Letter to Mr. Paul A. Yerret, Executive Director, Saint Paul Foundation
3 - Grant Application - "A Comprehensive Health Education for Preschoolers"
Yes No Cauncil Resolution Required? Resolution Required? X Yes No
Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No j�j�
Yes No Insurance Attached?
Revision of October, 1982
(See Reverse Side for Instructions