279546 M�HITE - GITV CLERK ��54� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By � ��£�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �+ An admini strative Re solution e stabli shing the rate of pay for Clinic Dentist in the Salary Plan and Rate s of Compensation Re soluti.on. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rate s of Compensati.on R.esolution be amended in Secti.on II B thereof, under the heading "SpeCial Employments" by striki.ng out the following: "Dentist - Clinic $55. 00 per clinic session and by substituting in lieu thereof, in p�oper alphabeti.cal order, the following: "Clinic Dentist $18. 00 per hr. with 0-2 yrs. experienc� $20. 00 per hr. with 2-4 yrs. experienc� $23. 00 pe r hr. with ove r 4 yr s. expe ri�nce " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas F�� Nays PERSONNEL OFFIC Levine In Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibe� � __ Against BY — �edeaev— W�Fs«r— I DEC ��9a2 Form Ap oved y Cit to ey Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Y�;s Counc�l Se a BY . By , , t�pp by Mavor. �.- �EC � 0 �9�1 Ap y Mayor for Subm to Council By Pt�BUSHED D E C 18 1982 " I I WM17E - C�TV CLERK ' • • COUIICII ���4� PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L CANARV - DE?ARTMENT BIUE - M4vpR File �O. ..1 CITY CLERK �DUncil Resolution : Presented By Referred To Committee: Date . s Out of Committee By Date -_ r. An admini strative Re solution e stabli shing the rate of pay for Clinic Dentist in the Salary Pla.n and Rate s of Compensation Re soluti.on. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resoluti.on be amended in Section II B thereof, under the heading "Special Employments" by striking out the following: _ "Dentist - Clinic $55. 00 per clinic session , and by substituti.ng in lieu thereof, in proper alphabetical order, the following: � "Clinic Dentist $18. 00 per hr. with 0-2 yrs. e�erienqe $20. 00 per hr. with 2-4 yrs. experiende � $23. 00 per hr. with over 4 yrs. experi�r�ce " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ��� Nays � pERSONNEL OFFICE �e1�"e In Favor Masanz Nicosia ' scneibe� � __ Against BY �edesco aAL'Jsoa-- ���,' 7 ��Z� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY B; Approved by �tavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council R�• _ BY «- • �a _�-� PersonnelOffice DEPARTI•1ENT Bernard P. Wrigh.t�rONTACT ����� 298�V4221 PHONE ���� �� . DATE (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Il Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Sign�ture): � ��Department Director �'' � Ci ty Attorney �T,���y���`�.� (;� Di rector of Management/Mayor ,,,,� Finance and Management Services Director �'�'���:1 ` ' �� :�"'2 � Ci ty C1 erk ���;;;'z�� .�. ::; 9 i�' Budget Di rector What Will be Achieved b Takin Action on the Attached Materials? Pur ose Rationa is so uti.on esta is es in e ary an an ates o ompen.sation Resolu •i.n. Section II B (Special Employments) the rate of pay for the new ti.tle�of Clianic Dea ' t which is bein.g established in the Special Employment Section ,(3.M) of the`Civil Service u1es. It abolishes the rate of pay for Denti.st - Clinic in the sam� secti.on. The abolishe rate is $55.00 per clinic session. The new hourly rate will be as follows: $18. 00 per hr. with 0-2 �crs. of experience ' $20. 00 per hr. with 2-4 yrs. of experience $23. 00 per hr. with over 4 yrs. of experience Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: A a�i,�;i�a.;has traditionally been defi.ned as a 4 hour period. The previous wage was erefore $13. ?5 per hour. The rate was last changed in October, 1979. There are two par tim�e dentists who work approxim.ately the equivalent of 1. 2 FT�'s. The cost per year o the increase will 1i� $15, 600. The Department intends to develop a slidi.ng fee scale to ecuperate some of the dental costs � � Funding Source and Fund �lctivity Number Charged or Credited: Attachments (List and Number all Attachments) : 1. R.e solution � 2. Copy for City Clerk. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? �C Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No NA Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 � (See Reverse Side for 'Instructions � � , �� - � 2'�954� � ► CIT�' OF SAINT PAIJL � � OFFIC� OF 7`H� CITY COIINCIL ! ,.,,,..:: ,Q,�.._.�:� p a t e • " " � November 19, 198� i � ! COMM (TTEE RE PORT � � TO = SQ�nf Paul City Council ' F R � � � C o rn r�r�i t t e e O h Finance, Management F� Personne 1 ; C H A 1 R James Scheibel . _ . . . � � _- 2. Resolution enabling the libraries to spend additional revenue re�eived in 19$2. r (Community Sezvices) `�� ' - - t . l . 3_ Resolutiort allowing the libraries to spend 198I fund balance and increased 1�82 interest income� for needed books and materials_ (Community Sezvices � �4. Resolution adopting the Revenue Sharing Budget under which we operate entered � on the City's financial records. (Finance Dept.) - ' - �.-�> � 5. Resolution authorizing additions to the 1982 Specia� Projects - Police � ,. _ _ Rudget. (Police Dept.) ����� , � 6. Resolution adopting the Severance Pay Budget under which_t.e operate entered qn- . ► � , the City's financial �records. (Finance Dept.) #tifi,,,,�= • . 7. 'Resolution adopfiing the Revenue Sharing Budget under �,rhich we are oper.ating �ntered on the 4ity�s financial records. (Finance Dept.)y���,.�'.'"�p� 8. Resolution enabling the libraries to spend noney received in 1982 and 1983 fx�+om � the Friends of the Library for specified projects. (Community Services) _,. �� � 9. Resolution enabling the Libraries to spend the 1981 Fund Balances and 198? � Grants on the specific projects for which the money was received. (Community $erv��) � j 10. Resolution abolishing numerous vacant titles in Sections of the Civil Service� Rules. (Personnel) �—• -a� , �,�::�:;_� � . ,� 1 RPsolution establishing the Salary Plan and.Rates of Co ensation Resolution �'or � the new title of Clinic Dentist. (personnel.) �� 7� _�.� '- � ,_2. Resolution establishing the title of Clinic Dentist�.and a class specification! Perso3 e '� � ` �) 13. Re s o l u Lion ma king t he certification process more flexible (Personnel)�C=�3,:�3� ' :�: __. 14. P.esolution replacing the class specification for Fzre Equipment Qperator (Per;onne).)l�L a O 15. Resolution a p p r o v i ng Specia l In terme diate School District I�o. 916 as a full � r.+roN contributing participant of aur Joint Purchasin Office. .,.�.�;:�"� S (Finance/Purchasin 16. Fesolution approving current Port Authorit ract' g�.-- Y y p ices in ho1din�R_�liblic heari�os required by law in the issuance of bonds. (Finance) ��,�'`��-0� ! 17. Resolution approving an agreement with ISD �625 providing various police serv�,ces for the elementary school patrol program (Police Dept.) ��-�D.,,�. 18. Resolution approving two budgetar�.a.ctions for the Housing Information Office ' (Housing Information Office)�..A,�,�o�-�-� .