279545 WH17E - CITV CLERK �`�unCll 2'�9�145 PINK -�FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L BL/JE - MAVOR File NO. , + ' Council Resolution Presented By ����'/ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative R.esolution starring (abolishing except as to present incumbents) certain titles and class specifications in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.A 9 by i i starring (abolishing except as to present incumbents) the following title: � Lathe r ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended in Section 3.B by starring (abolishing except as to present incumbents) the followimg title s from the Grade indicated: TITLE GR.ADE Accounting Clerk II-Renewal 24 Clerk-Stenographer II-Renewal 16 Cle rk-Stenographe r III-Renewal 22 Clerk-Typist I-R.enewal 10 Clerk-Typist II-Renewal 14 Parking Lot Attendant II 19 , Parking Ramp Attendant 8 Relocation Cle rk 22 Se c re ta ry-Rene wal 26 Stores Clerk-Renewal 22 ; and be, it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Ru].es be further amended in 5ection 3. C by starring (abolishing except as to present incurnbents) the follow�ng -1 - COUNCIL�IEN � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher �evine In Favor Masanz NiCOSia schetbe� _ __ Against BY TedesCo W ilsoa Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By ; t�pproved by ;Vlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council! BY - – — BY title s from the 'Grade indicated: ������� � TITLE GR.ADE Assistant Superintendent of Stadium 28A Stadium Supe rvi sor 30M ; andbeit FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended in Section 3. J by starring (abolishing except as to present incumbents) the followi.ng title s from the Grade indicated: TITLE GRADE Accountant I-Renewal 7 Architect II-Renewal 15 '� Architect III-Renewal 20 Assistant Grants-In-Aid Coordinator 15 Chemist I 9 Chemist II 13 City Planner II-Renewal 9 City Planne r III-Renewal 13 Civil Engineer I-Renewal 11 Civil Engineer II-Renewal 15 Community Health Se rvice s Coordinator 9 Dietician 5 Planning Supervisor 21 Project Assistant I-Renewal 7 Research Coordinator I-Renewal 7 Supervisor of Relocation 20 ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amendejd in Section 3. K by starring (abolishing except as to present incumbents) the follmwing titles from the Grade indicated: TITLE GRA.DE Assistant Purchasing Agent 19 Chief of Public Systems Planning and Development 30 Deputy Health Officer 26 Supervisor of Project Services 23 ; and; beit FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amend�d in Se ction 3. L by starring (aboli shing except as to pre sent incumbents) the following title s from the Grade indicated: TITLE GRADE Architectural Technician 30 A s se s sment Cle rk II 26A Loan and Grant Specialist II 32 Planning A s si stant I 22 Planning Assistant II 26 Public Buildings Technician II-Renewal 34 Public Information Technician 26 ; an� be it -2- WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII ��J��U PINK - FW�ANCE - ■ GANARV -�EPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL j�'� BL-E - MAVOR File NO. - � � Council Resolution Presented By ���� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended in Section 3.M by starring (abolishing except as to present incumbents) the following title s: TITLE ' School Bus Driver School Bus Driver-Occasional ; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be further amendad in Section 32 thereof by striking out the class specifications for all the above-lfsted titles and also the class specification for the title of: TITLE Parking Meter Crew Leader App rove d: � Chai rman, C '1 Se rvice ommi s on -3- COUfVCILINIEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �- PERSONNEL OFFICE �evine In Favor Masanz � Nicosia scheibe� _ � __ Against BY s.ieee� .YUi1esR� �C► r� �q�, For pprove by C' rney Adopted by Council: Date � r Certified a s y ounci , cr BY Bl • . � App v b A7avor: D e _ D 1 f��? Approv y Mayor for Su i ion to Council ! . � ; By - — � _'�� Ft�BUSHED D E C 18 1982 _ . _. __ __ _ - ------------ --- - - ----__ _ _.__ __. _- -— _ _ _ _ - - — -- -- --- -+-___ ----- WHITE -�'CITV CLEFtK �9�,�i45 PINI( - FINANCE COUIICIl GANARV - DEPARTMENT � � G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L BLUE - MAVOR File NO.� CITY CLERK Council Resolution Presented By Referred To � Committee: Date � - Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution starring (abolishing except as to present i.ncumbents) certain titles and class specifications i.n the Civil Service Rules. ; RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be amended i.n Se cti.on 3.A 9 by j starring (abolishing except as to present incumbents) the following �Eiitlec Lathe r ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended i� Section 3.B by starring (abolishing except as to present incumbents) the followi�ig titles from the Grade indicated: TITLE GRADE � Accounti.ng Clerk II-Renewal 24 Cle rk-8tenographe r II-Renewal 16 Cle rk-Stenographe r III-Renewal 22 ' Clerk-Typist I-R.enewal 10 Clerk-Typist II-Renewal 14 Parking Lot Attendant II 19 ' Parking Ramp Attendant ' 8 Relocation Cle rk 22 Se c re tary-R.enewal 26 Stores Clerk-Renewa.l 22 . ; and bei it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Sectian 3. C by starring (abolishing except as to present incumbents} the followi.xig -1- COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �et�n�. �ev�ne In Favor • Masanz • Nicoaia scheibst Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date i Certified Yassed by Council S°cretary By B� Approved by .Vlavor: Date Approved by Mayorfor Submission to Council By By � � titles from the Grade indicated: TITLE GR,ADE As si stant Supe rintendent of Stadium 28A Stadium Supe rvi so r 30M ; a.nd be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be furfher amended in Section 3. J by starring (abolishing except as to present incumbents) the following titles from the Grade indicated: TITLE GRADE Accountant I-Renewal 7 Architect II-Renewal �5 A.rchitect III-Renewal 20 Assistant Grants-In-Aid Coordinator 15 Che mi st I 9 � Chemist II 13 City Planner II-Renewal g City Planne r III-Renewal 13 Civil Enginee r I-Renewal 11 Civil Engineer II-Renewal 15 Community Health Services Coordinator 9 Dietician 5 Planning Supe rvi sor 21 Project As si stant I-Renewal ? Research Coordinator I-Renewal 7 Supervisor of Relocation 20 � ; a.nd be it �'URTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 3. K by starring (abolishing except as to present incumbents) the following • titles from the Grade indicated: TITLE GR.ADE As si st ant Purcha sing Agent 19 Chief of Public Systems Plar�ning and Developrnent 30 Deputy Health Officer 26 Supervisor of Project Services 23 ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 3.L by starring (abolishing except as to present incumbents) the following title s from the Grade indicated: TITLE GRADE Architectural Technician 30 As se s sment Cle rk II 26A • Loan and Grant Specialist II 32 . Planning Assistant I 22 - Planning Assistant II 26 Public Buildings Technician II-Renewal 34 Public Informa.tion Technicia.n 26 ; aad be i t -2- __ _ -- -- - ----- ------- ---__------ -- ___ _ — --- — —_-- --- .._- _- - ---- —'--------- M�HITE - CITV CLERK , CDUnCll �'`1�545 PINK - FIN�ANCE ' G I TY O F SA I NT PA iT L � CANARV - OEPARTMENT � � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date . � Out of Committee By Date r , FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amen ed in Section 3.M by sta.rring (abolishin,g except as to present incumbents) the i following title s: ; TITLE School Bus Driver School Bus Driver-Occasional ; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amend�d in Section 32 thereof by striking out the class specifications for all the above-listed titles and also the class specifi.cation for the title of: TITLE Parking Meter Crew Leader Approved: , Chairmaaz, Civil Service Coxnmis 'on -3- � COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: � Yeas Fletcher Nays PERSONNEL OFFICE nnasa�z In Favor " • Nicosia scneybe� _ Against BY " � Tedesco • W ilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date , Certi(ied Fassed by Council Secretary BY » Bp 6lpproved by �Navor. Date Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By -- . � � . I . . � � - � . - (�ZTY OF s�.IN'.0 P��.UL - 2'��54� � ,�.�... OFrFICF� OF 1'HF� CITY COUNCIL � .,..,... � 'Q'�"_'��" D a t e . , _ November 19 1982 i i , � COMMITT � E R E PO RT � TO t Soint Pau i City Councit ' i F R� � = C o m t�n it t e e O h Finance, Management $ Personnel � i � � i C H A I R James Scheibel ! ' f _ __ � _- 2. Resolution enabling�the libraries o spend additional revenue received in 1982. � (Com�r.unity Services) ' ' _ . - - � • . :� ' - - • _ f 3: Resolution allowing the libraries to spend 198I fund balance and increased 1982' ' � interest income� for needed books and materials. (Community Services ! �4. Resolution adopting the Revenue Sharing Budget under which we operate entered on tI�►e City's financial records. (Finance Dept.) . ' � 5. Resolution authorizing additions to the 1982 Speciat Projects - Police � - _ - Rudget. (Police Dept.) ,������� • 6. Resolution adopting the Severance Pay Budget under which t�e operate entered on- '' ' ! � . the City's financial records. (Finance Dept.) ��� • . 7. Resolution adopting Lhe Revenue Sharin Bud et un .. ' � g g der sahich we are oper.atircg en��red � on the �ity�s financial records. (Finance Dept.)��,� , F . • . � ! 8. Resolution enabling the libraries to spend noney received in 1982 and 1983 from � � the Friends of the Library for specified projects. (Community Services) � �U __ � _��� ' ! 9. Resolution enab ling t he Libraries to spend the 198I Fund Balances and 1982 � Grants on the s ecific 3.�� ! p px-oj ects for which the money was received. (Community Se ices)�= � 10 Resolution abolishing numerous vacant titles in Sections of the Civil Service Rt�les. (Personnel) �y?X._3:,-�D:�� ,r�� �c� _ ' / o l/ lI. Resolution establishing the SaZary Plan and.Rates of Co ensation Resolution for � •- the new title of Clinic Dentist. (Personnel.)���.,.� ; � � ._2. Resolution establishing the title of Clinic Dentist�.and a class specification rso ne �' � �3� 13. Resolution making the certification process more flexible (Personnel � .�- <__ 14. P.esolution replacing the class specification for Fire Equipment Operator (Personhel.) a Q I5. Resolution a p proving Specia l Intermediate School District ho. 916 as a full � �' . contributing participant of our Joint Purchasing Office_ (Finance/Purchasin ab��*� g`���',,.:- : lE. Fesolution approying current Port Authority pracfiices in holdinj_�t�blic hearinosl reQuired by law in the issuance of bonds. (Finance) +���--O rt ' 17. Resolution approving an agreement with ISD �625 providing various police service$ for the elementary school patrol program (Police Dept.) �C�.�:a-,�� I 18. Resolution approving two budgetar�actxons for the Housing Inf:ormation Office (Housing Information Office)�'iLF� '�a��o:-�� . h. � ' a�`� Personnel y DEPARTI•1ENT 5�� Bernard P. Wright r.ONTACT 298-4221 PHONE � 11 2 82 DATE reen � (Routing and Explanation Sheet) b ' Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): „� partment Director � City Attorney __.�-�--� � _-�,e �, ��L 3�Director of Management/Mayor :�:,�`-`�-����-� Fi nance and Management Servi ces Di rector �.�,,�.� ;.� -- `�"�� City Clerk r � Budget Director ��{��R+�r�'�� ��y��,,���� ��hat Will be Achieved b Takin AGtion on the Attached Materials? Pur ose Rationale : Thi a re solution aboli she s numbe rous vacant title s in Section 3.A 9 (Building Trade s Ung�aded Lather), 5ection 3. B(Clerical), Section 3.C {Custodial Engineers), Secti 3.J (Professional-Administrative Non-Supervisors), Section 3.K dProfessional-Adminis ative Supervisors), Section 3.L (Techn.ical) and Section 3. M (5pecial Employment Group) d the class �pecificati.ons in 5ection 32 of the Civil Service Rules. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: luone. Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: Attachments (List and N wnber all Attachments) : 1. R.e s oluti on 2. Copy for City Clerk DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? � Yes � No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No l{/�. Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for �Instructions ��