00-365S u�pS�•��� e, — A�Qr `� �`j � c7-OC� O R Green Sheet # i o �,q S 6 OF. Presented by Referred To 1 2 3 4 L, Council File # c c� , 3� S 0 Date f 7�.Y1�1i�11Zi]`G[ly�i�iV�l�[f1\y9/1[N_\ TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT'S CONTAMINATION CLEA� TP GI2ANT PROGRAM 5 WHEREAS, the City desires Centex Multifamily Communities to develop the site known as the "Upper Landing" 6 intoamixeduselmixedincome,rentalandownershiphousingincludingaffordablehousingconsistentwiththegoals 7 oftheCity'sadoptedHousingActionPlanandcommercialusestoincreasetheCity'st�base,availabilityofhousing 8 types and job opportunities; and � WfIEREAS, Centex Multifamily Communities has submitted a proposal to the City to develop the Upper Landing 10 site consistent with the City's desires and goals pursuant to the City's Comprehensive Plan; and 11 12 W f IEREAS, the City has identified the Upper Landing site as eligible for the Department of Trade and Economic 13 Development's Contamination Cleanup Grant Program allowing an unique opportunity to submit an application 14 during the spring funding cycle; and 15 WHEREAS, the Dale Street Shops (Maxim Steei site) mixed use development is of the highest priority for the City 16 of Saint Pau1, Minnesota (the "City") regarding contaminated soils clean-up; and 17 WHEREAS, the Dale Street Shops mixed use development at this time is not ready for submission of a grant 18 application to the Department of Trade and Economic DevelopmenYs Contamination Cleanup Crrant Program's 19 spring funding cycle, but rather shall be submitting an application during the Department of Trade and Economic 20 DevelopmenYs Contamination Cieanup Grant Program's fa11 funding cycle; and 21 WHEREAS, Centex Multifamily Communities' proposal is not feasible unless assistance is secured from DTEA to 22 clean up environmental hazazds identified on the Upper Landing site. 23 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEA, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City") that 24 the City act as the legal sponsor for project(s) contained in the Contamination Cleanup Grant Program to be 25 submitted on May 1, 2000 and that the Executive Director of the Department of Pianning and Bconomic 26 Development is hereby authorized to apply to the Department of Trade and Economic Development for funding of 27 this project on behalf of the City. 28 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City has the legal authority to appiy far financial assistance, and the 29 institutional managerial, and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration. 30 31 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the sources and amounts of the local match identified in the application are 32 committed to the project identified. 1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEA, that the City has not violated any Federal, State or local laws pertaining to fraud, � 2 bribery, graft, kickbacks, coilusion, conflict of interest or other unlawfixl or comxpt practices. oQ,3� 3 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon approval of its application by the state, the City may enter into an 4 agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above-referenced pzoject(s), and that the City certifies that it will 5 comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in all contract agreements. 6 NOW,THEREFOREBEITRESOLVED,thattheExecutiveDirectoroftheDeparhnentofPlanningandEconomic 7 Development ofthe City of Saint Paul is hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement 8 the project(s) on behalf of the applicant. Requested by Department of: � Adoption Certified by � Approved by Mayor: Form Approved by City Attomey By: Approv d b Mayar for Submission to Council By: A,�,Y� ay, z�o: AdoptedbyCouncil: Date ���_� \���ESor PED � NrACT PERSON & R�ONE A11en Caxlson 6-6616 ST eE ON WIiNGIL AGENOA 8Y April �2, 2000 3/30/00 NUYBIX FOR � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � GREEN SHEET en,ut�BlroRFerart � D 4 - 3�.'�-� No 10a956 M� aneoura. � 01'/AlSO111iY 1 � � ❑ CRYCkiRlt ❑ n14I1CILLiiItVICGiOY! ❑ R411CI�LfERV��CCTa. 4❑ _�(/�7/tj 1❑ ,d'Schreier r�vaero�e�tmr.wn =_f_F_ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �crionRtauesren Sign aetached resolutions authorizing City's support of Centex to apnly for dept. of Trade & Economics Developments contamination clean up programs and Met councils tax hase revitalization account which grants if a*,raxded will pay partial cost to clean up hazards on the Upper landing site PIANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION , Fias tMC aersoNfxm eVer xarkoa under a contract rorthis aeaartmenrr VES NO HacMis v�eoMitm a� bcen s dtv �vbvee? YES NO Does Mie Pe'sor�im C� a sldN not rwmiallYP�aesaed by anY wrteM cilY �G�� VES NO IsMia peraon/fiim a tarpetetl vendoi'1 YES MO Upper Landing site is heavily polluted. Centex would like to develop 560-650 uniCS of housing. Grants wi11 defray $5 million cost to cleaa,the site - _____... - _ � ��. .�����°, ft �� � � ��� �� ���ar�s ���' � n-. - � • � «� �, � �"` a r -� � `� � w _..:�: �o-.w > ,. . m,. a. . ��,' Y _���,Sp: x t=` . � � - ,'°�-'... �x . r . , . The site will remain contaminated perventing development oFTwwsacrwws N(A coatmevEqueauoot�eicutc�eoN� rEa ao SOURCE ACTIVRY NUMBER oo-3C5 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Council President Bostrom Councilmember Benanav Councilmember Blakey Councilmember Coleman Councilmember Harris Councilmember Lantry Councilmember Reiter FROM: Brian Sweeney�� Allen Carlson� DATE: March 28, 2000 RE: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT'S CONTAMINATION CLEAN LJP PROGRAM AND A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR THE TAX BASE REVITALIZATION ACCOUNT FOR THE UPPER LANDING SITE Purpose Staff is requesting the City Councii to adopt resolutions supporting Centex's application to the Aepartment of Trade and Economic Development and the Metropolitan Council for hazardous waste clean-up funds to assist in the remediation of contaminants on the Upper Landing Site (formerly the H.S. Kaplan Scrap Yard and former Harvest States Grain Facility). Successful receipt of funds and remediation of the site will allow Centex to develop approximately 649 units of ownership and rental housing. Background In the 1980's, the City acquired the property. The property is now cleared of its former heavy industrial uses and is poised to provide a new orientation that presents the Mississippi River as an amenity to City residents. The site occupies a unique, high profile and pivotal location along the river offering opportunities to reintegrate and reconnect the Mississippi with the City and provide an important link in a regional network of trails. The Upper Landing presents three major challenges to overcome before it can be redeveloped for housing. The soil on the site is unstable for building and requires correction; the site is in the 100-year flood plain and must be raised 3-4 to allow development; and the soils on the site are Page 1 of 3 00 -3G5 contaminated. Subsurface assessment activities completed on the Kaplan site identified metals (pritnarily lead), PCBs and petroleum hydrocarbons at concentrations exceeding unrestricted land use criteria. Elevated PCB elevations aze more localized than the elevated lead concentrations. The metal contazninants and PCBs aze primarily confined to the upper several feet of soil. To meet residential standards, the nnpacted soil will have t� be removed from the site. Investigation of the Harvest States site found 600 cubic yazds of petroleum based contaminants that will need to be moved or stockpiled. Centex has prepazed a Revised Remedial Action Plan for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency that will meet the restoration requirements of a residential community. Proposal On August 25 1999, the IIRA Board designated Centex Corporation as tentative developer of the Upper Landing site for a period of 270 days during which time Centex must determine the site is economically feasible to develop for housing. Centex has prepared and submitted to staff a schematic design to construct b49 rentalJfor sale multifamily housing units along with a financing proposal to develop the housing. Total development value of the site is expected to be about $141 million of which approximately $10.75 miliion of the project costs wiil consist of environmental soil remediation, soil correction, flood piain elevation of the site, demolition of existing infrashucture, storm water ponding and infrastructure improvements. Staff expects business terms to be worked out and presented to the HRA Boazd by eazly to mid-summer. Staff is currently negotiating with Centex on refined design concepts including open space and relationship to the adjacent public trail system along Old Shepard Road, financing terxns and conditions and an affordable housing component for the development. Based upon a preliminary review of the feasibility study material, staff believes the proposal is financially viable given certain funds are secured. Centex is prepared and committed to move forward. A major component to the financial feasibility of the project of which time is of the essence is the need to secure State grants to pay a major portion of the remediation to clean ihe site of hazazdous waste. An opportunity exists for the City to apply, with assistance from Centex, for two State grants, the DTED Contamination Clean-up Grant Program and Metropolitan Council Tax Base Revitalization Account, provided applications are made by the May i deadline. In order to apply the City Council must endorse the grant applications. The proposed financing structure to clean the site ta residential standards is as follows: Sources DTED Grant (75%) $3,863,790 Tax Base Grant (13%) 669,724 Private/Public Match (12%) 618.206 Totals $5,151,720 Uses Remediafion - Kaplans $4,866,110 Remediation - Harvest States 41,100 Infrastructure Demolition 182.307 $5,174,917 Due the nature and time required for pollution clean-up, soil corrections, flood plain elevations corrections, along with coordinated wark efforts for the Mississippi trail corridor, new Shepard Road completion and N5P flood control efforts it is imperative that remediation work be initiated Page 2 of 3 00-3`5 this summer. This will allow for the construction of housing units to begin by early year 2001. The award of grant funds will not be known until June and funding is anticipated by August. Centex is willing to proceed with remediation and correction when the grants are awarded and prior to funding dates. A delay in the application of grant funds will postpone development of the site for at least another year and efFect the overall fmancing of the project Recommendation Staff recommends the City Council adopt the attached resolutions supporting grant applications to the Department Trade and Economic Development's Contamination Cleanup Grant Program and the Metropolitan CounciPs TaY Base Revitalization Account. Attachments 1. Resolution Authorizing Application for the Tax Base Revitalization Account. 2. Resolution Authorizing Application to the Department of Trade and Economic DevelopmenYs Contamination Cleanup Grant Program cc: Bob Schreier x:vsnazea�cAtu.so.ap�oe��ex���re Page 3 of 3 ORIGINAL Green Sheet # ��SQS(�. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Presented By Referred To )LUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA council File # 00 � 3G5 Resolution # Committee: � �� RESOLUTION AUTAORIZING APPLICATION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TTtADE AND ECONOMIC DEVEL MENT'S CONTAMINATION CLEAN[JP GRANT PRO WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City") has id fified the site known as the "Upper Landing" as eligible for the Department of Trade and Economic Deve pmenYs Contamination Cleanup Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City desires Centex Multifamily ( mixed use/ mixed income, rental and ownership housing goals of the City's adopted Housing Action Plan and cotr availability of housing types and job opportunities. , WHEREAS, Centex Corporation has consistent with the City's desires and goais WHEREAS, Centex Corporation's clean up environmental hazards identified ities to develop the Upper Landing into a ig affordable housing consistent with the uses to increase the City's tax base, ,�'a proposal to the City to develop the Uppper Landing to the City's Comprehensive Plan; and il is not feasible unless assistance is secured from DTED to Upper Landing site. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RES VED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City") that the City act as the legal s nsor for project(s) contained in the Contamination Cleanup Grant Program to be submitted on May 1, 000 and that the Executive Directar of the Department of Pianning and Economic Development is hereby uthorized to apply to the Department of Trade and Economic Development for funding of thi project on behalf of the City. BE IT FURTHER and the institutional man BE IT F1 application are VED, that the City has the legal authority to apply for financial assistance, and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration. RESOLVED, that the sources and amounts of the local match identified in the d to the project identified. BE IT RTHER RESOLVED, that the City has not violated any Pederal, State or local laws pertaining fraud, bribery, graft, kickbacks, coliution, conflict of interest or other unlawful or corrupt ,BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon approval of its application by the state, the City may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above-referenced project(s), and that the City certifies Cadsoap\centex�DTED co�tamina5on grant resolution 38 39 40 41 42 that it will comply with all applicabie laws and regulations as stated in all contract agreements. � �-3 LS NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Executive Director of the the Departrnent of Planning and Economic Development of the City of Saint Paul is hereby authorized to execute s�i agreements as aze necessary to implement the project(s) on behalf of the applicant. � ORIGI�IAL Coleman Harris Lantry Reiter Adopted by Co cil Adoption Ce ified B ' _ Appro d by Mayor: By: _ Requested by Department of: �� y/ Planninq & Economic Develonmei�t l� ay: _� Porm Approved by Ci ttorney Date by Council Secretary $Y� Approved by Prtayo Submission to Council Date /� By: /yId Carlsoap\centex\DTED con[amination grant resolution S u�pS�•��� e, — A�Qr `� �`j � c7-OC� O R Green Sheet # i o �,q S 6 OF. Presented by Referred To 1 2 3 4 L, Council File # c c� , 3� S 0 Date f 7�.Y1�1i�11Zi]`G[ly�i�iV�l�[f1\y9/1[N_\ TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT'S CONTAMINATION CLEA� TP GI2ANT PROGRAM 5 WHEREAS, the City desires Centex Multifamily Communities to develop the site known as the "Upper Landing" 6 intoamixeduselmixedincome,rentalandownershiphousingincludingaffordablehousingconsistentwiththegoals 7 oftheCity'sadoptedHousingActionPlanandcommercialusestoincreasetheCity'st�base,availabilityofhousing 8 types and job opportunities; and � WfIEREAS, Centex Multifamily Communities has submitted a proposal to the City to develop the Upper Landing 10 site consistent with the City's desires and goals pursuant to the City's Comprehensive Plan; and 11 12 W f IEREAS, the City has identified the Upper Landing site as eligible for the Department of Trade and Economic 13 Development's Contamination Cleanup Grant Program allowing an unique opportunity to submit an application 14 during the spring funding cycle; and 15 WHEREAS, the Dale Street Shops (Maxim Steei site) mixed use development is of the highest priority for the City 16 of Saint Pau1, Minnesota (the "City") regarding contaminated soils clean-up; and 17 WHEREAS, the Dale Street Shops mixed use development at this time is not ready for submission of a grant 18 application to the Department of Trade and Economic DevelopmenYs Contamination Cleanup Crrant Program's 19 spring funding cycle, but rather shall be submitting an application during the Department of Trade and Economic 20 DevelopmenYs Contamination Cieanup Grant Program's fa11 funding cycle; and 21 WHEREAS, Centex Multifamily Communities' proposal is not feasible unless assistance is secured from DTEA to 22 clean up environmental hazazds identified on the Upper Landing site. 23 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEA, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City") that 24 the City act as the legal sponsor for project(s) contained in the Contamination Cleanup Grant Program to be 25 submitted on May 1, 2000 and that the Executive Director of the Department of Pianning and Bconomic 26 Development is hereby authorized to apply to the Department of Trade and Economic Development for funding of 27 this project on behalf of the City. 28 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City has the legal authority to appiy far financial assistance, and the 29 institutional managerial, and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration. 30 31 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the sources and amounts of the local match identified in the application are 32 committed to the project identified. 1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEA, that the City has not violated any Federal, State or local laws pertaining to fraud, � 2 bribery, graft, kickbacks, coilusion, conflict of interest or other unlawfixl or comxpt practices. oQ,3� 3 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon approval of its application by the state, the City may enter into an 4 agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above-referenced pzoject(s), and that the City certifies that it will 5 comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in all contract agreements. 6 NOW,THEREFOREBEITRESOLVED,thattheExecutiveDirectoroftheDeparhnentofPlanningandEconomic 7 Development ofthe City of Saint Paul is hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement 8 the project(s) on behalf of the applicant. Requested by Department of: � Adoption Certified by � Approved by Mayor: Form Approved by City Attomey By: Approv d b Mayar for Submission to Council By: A,�,Y� ay, z�o: AdoptedbyCouncil: Date ���_� \���ESor PED � NrACT PERSON & R�ONE A11en Caxlson 6-6616 ST eE ON WIiNGIL AGENOA 8Y April �2, 2000 3/30/00 NUYBIX FOR � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � GREEN SHEET en,ut�BlroRFerart � D 4 - 3�.'�-� No 10a956 M� aneoura. � 01'/AlSO111iY 1 � � ❑ CRYCkiRlt ❑ n14I1CILLiiItVICGiOY! ❑ R411CI�LfERV��CCTa. 4❑ _�(/�7/tj 1❑ ,d'Schreier r�vaero�e�tmr.wn =_f_F_ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �crionRtauesren Sign aetached resolutions authorizing City's support of Centex to apnly for dept. of Trade & Economics Developments contamination clean up programs and Met councils tax hase revitalization account which grants if a*,raxded will pay partial cost to clean up hazards on the Upper landing site PIANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION , Fias tMC aersoNfxm eVer xarkoa under a contract rorthis aeaartmenrr VES NO HacMis v�eoMitm a� bcen s dtv �vbvee? YES NO Does Mie Pe'sor�im C� a sldN not rwmiallYP�aesaed by anY wrteM cilY �G�� VES NO IsMia peraon/fiim a tarpetetl vendoi'1 YES MO Upper Landing site is heavily polluted. Centex would like to develop 560-650 uniCS of housing. Grants wi11 defray $5 million cost to cleaa,the site - _____... - _ � ��. .�����°, ft �� � � ��� �� ���ar�s ���' � n-. - � • � «� �, � �"` a r -� � `� � w _..:�: �o-.w > ,. . m,. a. . ��,' Y _���,Sp: x t=` . � � - ,'°�-'... �x . r . , . The site will remain contaminated perventing development oFTwwsacrwws N(A coatmevEqueauoot�eicutc�eoN� rEa ao SOURCE ACTIVRY NUMBER oo-3C5 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Council President Bostrom Councilmember Benanav Councilmember Blakey Councilmember Coleman Councilmember Harris Councilmember Lantry Councilmember Reiter FROM: Brian Sweeney�� Allen Carlson� DATE: March 28, 2000 RE: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT'S CONTAMINATION CLEAN LJP PROGRAM AND A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR THE TAX BASE REVITALIZATION ACCOUNT FOR THE UPPER LANDING SITE Purpose Staff is requesting the City Councii to adopt resolutions supporting Centex's application to the Aepartment of Trade and Economic Development and the Metropolitan Council for hazardous waste clean-up funds to assist in the remediation of contaminants on the Upper Landing Site (formerly the H.S. Kaplan Scrap Yard and former Harvest States Grain Facility). Successful receipt of funds and remediation of the site will allow Centex to develop approximately 649 units of ownership and rental housing. Background In the 1980's, the City acquired the property. The property is now cleared of its former heavy industrial uses and is poised to provide a new orientation that presents the Mississippi River as an amenity to City residents. The site occupies a unique, high profile and pivotal location along the river offering opportunities to reintegrate and reconnect the Mississippi with the City and provide an important link in a regional network of trails. The Upper Landing presents three major challenges to overcome before it can be redeveloped for housing. The soil on the site is unstable for building and requires correction; the site is in the 100-year flood plain and must be raised 3-4 to allow development; and the soils on the site are Page 1 of 3 00 -3G5 contaminated. Subsurface assessment activities completed on the Kaplan site identified metals (pritnarily lead), PCBs and petroleum hydrocarbons at concentrations exceeding unrestricted land use criteria. Elevated PCB elevations aze more localized than the elevated lead concentrations. The metal contazninants and PCBs aze primarily confined to the upper several feet of soil. To meet residential standards, the nnpacted soil will have t� be removed from the site. Investigation of the Harvest States site found 600 cubic yazds of petroleum based contaminants that will need to be moved or stockpiled. Centex has prepazed a Revised Remedial Action Plan for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency that will meet the restoration requirements of a residential community. Proposal On August 25 1999, the IIRA Board designated Centex Corporation as tentative developer of the Upper Landing site for a period of 270 days during which time Centex must determine the site is economically feasible to develop for housing. Centex has prepared and submitted to staff a schematic design to construct b49 rentalJfor sale multifamily housing units along with a financing proposal to develop the housing. Total development value of the site is expected to be about $141 million of which approximately $10.75 miliion of the project costs wiil consist of environmental soil remediation, soil correction, flood piain elevation of the site, demolition of existing infrashucture, storm water ponding and infrastructure improvements. Staff expects business terms to be worked out and presented to the HRA Boazd by eazly to mid-summer. Staff is currently negotiating with Centex on refined design concepts including open space and relationship to the adjacent public trail system along Old Shepard Road, financing terxns and conditions and an affordable housing component for the development. Based upon a preliminary review of the feasibility study material, staff believes the proposal is financially viable given certain funds are secured. Centex is prepared and committed to move forward. A major component to the financial feasibility of the project of which time is of the essence is the need to secure State grants to pay a major portion of the remediation to clean ihe site of hazazdous waste. An opportunity exists for the City to apply, with assistance from Centex, for two State grants, the DTED Contamination Clean-up Grant Program and Metropolitan Council Tax Base Revitalization Account, provided applications are made by the May i deadline. In order to apply the City Council must endorse the grant applications. The proposed financing structure to clean the site ta residential standards is as follows: Sources DTED Grant (75%) $3,863,790 Tax Base Grant (13%) 669,724 Private/Public Match (12%) 618.206 Totals $5,151,720 Uses Remediafion - Kaplans $4,866,110 Remediation - Harvest States 41,100 Infrastructure Demolition 182.307 $5,174,917 Due the nature and time required for pollution clean-up, soil corrections, flood plain elevations corrections, along with coordinated wark efforts for the Mississippi trail corridor, new Shepard Road completion and N5P flood control efforts it is imperative that remediation work be initiated Page 2 of 3 00-3`5 this summer. This will allow for the construction of housing units to begin by early year 2001. The award of grant funds will not be known until June and funding is anticipated by August. Centex is willing to proceed with remediation and correction when the grants are awarded and prior to funding dates. A delay in the application of grant funds will postpone development of the site for at least another year and efFect the overall fmancing of the project Recommendation Staff recommends the City Council adopt the attached resolutions supporting grant applications to the Department Trade and Economic Development's Contamination Cleanup Grant Program and the Metropolitan CounciPs TaY Base Revitalization Account. Attachments 1. Resolution Authorizing Application for the Tax Base Revitalization Account. 2. Resolution Authorizing Application to the Department of Trade and Economic DevelopmenYs Contamination Cleanup Grant Program cc: Bob Schreier x:vsnazea�cAtu.so.ap�oe��ex���re Page 3 of 3 ORIGINAL Green Sheet # ��SQS(�. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Presented By Referred To )LUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA council File # 00 � 3G5 Resolution # Committee: � �� RESOLUTION AUTAORIZING APPLICATION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TTtADE AND ECONOMIC DEVEL MENT'S CONTAMINATION CLEAN[JP GRANT PRO WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City") has id fified the site known as the "Upper Landing" as eligible for the Department of Trade and Economic Deve pmenYs Contamination Cleanup Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City desires Centex Multifamily ( mixed use/ mixed income, rental and ownership housing goals of the City's adopted Housing Action Plan and cotr availability of housing types and job opportunities. , WHEREAS, Centex Corporation has consistent with the City's desires and goais WHEREAS, Centex Corporation's clean up environmental hazards identified ities to develop the Upper Landing into a ig affordable housing consistent with the uses to increase the City's tax base, ,�'a proposal to the City to develop the Uppper Landing to the City's Comprehensive Plan; and il is not feasible unless assistance is secured from DTED to Upper Landing site. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RES VED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City") that the City act as the legal s nsor for project(s) contained in the Contamination Cleanup Grant Program to be submitted on May 1, 000 and that the Executive Directar of the Department of Pianning and Economic Development is hereby uthorized to apply to the Department of Trade and Economic Development for funding of thi project on behalf of the City. BE IT FURTHER and the institutional man BE IT F1 application are VED, that the City has the legal authority to apply for financial assistance, and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration. RESOLVED, that the sources and amounts of the local match identified in the d to the project identified. BE IT RTHER RESOLVED, that the City has not violated any Pederal, State or local laws pertaining fraud, bribery, graft, kickbacks, coliution, conflict of interest or other unlawful or corrupt ,BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon approval of its application by the state, the City may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above-referenced project(s), and that the City certifies Cadsoap\centex�DTED co�tamina5on grant resolution 38 39 40 41 42 that it will comply with all applicabie laws and regulations as stated in all contract agreements. � �-3 LS NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Executive Director of the the Departrnent of Planning and Economic Development of the City of Saint Paul is hereby authorized to execute s�i agreements as aze necessary to implement the project(s) on behalf of the applicant. � ORIGI�IAL Coleman Harris Lantry Reiter Adopted by Co cil Adoption Ce ified B ' _ Appro d by Mayor: By: _ Requested by Department of: �� y/ Planninq & Economic Develonmei�t l� ay: _� Porm Approved by Ci ttorney Date by Council Secretary $Y� Approved by Prtayo Submission to Council Date /� By: /yId Carlsoap\centex\DTED con[amination grant resolution S u�pS�•��� e, — A�Qr `� �`j � c7-OC� O R Green Sheet # i o �,q S 6 OF. Presented by Referred To 1 2 3 4 L, Council File # c c� , 3� S 0 Date f 7�.Y1�1i�11Zi]`G[ly�i�iV�l�[f1\y9/1[N_\ TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT'S CONTAMINATION CLEA� TP GI2ANT PROGRAM 5 WHEREAS, the City desires Centex Multifamily Communities to develop the site known as the "Upper Landing" 6 intoamixeduselmixedincome,rentalandownershiphousingincludingaffordablehousingconsistentwiththegoals 7 oftheCity'sadoptedHousingActionPlanandcommercialusestoincreasetheCity'st�base,availabilityofhousing 8 types and job opportunities; and � WfIEREAS, Centex Multifamily Communities has submitted a proposal to the City to develop the Upper Landing 10 site consistent with the City's desires and goals pursuant to the City's Comprehensive Plan; and 11 12 W f IEREAS, the City has identified the Upper Landing site as eligible for the Department of Trade and Economic 13 Development's Contamination Cleanup Grant Program allowing an unique opportunity to submit an application 14 during the spring funding cycle; and 15 WHEREAS, the Dale Street Shops (Maxim Steei site) mixed use development is of the highest priority for the City 16 of Saint Pau1, Minnesota (the "City") regarding contaminated soils clean-up; and 17 WHEREAS, the Dale Street Shops mixed use development at this time is not ready for submission of a grant 18 application to the Department of Trade and Economic DevelopmenYs Contamination Cleanup Crrant Program's 19 spring funding cycle, but rather shall be submitting an application during the Department of Trade and Economic 20 DevelopmenYs Contamination Cieanup Grant Program's fa11 funding cycle; and 21 WHEREAS, Centex Multifamily Communities' proposal is not feasible unless assistance is secured from DTEA to 22 clean up environmental hazazds identified on the Upper Landing site. 23 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEA, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City") that 24 the City act as the legal sponsor for project(s) contained in the Contamination Cleanup Grant Program to be 25 submitted on May 1, 2000 and that the Executive Director of the Department of Pianning and Bconomic 26 Development is hereby authorized to apply to the Department of Trade and Economic Development for funding of 27 this project on behalf of the City. 28 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City has the legal authority to appiy far financial assistance, and the 29 institutional managerial, and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration. 30 31 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the sources and amounts of the local match identified in the application are 32 committed to the project identified. 1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEA, that the City has not violated any Federal, State or local laws pertaining to fraud, � 2 bribery, graft, kickbacks, coilusion, conflict of interest or other unlawfixl or comxpt practices. oQ,3� 3 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon approval of its application by the state, the City may enter into an 4 agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above-referenced pzoject(s), and that the City certifies that it will 5 comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in all contract agreements. 6 NOW,THEREFOREBEITRESOLVED,thattheExecutiveDirectoroftheDeparhnentofPlanningandEconomic 7 Development ofthe City of Saint Paul is hereby authorized to execute such agreements as are necessary to implement 8 the project(s) on behalf of the applicant. Requested by Department of: � Adoption Certified by � Approved by Mayor: Form Approved by City Attomey By: Approv d b Mayar for Submission to Council By: A,�,Y� ay, z�o: AdoptedbyCouncil: Date ���_� \���ESor PED � NrACT PERSON & R�ONE A11en Caxlson 6-6616 ST eE ON WIiNGIL AGENOA 8Y April �2, 2000 3/30/00 NUYBIX FOR � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � GREEN SHEET en,ut�BlroRFerart � D 4 - 3�.'�-� No 10a956 M� aneoura. � 01'/AlSO111iY 1 � � ❑ CRYCkiRlt ❑ n14I1CILLiiItVICGiOY! ❑ R411CI�LfERV��CCTa. 4❑ _�(/�7/tj 1❑ ,d'Schreier r�vaero�e�tmr.wn =_f_F_ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �crionRtauesren Sign aetached resolutions authorizing City's support of Centex to apnly for dept. of Trade & Economics Developments contamination clean up programs and Met councils tax hase revitalization account which grants if a*,raxded will pay partial cost to clean up hazards on the Upper landing site PIANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION , Fias tMC aersoNfxm eVer xarkoa under a contract rorthis aeaartmenrr VES NO HacMis v�eoMitm a� bcen s dtv �vbvee? YES NO Does Mie Pe'sor�im C� a sldN not rwmiallYP�aesaed by anY wrteM cilY �G�� VES NO IsMia peraon/fiim a tarpetetl vendoi'1 YES MO Upper Landing site is heavily polluted. Centex would like to develop 560-650 uniCS of housing. Grants wi11 defray $5 million cost to cleaa,the site - _____... - _ � ��. .�����°, ft �� � � ��� �� ���ar�s ���' � n-. - � • � «� �, � �"` a r -� � `� � w _..:�: �o-.w > ,. . m,. a. . ��,' Y _���,Sp: x t=` . � � - ,'°�-'... �x . r . , . The site will remain contaminated perventing development oFTwwsacrwws N(A coatmevEqueauoot�eicutc�eoN� rEa ao SOURCE ACTIVRY NUMBER oo-3C5 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Council President Bostrom Councilmember Benanav Councilmember Blakey Councilmember Coleman Councilmember Harris Councilmember Lantry Councilmember Reiter FROM: Brian Sweeney�� Allen Carlson� DATE: March 28, 2000 RE: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT'S CONTAMINATION CLEAN LJP PROGRAM AND A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR THE TAX BASE REVITALIZATION ACCOUNT FOR THE UPPER LANDING SITE Purpose Staff is requesting the City Councii to adopt resolutions supporting Centex's application to the Aepartment of Trade and Economic Development and the Metropolitan Council for hazardous waste clean-up funds to assist in the remediation of contaminants on the Upper Landing Site (formerly the H.S. Kaplan Scrap Yard and former Harvest States Grain Facility). Successful receipt of funds and remediation of the site will allow Centex to develop approximately 649 units of ownership and rental housing. Background In the 1980's, the City acquired the property. The property is now cleared of its former heavy industrial uses and is poised to provide a new orientation that presents the Mississippi River as an amenity to City residents. The site occupies a unique, high profile and pivotal location along the river offering opportunities to reintegrate and reconnect the Mississippi with the City and provide an important link in a regional network of trails. The Upper Landing presents three major challenges to overcome before it can be redeveloped for housing. The soil on the site is unstable for building and requires correction; the site is in the 100-year flood plain and must be raised 3-4 to allow development; and the soils on the site are Page 1 of 3 00 -3G5 contaminated. Subsurface assessment activities completed on the Kaplan site identified metals (pritnarily lead), PCBs and petroleum hydrocarbons at concentrations exceeding unrestricted land use criteria. Elevated PCB elevations aze more localized than the elevated lead concentrations. The metal contazninants and PCBs aze primarily confined to the upper several feet of soil. To meet residential standards, the nnpacted soil will have t� be removed from the site. Investigation of the Harvest States site found 600 cubic yazds of petroleum based contaminants that will need to be moved or stockpiled. Centex has prepazed a Revised Remedial Action Plan for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency that will meet the restoration requirements of a residential community. Proposal On August 25 1999, the IIRA Board designated Centex Corporation as tentative developer of the Upper Landing site for a period of 270 days during which time Centex must determine the site is economically feasible to develop for housing. Centex has prepared and submitted to staff a schematic design to construct b49 rentalJfor sale multifamily housing units along with a financing proposal to develop the housing. Total development value of the site is expected to be about $141 million of which approximately $10.75 miliion of the project costs wiil consist of environmental soil remediation, soil correction, flood piain elevation of the site, demolition of existing infrashucture, storm water ponding and infrastructure improvements. Staff expects business terms to be worked out and presented to the HRA Boazd by eazly to mid-summer. Staff is currently negotiating with Centex on refined design concepts including open space and relationship to the adjacent public trail system along Old Shepard Road, financing terxns and conditions and an affordable housing component for the development. Based upon a preliminary review of the feasibility study material, staff believes the proposal is financially viable given certain funds are secured. Centex is prepared and committed to move forward. A major component to the financial feasibility of the project of which time is of the essence is the need to secure State grants to pay a major portion of the remediation to clean ihe site of hazazdous waste. An opportunity exists for the City to apply, with assistance from Centex, for two State grants, the DTED Contamination Clean-up Grant Program and Metropolitan Council Tax Base Revitalization Account, provided applications are made by the May i deadline. In order to apply the City Council must endorse the grant applications. The proposed financing structure to clean the site ta residential standards is as follows: Sources DTED Grant (75%) $3,863,790 Tax Base Grant (13%) 669,724 Private/Public Match (12%) 618.206 Totals $5,151,720 Uses Remediafion - Kaplans $4,866,110 Remediation - Harvest States 41,100 Infrastructure Demolition 182.307 $5,174,917 Due the nature and time required for pollution clean-up, soil corrections, flood plain elevations corrections, along with coordinated wark efforts for the Mississippi trail corridor, new Shepard Road completion and N5P flood control efforts it is imperative that remediation work be initiated Page 2 of 3 00-3`5 this summer. This will allow for the construction of housing units to begin by early year 2001. The award of grant funds will not be known until June and funding is anticipated by August. Centex is willing to proceed with remediation and correction when the grants are awarded and prior to funding dates. A delay in the application of grant funds will postpone development of the site for at least another year and efFect the overall fmancing of the project Recommendation Staff recommends the City Council adopt the attached resolutions supporting grant applications to the Department Trade and Economic Development's Contamination Cleanup Grant Program and the Metropolitan CounciPs TaY Base Revitalization Account. Attachments 1. Resolution Authorizing Application for the Tax Base Revitalization Account. 2. Resolution Authorizing Application to the Department of Trade and Economic DevelopmenYs Contamination Cleanup Grant Program cc: Bob Schreier x:vsnazea�cAtu.so.ap�oe��ex���re Page 3 of 3 ORIGINAL Green Sheet # ��SQS(�. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Presented By Referred To )LUTION PAUL, MINNESOTA council File # 00 � 3G5 Resolution # Committee: � �� RESOLUTION AUTAORIZING APPLICATION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF TTtADE AND ECONOMIC DEVEL MENT'S CONTAMINATION CLEAN[JP GRANT PRO WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City") has id fified the site known as the "Upper Landing" as eligible for the Department of Trade and Economic Deve pmenYs Contamination Cleanup Grant Program; and WHEREAS, the City desires Centex Multifamily ( mixed use/ mixed income, rental and ownership housing goals of the City's adopted Housing Action Plan and cotr availability of housing types and job opportunities. , WHEREAS, Centex Corporation has consistent with the City's desires and goais WHEREAS, Centex Corporation's clean up environmental hazards identified ities to develop the Upper Landing into a ig affordable housing consistent with the uses to increase the City's tax base, ,�'a proposal to the City to develop the Uppper Landing to the City's Comprehensive Plan; and il is not feasible unless assistance is secured from DTED to Upper Landing site. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RES VED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City") that the City act as the legal s nsor for project(s) contained in the Contamination Cleanup Grant Program to be submitted on May 1, 000 and that the Executive Directar of the Department of Pianning and Economic Development is hereby uthorized to apply to the Department of Trade and Economic Development for funding of thi project on behalf of the City. BE IT FURTHER and the institutional man BE IT F1 application are VED, that the City has the legal authority to apply for financial assistance, and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration. RESOLVED, that the sources and amounts of the local match identified in the d to the project identified. BE IT RTHER RESOLVED, that the City has not violated any Pederal, State or local laws pertaining fraud, bribery, graft, kickbacks, coliution, conflict of interest or other unlawful or corrupt ,BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon approval of its application by the state, the City may enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota for the above-referenced project(s), and that the City certifies Cadsoap\centex�DTED co�tamina5on grant resolution 38 39 40 41 42 that it will comply with all applicabie laws and regulations as stated in all contract agreements. � �-3 LS NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Executive Director of the the Departrnent of Planning and Economic Development of the City of Saint Paul is hereby authorized to execute s�i agreements as aze necessary to implement the project(s) on behalf of the applicant. � ORIGI�IAL Coleman Harris Lantry Reiter Adopted by Co cil Adoption Ce ified B ' _ Appro d by Mayor: By: _ Requested by Department of: �� y/ Planninq & Economic Develonmei�t l� ay: _� Porm Approved by Ci ttorney Date by Council Secretary $Y� Approved by Prtayo Submission to Council Date /� By: /yId Carlsoap\centex\DTED con[amination grant resolution