279530 WN17E - CITV CLERK ����(10 PINK - FINANCE .� CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COURCI� BIUE - MAVOR File NO. � Counc 'l ut 'on Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve and consent to the following reappointments, by the Mayor, to the Human Rights Commission of the City of Saint Paul : JoAnn Cardenas deEnos, three-year term, term to expire on October 9, 1985 Roy Garza, three-year term, term to expire on October 9, 1985 Carol Connolly, three-year term, term to expire on October 9, 1985 COUNCIL�iEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �lelei+es �evine [n Favor Masanz � Nicosia 9eheibeb __ A gai ns t BY fedeeeo Wilson NOV 3 01982 Form pproved by ity ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified a s C u cil et y BY 1 � By � tapproved by :Vl r Date D �' 2 �982 Ap ro e by Mayor for Su iss n to Council BY - - — BY �UBLlSNED D E C 11 1982 � _ , ''��;'�.. CIT�' OF St1I1\T PAUL �9530 �;; �t== o'w. 4 �o�`A� ';�, OFFICE OF THE b1AYOR ?-i �.il'Ill 31111 % '��v 't11S ;.f 11 c� . . . � ^� `.��. y 347 CITY Hr1I.L "'� SAIt'T YA[JL, `�1[;YN�SC�T?i �5102 GEORGE LATI�(ER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR T0: Council Presic�ent Victor Tedesco and Members of the Saint Paul City Council FROP�: Mayor George Latimer \ . DATE. November 22, 1982 ��/ RE: Appointments to the Human Riahts Commission Attached is a Council Resolution reapqointinq Carol Connolly, Roy Garza, and JoAnn Cardenas deEnos to serve three-year terms on the Saint Raul Human Rights Commission. I am asking for your consideration and approval of the resolution, Thank you. GL/lm attachment ��