279529 WN17E - CITV CLERK �DUACll 2�95� PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL . BLUE -�MAVOR File � NO. � il Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated November 9 , 1982, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 11/9/82 69-82-H 851 Dayton Ave. Marguerite E. Murphy (single family hrzuse) BOARD ACTION: Granted time extension to June 1, 1983, to complete exterior refinishing and painting, as ordered by city in its letter of 9/24/82 Property Description: Nininger and Donnelly' s Addition Except N. 5 ft. , Lot 14, Block 3 ---------------------------- 11/9/82 74-82-H 256 Marshall Thomas R. and Margaret (12 units) R. Best BOARD ACTION: Granted request for removal of condemnation placard for period of seven weeks, on the following conditions: (1) That the electrical work be completed within 30 days, (2) That the heating plant and hot water heater be serviced and approved by the state, and COU[VC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas N ays Fletcher Levine In Favor Masanz NiCOSia Scheibel _ __ Against BY — TedesCo Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary B �'�' A�` '�/ �� �'� gl, Approved by 17avor. Date _ Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY WHITE - CITV CLERK ��VnCll 2`7952� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT 1 A V L ' CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE -�MAVOR File NO. v Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. (3) That the shared bathrooms be put in good repair and maintained in sanitary condition. If sufficient financing is not secured for completion of rehabilitation work, as proposed in new architectural plan, by the expiration of said seven-week time extension period, placard shall be reimposed by the St. Paul Division of Housing Code Enforcement. Property Description: Dayton and Irvine' s Addition, Blocks 69, 71 through 82, 84, 85, part of Blocks 70, 83 and 87 N. 100 ft. of Lot 15, Block 82 COUNC[LMEN Yeas ��� Nays Requested by Department of: �evine In Favor Masanz � Nicosia ���.�� _ __ Against BY — �ede�seo Wilson NO� 3 01982 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified a-s d by Council S et BY "'��` �'"f`�`" /'��� r'2"" By /#pproved by ;4l r: Date tAO�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By ` BY PUBLISMED D E C 11 1982 � - 3- 11/9/82 - Meeting No.; 190 � ����9 __ _ ._ _ _ . �. _ _ ��:«, � - - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- -- ------ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ------ ---- 74- 82-H 256 Marshall Thomas H. � Margaret R. Best (12 units) SUBJECT: Rec{uest removal of condemnation order and extension of �ime to secure financing for electrical work and other repairs , and request variance on Section 34. 11, nertaining to basic facilities , to permit sharing of bathroom facilities by occupants os some units , becaus� appellants are attempting to obtain loan, but approval has not yet come through. Prior Hearing 4/14/81 : Board granted extension to September, 1981. APPEARANCE : Thomas � idargaret Best John Miller, Attorney PROCEEDIVGS : Mr. Best said he had applied for a HUD loan recently and ha been turned down three weeks ago , but had been told by Warren Frost (who oversees various government funding programs at PED) that there would be a new program soon for non-owner occupied properties , and Mr. Best thought there was a good chance that he could qualify. He d�escribed the efforts he had made in the years since he bought the property to obtain financing to bring it up to code . So far, he had put in about $15 ,000 of his own money, but felt he would need about $50 ,000 ta com- _�.�.w.. . . _ . _ . ., . _ : _ . w ;R............�.,,,..�_-..-,....a.-,,.�-- � -4- 11/9/82 - Meeting No. '190 . plete the job. As a self-employed general contractor in a depressed construction market, he was having some difficulty financially and his credit rating had suffer�=�d. He was now assured of a loan of $6 ,180 for the electrical work, and �1hen his application under the new funding pragram was approved, the other major items , heating and nlumliing, would be completed. Under the condemnation order, however, his tenants had been given until December 1 to move , and if he was unable to show rental income , his application was in jeopardy. Alice Bijjani reviewed the experience of her office over the past few yea_rs in working with the appellants . Although well- intentioned, �.nd recognizing that they had tried hard for funding unsuccessfully, she felt her office could not grant any further time extension unless assured �`s` that all the work would be done. She considered thei.r financial circum- stances to be too tight. There was also much tenant unhappiness. Owners of adjacent rental property did �.ot see why they should be required to keep up their b�aildings , when 256 Marshall was permitted to continue operating over a long period with so many major deficiencies. Janice Rettman, of the Housing Information Agency, spoke of the need for low-cost housing, but not where problems of li£e safety to tenants were involved. As her office was responsible for relocating tenants of condemned buildings , it would be helpful to know before winter comes in earnest if different living quarters would have to be found for resi- dents of this building. � Mr. Miller, legal representative of the Bests , said there was no denying the building needed repairs , and the electrical work was first on th.e - list . This will be comPleted by year-end. His clients had experienced fin ancial problems , but closing the building would only strain them • further. They have engaged an architect and drawn up a definite nlan for rehabilitating the building. He felt they had shown good fait� and deserved another month to try to nail down fin an cing . Mr. Best related that he had a lot of his own money and work at stake and had already completed many of the rep airs himself, but the remaining items required professional assistance . He said his credit rating was beginning to improve , increasing his chances of getting approval on his loan application for $50 ,000 under the new government program. Architectural drawings for the proposed new rehabilitation plan were shown to board members . Ms . Bijjani pointed out that a variance would iie required for two anartments to permit Iocation of their bathrooms outside the wa11s of the units . She asked, if this should be granted, that it be on condition that a security system be provided in the building. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Sawyer moved that a variance of Section 34. 1Z be grante to permit location of the bathroom for two avartments outside the walls of the units , on condition that a security system be provided for the building. Mrs . Bostrom seconded. MOTIO'V CARRIED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 4 Chairman Glassman asked Ms . Bijjani which items in the building required imme diate attention if it was to remain occupied. -5- 11/9/82 - Meet�ng No. 190 . � �) �.� '/ �J � / -� l jMs . Bijjani said that the shared bathrooms should be repaired and the sanitation improved, the heating plant and water heater should be irispected and approved by the state , and there were improperly capped drain lines that should be corrected. Frank Staffenson objected to lifting the placard. He said the owners had been given many time extensions over the past few years and had failed or been unable to keep their promises . BOARD ACTION: Mr. Sawyer moved that the placard be lifted and that a searen-wee extension of time be granted, on the following condi'�ions : (1) that the electrical work be completed within 30 days , [2) that the heating plant and hot water heater be serviced and approved by the state, , and (3) that the shared bathrooms be repaired and maintained in a sani- tary condition. If sufficient funds to complete the rehabilitation of the building, as proposed in the new plans submitted by the anpellant , are not secured by the expiration of the seven �veek extension period, the placard shall be reimposed. Mrs . Collins seconded. MOTION CARRIED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Abstentions = 0 -- - - -- -- -- - --- - ---- -- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- -- ---- -- -- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- ----- , ., .. - - --- r --•-- � . . . . _..... _ ___.... ___.--.....___.__.:._._.._.,,_....�,,....,..,re,�.,.-.. 11/9%82 - ' Meeting No. 190 . . MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REVIEW Tuesday, November 9 , 1982 Room 707 City Hall , 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman Lucille Burg Collins Rudolph Sawyer Rosann Bostrom ABSENT: � Glenn Gausman - ti9illiam Tilton Harold Knutson AGENCIES PRESENT : Dept . of Community Services - Division of Housing � Building Code Enforcement : Alice Bijjani Frank Staffenson St . Pa�l Housing Information Office : Janice Rettman OTHERS PRESENT: A.H. Luymes Marge Best John M. Miller Nan Jacobson Kimberly White Thomas H. Best Jacc�ueline Lang STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness Josephine Palermo Chairman Glassman called the meeting to order at 1 : 40 p .m. The minutes of the meeting of October 12 , 1982 , were approved as dis- tributed to the members. CI�airman Glassman reported that h_e had recently learned that Certificates of Occupancy were no longer being withheld on properties affected by the city' s recent change in interpretation of the intent of the code in regard to stairwell enclosures in existing buildings , but tfi at at the time of renewal inspection for certificates in three years , stairwell enclosures may be required, depending on the outcome of a proposed amendment to the code . Noting that there were 16 appeals on the subject being held up awaiting action on the proposed amendment , all of which were filed -5- 11/9/82 - Meet�ng No. 19Q ����a7 �^�`� � . j� ._ ��w�i'.{'��' .. � �.� � �� � � � �� �� �� ���� � � � � �� �� � � �� ���� �� ��� � �� �� �� ���� ������ �� �� ���� ����� ��� 69- 82-H 851 Dayton Ave. Marguerite E. D�urphy (single family liouse) SUBJECT: Request time extension to spring of Z983 to remove lead paint an� refinish house exterior with non-toxic materials , because of financial - hardship. APPEARANCE : None PROCEEDINGS : Chairman Glassman stated that Ms . Murphy had not appeared at t e meeting and asked Frank Staffenson for a report on the case. Mr. Staffenson reported that the child who had been living in the house had been removed to a safe environment. The interior of the house had been repainted and his office did not object to a time extension for the exterior painting and refinishing. BOARD ACTION : Chairman . Glassman moved that an extension of time to une 1, 1983, be granted for exterior pain�ing and refinishing work ordered by the city in their letter of 9/24/82 . Mrs . Collins seconded. MOTION CARRIED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 - - -- --- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - - -- -- --- - ---- -- - - -- -- -- - - ---- ---- - - -- - The meeting adjourned at 3: 10 p.m. 11/9%82 = h4eeting No. 190 � . MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REVIEW Tuesday, November 9 , 1982 Room 707 City Ha11, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. MEMBERS PRESENT : Ron Glassman, Chairman Lucille Burg Collins Rudolph Sawyer Rosann Bostrom � ABSENT: � Glenn Gausman - William Tilton Harold Knutson AGENCIES PRESENT: Dept . of Community Services - Division of Housing � Building Code Enforcement : Alice Bijjani Frank Staffenson St . Paul Housing Information Of£ice : Janice Rettman OTHERS PRESENT : A.H. Luymes Marge Best John M. Miller Nan Jacobson Kimberly White Thomas H. Best � Jacqueline Lang STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness Josephine Palermo Chairman Glassman called the meeting to order at 1 : 40 p ,m. The minutes of the meeting of October 12 , 1982 , were approved as dis- tributed to the members. Chairman Glassman reported that h_e had recently learned that Certificates of Occupancy were no longer being withheld on properties affected by the city' s recent change in interpretation of the intent of the code in regard to stairtivell enclosures in existing buildings , but that at the time of renewal inspection for certificates in three years , stairwell encZosures may be rec{uired, depending on the outcome of a pro�osed amendment to the code. Noting that there were 16 appeals on the subject being held up awaiting action on the proposed amendment , � all of which were filed i/�� ��n . � � �79529 ST. P�IUL BO/1RD OF �IPPEALS � REVIEIt� � 705A City Hall St. Paul , Tftinnesota 55102 (612) 295-4163 � � November 18, 1982 T0: Walter Bowser - Assistant City Attorney FROM: Pat Moxizess RE : Draft Resolutions pertaining to Board Actions taken at Meeting of November 9 , 1982 Attached are two draft resolutions pertaining to the board � actions at the November 9 meeting: CASE N0. PROPERTY AFPELLANT - 71- 82-H 797 E. Maryland Nan Jacobson 74- 82-H 256 Marshall Ave. Thomas H. � Margaret R. Bes t 69-82-H 851 Dayton Ave. Marguerite E. Murphy � - 74- 82-H 256 Marshall Thomas H. � Margaret R. - Best ,- - - - --- - - - - - - - - --- -- -- - - ----- ----------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- If you have any questions about this , please call me on 4163.