279521 M/H17E - CITV CLERK COUIICII ���� PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE - MAVOR File NO. City A�ttny/RSH Council Resolution Presented By � . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PA TO ACT AS AGENT FOR CITY UNDER UDAG NO. B-82-AA-27-0043 ( "UDAG") WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul, bZinnesota ( "City") , Recipient under Urban Development Action Grant No. B-82-AA-27-0043 has received preliminary approval for a Grant of $3,431, 000 .00 for use in the development of the Energy Park Project ( "Project") ; and WHEREAS, the Authority shall issue its Industrial Development Revenue Bonds to finance a portion of the Project; and WHEREAS, the City and the Authority are desirous of coordin- ating the expenditure of public funds and the development of the Project in general. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of St. Paul as follows: 1 . The City hereby authorizes the Authority to act on behalf of the City and as agent for the City in its capacity as Recipient under the above-referenced UDAG. 2 . The City Council hereby authorizes execution of the Agreement dated as of November 23, 1982 by and between the Authority and the City (attached hereto) . COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: ReR."her� •-�� �e��ne [n Favor Masanz Nicosia � �,•�e;be� _ __ Against BY Tadeeeo• Wilson NOV 3 � �9$2 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date r cJ, Certified • d by Co nci cret By By tlpproved by vor• Date DEC 2, 198� Appr ed by Mayor for ssion to Council B ' �� – — BY y PUBUSHED D E C 11 1982 C a.Q� �-'� ' f P.E.D. RA T ��� QE � Terry Rittenhouse CONTACT 292-1577 PHONE l � ' 11/10/82 DATE ���� � (Routing and EXplanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Or�r (Clip All Locations for. Mayoral Signature): � � ,,, � Department Director I�, �; 1 City Attorney RE,C� QK� Director of Management/Mayor �� Fi nance and Management Servi ces Di rector NOV ;( '� .� , , Ci ty C1 erk MAYQ�,� ,��.�1C� , Budget Director 4 Jim Scheibel , St. Paul City Council � What Will be Achieved b Takin A�ction on the Attached Materials? Pur ose Rational : - Authority to execute the participation agreement between the City�and the Port Au hority. (This agreement is a required evidentiary document to the Energy Park II UDAG con ract) - City funds are not involved. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: Attachments (List and N wr�er all Attachments) : Agreement between the City and the Port Authority. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? 1Fes ' No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes ' No Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for Instructions '