00-362ORiG1NA� Presented By council File # � O— 3G a'1. RESOLUTION Green sheet # 1 �2878 SA{NT PAUL, MINNESOTA , Referred To Committee: Date 1 Whereas, the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners in May, 1999 adopted a policy that it will 2 continue to provide a mechanism for ensuring markets are reasonably available for recyclables 3 commonly collected in residential recycling programs in Ramsey County; and 4 5 Whereas, after analyzing various options, the County Board in November, 1999 issued its intent 6 to close the Ramsey County Recycling Center after the end of 2000; and 7 8 Whereas, at the same time, the Board issued its intent to develop a recycling markets fund, and 9 creating a mechanism for providing a continued subsidy for recyclables processing and 10 marketing; and 11 12 Whereas, costs to municipalities for recycling contracts with hauler/collector(s) will increase after 13 the Ramsey County Recycling Center closes because the cities and their hauler/collector(s) will i 4 assume full responsibility for marketing risks; and 15 16 Whereas, Ramsey County currently levies $1.81 per household to support operation of the 17 Ramsey County Recycling Center; and 18 19 Whereas, these funds would help cushion increases in costs to cities for collection that may be 20 caused by the closing of the 'safety net' of the Ramsey County Recycling Center; 21 22 Resolved, beginning in 2001, in lieu of the County spending approximately $250,000 per year 23 for the monthly processing payment for the Ramsey County Recycling Center, and to give cities 24 maximum tlexibility in providing for future processing capacity, the County should instead pass 25 through this amount to cities, proportional to population, in the County's SCORE contracts. �• rv, �c�..-< by Department of: Public Warks By: � Director of Pub ic o Adopted by Council: Date � �� c-�crc, Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary -�` �-�UJ✓L�' ��• d a By: �'=��— ` �"'�° an roved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by a r: Dat � Z� By: � � B Y� b }Z� Public Works Rick Person 266-6122 I2� 2� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES aasioo��� IGREEN SHEET INQIAWA7E �DEPARTMEMDIR '--� � � � O CITY ATTORNEV �yp+. / . � HOUIING �FnanrlalSEVhcesD"veda ��� � MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAiUfl� ❑1 Co - 36� N0.102878 CITY COUNCIL CIN CLERK FIN SERVICES/ACCTG ❑2 Resolution requesting Ramsey County to pass through funds the County currendy spends to support the Ramsey County Recycling Center to cities in the County's SCORE contracts. RECOMMENDATIONSHpproue (A) or Reject (fl) PLANNMGCOMMISSION CIVIL' qB COMMITIEE STAFF _ DIS7AICT COUNCIL _ _ SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCILO&IECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUE5TIONS: 1. Hasthisper'oNfirtneverworKetluntlerawmrflctfor5hisdeparimeM? YES NO 2. Has ihis person/firtn eve� been a city empfoyee? YES NO 3. Dces this petsoNtirtn possess a skill not nortna�ly possessetl by any curtent city employee? YES NO E�Iain ali ye5 answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INRIATING PROBIEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNIIY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY�: Joint Powers agreements between city and Ramsey County for counry collection of recycling service fee on behalf of ciry and for SCORE funds are in place. This resolution recommends that, beginning in 2001, in lieu of the County spending approximately $250,000 per yeaz for the monthly processing payment for the Ramsey Counry Recycling Center, and to give cities malcimum fle�cibility in providing for future processing capacity, the County should instead pass through this amount to cities, proportional to population, in the County's SCORE contracts. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. City will continue its existing recycling programs. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGE$ IF NOT APPROVED: City may need to curtail or change its recycling programs and/ar increase recycling service fee to cover future increases in recycling processing costs. �a?�nR��}� � ���+';t �,��� � ' ���t� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACfION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONEj yES NO FUNDING SOURCE Solid Was[e and Recyclinn Fund ACTNI7Y NUM6ER 32401 FlNANCIAL INFORMATfON. (EAPLAIN} If Ramsey County adop[s the recommended policy, the City of Saint Paul wuld receive an addi[ional $125,000 in SCORE funding for at least two years. � � � � � � C ORiG1NA� Presented By council File # � O— 3G a'1. RESOLUTION Green sheet # 1 �2878 SA{NT PAUL, MINNESOTA , Referred To Committee: Date 1 Whereas, the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners in May, 1999 adopted a policy that it will 2 continue to provide a mechanism for ensuring markets are reasonably available for recyclables 3 commonly collected in residential recycling programs in Ramsey County; and 4 5 Whereas, after analyzing various options, the County Board in November, 1999 issued its intent 6 to close the Ramsey County Recycling Center after the end of 2000; and 7 8 Whereas, at the same time, the Board issued its intent to develop a recycling markets fund, and 9 creating a mechanism for providing a continued subsidy for recyclables processing and 10 marketing; and 11 12 Whereas, costs to municipalities for recycling contracts with hauler/collector(s) will increase after 13 the Ramsey County Recycling Center closes because the cities and their hauler/collector(s) will i 4 assume full responsibility for marketing risks; and 15 16 Whereas, Ramsey County currently levies $1.81 per household to support operation of the 17 Ramsey County Recycling Center; and 18 19 Whereas, these funds would help cushion increases in costs to cities for collection that may be 20 caused by the closing of the 'safety net' of the Ramsey County Recycling Center; 21 22 Resolved, beginning in 2001, in lieu of the County spending approximately $250,000 per year 23 for the monthly processing payment for the Ramsey County Recycling Center, and to give cities 24 maximum tlexibility in providing for future processing capacity, the County should instead pass 25 through this amount to cities, proportional to population, in the County's SCORE contracts. �• rv, �c�..-< by Department of: Public Warks By: � Director of Pub ic o Adopted by Council: Date � �� c-�crc, Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary -�` �-�UJ✓L�' ��• d a By: �'=��— ` �"'�° an roved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by a r: Dat � Z� By: � � B Y� b }Z� Public Works Rick Person 266-6122 I2� 2� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES aasioo��� IGREEN SHEET INQIAWA7E �DEPARTMEMDIR '--� � � � O CITY ATTORNEV �yp+. / . � HOUIING �FnanrlalSEVhcesD"veda ��� � MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAiUfl� ❑1 Co - 36� N0.102878 CITY COUNCIL CIN CLERK FIN SERVICES/ACCTG ❑2 Resolution requesting Ramsey County to pass through funds the County currendy spends to support the Ramsey County Recycling Center to cities in the County's SCORE contracts. RECOMMENDATIONSHpproue (A) or Reject (fl) PLANNMGCOMMISSION CIVIL' qB COMMITIEE STAFF _ DIS7AICT COUNCIL _ _ SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCILO&IECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUE5TIONS: 1. Hasthisper'oNfirtneverworKetluntlerawmrflctfor5hisdeparimeM? YES NO 2. Has ihis person/firtn eve� been a city empfoyee? YES NO 3. Dces this petsoNtirtn possess a skill not nortna�ly possessetl by any curtent city employee? YES NO E�Iain ali ye5 answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INRIATING PROBIEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNIIY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY�: Joint Powers agreements between city and Ramsey County for counry collection of recycling service fee on behalf of ciry and for SCORE funds are in place. This resolution recommends that, beginning in 2001, in lieu of the County spending approximately $250,000 per yeaz for the monthly processing payment for the Ramsey Counry Recycling Center, and to give cities malcimum fle�cibility in providing for future processing capacity, the County should instead pass through this amount to cities, proportional to population, in the County's SCORE contracts. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. City will continue its existing recycling programs. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGE$ IF NOT APPROVED: City may need to curtail or change its recycling programs and/ar increase recycling service fee to cover future increases in recycling processing costs. �a?�nR��}� � ���+';t �,��� � ' ���t� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACfION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONEj yES NO FUNDING SOURCE Solid Was[e and Recyclinn Fund ACTNI7Y NUM6ER 32401 FlNANCIAL INFORMATfON. (EAPLAIN} If Ramsey County adop[s the recommended policy, the City of Saint Paul wuld receive an addi[ional $125,000 in SCORE funding for at least two years. � � � � � � C ORiG1NA� Presented By council File # � O— 3G a'1. RESOLUTION Green sheet # 1 �2878 SA{NT PAUL, MINNESOTA , Referred To Committee: Date 1 Whereas, the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners in May, 1999 adopted a policy that it will 2 continue to provide a mechanism for ensuring markets are reasonably available for recyclables 3 commonly collected in residential recycling programs in Ramsey County; and 4 5 Whereas, after analyzing various options, the County Board in November, 1999 issued its intent 6 to close the Ramsey County Recycling Center after the end of 2000; and 7 8 Whereas, at the same time, the Board issued its intent to develop a recycling markets fund, and 9 creating a mechanism for providing a continued subsidy for recyclables processing and 10 marketing; and 11 12 Whereas, costs to municipalities for recycling contracts with hauler/collector(s) will increase after 13 the Ramsey County Recycling Center closes because the cities and their hauler/collector(s) will i 4 assume full responsibility for marketing risks; and 15 16 Whereas, Ramsey County currently levies $1.81 per household to support operation of the 17 Ramsey County Recycling Center; and 18 19 Whereas, these funds would help cushion increases in costs to cities for collection that may be 20 caused by the closing of the 'safety net' of the Ramsey County Recycling Center; 21 22 Resolved, beginning in 2001, in lieu of the County spending approximately $250,000 per year 23 for the monthly processing payment for the Ramsey County Recycling Center, and to give cities 24 maximum tlexibility in providing for future processing capacity, the County should instead pass 25 through this amount to cities, proportional to population, in the County's SCORE contracts. �• rv, �c�..-< by Department of: Public Warks By: � Director of Pub ic o Adopted by Council: Date � �� c-�crc, Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary -�` �-�UJ✓L�' ��• d a By: �'=��— ` �"'�° an roved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by a r: Dat � Z� By: � � B Y� b }Z� Public Works Rick Person 266-6122 I2� 2� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES aasioo��� IGREEN SHEET INQIAWA7E �DEPARTMEMDIR '--� � � � O CITY ATTORNEV �yp+. / . � HOUIING �FnanrlalSEVhcesD"veda ��� � MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAiUfl� ❑1 Co - 36� N0.102878 CITY COUNCIL CIN CLERK FIN SERVICES/ACCTG ❑2 Resolution requesting Ramsey County to pass through funds the County currendy spends to support the Ramsey County Recycling Center to cities in the County's SCORE contracts. RECOMMENDATIONSHpproue (A) or Reject (fl) PLANNMGCOMMISSION CIVIL' qB COMMITIEE STAFF _ DIS7AICT COUNCIL _ _ SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNCILO&IECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CANTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUE5TIONS: 1. Hasthisper'oNfirtneverworKetluntlerawmrflctfor5hisdeparimeM? YES NO 2. Has ihis person/firtn eve� been a city empfoyee? YES NO 3. Dces this petsoNtirtn possess a skill not nortna�ly possessetl by any curtent city employee? YES NO E�Iain ali ye5 answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INRIATING PROBIEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNIIY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY�: Joint Powers agreements between city and Ramsey County for counry collection of recycling service fee on behalf of ciry and for SCORE funds are in place. This resolution recommends that, beginning in 2001, in lieu of the County spending approximately $250,000 per yeaz for the monthly processing payment for the Ramsey Counry Recycling Center, and to give cities malcimum fle�cibility in providing for future processing capacity, the County should instead pass through this amount to cities, proportional to population, in the County's SCORE contracts. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. City will continue its existing recycling programs. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAGE$ IF NOT APPROVED: City may need to curtail or change its recycling programs and/ar increase recycling service fee to cover future increases in recycling processing costs. �a?�nR��}� � ���+';t �,��� � ' ���t� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACfION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONEj yES NO FUNDING SOURCE Solid Was[e and Recyclinn Fund ACTNI7Y NUM6ER 32401 FlNANCIAL INFORMATfON. (EAPLAIN} If Ramsey County adop[s the recommended policy, the City of Saint Paul wuld receive an addi[ional $125,000 in SCORE funding for at least two years. � � � � � � C