Dupre Providing lnsurance and Financial Servrces ��ateFarm� Home Offrce, Bloomingbn, !C March 13, 2014 RECEIVED City Clerk State Farm C�aims MAR 18 2014 15 W Kellogg Blvd P.O.Box 52273 310 City Hall PhoenixAZ85072-2273 CITY CLERK Saint Paul MN 55102 RE: Claim Number: 23-28F5-612 Date of Loss: January 14, 2014 Our Insured: Brad Dupre Amount of Loss: $ To be determined Vehicle Involved: 2013 Ford Crown Victoria License Number: 1373 Minnesota Driver: Mary Alberg To Whom It May Concern: Our records indicate you are the owner of the vehicle involved in an accident with our insured on January 14, 2014. If you did not own the car at that time, please provide us the name and address of the current owner. If you were the owner of the vehicle involved at the time of the accident, forward this letter to your insurance carrier and notify us of your insurance information. If you do not have insurance, please contact us immediately. Your response is requested within 15 days from the date of this letter. Sincerely, Jim Tracy, CPCU, AIC, AIS Claim Representative (866) 207-6046, Team 22 Fax: (800) 423-0474 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company State Farm�insurance policies, applications, forms and required notices are wriften in English. This document has been translated for your convenience. In the event of any difference in interpretation, the English language version contro/s. Praviding lnsurance and Financial Services „7�ate�arm� Nome Office, Bloomington, lL 13 de marzo de 2014 City Clerk State Farm Claims 15 W Kellogg Blvd P.O. Box 52273 310 City Hall Phoenix AZ 85072-2273 Saint Paul MN 55102 Asunto: Numero de Reclamacion: 23-28F5-612 Fecha de la Perdida: 14 de enero de 2014 Nuestro Asegurado: Brad Dupre Cantidad de la Perdida: $**AMOUNT OF LOSS** Vehiculo Involucrado: 2013 Ford Crown Victoria Numero de Licencia de Conducir: Conductor: City Clerk Estimado(a) City Clerk: Nuestros datos indican que usted es el propietario del vehiculo que estuvo involucrado en un accidente con nuestro asegurado el 14 de enero de 2014. Si en ese momento, usted no era el propietario del automovil, por favor proporcionenos el nombre y la direccion del propietario actual. Si en el momento del accidente, usted si era el propietario del vehiculo involucrado, envie esta carta a su compania de seguros y proporcionenos la informacion de su seguro. Si usted no tiene seguro, por favor pongase en contacto con nosotros inmediatamente. Se solicita su respuesta dentro de 15 dias a partir de la fecha de esta carta. Atentamente, Jim Tracy, CPCU, AIC, AIS Claim Representative (866) 207-6046, Team 22 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Las polizas, formularios y notificaciones de State Farm°est�n escritos en ingles. Este documento ha sido traducido para su conveniencia. En e/caso que surja un conflicto de interpretacion, la version del idioma ingles dominara. Ma r, 12. 2014 8: 24pM No. 7128 P. 1 I`TFihl�b'�,20�A 1�;00 P'�������� N(aTTC� p�' C�.A�M FO�tM to th� City af S��nt Paul, lVZtnnesota MAR 18 2014 �t.fln�erolo Stala S'!a[utR 4G6 dJ atutes dhar" .avery�er,roR .wfu�elatnrs duMages from any,rt�nic(pulity.,s5alr c�r�s��a be p�a�onra� � �vverntnx body qf fge+ntanlelppJiry w1C{ii►+180 dqys nfler�hc alle�ed loes or tn/�sry�.+drscot�er�d A nolfem n�fd7��eg'lhe time,plr�co,���'Y C L E R K clrcumsfance�s tharcof,a►ud 11,s araounl ojcn��n.safion or o�ar liCllsf damQpded." , Please coMUlc[e t 1&torl�t in 11�5 Cn�rEh'bY C[�Arh��tYP�aL Or pr�tttlng yOttl'anSrWCT to e$c�qurst5pn. '(f InorB Space is neeQcd,atiach adclitiana!sheets. Alexse nu[e th�kpou wll]notbe contuctcd hy telaphoqe�c1�rlCy�nswera,so prov aa es mut1�lolormatlou ws neeessary to e�cplAia your el�im,and the amoant of�nmpensatlon 6eing reque6ted. YoU wW Ceck9ve n wri+ten arknowledgemo�t ance your Porm Rg ree�eiaed. The procesg e�n i�ke up M kn►veeks nrlanger dr,��adlns ou the nature of your Clatrn. �'ll#�s{o�mu9t be sl��or3�and both p�as cnmpleted. Yt somethin�docs not 4pply,write`N1A'� --- - - � f'"�����&t�T���h'I �l�I,R.oT�$1]O�CICI]1�E1�T��; ��`I"SC C��RK, -- - --- -- 15 'VYESx�K�T.�LOGG SL`VD, 3�0 CITX TiA.LL, SA�N''r PACYL, M1Y S510Z Firs[Namc �Ar'1 Middle Inidaf_,�.aet Name_ ��8_� - - G(�xr►pany or�3'u6tness Name��e ,�r A�r � �r1�V!���1 GQ, _ pre'You an Insurance Comp�anY1 Yes A7o If Yes,Gtatm Numbex2�3 '�s ' 6 f� Sh'CCt A(1�reS5 p�0 � �J CaK ��7� _. .. - — • Clty_p�10.�A i X State,�a� _ _ _�sP Coae�5�2`22�'3 Day�me Yhono�':•�� Q�} C:ell P���'"'�' E'�enui8 Tel�phone{,_�"'-' ' Data of Acaiden�/lnaury or J]ate bisoovered tiQ I ������ - 'hm� � ���'� P1c�se stale,�u detaii,what��urzcd(fsappened)�and wh�y�u��b��g a clatm.P�ease�ndicate why ar hor+v you feel�he�ty of S�nt paul oi ats�mploy�ts Tn;mval'ved unc�/or rdsponsible for your dnmag�s. - �� ic � •_ �-v---. Ylc�se chccl�thc box{cs)that��o�t closelY r�Preseut th,e reas�.n far complct7ng ttne form' �My veh�cic was d�maged ln a.n acciJent C)My veh�cle wss dacnaged dunng a taw ❑lvjy vehicle wes damog�d by a ppthole or coadit,on of thd stre�t ❑My vrh�clo was damaged bY g plow C]Tv�y veh,e2e was wrongfully to�ved andJor ticketcd C��1va9 ittlie�'GC�Dn Gltj'�,TD,p�riy GJ Ol�er typG of pro�Crty dstmage�pZsase spEa�fy _. .�,_.., - Q Other type of�nituy--plcase spec�fy, . --�. In order t�p��a�ss ypur claim vo� aeed ta i�clu�„co��es ox�11�upliC�le doeum�.nts. P'or tbC claims typ�s lista�bel,ow,Pleasc he surc to includc tt�e dootiunents uici�catad ot rt wi;i delsy�h ed to k�p a yoar c]aun. Documents W .1V T�ie zetuiz�ed gnd become t[�C p�npert5'of the C�ty. �'ou�enGOUrag copy�'or yo�salf b�dT�submiti�.n�your claun�'onn. Q Pcoperty damsge cla�ms ta a vsh�ale_tw�estu�te�for thg rcpairs co yauX ve�icle�f 4}ae damsge e�ccegds �SOQ.OU;or tUe actua�bills andlor racetipts fo=the repuirs Q To�cving claims;l�gible copics of any ticket�seued and a cop�+of the�mpound lot rec�ipt O nther�op47ry d8atiage alaims��o repair esta.mates if the d�magt exceeds$500 OD;oT the actual btills andlor rcce�pts for tht repaiis;�tg►tad hst of damagt d itcros O�tuy clauny:medioat b�ll�,rece�pts O 1'6otographs are slways wcicrnne t�docum�nt enct support yovr clairre but w211 not be rctumed, 1'a�e 1 of 2-'PleASe co�p�etc an�retl�rn�iotl►pages o£C'leim Form �c�aoobo2sssw�s�r7Rece�vea�rr�2o����;�7:a�a��c�ir�s�a�ra��„e� 1c1401100710WPSDLHII Reeeived 3!1?12014 8;76.16 AM(C�ntral Daylight Time) Ma r. 12. 2014 8:25AM No. 7128 P, 2 riHlf-l'Jf-2FJ14 �e�91 F'�d6/06 'F$S�.�txe to coniplc�rc and retni-n bbth pages wlil result in delay in tho hnudlia�u#�otir clait�. All Clalma-p�easo eomplete this settfou Were tbcxc�Messas to the mciclent? 'Y'es No Q� (o�rele) Pro�dc thCir namcg,addresses and telcphont nutnbers, _ .,,.. _ — 'W'ere th�pal�cc rn law enforcement called? � No Unl�awn (circle If yes,what deperhnent or s.�ency7 +• � � ^P D Casa#�ar re�ort# 1 O ��Cr 'I7►rhere did the aceidcnti or m�ury take place? prov�de street adclrea�,aross s�eet,intersection,n&nne of park or faeilxty, closest 1an���to.�p��e be as detailed as possi6le, Yt'�,eec,qs�y,attach a dia.�rram, _ - _ _ __.�_______. Flcnsc�dicate the amount you are seelut��m campensa.tion ux whet yotE would like tl�e G`ity to do to resalve th+s claim (q ypur sattsfactcon T� D • i Clafms- lcase m let t 's seCt�oe • ` k x if 'on ci�es ot a 1 X a u r V e h i c l e. X e a r ' I� M n 1 a $v �r V Modcl o f �.lcensc Plgta NUmbCr �Q�-S �, $����=olor Gra V_ T' Reg�stCred Owntr �'� � j?riyCr pf Volylcla r.. ArCa]jamagod rOr1 City�V�btcle: Year!�_IVIe�e FG�� _Model C�o�.Jn �1�,,,� - T.�cense Pl�ts Number 13 73-_� �tate�1�G�lvr � I?river of Ya?uola(City�mployee's Namc) t ! Arc��7ama�ed_ L � S i d i. _ . in U aima- Ie sC tom lete tkt��sectio� chca b x if ttus sec �n does nac fl t �Iow wcr�you m�ured7_, � __,.._.—.�� 'VirhaC part(s)af Ypur bady were tnJured7 Have you sou�t medical ireatrnent? 1'e� No Plarming tp Seak 1Yeaii7►e11t(etrc�o��de date(�)) `4V'hen did you r��lv�treatm�nt7 ,,_ �Tame ofM�:ciical Pro�vtdcr(s): - "� TelepnonC -- Address "�`.� No Did yau m�ss work ar a resull o�your injvri� Y�5 ��„�de aa�c,(s)) Whcn dtd you rniss work7 - �r�e ofyour�mpioyer:„^ �r- - Te[c,�hone ~ A,ddress 1��he4k here if�ou are�lta�hing nuore pt�g thfs clairr�fnrm. unabar of�dditional pages By signing tltts forrn,yor�a.�s sta�i�eg that ali t�� rntu�IOt:yuu hr��e •uvidsd�s true aM��o�'rect xo the 6esr uf yosrr kno�vler[ge. rTrrsxgnad forms wt!!not be rncessed. Sub�nitting u fatse clalm cdrs rexult irt prasec�t a►� Date form�rras F rn�letcd O • � 4 � Print the�lame a�the Rersonwho C pleted t o • �,M Si�na�iire of person Maidng thQ�1 ' Reviscd Pcbruury 201] 5c 144660T9�lWPSDINlz ReC�iYed 3[1I241411;��,431��Cenfral Btandard�i�el TnTai p oo�. 1c140T100211WPSDLHI7 Receivetl 3f12f2014 8.26;16 AM�C�n6�al Da�ight Time� Risk Solut�ons (A2) 2/18/2014 11 :09:32 AM PAGE 2/002 Fax Server 464843162 Accident Report Page 1 of 1 �,...,�� .�� � � 1400848b N °� wr.w,awr r� wwnu euen .uMm ��.. .�a a.�� r�w uQ �irniv � N �N b2 00 b6 N 1 14 2014 1323 m �outim�v nou rawuoncn�rw.� oe �warw�n� �irtnwcror� a� .�_ ._.�eW �� �� 01` � 10 883 P8 e Ave � Wnu n s w yr .� .p Mrher r.wrfl.an .me[m .nuR�Ow�tCa�rwr.enr4nw[ �♦ � 6 L �f1�1V ;�� Y ,��.� roerax aNEruca�c�a.�ee.� um �n.es x+n�w .e�ro+ w�w�iawawwr�t � !$7 D O1+~ ••cm�, O1 V372269034912 MN D O1 O1 N874113001319 rv.rar �s�+•c��.usn e.nv..m �..�owti.�.a..�•ni Q6a17 66 •�•�� 6it}�pI,EY JOSEPH DiIPRE 05 31 52 MARY 9ETH ALB6RG � wn.c� ...�.e• O1 2585 S SHORE BLVD X al 367 Grove St N u O1 07 �„� en��dc.a � •� a� O 1 O1 WHIT6 BBAR LAKE 55110 St Paul 55161 }�e,eu�� w«ar+ .w.e txr "�K" e"�'� �F '0�� ��01 O , OS wNY OKl� pl �{ �t 64 � 04 D6 05 N 4 �� ;C�► i�TE .�!e rna ro.ar t�a. uwuw�esr�ua rl+Kw� ��ew rn m.� -.�r t�1[qr nul�o�� Vr�w�.el�[+MCa ..'.._ . ' . . if .iYar N � ��. �� -- �. �n°�� � - zMti �k a� p�rY c�r(PWIE . . . . . . �.IC .M�I�MY� ,s' a.� O1 AUPRE BRADLEY JO5EPH N CiCy Of 5t Paul �' �OwkL v[w M 14MM hTilA' rR� �M � O� O1 2585 S SHOR£ aLVA N 367 Grove St. � �.«e an��.n.a wuw o.ee� f m..�uuva. � O1 07� pl y�TfiyTg BgAR LAKE i�1N 55110 K7 O1 SC Faul !�A 551D6 pry� wawc onu.: -•.E �.00a •w caw FOYd V� 013�Dlk 07 02 SUSA FOR 201 GRY �� �en.wew., awuv ...n, asso K•o �a M�� ,� m�..w�w. ia.rc. srua nu�wa .... 01 O2 02� 506JTM MN A� 01 Y O1 1373 NIN 013 O1 MOILYYi1Y� MMIYK.I{IW��I M\W.YWLIt � � 651-429-4994 Salf State earm VYW �Wl :1�0010� �wnn�o �T "'✓'T'o �LT'�� M"��� IF ACCIGEMI WVOLVE011COMYLRGIAL MQTOR vLMClE,�CN00�YW.OR NGO i7AMT 9H! , �"C ^'� Ild�l[M�ER TO NOilY7NE iT�T�PA7ROL Upu1n0 uKN MO iN.Ti7�nd iNANt�. W+M.R>VN��6[NMtRt YtI�P«JWtYi� OC[YWKI1 ttw��iYKwClir�ML i WtiMGMYl1�wV OO�WH W!MfM Ifl�Mlfl 4[� M! 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Veh � Mi�or dama9Q co �th Q2 yetls pHo[oa teken at acene �cV MIYM 98 ..�., �.�t"n.w' r0] �mu t wnv� r�mMr .ocsv� ua+r 08 I O1 .��. ^.'Y: OS I ; y �W uw. l OS O1 :r• ..e.c. ..mau•ro. 0 arNerab �acv o-rsu++y.�w.E�+o.�ooE. �/) St Pdttl PD � (a�� fl°"'" � Sergeant Tom Schmidt 216 �,` � https://www.dvslesupport•org/dvsinfolaccidentrecords�2008/[ncludes_LE/PrinlDV SRaport... 1/14/2014 9c14D4902550WPSDlH77 Received 2f18l2014 10 09 25 ANI[Central6tandard 71me]