279797 2�79'7�'7 CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL FIL NO. PRELIMINARY ORDER � • � By File No. 18297 In the Matter of cons truc ting a s torm sewer in MINNLHAHA AVENUE from Payae Avenue to Burr Street; in P�tEBLE STREET from Minnehaha Avenue to Beaumont Street; in BEAUMONr STREET from DeSoto Street to the Beaumont Subway; and in the BEAt�tONT SUB`iAY from Beaumont Street to the existing Phales Creek sewer. Conatructing a storm sewer in TEDESCO STREET from Burr Street to the existing sewer in Lafayette Road; in PAYNE AVENUB from Hopkins Street to Sixth Street, and in aa easement frvm SIXTH STREET to the existing Phalen Creek sewer; all to be kncywn as the RAILROAD ISIAND STORM SEWER (Project # S-167181 and#S-1671B2) under Administrative Order approved �- The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improve�Aent, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: _ 1. That the said report and the same is he $Bt.Flnaacing for Project S-1671B1; is $ $539,600.00 .(Estimat�d . ee Co�unity Development Block Grant 34 , 2. That a public hearing be had on said i Municipa 1 S tate A'id � 3,000,00• 10:00 o'clock a.m.,in the Council ChambE Total �9�900.00 3. That notice of said public hearing be give $412,900.00 time and place of hearing,the nature of th Est.Financing for Pro ject S-167182• Municipal State Aid � $ 44,700.00 Direct Assessments $ 82,000.00 Total $126,700.00 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date FFR c� 19tS3 Yeas Nays `'�;,-r Certified se Council S retar � ."�� � In Favor - -:�,.o.. :��t J Against 1983 Ma or � ° ��t�,,? Y -�=���"��=�� PUBLtSHEO FE B 12 i98� �� ;�;�,�,