279789 `NHITE - CITV CLERK COUi1C11 �'79'789 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Coun i Re olution Presented By �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PRIORITIES FOR USE OF THE ADOPTED 1983 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET APPROPRIATION TO THE RESIDENTIAL STREET PAVING PROGRAM (RSPP) WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul adopted the City's 1983 Capital Improvement Budget on September 30, 1982 as CF 279286; and WHEREAS, that budget includes an appropriation of $1 ,120,000 in Year IX Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to the Residential Street Paving; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , upon the recommendation of the Mayor and with the advice of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee that the following streets be approved for improvement under the 1983 RSPP: Priority Log No• Project Amount Recommended 1 SP-0501 Beaumont/Bedford/Preble/Bradley $ 295,000 2 SP-0603 Orchard/Hatch/Argyle 225,000 3 SP-0901 Ann/Dousman/Goodhue/Banfil/Goodrich 295,000 4 SP-1101 Asbury/Simpson 165,000 5 SP-0601 Park 140,000 $1 , 2 00 00 and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if costs exceed the recommended budgets, the improvements will be completed in the order of the adopted priority. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: APPROVED: � Peter Hames, D�rector �" Gregory B s Finance & Management Services �'���3 Budget Director COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: etcher � L ine- Fletcher In Favor Ma a �alles � _ Nic ia Sc e e1 N►asanz _ __ Against BY T des ►�(��a ilson �ibei _ p Tedesco FEp 3 1983 Form Approve Atto ney Adopted by Council:y����� Date — / Certified Y ; e y C unci ret y BY l g , �1pp v by 17avor: Dat —FFg 4 1983 App ov8 b ay r fo Su iss' n`Eo Council � BY - — B PUBLISHED �E B 12 1983 � . 2'79'789 �y,w��:�, � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL r. V�TY ��p�! . 4a� �� ���C: �a t-,, LONG-RANGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET COMMtTTEE =� iiii'i9i i �• ;,�� „_' OFFICE OF THE MAYOR — BUDGET SECTION °`��• �" 367 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 v��� ��s• 612-298-4323 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR November 22. �982 The Honorable George Latimer and Respected Members of the Saint Paul Cit_y Council Dear Mayor Latimer and Members of the Council: Re: Report and Recommendations Reaarding the 1982/1983 Residential Street Paving Program (RSPP) The Saint Paul Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) Committee herewith submits its recomanendations and comments regarding the 1983 Residential Street Paving Program. Included are recommendations for alloCating the 1982 RSPP fund balance and recommenda- tions for changes to the list of priorities for the 1983 RSPP, tentatively approved on December 22, 1981 through CF277861. When the biennial task force review of capital projects was initiated, the CIB Committee recommended that review of proposals for the Residential Street Paving Program also be carried out biennially. To this end, the CIB Committee and its Streets and Utilities Task Force reviewed proposals for street paving during the fall of 1981 and recommended budgets for both 1982 and 1983. In 1982, $1,000,000 in Capital Zmprovement Bonds was budgeted for residential street paving and five projects were selected for improvement. Bids were extremely favorable this past summer and all of the 1982 projects were completed in their entirety, leavina a fund balance of $158,615. The 1983 Capital Improvement Budget includes $1,120,000 in Community Development Block Grant funds for the Residential Street Paving Program, and the 1981 Capital Improvement Budget includes $100,000 in Year VII CDBG funds for design of RSPP projects. Based on the Committee's review of priorities, available resources and revised cost estimates, the CIB Committee respectfully recommends the following_ 1. That the $158,615 fund balance remaining in the 1982 Residential Street Paving Program be allocated to additional projects as follows: Estimated Amount Priority Log No. Project Cost Recommended 1 SP-0701 Van Buren/Blair/Lafond $ 15,000� $ 15,000 � 2 SP-1101 Asbury/Simpson 300,000 135,000 3 ------- 1982 RSPP Contingency 8,615 8,615 $323,615 $158,615 �O . � . . � 2'79`789 , �Report & Recommendations re � � the 1982/83 RSPP -2- November_ 22, I982 2. That the following RSPP projects be implemented in 1983: $1,220,000 - Community Development Block Grant Funds z Estimated Amount : Priority LocT No. Project Cost Recommended � 1 SP-O501 Beaumont/Bedford/Preble/Bradley 320,000 320,000 2 SP-0603 Orchard/Hatch/Argyle 250,000 250,000 3 SP-0901 Ann/Dousman/Goodhue/Banfil/ Goodrich 320,000- - 320,000 4 SP-1101 Asbury/Simpson 300,000 165,000 5 SP-0601 Park 165,000 165,000 1,355,000 1,220,000 3. That SP-0601, Park, be reduced in scope or deleted entirely shauld bids for higher priority projects be greater than estimated or should the City's Community Development Block Grant entitlement be less than expected, reauiring a decrease in funding for the 1983 Residential Street Paving Program; and 4. That the Department of Public Works be allowed to comingle Year VIII CDBG funds allocated to 5-0505, Railroad Island Sewer Rehab and Year IX CDBG funds allocated to SP-O501, Beaumont/Bedford/Preble/Bradley so that sewer work and street improve- ments can be coordinated and begin before June 1, 1983 when the Year IX CDBG entitlement becomes available. The Committee considered eligibility for Community Development Block Grant fundina and the rating of the Streets and Utilities Task Force in vreparing its recommendations. The projects recommended are those most highZy ranked by the task force. Lighting for SP-0701, Van Buren/Blair/Lafond, in the amount of $15,000 is recommended to supplement improvements made in this area under an experimental program funded as part of the 1982 RSPP. This program was established as an alternative to complete paving, curb, boulevard and lighting construction in areas which do not require such extensive improvements to address problems. SP-0701, Van Buren/Blair/Lafond, was one of the three projects selected for improvements under the experimental program. Generally, the lesser improvements met the community's needs. However, a reauest for $15,000 to upgrade lighting on the improved streets was submitted and considered appropriate by the Committee. Both 1982 Capital Improvement Bond funds and 1983 Community Development Block Grant funds are recommended for SP-1101, Asbury/Simpson. This project is located on the border of a CDBG eligible area and must include some CIB funds if it is to be completed in its entirety. Finally, although SP-0601, Park Street, was given a lower priority than several other projects by the Streets and Utilities Task Force, the Committee felt that several factors made its funding appropriate. First, it received a rating of 72.9 compared with 57.1 for the next project in the priority list. Secondly, the cost of improvements is con- sistent with the funds available while the next priority would cost over $300,000. The Committee felt it more appropriate to recommend the more highly rated project in its entirety rather than only half of a lower rated proposal. R�spectfully submitted, ��Grc-c_c�' Cj , /`( C`�c--- e t David G. McDonell, .Chairman DGM/lm �•`^. �� *i1r. Vl�ry �� �.f�YN��� �.f�.�Yi �V�VV :,-� �, �' , . i:� ��— .��-.- ,,':' OIz'FICI� OF TFIIt: CITY COIINCIL �-• :�',:�::.;:-: k r._r....��•� ' �=' -_=� D a t e ; January 2 7, 198 z � �. � �`� � CO [�JIMtTT � E RE PORT TO = Sa�n� Pau ! Cifiy Cou�cil ' F� � � = C o rn rn i t t e e O h FI NANCE, MANAGET;ENT �, PERSONNEL C H A 1 R James Scheibel � 1. Approval of minutes from meetings held January I7 and 2p, 1983 . _� - - 2. Resolution revising the rfinimum Qualifications for the classifications� of Loan f� Grant Specialist I and Supervisor cf Loans and Grants. (personne� 3. P.esolution establishing the titles of bianagement Asst. I, Aianagement Asst. II, and bianagement Asst. III and the class specifications. (Personnel �''�e'-� 4. Resolution repIacing the title and class specifications for Parking Tleter � Repairman with the title and s ecification for Parking Dieter R�pair l�orker. (Personnel) �:. 5. Resolution deleting th�e title and specification for Senior Loan $ Grant Specialist and establishing the title and s ecification for Loun � Grant Specialist II. �(Personnel ) �,����: �., . 6. Resolution establishing the balance of the funding needed .for the staff i:ork for. the personnel Issues Task fiorce to allo�. that Task Force to begin neeting. (Mayor's Office��.�1�.�'=p:��'� . . ..�,W,�...__. . 7. Discussion of the policy guidelines for UDAG reinvestmen ,� n'� � r:. �^�'Q- 8. Discussion of the Civic Center �Auditorium Feasibilit - Stud . ��� ������� y ��r�a� : ,�--•... 9. Discussion of the policy for City employees for snow days. .. . �. NOT OI� PREPARED AGENDA: ' � • xResolution establishing priorities for use of 1983 Residential Street Paving fund �� Resolution extending priorities for use of the adopted 1982 Capital Improvement �� Budget Appropriation to the Residential Street Paving Program. � CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SNNT PAUL.ri1NNESOTA 551U2 •e�., �a .� �� r - OMB EPARTt,1ENT � ° p . Aichinger - �ONTACT �� ��v� -6861 PHONE ���� �� ',' , 1 10 83 DATE ' (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): ,� n Di rector � � City Attorney ,� � Di rector of Management/Mayor Q� ��JI2Q-(�� 4�;V��� �,���� � inance and Management Services Director "� � ��n���� 2 �. ,Q83 � City Clerk ;� I get Director iJ„'�,,�, . _ �,-+�;�:.;�= � � twl �i����bFie J ;4 I' i�hat Will be Achieved b Takin Action on the Attached Materials? Pur ose Rationa ` Priorities for use of 1983 Residential Street Paving funds wili be establishe . 'i t 1.� , ,1 �" Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Irr�acts Anticipated: �` f None. Funding Source and Fund Activity Namber Charged or Credited: '' Adopted allocation of $1 ,120,000 in Year IX Corr�nunity Development Block Grantk�Funds. Atta�chments (List and Number all Attachments� : `�� I� Resolution. �� Report of Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee. � ;� - i, , ,f DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW ; ;C � Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes � No Yes � No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes � No Yes � No Insurance Attached? ` i� Revision of October, 1982 !� C (See Reverse Side for �Instructio )