00-36QRIGII�AL Presented By Referred To Committee i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the z appoinhnent, made by the Mayor, of the following individual to serve on the s YOUTH FUND BOARD. 4 s 6 7 a 9 io ii APPOINTED Travis Logan REPRESENTING Ward 1 Adult Representative Travis Logan shall serve the remainder of Shirley Alexander's unexpired term. This term shall expire on July 1, 2000. � 12 13 14 15 16 1 7 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �� Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary By' � �."'�_ �_-��+.OtiJ� �ml ` � ��{ Z� Approved by Mayor: Date By: C__C��� t•l� �.Ji�7 Council File # �Q� J� 6reen Sheet # � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNES01'A Form pro d by City ttorney v By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g : <�_.�vG�v°' c,- /'�" ' " " Susan Kimberly 266-8529 IUST BE ON COUNCILAGFtID�4 BY (OWT� ,.,.,��>�,;.,,, 'aW3 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 Appointment of Travis Logan to serve as the Ward 1"Adult representative on tfie- Youth Fund Board, serving the remainder of Shirley Alexander's unexpired term. PLANNING CAMMISSION CB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVECE CAMMfSSION GREEN SHEET 00 -3� No 103U20 u��� u��- � aK►no�acx � acYUAR ❑ NYMO\LfF0.YKFfOR ❑ MI/�NO�LiFRVlAtR6 � WYOR(OR1i�111/I� ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� RSONAL SERVICE CONiRAC(5 MUSf ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWINb QUES7ION5: Has ihis persoMfirm everwarketl under a conVac[ forthic tlepartment? rES rro Has thia DraorJfirm erer been a c0.Y emvbYee? YE3 NO Dcesttxs P�sAMim Vo�ess a sldU not namellYP�seC bY �Y curtent cilY emPbYee? YES NO' la Mis peisoNfirm a taryeted veMoY7 VES NO 4t�fA4's��i �F��G.."va.; „ , .r" : }�P ..;, . .- ._.� �l OFTRANSACTIONt SOURCE COST/REVENUE Bl1DfiETED (CIRCLE ONq ACiNITY NUI�ER YES- NO 00 - 3f, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cn[eman, Mayor 390 Ciry Eal1 ZS Weu %Ilogg Boulevard Satit[ Pau[, MinnesWa 55102 TO: Saint Pau! City Councilmembers Councilmember President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Counci]member Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Counciimember Kathy Lantry Councilmember 7ames Reiter FROM: DATE: RE: Susan Kimberly Deputy Mayor January 6, 2000 Youth Fund Board Telepha�re: (612) 26b8510 Facsimile: (612) 2668513 Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Travis Logan to serve on the Youth Fund Board. Mr. Logan shall serve the remainder of Shiriey Alexander's unexpired term as a Ward 1 Adult Representative. This term will expire on July 1, 2000. A copy of Mr. Logan's application is attached and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1994. Feel free to contact me at 266-8519, or Darlyne Morrow at 266-8525 with any questions or concerns. SK:drm Attachments c: Eric Thompson, Saint Paul Parks and Recreation G:\Users�MorrowlW PFILES\youthcnc12000.wpd �-. -• JAN H4 '00 12�45 FR CORPORAI'E RUDIT 612 310 3.8� TO 925o3�i3 . , ,- ;` V.. ,�� ��, � o�c� aF z�e mraYOx � � � 390 CTTY HALL � � J �'L SAP1i T PAIIL, MP�i'NESOTA 55102 • . Phoae: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 Name• r0.�i S �og.o�✓1 _ P.62iO3 Op -3t. Home Address: � 30 � ►'�,qr51.n� t R''e- �= Q�- I i ►M� �'S y Street �ty Zip Telephone Namber. Plannine Distri<L Councit: Preferred Mai&ng Address: W6at is yoar occupatioa? Place of Empioyment: Committee(s) Applied For: ($pme G49-'t�t11 ryVork� �ro-a�fS' � 3�e-3�Ss" Citp'Council'Ward: '� gS t�l4sw'.�,-}p,� 5-{-. Ma;l c,�tQ. !0 3 Cr S�.P �.c� � f{c,tl,'�( ��-. P�t ca, . m Whatsl:ilis, training or ezperience do y,ou possess,for the committee(s) for which you seek appoiRYment? _-L.n ctc�cj �u. 'jU f^�-. Ormr 4 au5 s� ��,c O.�ri an cQ w,'t'� ', `ai t n._.r.. �-e c�a.t r _ � �u.� �•.c, i..ve4K.� � y« �� Yo..-}� ���-.� ,=, s� P..�, ?` Lta-{ re��..�..( ��.t.,}- /'e��f7 -fat �e- .�'�c.. � pyt�✓ -�+- �o.r� �i�ap�b�-. i%r Z-'� _GdGL'�'�o-. GLS Q-. ��'�'Cr"n�..� GL4di V � � �n -.. . Co-h.+�,.i� A /Ice��.{ �sl'SOcc"��t D,.�. 'f'� ftyirr.) oC �.�...ci�1S . 5��.-�-s . �! cs.,:+- S�-u..-�-f� The informafion included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government bata Practices Act. As a resuit, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rcv. 8-5-c- •-- "�` J�v 0< '00 12�46 FR CORPORRTE FUDIT ' 612 310 3185 70 925oE5?3 � . .. . . . . . � . � . > . . . ::..,�,.,. � .RCaNAi. RF.FF, F.NGF- Name: P.03�83 00 -3f, Address: l �0 � �� �. f}v� Phoae: (Hom�� (Workl � � SS� Z " . Name: ,,... •Piddress: _�c2`�� D�-4a� .�- . . , . � - Phone: iFi��ttg� (o�('S 4���a ortc) Name: ji.5 "'t ..�^^-� ��,^ • • . Address: I oZ.o� o'� �a�'S�..1, . • , . . > . .. _ Phone; LH�� �4�4 3a�t-�_-. ('�ork � Iteasons for your intuest in this particular commitiee: _ = Sa�� `� S 4 ra.� (Zcp. 6n ��S Ca-�a-a���}�cC i�f' q/1w�s5�r DF Ve.�s 0��� � T '{n tM.. r�lo uc{� x �4� I� '}L. S'C7�'� � �•.� /'C�r^'rl �° S'}'. �h �� S LAJ� Vl �IKe. -'lo Cn.��l-�•�t -f'a SQn�;_ (`ti fn..\'� `c.F-� S'f-��—� !�t '�+/� �o...�-.i[iL4 . T h.�tK �"Q" 4 Urirell' 1 c � � � QG / �- ��tr7�t��'� '�' o.,�-�..s . . �t�. Y�., �,..,c . r ..Od.''�S • ' .. . . �_ Have you had previoas contact with the committee for which you are making application? Tf so, when, and the circumstanccs? � � : �..n a.s � f2\c'c...i�"v.. 'fo ' �ct'rfa�. , t�i1�. In an attempt to ensure that commiLtee representation reflects the makeup af our commuaity, ptease check the line applicable to you. This iaform3tion is strictly votantary. White (Caucuian) _� Black (African American) American Indiaa or Alaskan Eskimo � i4fale Female Disabled: Yu �o x If special accommodatioas are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander bate of Birth: Nl� -a3—��( , How d;d you hear about this opening? �car� �'t*�+bd' �-.� f�"lr G'� 5��,�rr�-+< �- 01-06-00 APPLZCANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT 00-36 PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATSONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMFfENTS 003524 Blattert, Louise O. 950 Edgerton Street St. Paul, MN 55101-4017 Home - 612-772-6537 Self Employed Accountant 12-22-98 Youth Fund Board Joseph Germain 359 E. Hyacinth St. Pau1, MN 551�1 h) 612-774-6098 Mrs. Billie Freeman 711 H. Woodduck Drive Woodbury, MN 55125 h) 612-730-6840 Arlend (Buzz) Wilson 728 Sims St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 612-776-1307 001033 Blick, Beth 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 Home - 291-85$3 Unemployed Rita Adams 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia St. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-8464 or 822-0127 1 8 5-30-90 apps. for PHA, PA and FN WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- ----°° --- --- --- 6 5 12/22/98 W F 02j20/98 W F Sara Tesch DO - 3L 01-06-00 APPI,ICANTS . RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMZTTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1j01/94 APPLICAI3T / REFERENCE COMlSENTS 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Nancy Wisocke 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Walter Rupp Advocating Change Together 1821 University Ave, 55104 w) 641-0297 PAGE 2 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRI�R) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------^ ---°--- -------- --- --- --- ---------------------------------------------{--°------__ 5-15-92 Refugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {JOb Corps Center, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Affiirmative Action Advisory Committee, Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa(bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Health Services,{ Human Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, Zo{ning, Ryan White, Overnight Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame{ricans and Parks-Rec: ----------------------'---------°-'---------{---------- 2-20-98 References for Multiple Committees (S(ee #16 section) Rebecca Hoffman Strong Currently Homeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Barb Warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Rennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1821 University Avenue, Ste. 312 002944 Brown, Sherri Mortenson 2 16 02/21/95 W F 10 Victoria S. Truth In Housing St. Paul, MN 55105 00 -'3G 01-06-00 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMZTTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AETER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt4ENTS Home - 291-9189 Policy Analyst, Dept. Commerce valerie Whitehead 1951 Montreal St. Paul, MN 55116 H) 698-9652 PAGE 3 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMM2TTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- �-�----- ----°-- --- --� --- 12-28-98 HPC; P.C. and NST (STAR): Mayor Norm Coleman 390 City Hall, 55102 Alberto Quintela, Jr. 390 City Hall, 55102 003445 Evenrud, Nelson T. 1 7 1061 Thomas Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 917-9683 Supervisor 3-13-98 Parks-Rec and Youth Fund Eoard Eric Hacket 4453 Colfax Ave., S. Mpls. 55409 h) 823-3537 Matthew Palmer 4128 Sheridan Ave Mpls., MN 55410 h) 926-2928 Sarah Kerbeshien 5059 Vincent Ave Mpls., 55410 h) 926-6031 003232 Ford, Michelle 1134 Blair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 644-9350 OutYeach Case Manager S. � 4 13 03/13/98 U M 10/25/96 W F Colleen Hegranes College of St. Catherine/Dean of Students h) 698-0622 00-3l0 01-06-00 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE AYPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICA2ION5 DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS Robert McCarthy 1776 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, MN 551Q4 h) 644-8510 w) 544-3316 Dee Foutch 215 E. 9th St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 228-3283 003365 Fuller, Joan 1161 Randolph Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 695-0958 Natl. Admissions Rep/Hotels 2-17-98 Youth Fund & HPC Officer James Quinn Newport Police Dept. Broadway, Newport, RI 02840 w) (4010 897-0088, X 240 Eileen Morrice hasbro Toy Company Riverside, RI w) 9401) 725-8697, X 8747 Ronnie Getter 1149 Randolph Ave. St. paul, MN h) 690-4627 002943 Gunderson, Patricia 283 N. Avon Street St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 297-9323 Self Employed Pam Lachowsky b82 Dayton Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 H) 22&-7226 PAGE 4 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- �-- --- 3 14 02/17/98 W F 1 E? 02J17f95 W F Trish Grafstrum 329 Minnesota Ave. Roseville� MN 55113 H) 484-7568 • 00-36 01-06-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 5 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT � REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ------------------------°--------- ---- ------° --�----- ---�---- --- --- --- Robin Caulfield 733 Je£ferson Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 222-4620 003025 Heinz, Jo �2 1319 Conway Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 772-9081 Student/GAP Project Volunteer 7 4 07/31/95 II F Janet Preston 602 Ivy Ave. E. h) 774-3249 w) 227-3938 State Senator Randy Kelly h} 772-1114 w) 296-5285 Andy Dawkins 7S8 Charles Ave. h) 224-6270 w) 296-5158 003110 Hoye, Dennis 1552 Blair St. Paul, MN 55104-1828 Home - 644-0461 11/30/95 W M 11-30-95 Police Civilian Review Commission &{Youth Fund Board -- No References Listed by Applicant. 003185 Jackson, Tina M. 1 7 06j10/96 B F 740 N. Lexinqton Pkwy. St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 488-�580 Social Worker Linita Gay ?31 Zlst Ave. S.E. Augsburg College w} 330-1�22 Dapne Topps 935 Olson Memorial Hwy. T.C.O.I.C. - 00-36 01-06-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 6 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1f94 APPLICANT f REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) -------------------°-------- ---- -°-�--- -------- -------- --- --- °- w) 377-0150 Lisa Sayles Harvest Prep 2338 Humboldt Ave. h) 529-6173 11-4-96 Human Rights Commission Linita Gay 731 21st Ave. S.E. Augusburg College w) 330-1022 Daphne Topps 935 Olson Memorial Hwy T.C.O.I.C.. w) 377-0150 Lisa Sayles Harvest Prep 2335 Humbold Ave. h) 529-6173 003017 James, Cricket 6 z 1280 Kennard St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 712-2370 Sa1es Rep Dino Guerin 1977 N. Park Drive H) 738-1458 Terri McLaughlin 1821 Goodrich St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 699-4364 Curman Ga1Res 168 E. 6th Street St, Paul, MN H) 222-5536 07J20/95 NA F 001321 Logan, Travis 1 13 O1/04/00 B M 1306 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 00-3` 01-06-00 APPLICANTS.RPT COHMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT CAMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Soard FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1f01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMP�NTS Home - (651) 699-4431 Corporate Auditor Mr. Mead Central Sr. High School w) 293-8?00 h) 224-3525 Daniel J. Brick Central Sr. High School Humanities Teacher w) 293-8700 1-4-2000 Youth Fund Board: 3im Kelley 1809 Dayton Avenue (w) 659-0613 Randy Treichel 1277 Dayton Avenve (h0 645-9416 Waymond Dean 1222 Marshall (h) 644-3247 003375 Mullen, Mark R. #300 Hewitt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 523-4328 Legal Clerk PAGE 7 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -----�-- --- --- --- 4 il 09/OS/98 U M 2-13-98 Planning Commission; CIB; Parks and R{ec and BZA: Mayor Charles Stokke 800 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54�51 h) (715� 235-4912 w) (715) 232-2369 Lowell Prange City Administrator 40-36 01-06-00 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 8 COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIQNS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRSCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ----�--- -------- -------- ---' --- --- 800 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54751 (h) (715) 235-5482 w) (715) 232-2187 Mayor Virginia Smith 30 W. Central St. Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 h) (715) 723-5439 w) (715) 726-2734 9-8-98 Youth Fund Board Human Rights Overnight Shelter Police Civilian Internal Af£airs Planning Commission [same references as those listed abovej 003587 Nins, Jr., Maurice #12 741 Holly Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - (651) 227-2571 Non-Profit Management 1 8 4-5-99 Youth Fund Board; Parks-Rec: Judge Edward Wilson Ramsey Co. Courthouse Room 1570 St. Paul, MN 55102 (651) 266-8297 Dave Ellis MN Dept. Corrections 1450 Energy Park Drive St. Paul, MN 55108 (651) 642-0417 William Collins YWCA of St. Paul 198 N. Western Ave. St. Paul� MN 55102 (651) 222-3741 04/OSf99 B M 003474 Nuckles, Kimberly 3 15 08f26/98 W F 1640 Randolph Avenue-A St. Pau1, MN 551o5 Home - (651J 699-7780 � • 00-36 01-06-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 9 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -----------------------------'---_-_ _-_- -_°°-- -------- -------- --- --- °- Executive Director 8-26-95 YASFB John Hottinger, MN State Senator 120 State Capitol St. Paul� MN 55155 h) 227-1952 w) 296-6153 Joeleen Gonder Spacek Suite 200 81 South 9th Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 h) 476-2319 w) 38-=9162 Kathy Moriarity 651 1/2 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 488-5940 w) 291-2480 002981 Oyeyemi, Kunle 1780 52nd St. E. Inver Grove Hgts., MN 55077 Home - 457-1899 Rubin Latz 245 E. 6th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 H) 292-8734 Richard Omi H) 290-0905 Jona oyinloye 220 5. RObert St. St. Paul, MN 55107 002385 Reagan, Maryjane Racriner 1917 Pinehurst Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 134� 3 15 OS/16/95 B M Y 03(26/97 W F Home - 698-1038 Reading Tutor James Noonan oo- 36 01-06-00 COMMI2TEE APYLICANTS REPORT PAGE 10 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COM2��NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERV2NG ON) 364 N. Owasso Blvd. Shoreview H) 482-7723 Dr. Donald Derauf 600 Wentworth Ave. Mendota Hgts. Steven Kurak 13196 Eldorado St. NE Blaine, MN H) 755-4439 QRIGII�AL Presented By Referred To Committee i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the z appoinhnent, made by the Mayor, of the following individual to serve on the s YOUTH FUND BOARD. 4 s 6 7 a 9 io ii APPOINTED Travis Logan REPRESENTING Ward 1 Adult Representative Travis Logan shall serve the remainder of Shirley Alexander's unexpired term. This term shall expire on July 1, 2000. � 12 13 14 15 16 1 7 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �� Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary By' � �."'�_ �_-��+.OtiJ� �ml ` � ��{ Z� Approved by Mayor: Date By: C__C��� t•l� �.Ji�7 Council File # �Q� J� 6reen Sheet # � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNES01'A Form pro d by City ttorney v By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g : <�_.�vG�v°' c,- /'�" ' " " Susan Kimberly 266-8529 IUST BE ON COUNCILAGFtID�4 BY (OWT� ,.,.,��>�,;.,,, 'aW3 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 Appointment of Travis Logan to serve as the Ward 1"Adult representative on tfie- Youth Fund Board, serving the remainder of Shirley Alexander's unexpired term. PLANNING CAMMISSION CB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVECE CAMMfSSION GREEN SHEET 00 -3� No 103U20 u��� u��- � aK►no�acx � acYUAR ❑ NYMO\LfF0.YKFfOR ❑ MI/�NO�LiFRVlAtR6 � WYOR(OR1i�111/I� ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� RSONAL SERVICE CONiRAC(5 MUSf ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWINb QUES7ION5: Has ihis persoMfirm everwarketl under a conVac[ forthic tlepartment? rES rro Has thia DraorJfirm erer been a c0.Y emvbYee? YE3 NO Dcesttxs P�sAMim Vo�ess a sldU not namellYP�seC bY �Y curtent cilY emPbYee? YES NO' la Mis peisoNfirm a taryeted veMoY7 VES NO 4t�fA4's��i �F��G.."va.; „ , .r" : }�P ..;, . .- ._.� �l OFTRANSACTIONt SOURCE COST/REVENUE Bl1DfiETED (CIRCLE ONq ACiNITY NUI�ER YES- NO 00 - 3f, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cn[eman, Mayor 390 Ciry Eal1 ZS Weu %Ilogg Boulevard Satit[ Pau[, MinnesWa 55102 TO: Saint Pau! City Councilmembers Councilmember President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Counci]member Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Counciimember Kathy Lantry Councilmember 7ames Reiter FROM: DATE: RE: Susan Kimberly Deputy Mayor January 6, 2000 Youth Fund Board Telepha�re: (612) 26b8510 Facsimile: (612) 2668513 Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Travis Logan to serve on the Youth Fund Board. Mr. Logan shall serve the remainder of Shiriey Alexander's unexpired term as a Ward 1 Adult Representative. This term will expire on July 1, 2000. A copy of Mr. Logan's application is attached and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1994. Feel free to contact me at 266-8519, or Darlyne Morrow at 266-8525 with any questions or concerns. SK:drm Attachments c: Eric Thompson, Saint Paul Parks and Recreation G:\Users�MorrowlW PFILES\youthcnc12000.wpd �-. -• JAN H4 '00 12�45 FR CORPORAI'E RUDIT 612 310 3.8� TO 925o3�i3 . , ,- ;` V.. ,�� ��, � o�c� aF z�e mraYOx � � � 390 CTTY HALL � � J �'L SAP1i T PAIIL, MP�i'NESOTA 55102 • . Phoae: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 Name• r0.�i S �og.o�✓1 _ P.62iO3 Op -3t. Home Address: � 30 � ►'�,qr51.n� t R''e- �= Q�- I i ►M� �'S y Street �ty Zip Telephone Namber. Plannine Distri<L Councit: Preferred Mai&ng Address: W6at is yoar occupatioa? Place of Empioyment: Committee(s) Applied For: ($pme G49-'t�t11 ryVork� �ro-a�fS' � 3�e-3�Ss" Citp'Council'Ward: '� gS t�l4sw'.�,-}p,� 5-{-. Ma;l c,�tQ. !0 3 Cr S�.P �.c� � f{c,tl,'�( ��-. P�t ca, . m Whatsl:ilis, training or ezperience do y,ou possess,for the committee(s) for which you seek appoiRYment? _-L.n ctc�cj �u. 'jU f^�-. Ormr 4 au5 s� ��,c O.�ri an cQ w,'t'� ', `ai t n._.r.. �-e c�a.t r _ � �u.� �•.c, i..ve4K.� � y« �� Yo..-}� ���-.� ,=, s� P..�, ?` Lta-{ re��..�..( ��.t.,}- /'e��f7 -fat �e- .�'�c.. � pyt�✓ -�+- �o.r� �i�ap�b�-. i%r Z-'� _GdGL'�'�o-. GLS Q-. ��'�'Cr"n�..� GL4di V � � �n -.. . Co-h.+�,.i� A /Ice��.{ �sl'SOcc"��t D,.�. 'f'� ftyirr.) oC �.�...ci�1S . 5��.-�-s . �! cs.,:+- S�-u..-�-f� The informafion included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government bata Practices Act. As a resuit, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rcv. 8-5-c- •-- "�` J�v 0< '00 12�46 FR CORPORRTE FUDIT ' 612 310 3185 70 925oE5?3 � . .. . . . . . � . � . > . . . ::..,�,.,. � .RCaNAi. RF.FF, F.NGF- Name: P.03�83 00 -3f, Address: l �0 � �� �. f}v� Phoae: (Hom�� (Workl � � SS� Z " . Name: ,,... •Piddress: _�c2`�� D�-4a� .�- . . , . � - Phone: iFi��ttg� (o�('S 4���a ortc) Name: ji.5 "'t ..�^^-� ��,^ • • . Address: I oZ.o� o'� �a�'S�..1, . • , . . > . .. _ Phone; LH�� �4�4 3a�t-�_-. ('�ork � Iteasons for your intuest in this particular commitiee: _ = Sa�� `� S 4 ra.� (Zcp. 6n ��S Ca-�a-a���}�cC i�f' q/1w�s5�r DF Ve.�s 0��� � T '{n tM.. r�lo uc{� x �4� I� '}L. S'C7�'� � �•.� /'C�r^'rl �° S'}'. �h �� S LAJ� Vl �IKe. -'lo Cn.��l-�•�t -f'a SQn�;_ (`ti fn..\'� `c.F-� S'f-��—� !�t '�+/� �o...�-.i[iL4 . T h.�tK �"Q" 4 Urirell' 1 c � � � QG / �- ��tr7�t��'� '�' o.,�-�..s . . �t�. Y�., �,..,c . r ..Od.''�S • ' .. . . �_ Have you had previoas contact with the committee for which you are making application? Tf so, when, and the circumstanccs? � � : �..n a.s � f2\c'c...i�"v.. 'fo ' �ct'rfa�. , t�i1�. In an attempt to ensure that commiLtee representation reflects the makeup af our commuaity, ptease check the line applicable to you. This iaform3tion is strictly votantary. White (Caucuian) _� Black (African American) American Indiaa or Alaskan Eskimo � i4fale Female Disabled: Yu �o x If special accommodatioas are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander bate of Birth: Nl� -a3—��( , How d;d you hear about this opening? �car� �'t*�+bd' �-.� f�"lr G'� 5��,�rr�-+< �- 01-06-00 APPLZCANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT 00-36 PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATSONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMFfENTS 003524 Blattert, Louise O. 950 Edgerton Street St. Paul, MN 55101-4017 Home - 612-772-6537 Self Employed Accountant 12-22-98 Youth Fund Board Joseph Germain 359 E. Hyacinth St. Pau1, MN 551�1 h) 612-774-6098 Mrs. Billie Freeman 711 H. Woodduck Drive Woodbury, MN 55125 h) 612-730-6840 Arlend (Buzz) Wilson 728 Sims St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 612-776-1307 001033 Blick, Beth 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 Home - 291-85$3 Unemployed Rita Adams 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia St. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-8464 or 822-0127 1 8 5-30-90 apps. for PHA, PA and FN WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- ----°° --- --- --- 6 5 12/22/98 W F 02j20/98 W F Sara Tesch DO - 3L 01-06-00 APPI,ICANTS . RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMZTTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1j01/94 APPLICAI3T / REFERENCE COMlSENTS 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Nancy Wisocke 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Walter Rupp Advocating Change Together 1821 University Ave, 55104 w) 641-0297 PAGE 2 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRI�R) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------^ ---°--- -------- --- --- --- ---------------------------------------------{--°------__ 5-15-92 Refugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {JOb Corps Center, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Affiirmative Action Advisory Committee, Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa(bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Health Services,{ Human Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, Zo{ning, Ryan White, Overnight Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame{ricans and Parks-Rec: ----------------------'---------°-'---------{---------- 2-20-98 References for Multiple Committees (S(ee #16 section) Rebecca Hoffman Strong Currently Homeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Barb Warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Rennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1821 University Avenue, Ste. 312 002944 Brown, Sherri Mortenson 2 16 02/21/95 W F 10 Victoria S. Truth In Housing St. Paul, MN 55105 00 -'3G 01-06-00 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMZTTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AETER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt4ENTS Home - 291-9189 Policy Analyst, Dept. Commerce valerie Whitehead 1951 Montreal St. Paul, MN 55116 H) 698-9652 PAGE 3 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMM2TTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- �-�----- ----°-- --- --� --- 12-28-98 HPC; P.C. and NST (STAR): Mayor Norm Coleman 390 City Hall, 55102 Alberto Quintela, Jr. 390 City Hall, 55102 003445 Evenrud, Nelson T. 1 7 1061 Thomas Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 917-9683 Supervisor 3-13-98 Parks-Rec and Youth Fund Eoard Eric Hacket 4453 Colfax Ave., S. Mpls. 55409 h) 823-3537 Matthew Palmer 4128 Sheridan Ave Mpls., MN 55410 h) 926-2928 Sarah Kerbeshien 5059 Vincent Ave Mpls., 55410 h) 926-6031 003232 Ford, Michelle 1134 Blair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 644-9350 OutYeach Case Manager S. � 4 13 03/13/98 U M 10/25/96 W F Colleen Hegranes College of St. Catherine/Dean of Students h) 698-0622 00-3l0 01-06-00 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE AYPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICA2ION5 DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS Robert McCarthy 1776 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, MN 551Q4 h) 644-8510 w) 544-3316 Dee Foutch 215 E. 9th St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 228-3283 003365 Fuller, Joan 1161 Randolph Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 695-0958 Natl. Admissions Rep/Hotels 2-17-98 Youth Fund & HPC Officer James Quinn Newport Police Dept. Broadway, Newport, RI 02840 w) (4010 897-0088, X 240 Eileen Morrice hasbro Toy Company Riverside, RI w) 9401) 725-8697, X 8747 Ronnie Getter 1149 Randolph Ave. St. paul, MN h) 690-4627 002943 Gunderson, Patricia 283 N. Avon Street St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 297-9323 Self Employed Pam Lachowsky b82 Dayton Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 H) 22&-7226 PAGE 4 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- �-- --- 3 14 02/17/98 W F 1 E? 02J17f95 W F Trish Grafstrum 329 Minnesota Ave. Roseville� MN 55113 H) 484-7568 • 00-36 01-06-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 5 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT � REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ------------------------°--------- ---- ------° --�----- ---�---- --- --- --- Robin Caulfield 733 Je£ferson Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 222-4620 003025 Heinz, Jo �2 1319 Conway Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 772-9081 Student/GAP Project Volunteer 7 4 07/31/95 II F Janet Preston 602 Ivy Ave. E. h) 774-3249 w) 227-3938 State Senator Randy Kelly h} 772-1114 w) 296-5285 Andy Dawkins 7S8 Charles Ave. h) 224-6270 w) 296-5158 003110 Hoye, Dennis 1552 Blair St. Paul, MN 55104-1828 Home - 644-0461 11/30/95 W M 11-30-95 Police Civilian Review Commission &{Youth Fund Board -- No References Listed by Applicant. 003185 Jackson, Tina M. 1 7 06j10/96 B F 740 N. Lexinqton Pkwy. St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 488-�580 Social Worker Linita Gay ?31 Zlst Ave. S.E. Augsburg College w} 330-1�22 Dapne Topps 935 Olson Memorial Hwy. T.C.O.I.C. - 00-36 01-06-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 6 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1f94 APPLICANT f REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) -------------------°-------- ---- -°-�--- -------- -------- --- --- °- w) 377-0150 Lisa Sayles Harvest Prep 2338 Humboldt Ave. h) 529-6173 11-4-96 Human Rights Commission Linita Gay 731 21st Ave. S.E. Augusburg College w) 330-1022 Daphne Topps 935 Olson Memorial Hwy T.C.O.I.C.. w) 377-0150 Lisa Sayles Harvest Prep 2335 Humbold Ave. h) 529-6173 003017 James, Cricket 6 z 1280 Kennard St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 712-2370 Sa1es Rep Dino Guerin 1977 N. Park Drive H) 738-1458 Terri McLaughlin 1821 Goodrich St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 699-4364 Curman Ga1Res 168 E. 6th Street St, Paul, MN H) 222-5536 07J20/95 NA F 001321 Logan, Travis 1 13 O1/04/00 B M 1306 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 00-3` 01-06-00 APPLICANTS.RPT COHMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT CAMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Soard FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1f01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMP�NTS Home - (651) 699-4431 Corporate Auditor Mr. Mead Central Sr. High School w) 293-8?00 h) 224-3525 Daniel J. Brick Central Sr. High School Humanities Teacher w) 293-8700 1-4-2000 Youth Fund Board: 3im Kelley 1809 Dayton Avenue (w) 659-0613 Randy Treichel 1277 Dayton Avenve (h0 645-9416 Waymond Dean 1222 Marshall (h) 644-3247 003375 Mullen, Mark R. #300 Hewitt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 523-4328 Legal Clerk PAGE 7 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -----�-- --- --- --- 4 il 09/OS/98 U M 2-13-98 Planning Commission; CIB; Parks and R{ec and BZA: Mayor Charles Stokke 800 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54�51 h) (715� 235-4912 w) (715) 232-2369 Lowell Prange City Administrator 40-36 01-06-00 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 8 COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIQNS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRSCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ----�--- -------- -------- ---' --- --- 800 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54751 (h) (715) 235-5482 w) (715) 232-2187 Mayor Virginia Smith 30 W. Central St. Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 h) (715) 723-5439 w) (715) 726-2734 9-8-98 Youth Fund Board Human Rights Overnight Shelter Police Civilian Internal Af£airs Planning Commission [same references as those listed abovej 003587 Nins, Jr., Maurice #12 741 Holly Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - (651) 227-2571 Non-Profit Management 1 8 4-5-99 Youth Fund Board; Parks-Rec: Judge Edward Wilson Ramsey Co. Courthouse Room 1570 St. Paul, MN 55102 (651) 266-8297 Dave Ellis MN Dept. Corrections 1450 Energy Park Drive St. Paul, MN 55108 (651) 642-0417 William Collins YWCA of St. Paul 198 N. Western Ave. St. Paul� MN 55102 (651) 222-3741 04/OSf99 B M 003474 Nuckles, Kimberly 3 15 08f26/98 W F 1640 Randolph Avenue-A St. Pau1, MN 551o5 Home - (651J 699-7780 � • 00-36 01-06-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 9 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -----------------------------'---_-_ _-_- -_°°-- -------- -------- --- --- °- Executive Director 8-26-95 YASFB John Hottinger, MN State Senator 120 State Capitol St. Paul� MN 55155 h) 227-1952 w) 296-6153 Joeleen Gonder Spacek Suite 200 81 South 9th Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 h) 476-2319 w) 38-=9162 Kathy Moriarity 651 1/2 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 488-5940 w) 291-2480 002981 Oyeyemi, Kunle 1780 52nd St. E. Inver Grove Hgts., MN 55077 Home - 457-1899 Rubin Latz 245 E. 6th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 H) 292-8734 Richard Omi H) 290-0905 Jona oyinloye 220 5. RObert St. St. Paul, MN 55107 002385 Reagan, Maryjane Racriner 1917 Pinehurst Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 134� 3 15 OS/16/95 B M Y 03(26/97 W F Home - 698-1038 Reading Tutor James Noonan oo- 36 01-06-00 COMMI2TEE APYLICANTS REPORT PAGE 10 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COM2��NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERV2NG ON) 364 N. Owasso Blvd. Shoreview H) 482-7723 Dr. Donald Derauf 600 Wentworth Ave. Mendota Hgts. Steven Kurak 13196 Eldorado St. NE Blaine, MN H) 755-4439 QRIGII�AL Presented By Referred To Committee i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the z appoinhnent, made by the Mayor, of the following individual to serve on the s YOUTH FUND BOARD. 4 s 6 7 a 9 io ii APPOINTED Travis Logan REPRESENTING Ward 1 Adult Representative Travis Logan shall serve the remainder of Shirley Alexander's unexpired term. This term shall expire on July 1, 2000. � 12 13 14 15 16 1 7 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date �� Adoption Certified by Counci Secretary By' � �."'�_ �_-��+.OtiJ� �ml ` � ��{ Z� Approved by Mayor: Date By: C__C��� t•l� �.Ji�7 Council File # �Q� J� 6reen Sheet # � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNES01'A Form pro d by City ttorney v By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g : <�_.�vG�v°' c,- /'�" ' " " Susan Kimberly 266-8529 IUST BE ON COUNCILAGFtID�4 BY (OWT� ,.,.,��>�,;.,,, 'aW3 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 Appointment of Travis Logan to serve as the Ward 1"Adult representative on tfie- Youth Fund Board, serving the remainder of Shirley Alexander's unexpired term. PLANNING CAMMISSION CB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVECE CAMMfSSION GREEN SHEET 00 -3� No 103U20 u��� u��- � aK►no�acx � acYUAR ❑ NYMO\LfF0.YKFfOR ❑ MI/�NO�LiFRVlAtR6 � WYOR(OR1i�111/I� ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� RSONAL SERVICE CONiRAC(5 MUSf ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWINb QUES7ION5: Has ihis persoMfirm everwarketl under a conVac[ forthic tlepartment? rES rro Has thia DraorJfirm erer been a c0.Y emvbYee? YE3 NO Dcesttxs P�sAMim Vo�ess a sldU not namellYP�seC bY �Y curtent cilY emPbYee? YES NO' la Mis peisoNfirm a taryeted veMoY7 VES NO 4t�fA4's��i �F��G.."va.; „ , .r" : }�P ..;, . .- ._.� �l OFTRANSACTIONt SOURCE COST/REVENUE Bl1DfiETED (CIRCLE ONq ACiNITY NUI�ER YES- NO 00 - 3f, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Cn[eman, Mayor 390 Ciry Eal1 ZS Weu %Ilogg Boulevard Satit[ Pau[, MinnesWa 55102 TO: Saint Pau! City Councilmembers Councilmember President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Counci]member Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Counciimember Kathy Lantry Councilmember 7ames Reiter FROM: DATE: RE: Susan Kimberly Deputy Mayor January 6, 2000 Youth Fund Board Telepha�re: (612) 26b8510 Facsimile: (612) 2668513 Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointment of Travis Logan to serve on the Youth Fund Board. Mr. Logan shall serve the remainder of Shiriey Alexander's unexpired term as a Ward 1 Adult Representative. This term will expire on July 1, 2000. A copy of Mr. Logan's application is attached and an applicant report listing applicants on file since January 1, 1994. Feel free to contact me at 266-8519, or Darlyne Morrow at 266-8525 with any questions or concerns. SK:drm Attachments c: Eric Thompson, Saint Paul Parks and Recreation G:\Users�MorrowlW PFILES\youthcnc12000.wpd �-. -• JAN H4 '00 12�45 FR CORPORAI'E RUDIT 612 310 3.8� TO 925o3�i3 . , ,- ;` V.. ,�� ��, � o�c� aF z�e mraYOx � � � 390 CTTY HALL � � J �'L SAP1i T PAIIL, MP�i'NESOTA 55102 • . Phoae: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 Name• r0.�i S �og.o�✓1 _ P.62iO3 Op -3t. Home Address: � 30 � ►'�,qr51.n� t R''e- �= Q�- I i ►M� �'S y Street �ty Zip Telephone Namber. Plannine Distri<L Councit: Preferred Mai&ng Address: W6at is yoar occupatioa? Place of Empioyment: Committee(s) Applied For: ($pme G49-'t�t11 ryVork� �ro-a�fS' � 3�e-3�Ss" Citp'Council'Ward: '� gS t�l4sw'.�,-}p,� 5-{-. Ma;l c,�tQ. !0 3 Cr S�.P �.c� � f{c,tl,'�( ��-. P�t ca, . m Whatsl:ilis, training or ezperience do y,ou possess,for the committee(s) for which you seek appoiRYment? _-L.n ctc�cj �u. 'jU f^�-. Ormr 4 au5 s� ��,c O.�ri an cQ w,'t'� ', `ai t n._.r.. �-e c�a.t r _ � �u.� �•.c, i..ve4K.� � y« �� Yo..-}� ���-.� ,=, s� P..�, ?` Lta-{ re��..�..( ��.t.,}- /'e��f7 -fat �e- .�'�c.. � pyt�✓ -�+- �o.r� �i�ap�b�-. i%r Z-'� _GdGL'�'�o-. GLS Q-. ��'�'Cr"n�..� GL4di V � � �n -.. . Co-h.+�,.i� A /Ice��.{ �sl'SOcc"��t D,.�. 'f'� ftyirr.) oC �.�...ci�1S . 5��.-�-s . �! cs.,:+- S�-u..-�-f� The informafion included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Government bata Practices Act. As a resuit, this information is not released to the general public. (OVER) Rcv. 8-5-c- •-- "�` J�v 0< '00 12�46 FR CORPORRTE FUDIT ' 612 310 3185 70 925oE5?3 � . .. . . . . . � . � . > . . . ::..,�,.,. � .RCaNAi. RF.FF, F.NGF- Name: P.03�83 00 -3f, Address: l �0 � �� �. f}v� Phoae: (Hom�� (Workl � � SS� Z " . Name: ,,... •Piddress: _�c2`�� D�-4a� .�- . . , . � - Phone: iFi��ttg� (o�('S 4���a ortc) Name: ji.5 "'t ..�^^-� ��,^ • • . Address: I oZ.o� o'� �a�'S�..1, . • , . . > . .. _ Phone; LH�� �4�4 3a�t-�_-. ('�ork � Iteasons for your intuest in this particular commitiee: _ = Sa�� `� S 4 ra.� (Zcp. 6n ��S Ca-�a-a���}�cC i�f' q/1w�s5�r DF Ve.�s 0��� � T '{n tM.. r�lo uc{� x �4� I� '}L. S'C7�'� � �•.� /'C�r^'rl �° S'}'. �h �� S LAJ� Vl �IKe. -'lo Cn.��l-�•�t -f'a SQn�;_ (`ti fn..\'� `c.F-� S'f-��—� !�t '�+/� �o...�-.i[iL4 . T h.�tK �"Q" 4 Urirell' 1 c � � � QG / �- ��tr7�t��'� '�' o.,�-�..s . . �t�. Y�., �,..,c . r ..Od.''�S • ' .. . . �_ Have you had previoas contact with the committee for which you are making application? Tf so, when, and the circumstanccs? � � : �..n a.s � f2\c'c...i�"v.. 'fo ' �ct'rfa�. , t�i1�. In an attempt to ensure that commiLtee representation reflects the makeup af our commuaity, ptease check the line applicable to you. This iaform3tion is strictly votantary. White (Caucuian) _� Black (African American) American Indiaa or Alaskan Eskimo � i4fale Female Disabled: Yu �o x If special accommodatioas are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander bate of Birth: Nl� -a3—��( , How d;d you hear about this opening? �car� �'t*�+bd' �-.� f�"lr G'� 5��,�rr�-+< �- 01-06-00 APPLZCANTS.RPT CAMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT 00-36 PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATSONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMFfENTS 003524 Blattert, Louise O. 950 Edgerton Street St. Paul, MN 55101-4017 Home - 612-772-6537 Self Employed Accountant 12-22-98 Youth Fund Board Joseph Germain 359 E. Hyacinth St. Pau1, MN 551�1 h) 612-774-6098 Mrs. Billie Freeman 711 H. Woodduck Drive Woodbury, MN 55125 h) 612-730-6840 Arlend (Buzz) Wilson 728 Sims St. Paul, MN 55106 h) 612-776-1307 001033 Blick, Beth 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 Home - 291-85$3 Unemployed Rita Adams 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia St. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-8464 or 822-0127 1 8 5-30-90 apps. for PHA, PA and FN WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- ----°° --- --- --- 6 5 12/22/98 W F 02j20/98 W F Sara Tesch DO - 3L 01-06-00 APPI,ICANTS . RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMZTTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1j01/94 APPLICAI3T / REFERENCE COMlSENTS 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Nancy Wisocke 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Walter Rupp Advocating Change Together 1821 University Ave, 55104 w) 641-0297 PAGE 2 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRI�R) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------^ ---°--- -------- --- --- --- ---------------------------------------------{--°------__ 5-15-92 Refugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {JOb Corps Center, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Affiirmative Action Advisory Committee, Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa(bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Health Services,{ Human Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, Zo{ning, Ryan White, Overnight Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame{ricans and Parks-Rec: ----------------------'---------°-'---------{---------- 2-20-98 References for Multiple Committees (S(ee #16 section) Rebecca Hoffman Strong Currently Homeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Barb Warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Rennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1821 University Avenue, Ste. 312 002944 Brown, Sherri Mortenson 2 16 02/21/95 W F 10 Victoria S. Truth In Housing St. Paul, MN 55105 00 -'3G 01-06-00 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMZTTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AETER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMt4ENTS Home - 291-9189 Policy Analyst, Dept. Commerce valerie Whitehead 1951 Montreal St. Paul, MN 55116 H) 698-9652 PAGE 3 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMM2TTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- �-�----- ----°-- --- --� --- 12-28-98 HPC; P.C. and NST (STAR): Mayor Norm Coleman 390 City Hall, 55102 Alberto Quintela, Jr. 390 City Hall, 55102 003445 Evenrud, Nelson T. 1 7 1061 Thomas Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 917-9683 Supervisor 3-13-98 Parks-Rec and Youth Fund Eoard Eric Hacket 4453 Colfax Ave., S. Mpls. 55409 h) 823-3537 Matthew Palmer 4128 Sheridan Ave Mpls., MN 55410 h) 926-2928 Sarah Kerbeshien 5059 Vincent Ave Mpls., 55410 h) 926-6031 003232 Ford, Michelle 1134 Blair Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 644-9350 OutYeach Case Manager S. � 4 13 03/13/98 U M 10/25/96 W F Colleen Hegranes College of St. Catherine/Dean of Students h) 698-0622 00-3l0 01-06-00 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE AYPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICA2ION5 DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS Robert McCarthy 1776 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, MN 551Q4 h) 644-8510 w) 544-3316 Dee Foutch 215 E. 9th St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 228-3283 003365 Fuller, Joan 1161 Randolph Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 695-0958 Natl. Admissions Rep/Hotels 2-17-98 Youth Fund & HPC Officer James Quinn Newport Police Dept. Broadway, Newport, RI 02840 w) (4010 897-0088, X 240 Eileen Morrice hasbro Toy Company Riverside, RI w) 9401) 725-8697, X 8747 Ronnie Getter 1149 Randolph Ave. St. paul, MN h) 690-4627 002943 Gunderson, Patricia 283 N. Avon Street St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 297-9323 Self Employed Pam Lachowsky b82 Dayton Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 H) 22&-7226 PAGE 4 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- �-- --- 3 14 02/17/98 W F 1 E? 02J17f95 W F Trish Grafstrum 329 Minnesota Ave. Roseville� MN 55113 H) 484-7568 • 00-36 01-06-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 5 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1J01/94 APPLICANT � REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ------------------------°--------- ---- ------° --�----- ---�---- --- --- --- Robin Caulfield 733 Je£ferson Ave. St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 222-4620 003025 Heinz, Jo �2 1319 Conway Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 772-9081 Student/GAP Project Volunteer 7 4 07/31/95 II F Janet Preston 602 Ivy Ave. E. h) 774-3249 w) 227-3938 State Senator Randy Kelly h} 772-1114 w) 296-5285 Andy Dawkins 7S8 Charles Ave. h) 224-6270 w) 296-5158 003110 Hoye, Dennis 1552 Blair St. Paul, MN 55104-1828 Home - 644-0461 11/30/95 W M 11-30-95 Police Civilian Review Commission &{Youth Fund Board -- No References Listed by Applicant. 003185 Jackson, Tina M. 1 7 06j10/96 B F 740 N. Lexinqton Pkwy. St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 488-�580 Social Worker Linita Gay ?31 Zlst Ave. S.E. Augsburg College w} 330-1�22 Dapne Topps 935 Olson Memorial Hwy. T.C.O.I.C. - 00-36 01-06-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 6 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1f94 APPLICANT f REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) -------------------°-------- ---- -°-�--- -------- -------- --- --- °- w) 377-0150 Lisa Sayles Harvest Prep 2338 Humboldt Ave. h) 529-6173 11-4-96 Human Rights Commission Linita Gay 731 21st Ave. S.E. Augusburg College w) 330-1022 Daphne Topps 935 Olson Memorial Hwy T.C.O.I.C.. w) 377-0150 Lisa Sayles Harvest Prep 2335 Humbold Ave. h) 529-6173 003017 James, Cricket 6 z 1280 Kennard St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 712-2370 Sa1es Rep Dino Guerin 1977 N. Park Drive H) 738-1458 Terri McLaughlin 1821 Goodrich St. Paul, MN 55105 H) 699-4364 Curman Ga1Res 168 E. 6th Street St, Paul, MN H) 222-5536 07J20/95 NA F 001321 Logan, Travis 1 13 O1/04/00 B M 1306 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 00-3` 01-06-00 APPLICANTS.RPT COHMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT CAMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Soard FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1f01/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMP�NTS Home - (651) 699-4431 Corporate Auditor Mr. Mead Central Sr. High School w) 293-8?00 h) 224-3525 Daniel J. Brick Central Sr. High School Humanities Teacher w) 293-8700 1-4-2000 Youth Fund Board: 3im Kelley 1809 Dayton Avenue (w) 659-0613 Randy Treichel 1277 Dayton Avenve (h0 645-9416 Waymond Dean 1222 Marshall (h) 644-3247 003375 Mullen, Mark R. #300 Hewitt Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 523-4328 Legal Clerk PAGE 7 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -----�-- --- --- --- 4 il 09/OS/98 U M 2-13-98 Planning Commission; CIB; Parks and R{ec and BZA: Mayor Charles Stokke 800 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54�51 h) (715� 235-4912 w) (715) 232-2369 Lowell Prange City Administrator 40-36 01-06-00 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 8 COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIQNS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRSCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- ----�--- -------- -------- ---' --- --- 800 Wilson Ave. Menomonie, WI 54751 (h) (715) 235-5482 w) (715) 232-2187 Mayor Virginia Smith 30 W. Central St. Chippewa Falls, WI 54729 h) (715) 723-5439 w) (715) 726-2734 9-8-98 Youth Fund Board Human Rights Overnight Shelter Police Civilian Internal Af£airs Planning Commission [same references as those listed abovej 003587 Nins, Jr., Maurice #12 741 Holly Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - (651) 227-2571 Non-Profit Management 1 8 4-5-99 Youth Fund Board; Parks-Rec: Judge Edward Wilson Ramsey Co. Courthouse Room 1570 St. Paul, MN 55102 (651) 266-8297 Dave Ellis MN Dept. Corrections 1450 Energy Park Drive St. Paul, MN 55108 (651) 642-0417 William Collins YWCA of St. Paul 198 N. Western Ave. St. Paul� MN 55102 (651) 222-3741 04/OSf99 B M 003474 Nuckles, Kimberly 3 15 08f26/98 W F 1640 Randolph Avenue-A St. Pau1, MN 551o5 Home - (651J 699-7780 � • 00-36 01-06-00 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 9 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) -----------------------------'---_-_ _-_- -_°°-- -------- -------- --- --- °- Executive Director 8-26-95 YASFB John Hottinger, MN State Senator 120 State Capitol St. Paul� MN 55155 h) 227-1952 w) 296-6153 Joeleen Gonder Spacek Suite 200 81 South 9th Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 h) 476-2319 w) 38-=9162 Kathy Moriarity 651 1/2 University Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 488-5940 w) 291-2480 002981 Oyeyemi, Kunle 1780 52nd St. E. Inver Grove Hgts., MN 55077 Home - 457-1899 Rubin Latz 245 E. 6th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 H) 292-8734 Richard Omi H) 290-0905 Jona oyinloye 220 5. RObert St. St. Paul, MN 55107 002385 Reagan, Maryjane Racriner 1917 Pinehurst Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 134� 3 15 OS/16/95 B M Y 03(26/97 W F Home - 698-1038 Reading Tutor James Noonan oo- 36 01-06-00 COMMI2TEE APYLICANTS REPORT PAGE 10 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : YASFB Youth Fund Board FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COM2��NTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER CAMMITTEES SERV2NG ON) 364 N. Owasso Blvd. Shoreview H) 482-7723 Dr. Donald Derauf 600 Wentworth Ave. Mendota Hgts. Steven Kurak 13196 Eldorado St. NE Blaine, MN H) 755-4439