279755 MHITE - C�TV CLERK 2'79'755 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAIIL COIIIICIl CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re soluti.on e stabli shing the title and class specificati.on for Civil Engineer-- Valuation and As se s sments in the Civil Se rvice Rule s . RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Secti.on 3.K, by inse rti.ng the title of Civil Enginee r--Valuation and As se s sments in Grade 25; and be it FURTHER RE50LVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabeti.cal order, the attached class specificati.on for Civil Engineer--Valuati.on and Assessments. App rove dl: �. hai rman Civil Se rvice Commi s sion COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�etcner Nays PERSONNEL OFFIC 4eMiwe�((e 5 � In Favor � Masanz ' N��osia J scheibel _ __ Against BY — � Tedesco Wilson JAN 2 5 1983 Form A proved b t rne Adopted by Council: Date � Certifie assed b Cou il S retary BY y � By � t�pp ve by ;Vlavor. at — `��� � U '983 App by Mayor for Subm' i ta Council By B . PUBUS�ED FE B 5 i983 Title of class: CIVIL ENG'INEER--VALUATION AND ASSESSMENTS ������ DESCRIPTION OF j�ORK General Statement of Duties: Performs professional engineering work in the supervision and administration of benefit assessment for public improve- ments, the appraisal, acquisition and disposition of properties and • related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the direction of a higher level engineer- ing supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit general supervision directly or through subordinate supervisors over valuation and assessment workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by alI positions in • this class. Represents the department with other governmental agencies. Prepares reports of projects and makes recommendations of priorities for long range planning. Prepares reports and recommendations regarding acquisition of property for local improvements, street vacations, slope easements and release of tax forfeited land. Supervises the notification of public hearings involving City property and the acquisition of property through negotiations of condemnations. Assists in contracting with appraisers; reviews appraisals and recommends � awards for property acquisition and sale. �Assists in coordinating valuation and assessment proceedings with other City departments; serves as a consultant to City department personnel on matters of land valuation and acquisition. Explains and interprets assessments and property acquisition decisions to property owners and City personnel. Represents the department at public hearings before the City Council regarding local improvements, acquisition of property and street vacation matters. � KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES . Considerable knowledge of the principles and theories of civil engineering. Considerable ability to deal effectively with contractors, other governmental agencies and the general public. Considerable ability to prepare and present reports and correspondence. Considerable knowledge of the principles and practices of civil engineering as applied to the design and construction of public works projects. Thorough knowledge of real estate law and the current local real estate market. Thorough knowledge of appraisal, inspection and valuation techniques and practices. ` Considerable ability to plan, direct and evaluate the work of professional and technical employees. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in Civil Engineering, registration as a professional engineer in the State of Minnesota and at least two years' experie:.�e as a Civil Engineer III or equivalent. (No substituti�n for education). Title of class: 2�79'�55 CIVIL ENGINEER--VALUATION AND ASSESSMENTS DESCRIPTION OF �dORK General Statement of Duties: Performs professional engineering work in the supervision and administration of benefit assessment for public improve- ments, the appraisal, acquisition and disposition of properties and related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the direction of a higher level engineer- ing supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit general supervision directly. or through subordinate supervisors over valuation and assessment workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Represents the department with other governmental agencies. Prepares reports of pro�ects and makes recommendations of priorities for long range planning. Prepares reports and recommendations regarding acquisition of property for local improvements, street vacations, slope easements and release of tax forfeited land. Supervises the notification of public hearings involving City property and the acquisition. of property through negotiations of condemnations. Assists in contracting with appraisers; reviews appraisals and reco�nends awards for property acquisition and sale. �Assists in coordinating valuation and assessment proceedings with other City departments; serves as a consultant to City department personnel on matters of land valuation and acquisition. Explains and interprets assessments and property acquisition decisions to property owners and City personnel. Represents the department at public hearings before the City Council regarding local improvements, acquisition of property and street vacation matters. °� KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES . Considerable knowledge of the principles and theories of civil engineering. Considerable ability to deal effectively with contractors, other governmental agencies and the general public. Considerable ability to prepare and present reports and correspondence. Considerable knowledge of the principles and practices of civil engineering as applied to the design and construction of public works pro3ects. Thorough knowledge of real estate law and the current local real estate market. Thorough knowledge of appraisal, inspection and valuation techniques and practices. Considerable ability to plan, direct and evaluate the work of professional and technical employees. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in Civil Engineering, registration as a professional engineer in the State pf Minnesota and at least two years' experience as a C�YiI i��,tgineer III or equivalent. (No substitution for education). Title of class: 2'�9`755 CIVIL ENGINEER--VALUATION AND ASSESSctiIENTS : DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs professional engineering work in the supervision and administration of benefit assessment for public improve- ments, the appraisal, acquisition and disposition of properties and related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the direction of a higher level engineer- ing supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit general supervision directly or through subordinate supervisors over valuation and assessment workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in • this class. Represeats the department with other governmental agencies. Prepares reports of projects and makes recommendations of priorities for long range planning. Prepares reports and recommendations regarding acquisition of property for local improvements, street vacations, slope easements and release of tax forfeited land. Supervises the notification of public hearings involving City property and the acquisition of property through negotiations of condemnations. Assists in contracting with appraisers; reviews appraisals and recommends - awards for property acquisition and sale. �Assists in coordinating valuation and assessment proceedings with other City departments; serves as a consultant to City department personnel on matters of land valuation and acquisition. Explains and interprets assessments and property acquisition decisions to property owners and City personnel. Represents the department at public hearings before the City Council regarding local improvements, acquisition of property and street vacation matters. •- KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES . Considerable knowledge of the principles and theories of civil engineering. Considerable ability to deal effectively with contractors, other governmental agencies and the general public. Considerable ability to prepare and present reports and correspondence. Considerable knowledge of the principles and practices of civil engineering as applied to the design and construction of public works pro3ects. Thorough knowledge of real estate law and the current local real estate market. Thorough knowledge of appraisal, inspection and valuation techniques and practices. ` Considerable ability to plan, direct and evaluate the work of professional and technical employeee. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in Civil Engineering, registration as a professional engineer in the State of Minnesota and at least two years' experience as a Civil Engineer III or equivalent.�:,_(No substitution for education). Title of class: 2,�9��� CIVIL ENGTNEER--VALUATION AND ASSESSMENTS DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs professional engineering work in the supervision and administration of benefit assessment for public improve- ments, the appraisal, acquisition and disposition of properties and related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the direction of a higher level engineer- ing supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit general supervision cYirectly or through subordinate supervisors over valuation and assessment workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class._ _ � Represents the department with other governmental agencies. Prepares reports of pro�ects and makes recommendations of priorities for long range planning. Prepares reports and recommendations regarding acquisition of property for local improvements, street vacations, slope easements and release of tax forfeited land. Supernises the notification of public hearings involving City property and the acquisition. of property through negotiations of condemnations. Assists in contracting with appraisers; reviews appraisals and recommends awards for property acquisition and sale. �Assists in coordinating valuation and assessment proceedings with other City departments; serves as a consultant to City department personnel on matters of land valuation and acquisition. Explains and interprets assessments and property acquisition decisions to property owners and City personneL Represents the department at public hearings before the City Council regarding local improvements, acquisition of property and street vacation matters. °- KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES . Considerable knowledge of the principles and theories of civil engineering. Considerable ability to deal effectively with contractors, other governmental agencies and the general public. Considerable ability to prepare and present reports and correspondence. Considerable knowledge of the principles and practices of civil engineering as applied to the design and construction of public works projects. Thorough knowledge of real estate law and the current local real estate market. Thorough knowledge of appraisal, inspection and valuation techniques and practices. Considerable ability to plan, direct and evaluate the work of professional and technical employees. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in Civil Engineering, registration as a professional engineer. in the State of Minnesota and at least two years' experience � _ as a Civil Engineer III or equivalent. (No substitution for education) _ __ _ - --_ -- —.. _ __ _ _ WHI7E - CITY CLERK ��9"755 PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT E)LUE - MAYOR File NO. czTY cLERx C'pZtYICZl ReSOIZltZ012 ' Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date . An admini strative Re soluti.on e stabli shi.ng the - ti.tle and class specification for Givil Engineer-- Valuation arid As se s sments in the Civil Se rvice � Rule s . RESOLYED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.K, by i.nse rting the ti.tle of Civil Engi.nee r--Valuation and As se s sments in Grade 25; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rule s be furthe r amended in Section 32 by i.nserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Civil Engineer--Valuati.on and Assessments. Approvedl: Chairman Civil Service Commission COUNCILMEN ° Requested by Department of: Yeas F'�h� Nays PERSONNEL OFFICE Lwine In Favor Masanz N�osia Scheibel A gai n s t BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Yassed by Council �ecretary BY By� Approved by 1�tavor: Date Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Council n.. Rv , Title of class: . � CIVIL ENGINEER--VALUATION AND ASSESSMENTS `�+! 9`755 DESCRIPTION OF LdORK General Statement of Duties: Performs professional engineering work in the supervision and administration of benefit assessnent for public improve- ments, the appraisal, acquisition and disposition of properties and related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the direction of a higher level engineer- ing supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit general supervision directly or through subordinate supervisors over valuation and assessment workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in - this class. Represents the department with other governmental agencies. Prepares reports of pro�ects and makes recommendations of priorities for Iong range planning. Prepares reports and recommendations regarding acquisition of property for local improvements, street vacations, slope easements and release of tax forfeited land. Supervises the notification of public hearings involving City property and the acquisition of property through negotiations of condemnations. Assists in contracting with appraisers; reviews appraisals and recommends � awards for property acquisition and sale. �Assists in coordinating valuation and assessment proceedings with other City departments; serves as a consultant to City department personnel on matters of land valuation and acquisition. Explains and interprets assessments and property acquisition decisions to property owners and City personnel. Represents the department at public hearings before the City Council regarding local improvements, acquisition of property and street vacation matters. � RNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES . Considerable knowledge of the principles and theories of civil engineering. Considerable ability to deal effectively with contractors, other governmental agencies and the general public. Considerable ability to prepare and present reports and correspondence. Considerable knowledge of the principles and practices of civil engineering as applied to the design and construction of public works pro3ects. Thorough knowledge of real estate law and the current local real estate market. Thorough knowledge of appraisal, inspection and valuation techniques and practices. ` Considerable ability to plan, direct and evaluate the work of professional and technical employees. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in Civil Engineering, registration as a professional engineer in the State �f Minnesota and at least two years' experience as a C.ivil �;zgineer III or equivalent. (No substitution for education). .e:��- � � � CITX OF SAINT P.4�J'L � �� , � ` - . . L OFFZCE OF Z`HI+: CITY COIIi�TCIL ����rc �i�. •M�sa.���... 1... . � �� t ���=��� '� D c1 t e : .Tanuary 6, 1982 � �- " - ;,,_` . . C4MMIT�'" � E RE PO RT T4 = � Sqinfi Pau f Cifiy Cou�ci t . , F R O I�l� = C O 1'71 C�I r�'L� O h FINAI�CE, MANAGEMENT $ PERSONNEL C H A i R James Scheibel �... • ., 1. •Approval of minutes frflm meeting held �Jednesday, Decenbsr 29, 1952�� � 2. Resolution authorizing submission of application amendment to th Economic D�ti•elopment Administration for continuation of plannin����...� assistance grant_ (Planreing) . - , . - 3.. Resolution authorizing appropriation o£ funds for St. Paul Energy , . Project as part of 1982 budget. (blayor's Office� �'`� _ _ ����w�"_.:.������ 4. �-Resolution authorizing increased appropriations in 1952 budget to � cover increased lighting conversion ea enditures and Capital Improi•er�nt Proj ects_ (Public jti'orks) '::"."""' � 5_ Resolution authorizing the City to enter into bin ' ���,�ltioti •with � the St. Paul Fire Fa.ghters Local 21. (Personne �4�.�s('�� 6. ReSolution authorizing the City to enter into binding arbitration t�ith the St. Paul Police Federation. (Personnel) _ � �'��� 7. Resolution to approve a St_ Paul Capitol Allocati nd Lhe . Program for Capital Improvements. (Planning) ' * 8. • Discussion of the Voluntary Ceave {�ithout Pay pro�ram. (Personnel) �' 9_ Resolution adopting the 195�-1958 Program for Capital Im�ro�enents as �• part of the City•s Comprehensive Plan. (Planning = - . �� 10. Resolution to remove the State of liinnesota residency requirement for . City eriployees and to bring t vice Rules on residency into compliance with state law.. . • � � . � 11. Resolution establishing the title and class specification fo� Ci Engineer---Valuation and Assessments in the Civil Service Rules. (P�er�c�:f . , 12. �Resolution establishing the title and class specification for Rifigei• ii� � the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel ) ��� 13. �Resolution approving the terms and conditions of a revised 1982-19S3 �•, 6femorandum of Understanding applying to certain Civic Center EinPlo�•er.�; a.�,'� of the City of St. Paul holcling certain Classified titles. (Personnel) 5 'za-�- , _ . . .. , 4?ti� �-t ��c_ ,,-� � . . !/ �' Pe r sonnel Office DEPARTf•1ENT• ' � �+� 9'�55 Bernard Wright CONTACT 4221 PHONE ,r.ee�, �� . December 21, 1982 DATE (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for �touting Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Sign�ture): 1 Depart nt Di rector Ci Attorney ,,...���'�'�,D 3 or of Management/Mayor ��'� � `i '��82 Fi a e and Management Services Director �c Ci 1 erk �A�����,����CE Budget Director i�hat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materiais? (Purpose/Rationale): Thi s re solution e sta.bli she s the title of Civil Enginee r--Valuat9.on and As se s sments in Grade 25 of Section 3.K (Professional-Administrative Supervisors Group) of the Civil Service Rules and it establishes the class specification for this title in Section 32 of t�i.e Civil Servi�,ce Rutes. '�e bi-v�eekly salary range for Grade 25 is shown below: Grade 25 �1983 Ra�es) A ,, B C D E F G 10 yr. 15 yr. 1260. 36 131�2. 73 1365.Og 1433. 50 1504.85 1580.97 1660.56 1711. 53 1761. 11 32, 895,,00 aan� all ' 45, g65.00 F�nancial , �u�get�ry and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: None. Funding Source and Fund Activity Nwr�er Charged or Credited: Attachments (List and Nu�er all Attachments� : 1. R.e soluti.on 2. Copy for City Clerk DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? �Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No ly� Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for �Instructions)