279722 WM17E - CiTV CLERK COUIICII / PINK -.FINANCE �`�'i CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL �� e `� BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Counci Resolution Presented By � "'� � �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby author- ized and directed to execute an agreement with the Minnesota State Agricultural Society (State Fair Board) , said agreement providing for the City' s Police Department' s furnishing of radio repair services to said Society, subject to the terms and conditions of said agreement, a copy of which is to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNCILMEN Requested by Depa tment of: Yeas Nays �L�_ Fletcher �"'"e�OQ r��s [n Favor Masanz B ��� _ �1 J�,Z:�`2l�x✓ Nicosia y� ,, scheibe� _ __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form pprove y torn Adopted by CounciL Date AN 2 � 1983 c Certified a_ -ed y Council cre BY � � Appro by ;Vlavor: _ �aN i 1983 A ro by Mayor for S ission to Council � B — B PUBU�iED JAN 2 9 1983 r_� , , ,� Czrr�' o�� S�.zzu�l* �.�.u�. �_�� . ._�. �r? � ��- �'79'722 F. : �� '* OZ���'X�l'� O�` '1'��T� C:I�l.`'`�" GOt7Iv'CI'L ���� -:'� _ �,,. ��' L, ,•;__. �� , ��� �!;. _y S.-_y� •; _ �,,_ =___ _= �� D d t e . Ja�ivary I3, 1983 `,', ./�, �:. _, �j::..,,-�, r�ty-� H C � iyl �it�� � � � � f- � Ii ! �' O = Sarn� Pau ! Ci�� Co�� �il . J` F R O �/� = C O f�i�{!�'�� O�'1 FINAI�;CE, Ai�'1NAG�i�tENT Fr PERSO�I�EL C N A! R James Scheibel 1. Approval of mimites from meeting held Jantiary 6, 1983. {�Q(�ibt)Et� 3-� 2. Resolution authori ziiig an aoreement with the htinnesota State Agricultural Society (State Fair Boaxd), providing for the Cit}�'s Police Dept. to furnish radio repair sexvices tu tlie Society. ' (Police Dept.) ' PCP'P�VQ.D 3�C� /�G, �� . . / / � 3. �tesolution amendin; the Police Special Projects Funct Buclget to bxing it in line with the actual activity plannecl` for 1983. ' (Police Dept.) �PRouf,p 3^6 4. Resolution authorizind an agreemen.t betwee�i the City of. St. Paul and the U of b1 ��hereby�the City will provide a7i instructor to teach A�P�4V�O at the U of M's Division o£ School Healtl� Education. (Health Dept.) `�"'a S. Resolution approving the St. Paul. Capi �l All Pxogram for Capital Improvements (PED) �PtPP/�O.V�D 3-0.- 17���'1't �Jarq, '(�]C � Pa�- �4• b. Resolution adopting tlie 1984-88 Pragram for Capital Improvement � as part of the City's Comp.rehensive Plan. (I'ED} AQP�o�1�.D 3�G1. NOT ON THE PREFARED AGENDA: 7. Resolution allowing employees resigning in 1982, as well as in the four preceding years, the option of receiving the severance pay due him/her in full, or in five equal installments.���tj� ?..� CITY NALL SEVBNTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL. i�fIN�iESQTA 55102 �-�� �a -�� Pol i ce DEPARTI�IENT, � � Lt. Thomas Redi ng CONTACT ��(���� s7 292-3500 PHONE ���� �� ' �?eaember �6, , 1982 DATE (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): 1 Department Director ��Ci ty Attorney ,�3� Di rector of Management/Mayor ��� �� ��ZZ��� 4 Finance and Management Services Director City Clerk Budget Di rector i�hat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): The City of St. .Paul will be reimbursed for providing radio repair services to the Minnesota State Agricultural Society. � . Financial , �udgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: City of St. Paul to be paid $28.00 per hour of services provided, subject to increase upon increase in operating and labor costs. Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: Credited - 04308 - 34115 Attachments (List and Nurr�er all Attachments) : 1. Copies of Agreement (3) DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � � X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required. Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �/� Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for �Instructions)