279763 WHITE - CITV CLERK COLLIICIl " - - ���� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Co ncil Resolution Presented By d�C�`�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes and directs the proper City officials to execute an Agreement with the University of Minnesota whereby the City will provide to the University of Minnesota an instructor to teach in the Division of School Health Education; said Agreement shall expire June 15, 1983. Funding code: 33251 COUKC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher Community Services �^°""'° ���� [n Favor Masanz � Nicosia scne�nei _ __ Against BY `r Tedesco Wilson JAH 2 0 1983 Form Ap oved by i rn Adopted by Council: Date — Certified P s-e ouncil r BY � Bi �! � dA� 1 ��� Approv May r for ubmission to Council t#ppr by ;Navor: — � � BY — — By �/ 1 � PUBLISHED JAN 2 9 1983 �►�y � I��,O.�tiv� Community Servic� DEPARTf4ENT �i'r(9'720 $�, _ �,�,,� Jeraidine Dax _ �ONTACT 292-7723 PHONE ���� �� . November 3, 1982 DATE (Routing and Explanation Sheet) � Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): �Department Di rector NOV 9 1982 ity Attorney CITY ATTORNEY 3 �rector of Management/Mayor ECEI\r�D a R r��� � _ ,`•,�� :�� i � :.��� 5 City Clerk Budget Di rector MAYORS OF�ICE i�h�t Will be Achieved � aking Actian on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): Resolution oE� an Agre�ment between the City of Saint Paul and the Univ�rsity of Minnesota whereby the City wil) provide an instructor to the University of Minnesota to teach in the Division of School Health Education. Financial , �udgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: A Health Educator 11 from the Saint Paul Division of Public Health will teach tvu� courses in the Division of Schoo) Hea�h Education at the University fall quorter and one course in the winter and spring quarters. �� ���� ���J��'� � � �K Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: � Activity code 33251 . $3,600 for the services of Health Educator II �Q�� Attachments (List and Number all Attachments) : Counci I Resolution - one Agreement - six copies UEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes �_ No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes _ No Yes X No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for Instructions) f`�.. ' ' ' ..:-;.� CiI'1'Y' OF �`�.ZNT ��E�.UL IG►I���� �,�` .�� : _ � .=_:� ` '`� OFF'ICF OF' '1'FfI. CI'1`� C;OUI�CI�. �`.� �;�,r:::;� �:;� � � ������•+�- �� D d t e ; JaTivary I3, 1983 - ��.'�`�-`�:; -.:�,4`'�� ca � �i� i�i � E R�� PO �r . Ta = Sarn� Pau ! Cifi� Coi�r� ci! J- F R O I�/� � C O��{!��'� O�'1 FINANCE, DIANAGEhlENT F� PERSON�EL C H R l R James Scheibel 1_ Approval of mimites from meeting held January 6, 1983.�4t���'4:��� 2. Resolution authori ziiig an agreement �rith the bfinnesota State Agricultural Society (State Fair Board), providing f.or the City's Police Dept. t furnish radlo xe air services to t1�e Society. ' (Police Dept.) �,,�;�������'�>=�..�._ -- .������ � -_ 3. �tesolution am°ndino the Police Special Projects Funct Ructoet to bring it in line cJith the actual activity planned' for 1983. ' (Police Dept.)��PK0�1€{j '��'�1 .� � 4. Resolution authorizino an agreemen.t bet�JeeFi the City of St. Paul the U of b1 ��}iereby�the City will provide ari instx-uctor to teach , at the U of M's Division of School Health Education. (Hezlth Dspt.} �=�- � �l� 5. Resolution approving the St. Paul Capi �I All � ' ' "' '� V�-_ Program for Capital Improvements (PED) ' '��=`-��-� � 6. Resolution adopting the 19S4-S8 �Program for Capital Im»ro�rement as part of the City's Co:nprehensive Plan. (PED _ �� � NOT ON THE PREPARED AGENDA: 7. Resolution allowing employees resigning in 1982, as well as in the four preceding years, the option of receiving the severance pay due him/her in full, or in five equal installment ° ����rg,� _ —�-� ..,,, CITY H.�LL SEVENTEI FLOOR SAINT YAUL. b1INtiESOTA 5510? ..��.