279716 WH17E y CITV CLERK COURCII f�'� v�i�
BL�r1E - MAVOR File NO.
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
12/14/82 83-82-H 1314 Edgerton James & Jalayne Sanders
(single family house)
BOARD ACTION: Directed Supervisor of Housing Inspection Frank Staffenson
to suspend file on case until February 1, 1983.
Property Description: Joseph R. Weide' s 2nd Addition
Lot 24, Block 4
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Fletcher �
�°'�iQ ����s In Favor
Nicosia C�
scheibe� __ Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date
JAN 2 01�3 Form Approved by City Attorn�
Certified Y• ;,ed b Council S tar BY �`��` �_7 �
B �
t�lppro Mavor:
�' ,iAN 2 ', ��3 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By — BY
-2- 12/14/82 - Meeting No. 191
, �X� �aiT � 2"79'716
Chairman Glassman stated that Case No. 81- 82-H, 358 Erie St. , Appellant -
Charles W. Hassett , had been withdrawn at the request of Mr. Hassett , and
that he reauested the return of his filing fee . He had exnlained that
the occup ants of the apartment where the violations had occurred had now
moved out and he tiaas able to gain entrance to do the �aork reauired.
BOARD ACTION: Mrs . Collins moved that the $10 filing fee be returned
to r. Hassett. Mr. Gausman seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
THE VOTE : Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0
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12/14/82 - P.Zeeting No. 191
Tuesday, December 14 , 198Z
Room 707 City Hall , 15 tiV. Kellogg Blvd.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman
Lucille Burg Collins
. Glenn Gausman
Harold Knutson
Rosann Bostrom �
ABSENT: lVilliam Tilton
Rudolph Sawyer
AGENCIES PRESEUT: Dept . of Community Services - Division of Housing
� Building Code Enforcement :
Alice Bijjani
- Frank Staffenson
Jerry Kern
OTHERS PRESENT: Tina K. Isaac 1�2. L. � E. Loose
Evelyn Beeler Linden Lun d
D7rs . Laurence J. Himpel Earl Breuer
Marge $ Tom Best Tom � Lou Shetka
Jalayne Sanders Fred Massey, Jr.
Joseph Bruhn Fred Massey, Sr.
Carl Rabeschke Bob Anderson
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness
The meeting was called to order at 1 : 35 p .m. by Chairman Glassman.
The minutes of the meeting of November 9, 1982 , were apnroved as dis-
tributed to the members .
Chairman Glassman stated that he and P+Ir. Gausman had received word of
their reappointment to the board for the three-year period ending in
November 1985 .
The chairman said there were various items to be renorted on before
proceeding with the agenda. He called on Thor�as and P•7argaret Best to
tell the board what progress had been made on their pronerty at 256
AZarshall (Case No. 74- 82-H) since the hearing on November 9 .
' -4- 12/14/82 - Meeting No. 191
75- 82-H 1005-1007 St. Clai.r Tom B. Shetka
(four units)
SUBJECT : Request variance of Sec.tion 34. 11, pertaining to basic facilities ,
to permit continued use of Apts . #2 and #3, where each bathroom lacks a
handsink , because of practical difficulty.
APPEARANCE : Tom B. Shetka
-5- 12/14/82 - Meeting No. 191
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Shetka said he purchased this property in the 1940' s
as a uplex and each unit had .seven rooms . The bacic two rooms of each
unit were converted into efficiency units shortly after that , but the
bathroom area for each was too small to find space to hang a handsink.
Ms . Bijjani noted that the inspector had affirmed that it would be imnrac-
tical to install handsinks in either of the bathrooms . She indicated that a
zoning problem existed, that the property had only been approve d for
operation of three units , but she asked Mr. Shetka to see her later about
this , when she would discuss the details of how the zoning matter r►tight
be_ cleared up .
BOARD ACTION : Mr. Knutson moved that a variance of Section 34. 11 be
grante to permit continued operation of Apts . #2 and #3 where the bath-
rooms lack handsinks , on condition that no more than one person occupy
each of the units . Mrs . Collins seconded. PdOTI0�1 CARRIED.
THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 1 (Gausman)
Ms . Bijjani pointe d out th at there were addition al violations , mainly
electrical items , that needed correction. The electrical system was
presently overfused, causing a fire hazard. She said this should not
wait until a new service could be put in and could be easily corrected
on a temporary basis by downfusing.
BOARD ACTION: Mr. Knutson moved to grant an extension of time to May I ,
1 8 , or completion of the remaining items Iisted in the city' s letter
of 8/10/82 , except the violation concerning the overfusing of branch
circuits , which must be corrected within two weeks on a temporary bas�is
by downfusing. Mr. Gausman seconded. MOTION CARRIED. •
THE VOTE : Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0
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12/14/82 - Meeting No. 191 '
Tuesday, December 14 , 1982
Room 707 City Hall , 15 tiV. Kellogg Blvd.
h1EMBERS PRESENT : Ron Glassman , Chairman
Lucille Burg Collins
. Glenn Gausman
Harold Knutson
Rosann Bostrom
ABSENT: William Tilton .
Rudolnh Sawyer
AGENCIES PRESENT : De�t . of Community Services - Division of Fiousing
� Building Code Enforcement :
Alice Bij j ani
Frank Staffenson
Jerry Kern
OTHERS PRESENT: Tina K. Isaac b1. L. F� E. Loose
. Evelyn Beeler Linden Lund
Mrs . Laurence J. Himnel Earl Breuer
Marge � Tom Best Tom $ Lou Shetka
Jalayne Sanders Fred Massev, Jr.
Joseph Bruhn Fred Niassey, Sr.
Carl Rabeschke Bob Anderson
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness .
The meeting was called to order at 1 : 35 p .m. by Chairman Glassman.
The minutes of the meeting of November 9 , 1982 , were ap�roved as dis-
tributed to the members .
Chairman Glassman stated that he and P�Ir. Gausman had received word of
their reappointment to the board for the three-year neriod ending in
November 1985.
The chairman said there were various items to be renorted on before
proceeding with the agenda. He called on Thor�as and r�argaret Best to
tell the board what progress had been made on their pronerty at 256
A4arshall (Case No. 74- 82-H) since the hearing on November 9 .
, -5- 12/14/82 - Meeting No. 191
� 2'79'�16
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76- 82-H 763 Ashland Ave. Fred M. Massey, Sr.
(three units)
SUBJECT: Request variance of Section 34. 11, pertaining to basic facil.ities ,
to permit occupants of two second floor units to share use of one bath-
room, because of economic considerations .
APPEARANCE : Fred M. Massey , Sr. , Fred M. Massey, Jr.
PROCEEDINGS : PQr. Massey, Sr. , said he lives in one unit , one is used
�y a son , and the third is also used by � son who is gone much of the time.
Ms . Bij j ani explained that the arrangement of the units was poor, typical
of an illegal conversion. It is also in violation of zoning regulations
as it is approved for only two units . There is one unit on the first floor;
another is the remaining part of the first floor an d part of the second
floor; and the third unit is all on the second floor. The third floor
had been used in the past, also, but use had been discontinued. The units
are not separated from one another in a standard manner, although this is
not a code violation. Two of the units share use of one bathroom on the
second floor.
-6- 12/14/82 - Meeting No. 191
BOARD ACTION : Mr. Knutson moved to grant a variance of Section 34. 11
to permit occupants of two apartments to share use of one bathroom, with
a limit of two persons in �ccupancy of Unit #2 , for the duration of
Fred r4assey , Sr. ' s ownership , on condition that all remaining violations
listed in the city' s letter of 2/8/82 be corrected. Mr. Gausman seconded.
THE VOTE: Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0
Ms . Bij j ani pointed out that all the work tiJas to have been completed by
August 1982 , but there had been some difficulty in communicating with
Mr. Massey, who did not seem to understand what was required. Smoke
detectors should be put in without delay , and there were openings in the
chimney in the basement that should be sealed.
Fred Massey, Jr. , said the smoke detectors were being nut in at this time ,
and he taould see to the sealing of chimney openings .
BOARD ACTION: Mrs . Bostrom moved that an extension of time to May 14 ,
198 , e granted to complete all corrections of violations listed in
the city' S letter, except for the shared b ath item on which a variance
has been granted, and except for the requirement of smoke detectors
and the sealing of openings in the chimney in the b asement , which must
be taken care of jaithin 30 days as a condition for granting the six
month extension on remaining items . Mr. Knutson seconded. MOTION
THE VOTE: Ayes - 5 Nays - Q Abstentions - 0
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12/14/82 - Meeting No. 1S1
Tuesday, December 14 , 1982
Room 707 City Hall, 15 tiV. Kellogg Blvd.
MEMBERS PRESENT : Ron Glassman, Chairman
Lucille Burg Collins
� . Glenn Gausman
Harold Knutson
Rosann Bostrom
ABSENT : William Tilton
Rudolph Sawyer
AGENCIES PRESENT : Dept . of Community Services - Division of Housing
F� Building Code Enforcement :
Alice Bijjani
- Frank Staffenson
Jerry Kern
OTHERS PRESENT: Tina K. Isaac 1�7. L. � E. Loose
Evelyn Beeler Linden Lund
Mrs . Laurence J. Himpel Earl Breuer
Marge $ Tom Best Tom �, Lou Shetka
Jalayne Sanders Fred Massey, Jr.
Joseph Bruhn Fred Massey, Sr.
Carl Rabeschke Bob Anderson
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness
The meeting iaas called to order at 1 : 35 p .m. by Chairman Glassman.
The minutes of the meeting of November 9 , 1982 , were approved as dis-
tributed to the members . � �
Chairman Glassman stated that he and P�r. Gausman had received word of
their reappointment to the board for the three-year neriod ending in
November 1985 .
The chairman said there were various items to be renorted on before
proceeding with the agenda. He called on ThoMas and T�Iargaret Best to
tell the board what progress had been made on their pronerty at 256
D4arshall (Case No. 74- 82-H) since the hearing on November 9 .
f -6- 12/14/82 - Meeting No. 191
y ����1�
77- 82-H 241 Brimhall W. F. $ H.H. Andrews Co.
(19 units)
SUBJECT: Request variances of Section 13. 03, pertaining to self- closing
evices on apartment doors within stair enclosures and approved-type smoke
doors in stair enclosures , because existin g conditions have previously
been approved by fire and building inspectors , and of Section 34. �.0 ,
pertaining to interior structures , to permit continued use of public
hall�aay between second and third floors where wall surface has been
repazred but not refinished, because of economic considerations .
APPEARANCE : Carl Rabeschke , property manager .
Bob Anderson
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Rabeschke related that five years ago all apartment entry
oors a een renlaced with new solid-core , 1 3/8 inch wooden doors , which
were approved by the fire and building inspectors . Now, after a renewal
inspection for Certificate of Occupancy, the city finds the doors are
not thick enough. In addition , the city has ordered that entrance doars
within stairwell enclosures must have self-closing devices . Such an
expense would come to about $3,000 . Another violation listed was about
a hallway wall surface that had been repaired but not repainted. Mr.
Rabeschke said eventually this would be taken care of by the building
maintenance crew, but it was barely noticeable and in no way interfered
with the inhabitability of the building.
- �- 12/14/82 - Meeting �o. 19I
Pds . sBijjani said that the owners had �vritten to her office in 1977 to
inform the city they were installing the new 1 3/8-inch apartment entrance
doors , and as far as could be determined, the citv had failed to respond
to warn that such doors should be 1 3/4-inch in tliickness . However, any
substantial door could be covered with 28-gauge sheets of steel to brircg
them up to code . To be effective , the doors would need automatic cl.osers
as taell . These requirements anplied to doors within stair toiJers . As to
the surface repairs , she agreed that a need for these did not make a prop-
erty uninhabitable , but the code does s�ell out standards of maintenance .
If surface repairs were the only violation, the Certificate of Occupancy
would no doubt have been renewed, but the presence of life-safety viola-
tions was the reason for revocation .
Mr. Anderson said the owners had never been informed that anplication af
28-gauge sheet ste�l iaould be satisfactory. Instead, they �vere toZd the
new doors would have to be completely rioped out and replaced with doors
of the proper thickness .
I�1r. Gausman pointe d out that the ontion of applying the metal covering
is stated in the violations letter. He said it also bothered him that
there seemed to be a lack of coordination between the Fire Prevention
Bureau and the code enforcement office in matters relating to life-safety
protection from fire hazards . An owner should not be told that his prop-
erty has no fire violations by one agency, only to be told by another
that his Certificate of Occupancy is being revoked because of fire hazards .
Ms , Bijjani said this situation concerned her office , too.
The cost of applying sheet metal and self-closing devices ta the seven
doors was discussed. Frank Staffenson estimated the cost per door should
� not be more than about $150 . .
BOARD �CTION: Mr. Gausman moved that an extension of time to June 1 , 1983,
e grante or completion of the surface repairs listed in the city' s
letter of 10/13/82 . N1rs . Bostrom seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
THE VOTE : Ayes - 5 , Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0
BOARD ACTION: Mr. Gausman moved that a variance of Section 13. 03 , per-
taining to self-closing devices and smoke doors , be denied, and directed
that 28-gauge sheet metal and self-closing devices be applied to doors
within the stair enclos.ures within 90 days . Mrs . Collins seconded.
THE VOTE : Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0
12/14/82 - P�Ieeting No. �191
Tuesday, December 14 , 1982
Room 707 City Hall , 15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman , Chairman
Lucille Burg Collins
Glenn Gausman
Harold Knutson
Rosann Bostrom
ABSENT: William Tilton
Rudolph Sawyer
AGENCIES PRESENT : Dept . of Community Services - Division of Housing
F� Building Code Enforcement :
Alice Bijjani
Frank Staffenson
Jerry Kern
OTHERS PRESENT: Tina K. Isaac h7. L. F� E. Loose
Evelyn Beeler Linden Lund
Mrs . Laurence J. Himnel Earl Breuer
Marge � Tom Best Tom � Lou Shetka
Jalayne Sanders Fred Massey, Jr.
Joseph Bruhn Fred Massey, Sr.
Carl Rabeschke Bob Anderson �
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness
The meeting was called to order at 1 : 35 p .m. by Chairman Glassman.
The minutes of the meeting of November 9 , 1982 , were approved as dis-
tributed to the members .
Chairman Glassman stated that he and P�Ir. Gausman had received word af
their reappointment to the board for the three-year neriod ending in
November 1985 .
The chairman said there were various items to be renorted on before
pxoceeding with the agenda. He called on Thor�as and D�argaret Best to
tell the board what progress had been made on their pronerty at 256
I�Zarshall (Case No. 74- 82-H) since the hearing on November 9 .
, - 7- 12/14/82 - Meeting No. 191
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78- 82-H 1962 Grand Ave . St. Anthony Holding Co.
(20 units)
e�c{uest variance of Section 13. 03, nertaining �Co self=closing. devices on=
apartment doors within stair enclosures and approved-type smoke doors
within stair enclosures , because existing conditions have previously been
approved by Fire and building inspectors ; rec{uest time extension to comply
with Section 34. 10 , pertaining to iaall repairs ; and request variance of
Section 34. 13, pertaining to b asement sleeping rooms , to permit continued
use of two basement apartments which lack adeQuate escape tvindows , because
of excessive costs .
- 8- 12/14/82 - Meeting No. 191
APPEARA�vCE : Carl Rabeschke , property manager
Bob Anderson
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Rabeschke explained that this building was similar to
.the one in the previous appeal and operated under the same ownership. In
addition to the same type of code violations on this property, the oianers
were also appealing for a variance on the rec{uirements for escape windows
in sleeping rooms of two basement apartments , because the cost of instal-
iing larger tiaindows to bring the sill height down to 48 inches from the
floor would be prohibitive .
BOARD ACTIOi� : Mr. Gausman moved that an extension of time to June 1 , Z983,
e gran te or completion of interior surface repairs as listed in the
city' s letter of 10/19/82 . Mrs . Bostrom seconded. MOTION CARRIED.
THE VOTE: Ayes - 5 � Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0
BOARD ACTION : . Mr. Gausman moved that a variance of Section 13. 03, per-
taining to self-closing devices and smoke doors tivithin stair enclosures ,
be denied, but that a time extension of 90 days be granted for comnliance .
THE VOTE: Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0
Mr. Rabeschke stated that the foundation waZls were 18 inches thick, and
to install new windows would be very expensive .
Ms . Bijjani reported that these windows were very close to sill height
specifications for escape windows . Her office has recently been advising
owners , ��here the discrepancy is not too great , that some type of permanent
installat�.on of a step below the windotia to facilitate escape is satisfac-
tory , rather than tearing out wa11s . She requested that , i� the board
considers granting the variance , it should include the proviso that the
escape window shall meet code requirements in all other respects .
A discussion of the proper size of window opening for escape windows
ensued. Ms . Bijjani said the dimensions were listed in the violations
letter received by the owners . She emphasized that the size of the openable
area was important . A double-hung window' s open area would be half of
the size of the entire window. In some situations , replacement of a
double-hung window with a casement-type permits adequate openable area.
BOARD ACTION: Mrs . Bostrom moved that a variance of Section 34. 13 be
granted, on condition that a permanent step be installed below the escaue
windows of two basement sleeping rooms of sufficient height to bring them
no more than 48 inches from sten-ton �o the lower edge of the window in
each case by January 19 , 1983, and, in addition, if it is necessary to
repiace the existing windows , a time extenSion to June l , 1983, sha11 be
granted. The foregoing motion shall be granted on condition that in all
other respects the escape windows meet code s�ecifications . Mr. Knutson
THE VOTE : Ayes - S Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0
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12/14/82 - I�leeting No. 19�i
Tuesday , December 14 , 1982
Room 707 City Hall , 15 titr. Kellogg Blvd.
MEMBERS PRESENT : Ron Glassman, Chairman
Lucille Burg Collins
Glenn Gausman
Harold Knutson
Rosann Bostrom
ABSENT: William Tilton
Rudolph Sawye r
AGENCIES PRESENT: Dept . of Community Services - Division of Housing
� Building Code Enforcement :
Alice Bijjani
- - Frank Staffenson
Jerry Kern
OTHERS PRESENT: Tina K. Isaac I�7. L. �, E . Loose
Evelyn Beeler Linden Lund
Mrs . Laurence J. Himnel Earl Breuer
blarge � Tom Best � Tom F� Lou Shetka
Jalayne Sanders Fred Massey, Jr.
Josenh Bruhn Fred Massey, Sr.
Carl Rabeschke Bob Anderson
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness
The meeting was called to order at 1 : 35 p .m. by Chairman Glassman.
The minutes of the meeting of November 9 , 1982 , were approved as dis-
tributed to the members .
Chairman Glassman stated that he and P+Ir. Gausman had received word of
their reappointment to the board for the three-year neriod ending in
November 1985 .
The chairman said there were various items to be renorted on before
proceeding with the agenda. He called on Thor�as anci P•�argaret Best to
tell the board what progress had been made on their pronerty at 256
Marshall (Case No. 74- 82-H) since the hearing on November 9 .
, - 10- 12/14/82 - Meeting No. I91
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83- 82-H 1314 Edgerton James F Jalayne Sanders
(single family house)
SUBJECT : ReQuest one year time extension to comply with all orders listed
y�city in their letter of 10/18/82 , except the re-opening of the basement
drain, w hich will be taken care of as ordered, because of financial
APPEARAiVCE : Jalayne Sanders
PROCEEDINGS : Mrs . Sanders related that some of the listed items have
een tacen care of, the entry door and damaged nlaster repairs . She said
sFie was the sole provider for her family of four, her husband nhysically
disabled and, despite retraining, unable to find work in the ne�a field.
She was also attending college to finish degree work and holding down a
full- time job that paid only a gross of $13 ,885 annuaZly. She said there
were no friends or relatives who could help. She said she and her hus-
_ - 11- 12/14/82 - Meeting No. 191
band had bought the property about three years ago, knowing it was over
80 years old and in need of some work, although it had been rewired by
the previous owner. They had since tried to se�ll it , without success , so
in order to keep up the contract and mortgage payments , it was necessary
to rent it. The house had been vacant since December 1 , and so far they
had not found a new tenant. They were a month behind on payments and in
dan ger of losing their equity in it if it was not sold or rented soon .
I�iean�vhile , they were unable to find any money to make the renairs ordered
by the city in their letter of October 26 , 1982 .
Frank Staffenson reviewed the violations list , nointing out the items that
were of some urgency : #4, the bathroom sink needed to be secured to the
wall ; #5 , a P. trap for the kitchen sink leaked and needed repair; #7 ,
broken window panes in the foyer should be repaired; #9 , illegal wiring
feeding the foyer light fixture needed repair; and #14 , exposed wiring
in the basement should be corrected.
N�rs . Sanders indicated that she , with her husband' s advice and whatever
assistance he could give , would secure the bathroom sink and repair the
leaking P. trap , but there was just no money to pay an electrician nor a
glass repairman.
Because of the difficult circumstances Mrs . Sanders was experiencing, two
of the board members offered assistance toward the cost of electrical
rep airs necess�.ry to provide safety and for rep air of the broken window
panes , with no need for repayment until such time as the house could be
Frank Staffenson indicated he would be willing to suspend the file on the
case until February 1 , 1983 , when another inspection would be made.
I�srs . Sanders thanked the board members of their understanding and assistance .
BOARD ACTION : Mr. Knutson moved that Frank Staffenson be directed to
suspen t e ile on this case until February 1, 1983. Mrs . Collins
THE VOTE : Ayes - 5 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0
The meeting adjourned at 3 : 40 p.m.
12/14/82 - Meeting No. ly� .
Tuesday, December 14 , 1982
`Room 707 City Fiall , 15 jV. Kellogg Blvd.
NIEbiBERS PRESENT: Ron Glassman, Chairman
Lucille Burg Collins
. G1enn Gausman
Harold Knutson
Rosann Bostrom
ABSENT: William Tilton
: Rudolnh Sawyer
AGENCIES PRF.SENT : De�t . of Community Services - Division of Housing
F� Building Code Enforcement :
Alice Bijjani
- Frank Staffenson
Jerry Kern
OTHERS PRESENT: Tina K. Isaac b1. L. � E. Loose
Evelyn Beeler Linden Lun d
b�rs . Laurence J. Himnel Earl Breuer
Marge $ Tom Best Tom F� Lou Shetka
Jalayne Sanders Fred Massey, Jr.
Joseph Bruhn Fred Nlassey, Sr.
Carl Rabeschke Bob Anderson
STAFF PRESENT: Patricia Moxness
The meeting was called to order at 1 : 35 p .m. by Chairman Glassman.
The minutes of the meeting of November 9 , 1982 , were approved as dis-
tributed to the members .
Chairman Glassman stated that he and P�Ir. Gausman had received word of
their reappointment to the board for the three-year neriod ending in
November 1985.
The chairman said there were various items to be renorted on before
proceeding with the agenda. He called on Thor�as and Margaret Best to
tell the board what progress had been made on their pronerty at 256
I�7arshall (Case No. 74- 82-H) since the hearing on November 9 .