Cou ci oluti n
Presented By
i— �o - ���
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul
hereby approves of the reappointment by the Mayor of the following
named persons to serve as members of the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation
Commission for three-year terms, such terms to expire on December 31 , 1985:
Scott Helmes
Keith McCormick
John E. Mannillo
and the appointment of Patricia Murphy to fill the unexpiretiterm of
Patricia Crutchfield, term to expire on December 31 , 1983, and James Miles
to serve a three-year term, term to expire on December 31 , 1985.
Yeas (Vays Requested by Department of:
Fletcher �
�°"'F1° �����s In Favor
scheibei _ __ Against BY —
,AN � 8 � Form Appr ed by ity ttorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified P s b Council S tar ` BY
� �
A by iVlavor. Date Appr y Mayor for s on to Council
PUBLISHEU J A N � 9 1983
.. • PATRICIA FiL'RPHY �����
Master of Architectural History. School of Architecture, itniversity of Virgin:ia.
May, 1979. Emphasis: Acnerican Architectural Eiistory and Historic Preservation.
Thesis Topic: The Early Career of Cass Gilb�rt : 1878-1895. Thomas Jefferson
Memorial Fellow. Teaching Assfstan[ for Introduc[ion to. Western Architecture. Pro-
fessor James A. D. Cox.
Bachelor of Arts. Grinnell College. May, 1976. Double Major: History with Honors
and French. Senior Local History Project: A Survey of Pre-World War I Residential
Architecture in Grinnell, Iowa.
Univerite Paul Valery, Montpellier, France. Spring semester, 1974-75.
Grinnell-in-London Program. Fall semester, 1974-75.
Project Director. Historic Sites Survey of St. Paul and Ramsey County. Ramsey
County HistoricaZ Society/St. Paul Heritage Preservation Com�aission. . (Established
framework and coordinated all phases of a two-year architectural and historical sur-
vey of urban, suburban and rural St. Pau2 and Ramsey County. In charge of budgets,
grant writing, public relations, preparation of technical reports, research and
fieldwork. Supervised 15 staff inembers and student interns, numerous volunteers).
Dec. , 1980 to the present.
Archftectural Historian/Consultant. (Articles, lectures and tours on topics pertain-
ing to archi[ectural history, historic preservation and local histozy on both a paid
and volunteer basis for numerous organization, including the American Institute of
Architects, the Minnesota Historical Society, the Ramsey Hi21 Association, the St.
Paul Public Library, and the University of Minnesota) . Jan., 1981 to the present.
Guest Curator. "Cass Gilbert: Minnesota Master Architect." University of Minne-
sota Gallery. (Selected artifacts, prepared label copy and wrote catalog for a two-
year touring exhibition). 1979-81.
Executive Director. Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
(Administrator of a private, non-profit, county-wide historic preservation organi-
zation. Responsibilities included promoting his[oric preservation in the community,
overseeing the organization's activities, providing technical assistance to property
owners, and grant writing) . Oct. , 1979 to Nov. , 1980.
PlanninR Aide. Bureau of Planning, Department of Public Affairs, City of Reading,
Pennsylvania. (Researched architectural styles and development of Reading, provided
technical acsistance [o [he Historic Architectural Board of Review.) Summer, 1979.
Slide Library Assistant. Fiske Kimball Fine Arts Library, University of Virginia.
(Researched and catalogued architecture slidesj . Sept. , 1y%/ to Dec. , 1�77.
Teacher of American Studies and English. Lycee Raymond Naves, Toulouse, France.
(Taugh[ English conversation and American culture to French secondary school stu-
dents). Sept. , 1976 to June, 1977.
• A .
' PATRICIA MURPHY — page two
French language.
Handwesving and crafts.
Preparation of National Register of Historic Places nomination forms.
Research (extensive experience in the following types of research: architecture,
archives, genealogy, and local history) .
American Association for State and Local History.
Friends of the Archives. (Northwest Architectural Archives, University of Minnesota) .
Minnesota Iiistorical Society.
Minnesota Museum of Art.
National Trust for Historic Preservation.
Society of Arch3tectural Historians (Secretary of Minnesota Chapter; member of national
chagter). '
Dennis Gimmestad. Acting Assistar_t State Historic Preservation Officer and Statewici�e
Survey Director. rlinnesota Historical Society. Fort Snelling. St. Paul, :I1V. 55111.
(612) 726-1171.
Tim Glines. Program Associate. Minnesota Humanities Commission. LL85 Metro Square.
St. Paul, I�t. 55101. (612) 224-5739.
Virginia Brainazd Kunz. Executive Director. Ramsey County Historical Society. 75
W. Fifth Street, Room 323. St. Paul, I�IIV. 551Q2. (612) 222-0701.
Judy McLaughlin. Chairperson. St. Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. 25 W.
Fourth Street. St. Paul, MN. 55102 (612) 296-4895.
Richard Guy Wilson. Chairperson. Division of Architectural History, School of Archi-
tecture, University of Virginia. Charlottesville, VA. 22903. (804) 977-3682.
Date of birth: December 4, 1954. Single.
137 N. Fairview Ave. , 4�3. St. Paul, I�L�1. � 55104. Home phone: (612) 646-6742, work
phone: (612) 292--0090/222-0701.
`. � - . - 2`�9`7�1
Winsor/Faricy Architects, Inc. •
University of Minnesota - Bachelor of Architecture
Registered Architect in the State of Minnesota (��(3624)
Mr. Miles was born in Madison, Wisconsin and attended the University of
Minnesota, he presently lives in Saint Paul with his wife and son.
During the summers of 1968 through 197) while he was a student, Mr.
Mites was employed by the Brevard County Planning Department of
Titusville, Florida; A. Tanaka and Associates in Tokyo, Japan; and
Orfield Construction Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota. In August of
1971, he joined the firm of Val Michelson and Associates of Saint Paul,
Minnesota; and from June 1972 to June t973, he was with
Cottle-Herman Architects of Minneapolis, �Minnesota.
In June of 1973, Mr. Miles joined the firm of Stanley Fishman and
Associates in Saint Paul, Minnesota, where his work invotved comptete
project responsibility, including programming, design, presentation
drawings, construction documents and construction administration.
Mr. Miles was with The Design Associates of Saint Paul from September
1975 to September 1977 where he gained a great deal of experience in
the rehabilitation and renovation of various buildings into condominium
He is presently in the employ of Winsor/Faricy Architects, Inc. where his
work is largely comprised of schematic design, programming, and
working and presentation drawings.
While with Stanley Fishman and Associates:
Community Center for Commonwealth Terrace Housing -
Saint Paul Campus, University of Minnesota
Design and construction document responsibility.
Commonwealth Terrace Housing -
Saint Paul Campus, University of Minnesota
Construction document responsibility, head of four-man team.
� , .
Rice-Marion Housing Competition - Saint Paul HRA
Member of two-man design team. (This project was second in
Saint Cloud Housing for Elderly - Saint Cloud, Minnesota - Non-Profit•
church organization, Saint Cloud HRA, Minnesota Housing Finance
Design and construction document responsibility, head of
three-man team.
Paul Rodriquez Residence - Newport, Minnesota
Complete project responsibility.
Grand Mound Interpretive Center - Minnesota State Historical Society -
International,Falls, Minnesota
Complete project responsibility - programming, design, presenta-
tion drawings, construction documents, construction adminis-
Appleton Wisconsin Housing Competitiort - Appleton HRA
Member of two-man design team, responsible for all presentetion
work. (This praject was selected first in competition).
West Broadway Shopping Center - Minneapolis, Minnesota
Design, presentation drawings
Milwaukee Avenue Town Houses - Seward West PAC, Minneapolis HRA,
Minnesota Housing Finance Agency
Design and project administration.
Superior Wisconsin Housing for the Elderly - Superior HRA
Design, presentation drawings.
Westminister Place Housing - Saint Paul, Minnesota
Design, presentation drawings.
While with The Design Associates:
120 Arundel Street - Saint Paul, Minnesota
Rehabilitation and addition to single family residence.
Published in Twin Cities Magazine March 1979.
The Phoenix Condominium - Saint Paul, Minnesota - Old Town
Restorations, Inc.
- Rehabilitation of existing six-unit apartment building into condo-
minium units. Building was boarded and had a major fire. This
project was selected by the Metropolitan Council as a finalist in its
moderate cost housing design competition.
Linden Carriage House - Saint Paul, Minnesota
Rehabilitation and addition to existing carriage house into single
family residence.
� ..
� � � � 2'79'711
Market Square Condominimums - Saint Paul, Minnesota
Rehabilitation of existing six-unit apartment building into condo-
minium units.
Cedarworkshop Gallery - Minneapolis, Minnesota •
Rehabilitation of existing one-story store front into two-story
fumiture and art gallery.
Irvine Park Parcel A - Housing Competition for Saint Paul HRA
Rehabilitation of existing ten-unit building and new construction of
24 units. First place in competition.
Soderberg Carriage House - Saint Paul, Minnesota
New construction of single family "carriage house". Client: Mr.
Ron Soderberg, Soderberg Construction Company.
833 Ashland - Saint Paul, Minnesota
Rehabilitation of single family residence. First major house
rehabilitation in Summit University, done with Saint Paul HRA.
Pubtished in Better Homes and Gradens Remodeling Ideas Summer
756 Dayton Avenue - Saint Paul, Minnesota
Rehabilitation of existing building into four condominivm units.
First major rehabilitation done with private money, Historic Hill
While with Winsor/Faricy Architect, Inc.
Wilder Park Housing - Saint Paul, Minnesota
Design and working drawings.
Project Designer, Project Architect
Landmark Center - Saint Paul, Minnesota
Art School - Programming and schematic design.
Auditorium - Design, Presentation Drawings and Working
Commercial State Bank - Saint Paul, Minnesota
Schematic design.
Project Designer
Lowry Building - Soint Paul, Minnesota -
Schematic design and presentation drawings.
MSAIA/Landmark Center - Saint Paul, �1Ainnesota
Presentation booklet and boards for award.
Anne Arundel and Miscel1aneous Eastern Housing Projects
Schematic design and presentation drawings.
. � - , ,
Seven Corners Housing - Minneapolis, Minnesota
Schematic design and presentation drawings.
Project Architect
Highwind Housing - Saint Paul, Minnesota �
Schematic design and presentation drawings.
Projec# Designer, Project Architect
Lowertown Rehabilitation of Warehousing into Office Space - Saint Paul,
M innesota
5chematic design and presentation drawings.
Project Designer, Project Architect
CENEX - Saint Paul, Minnesota
Presentation Drawings and Working Drawings
. . �`7�'�11
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�����T= o, CIT�' OF sAI1�TT 1�AUL
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i� �C 347 CITY HALL
GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323
T0: Council President Victor Tedesco
and Members of the City Council
FROM: Mayor George Latime��
DATE: January 5, 1983
RE: Appointments to the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission
Attached for your consideration and approval is a Council
Resolution appointing James Miles and Patricia Murphy and reappointing
Scott Helmes, Keith McCormick and John M;annillo to serve as members
of the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission.
Resumes of Murphy and Miles are attached.
Thank you.
� ' ' 2'79'�1�
�as��**a.� GI�1'Y OF ►�AINT PAUL
a,� �iI1t,lUli b
�a Il/l !11 11 s
+° �c 347 CITY HALL
GF.ORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323
T0: City Council President Victor Tedesco - --
and Members of the Saint Paul City Council
FROM: Mayor George LatimerQ�
DATE: �anuary 6, 1983
RE: Appointments to the Board of Zoning Anpeals
Attached for your review and approval is a Council Resolution
reappointing James Kirk and Vincent 4loods to serve as members
of the Board of Zoning Appeals. These three-year terms will
expire on November 1 , 1985.
Thank you.