279710 WHITE - CITV CLERK , �y���■ PINK - FINANCE COUIICII N �� V CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE - MAVOR File NO. • � uncil Resolution Presented By � * Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A resolution to amend Rule 14, Section (a) (1) , of the Council Itules of Procedure, as incoxporated in Chapter A-1 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code. RESOLVED, That Section (a) (1) of Rule 14 of the P.ules of Council Procedure is hereby amended to read as follows: Rule 14. Stages of consideration. (a) Initiation of resolutions and ordinances. (1) An ordinance ornesolution is initiated when the original and four copies are submitted to the secretary of the council in proper form before ���AA-a'-e�ee�-�ee� 4:30 P.M. of the day before four business days preceding the meeting at which it is intended to be considered. COUNCILMEfV • Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher �"a' �.�1e3 In Favor Masanz _ / Nicosia 0� scne�bei _ __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson JaN j O 'no.� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � tao.s Certified Y• ed by Counc.il $e ar BY ��-�� Appro y Mavor: te _ 2 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B BY PUBLISHED • JAN 2 9 1983 � � .l_�.HK � }+ H 1 :N A NG E (� I .I.y n �, S A I iV T I A U L Counc il �--���'!���-�--�...... Ot.YARTMENT � • 7 � + MAVOR . � File NO. ._ ._. __ ..,,- , . C ncil Resolution . z���o �resenied By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A resolution to amend Rule 14, Section (a) (1) , of the Council Rules oY Procedure, as incorporated in Chapter A-1 oi the Saint Paul Administrative Code. EAS, e Coun 1 is de 'rous o havin an i cre ed iod o time review ordinan s and solut ns b fore the eeti at w ' ch it i intende that ey be onsi ere now, here� e, be it � ftESOLVED, That Section (a) (i) of Rule 14 of the Rules of Council Procedure is hereby amended to read as �ollows: ' Rule 14. Stages of consideration. (a) Initiation of resolutions and ordinances. (1) An ordinance or resolution is initiated when the original and four copies are submitted to the secretary of the council in proper form be�ore �3:09-o-'-ci.eek-nee�n ;30 p�N'�, of the day before four business days � preceding the meeting at which it is intended to be considered. COUNCII.4lEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt �— � [n Favor Maddox McMaho� A gainst BY Showaltsr Tedesco Wilsoa JUL 1 5 1982 Form A prove by 'ty Attorney Adupted by Council: Date r Certif�rd P• ssed by ounc Se ratary By � � `' ���iKr ^ � A��pru b} Vlavor: � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ri:�.`4__ y "h� -� _ By a �� �/ � _ ,,.�;*;�o,:,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL _-�'` ,,.,► �:"''_. OFFICE OF TH� CITY CLERK ,� ,; `: �iiii'ii°ii '' ,,� �� ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK `'o„ �..• ' 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ��lm"",•••��'`` 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR January 28, 1983 MEMORANDUM T0: Mayor George Latimer Ed Starr, City Attorney Peter Hames, Director of Finance & Management Services James Bellus, Director of PED Don Nygaard, Director of Public Works William McCutcheon, Chief of Police Steve Conroy, Fire Chief Tom Kelly, Director of Community Services FROM: Al Olson, City Clerk Attached is a copy of a resolution of the City Council, C.F. No. 279710, adopted January 18, 1983 amending Council Rule No. 14 relating to the initia- tion of resolutions and ordinances. The rule provides that an item to be placed on a Tuesday Agenda must be submitted to the City Clerk by 4:30 P.M. on the preceding Tuesday and to be on the Thursday Agenda, a resolution or ordinance must be submitted to the City Clerk the preceding Thursday by 4:30 P.M. The primary purpose of this resolution is to acco�nodate Finance Committee actions taken on Thursday afternoons. Please circulate this memorandum to persons within your department who are involved with this procedure. ATTACH. cc: All Councilmen �.�, .�-��55