280090 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK � FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARI(-DEPARTMENT y�y BLUE -MAVOR � F11E NO.� Do/ � � ' ' 0 din�nce Ordinance N O. �7�� � � Presented By �'n � 1-�— -3Q �sr Referred o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance adding a new chapter to the St . Paul Legislative Code providing for the install- ation of a hard-wired smoke detector i.n single- family dwellings . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN : Section l . Definitions . For the purpose of this chapter , the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section . "Smoke detector" means a device designed for the detection of � smoke through interruption of an internal light beam of ioniza- tion of smoke particles , and listed by Underwriters Laboratories for smoke detection purposes . "Hard wired" means direct wiring into a dwelling ' s electri- cal system in a permanent manner , and incl��des wiring into an existing electrical outlet which is energized at all times , i_n a manner that would prohibit occupant interruption of elec- trical power to the detector . "Single family dwelling" means a building designed exclu- s ive ly -�-e�-€���-�-� for and occupied exclusively byone family. "Department" means the department of fire and safety services of the City of St . Paul . ' "Certificate of real estate value" means the certificate of value filed with the Ramsey County Auditor in accordance with the provisions ofSection 272 . 115 of the Minnesota State Statutes and the rules adopted pursuant thereto . "Owner" means the fee owner and/or buyer of the single family dwelling as indicated on the certificate of real esrate Yeas COOn enLME Na s Requested by Department of: • Y � �w� In Favor � , Masanz �h i��� Against BY TedesCo Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date L-v�� � C � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � �/���$S �1-- --�.��' By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By � By , • ' . � � �, ' • � ' � c��G�f� l G� �� ��ay�' value on file with the Ramsey County Auditor. Section 2 . Installation Requirement. A single family dwelling in the City of St. Paul built prior to January 1, 1973 shall be equipped with one hard-wired smoke detector. The smoke detector shall be installed within 60 days of the date of filing of the certificate of real estate value pursuant to Section 272 .115 of the Minnesota State Statutes . The installation of the smoke detector shall be the responsi- bility of the owner or other party responsible for the dwelling and shall be done in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and all applicable codes and ordinances. A permit for installation and inspection of the smoke detector shall be required in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 33 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. No permit or inspection fee shall be required for installation of the smoke detector. This exemption shall not apply to permit fees for any other alterations or repairs to electrical service completed at the same time as the smoke detector installation. Section 3 . Location of Detector. The smoke detector shall be mounted on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in a corridor or area giving access to rooms used for sleeping purposes . Ceiling mounted smoke detectors shall be located as close to the center of the ceiling as possible, but not within six inches of a wall . Wall mounted smoke detectors shall be mounted on a wall within 12 inches of the ceiling, but not closer than six inches from the intersection of the wall and ceiling. Section 4 . Enforcement. Upon notice of the filing of a certificate of real estate value for a single family dwelling the department shall mail a written notice to the last known address of the owner. For purposes of this section the last known address of the owner shall be the address listed on the certificate of real estate value. The written order shall contain notice of the following: l . The address of the single-family dwelling as listed on the certificate of real estate value. 2 . , . �� . . , � . � �--� ��v�rc� i7��o 2 . The requirement that a hard—wired smoke detector must be installed on the premises within a specified period of time . 3 . The installation of the smoke detector must be made � in compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances . 4 . The scheduled date of inspection for purposes of determining compliance with this chapter . 5 . The penalty for failure to comply with this chapter in a timely manner . Section 5 . Inspections ; Right of Entry . The department shall be au— thorized to enter any dwelling at any reasonable time for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this chapter . The owner or other responsible party in charge of the dwelling shall give the department free access to such dwelling or premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of such inspection . If the owner or other responsible party refuses to consent to the in— spection , a search warrant may be obtained in accordance with Section 299F . 09 of the Minnesota Statutes and Section 2 . 107 of the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code . Section 6 . Penalty . Any person violating any provisions of this chap— ter is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be subject to the penalty provided for in Section 1 . 05 of the St . Paul Legislative Code . Section 7 . This ordinance is deemed a part of the St . Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an a;�propriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of the Legislative Code . 3 . ���� �� �-r( ,�l WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE �����D CANqqy -DEPARTMENT � CITY OF SAINT PAUL F le ci1NO. BIU� � -MAVOR � Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. ��°2 �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 8 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage , approval and publication. 4. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �N�( Nays �� � I�I�r � ��eW In Favor Masanz O N��� Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date MAY 2 3 1985 Form Approved by City Attorne C � Certified P sed by Council Secretary � By �����SS By Appr by Mayor. AY 3 � �9a5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By P�� .1 U� g i985� �-�:;. � , � � � � � �� � '�`� � a��o�� �`�`` � x� GI�''Y" CgF SAII�TT �PAUL U � �;`���' ��.��1�li;�, /`7v?� i�'' ��;-'— .;� OFF`ICE O�' THF CZTY CO�QNCIL �'�- �•,,..,,,..- k F����._sf�:=5�' �`` ' � � ' . � "'� Date ��r �, . Apri 1 29, 1985 .� �.,. '' .�,� '�.-_�'.�,��,�� . C4 (� (�11T i � E RE PO � T - �ro : sa�r,3 Pau � c���► ca����� �� Q � : c���j���� 0� City Development and Transportation CE�aiR William L. Wilson ! . ResoiUtion requestirig that the Planning Commission conduct a "40 acre" study and present the Council with i��s advice and recommendation concerning the prop�szd amendment to Section 60. 201 of the Loning Code pertaining to adult uses and ticensed iiquor establishments (Committee recommends approval �s amended) 2. Letter of the Heritage Preservation Cornrnission recommending properties as listed be designated as Heritage F'reservation 5ites (Committee recammends —.-- _ ... . approva 1 ) 3:�°; An ordifii�nce y�mendi ng Chapter ,�56 of the Legi s I a-t i ve '"�ode Mo•F�"�,he �,,� i ty ofi 5t. , Pau 1 perta i n i ng to the i nsta 1 1 at i on. of smoke detec�tors i n s i ng 1 � fami l y dwellings� ��ommit�ee recommencis approva) as amend�da CIT'f HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAII``T PAUL, �tIN�tF.SOTA SSIO� ...`.�„ __,. . . _ .__-- .. ,_..�._� ,.�. _..,.m.,-m.. _. _ • .._.�..._... _�_.__ __ ___-- . _.-- - , . ,.,._.�_. . __.�.,.. _,.,.�„-�..._.M,,.,A......�.......,��.,.-. � � � � I � m m o � � vi ❑❑ D � � T m � rt. o �� i o� � � �d �.� � N O � � � � - � � \ � _ V • £ 8 - f � _� _ I � 4 � � �� - ' � D � �p D J r"' - � � O C m j' n � ,� ' � � � ..�� z , a � i �" o r � r � m z T or � N � < � Z n � O a � � N c D ` W m O n < -� n '^ O � `� � 3 N A 1 �a - a � o 0 (� v �'p� 3 c �� � � � v ��� > �� � � Qfa � \ � � � � � � , ��� m � � T � � D oo - � o . � � � � ��� � z _� � �. � � � �� � o�� � � � -� m 'r'o N o o� c � � I . � . � � . : � � . � �,�- �-��o�y � /��y� value an file with the Ramsey County Auditor . ���. Section 2 . ;�. •a.. Installa''�ion Requirement . A single family dwelling in the City of St . Pa� built prior to January 1 , 1973 shall be equipped with on hard-wired smoke detector . The smoke detector shall be installe within 60 days of the date of filing of the certificate of real ' estate value pursuant to Section 272 . 115 of the Minnesota State atutes . The installation o the smoke detector shall be the re- sponsibility of the owner or other party responsible for the dwelling and shall be done in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and all app ' cable codes and ordinances . Section 3 . Location of Detector . The oke detector sha11 be mounted on the ceiling or wall at a point entrally located in a corridor or area giving access to rooms used for sleeping purposes . Ceiling mounted smoke detectors all be located as close to the center of the ceiling as possible , ut not within six inches of a wall . Wall mounted smoke detectors shall be mounted on a wall within 12 inches of the ceiling , but not cl ser than six inches from the intersection of the wall and ceilin . Section 4 . Enforcement . Upon notice of the filing of certificate of real estate value for a single family dwelling th department shall mail a written order to the last known addre s of the owner . For purposes of this section the last know address of the owner shall be the address listed on the certificate of real estate value . The written order shall contain notice of the fol owing : l . The address of the single-family dwelling as li ted on the certificate of real estate value . 2 . C � �! 11 � ' � t� 2�04�g0 M�HITE - CITV GLERK � ' � PINIt/ - FINANCE � �� 1 CANARV - CiEPARTMENT� � � � Cyl T�, O,� SA I NT PALT L COUI1C11 BLIi£ - MAYOR • . File N O. j • �� Ordin�nce Ordinance N O. ��� �� Presented By Referre o Committee: Date Out of Comm tee By Date An Ordinance Am nding Cha ter 56 of the Legislative Code of the City of St. Paul Pertaining to In allation of Smoke Detectors in Single-Family Dwellings. Chapter 56 of the Le 'slative Code of the City of St. Paul is hereby amended with addition of Section S 05, which reads as follows: Chapter 56.05. Installat n of Smoke Detectors in Single-Family Dwellings. •,. Section 1. Definitions `� "Smoke detector" means a device ` esigned for the detection of smoke through interruption of an internal lighlt eam or ioni2ation of smoke particles, and listed by Underwriters Laboratories�for smoke detection purposes. "Hard wired" means direct wixing into dwelling's electrical system in a permanent manner, and i.ncludes wiri.ng i o an existing electrical outlet which is energized at all times, in a manner th t would prohibit occupant interrup- tion of electrical power to the detector. ; Section 2. Installation t�equirements ?'ti ', , A single-family dwelling in the City of St. Pau�� built prior to January 1, 1973, shall be equipped with one hard-wired smoke detec�or at the time such dwelling is sold. "°� ,'� The smoke detector shall be mounted on the ceiling or�wall at a point centrally located in a corridor or area giving access to rooms u�ed for sleeping purposes. The smoke detector shall be located within twelve inche�� of the ceiling, and shall be located no closer than 6 inches from the interse•ction of the wall and the ceiling. `�, \ � \ COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Levine In Favor — Masanz Nicosia Against BY Scheibel , Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK � ' � � � COUI1C11 �����0 PINIZ - F�1'NpNCE (��T� 0,1�' SAINT PAUL CANRRV - DEPARTMENT� � � � ` BLUE - MAVOR , , File NO. . . . � 0 rdindnce Ordinance N 0. �7°Z y� .� �Presented By .� i Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 Section 3. Enforcement This Chaptex shall be enforced thro h the Truth-in-Housing inspection or similar inspection or notification at the time of sale of a dwelling. Section 4. Effective Date This Chapter shall be effective the date o enactment of Minnesota Statutes COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher �evine In Favor Masanz Nicosia A gai n s t BY Scheibel Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY : . . . . , . , .. . Q��o _ . , .. . _ �� � �y��� ST. PAUL DEPAR'I'MENT OF FIRE AND SAFETY SERVICES SMOKE DETECTOR FACT SHEET - DO SMOKE DETECTORS 470RK? Yes . According to a Johns Hopkins University study, smoke detectors can reduce fire injuries by 85% to 92%, fire fatalities by 71% to 88% and property .loss- by as much as 72%. The U.S . Fire Administra- tion estimates that people who live in homes with no detectors (or_ detectors that don't work) are ,2�0% more likely to die in a fire t an peop e w o ive in omes with working smoke detectors . WHY HARD-WIRED SMOKE DETECTORS? When people install smoke detectors , they most often install battery- powered detectors . Battery-powered detectors are only reliable when a charged battery is in place. Unfortunately, our experience (and national experience) indicate that far too many people do not keep fresh batteries in their detectors, or remove them altogether. Out of 413 dwelling fires studied in St. Paul in 1981, there were 161 fires where smoke detectors were present . In nearl 50% of those cases , the smoke detector did not work. Note t at� o t e 413 cases stu ie , on y , o t e we ings involved even had smoke detectors . According to a 1982 U.S . Fire Administration study, 80.77a of smoke detector failures were due to dead or no batteries . On t e other hand, ouse-powere smo e etectors su ere power interruption in only 10% of the cases studied. HO�v' MUCH WOULD A HARD-WIRED DETECTOR COST? At one hardware store, a hard-wire smoke detector was available for $17. 95 (in the same store, a simple battery-powered detector was selling for $19. 50) . Installation costs of one detector are es- tima.ted at from less than $20. 00 to �fi0.00. Note that over a ten- year period, the cost of semi-annual battery replacement for a battery-powered detector can range from $22. 00 to $43.80, using today' s battery prices . Note also that the ma.nufacturers of battery-powered and hard-wire smoke detectors are most often the same manufacturers . HOt•� P7ANY HOMES WOULD BE AFFECTED? There are 64, 917 homes in St. Pau1 that were built prior to 19J3 . These ho�nes would be covered by the proposed ordinance , However, the proposed ordinance requires smoke detector installation only at the time of sale. The average St . Paul home is sold approximately once every 7 years . �, , . ° _ Page -2- � ' . " , . ' ,. � � • ' � ��Od �' U . , • ' y ��a� �fD AOW WOULD THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE BE ENFORCED? Through the truth-in-housing inspection, or in a similar manner when a truth-in-housing inspection doesn't occur--in other words , enforcement would occur at the time of sale. WHAT WOULD THIS MEAN FOR FIRE PROTECTION IN ST. PAUL? • More than half of St. Paul 's fire fatalities occur in single- family dwellings (there have been 71 such fatalities in St . Paul since 1971) . This ordinance would zeduce the nLmmber of fire fatalities (as well as injuries and property loss) by providing for the earliest possible warning �of a fire. Early warning means a lot to the Department of Fire and Safety Services, too. Budget reductions have resulted in a reduetion of the number of firefighters available to protect life and property from fire . Smoke detectors don't replace firefighters--but they do better the odds that life and property loss will be held down. . ,: . , . . _ . . . .. . . . . ... T .. . . . � . . ' � .��` � ��� - � � _ . � . � 1 . .. � �� , � � . . �I . � � . . . . . . � . ... . . . � � . � � ,- � �` i . •. � ' . ' . , . 1 .. f�° � �` y � � . � � _ � . g. . � ' � • . � - . # r _ . ��:-�"�Je� ` , _ �uo � . .� .. . . ' • . . . .. . , F��� �� . . . � . . - . . . . .. . . . . .�e �\� / . � , . � . , . . , � 1 , . . ' � � . , . . . ' . . . � . ( - • . . , • . � , i � . . \ � ' ' . . . . � . .. '1 . . . . , . . . � . . /.. � . . , .' . _ � , , a � � , ' , Harch 29., 1483 ' ; , , . . , ; ' • • � : � ' Counci2�osa Robert P'Iotchtr . � . Chairma�c, City Dev�lop�ant, b�Transp�aration Cose�f,tta�e � i � 7th �F�oor, City Hal.l , � • , I , � . , , ` + � D�ar Couaeilman Fi�tc�tiert ; ' ' \� ` � .j ' The City Couaail r�ferred:to the Ctty pavelopman.t � Trinspostation '�; j � Go�siCtes fox coasfdaratiort gnd reco�ati�� sa� ord4�aancs, . ' ' r ' ` C.F. 28fl090, a�seading ChspEer 56 of the LegisZativa Code� pe�taisting , '� , ' ' to Che ,installation of snoke det�ctora in single familq dw�].lin�s. _ � . . � ' � Yours 4erY' lrulq. � , � ' ' . , � , -� . � . . ', � ; . ; . . A�.b�rt �. Olsoa ' �, Citq Clszk * , ��:.,, ., '_ - ; ' Ateach. � • � ,. , . . ABOsla - , i ' � ccs �ousi�n� & 81dg. Code ffi�fores�aen� Divieion . � i . � t ,' � ' �.\ - � f � _ " 1 � - , , . 'i , . \ , , � ' . : . ;; �: a _ r 4 . 't \ � ' i, _ _ . �. � ,... r � . • � � . - . ' � • � � A' • ..�! � �� .� . r � . - . � M����o �n 5 ' � CI�Y OF S�INT �AUL /��U 1'�I ' < �-�:•��� ` OFFICE OF THF. CITY COIINCIL �?Ii1._„ JAMES SCHEIBEL Councilman Nlarch 8, 1983 T0: City Council Membexs FROM: James Scheibe Councilman �' RE: Smoke Detector Legislation In our legislative package we included a request for enabling legis- lation regarding the mandatory installation of hard-wiring smoke detectors. The Delegation was unwilling to support that request� without a specific ordinance. The attached ordinance is for your review. The Delegation meets at 4:00 p.m. , Wednesday, March 9, 1983. I will be in touch with you relative to this when I return on {Vednesday. ' JS;das cc: Chief Steve Conroy " CITY HALL SEVEN'TH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/295-5679 �� � � � � February 1�, 1�87 ti ♦ � � V ] , . � ���� � � ;he honouraale cour.cilworaan Mi�s t;iki aonnen 7th 'r'loor :�t. Pa�.il :�a:::sey i%o�.ir�ty Courthouse at. Paul, iiinnesota jj101 Dear :•.iss aonr.en: "here is an excellent city ordinance, v�hic:: has Ueer_ introdnced 'r�y the at. Faul ��ire Departsent t� enact i%hanter 5�� of :.�enate 'r'ila 1'�jl, Iiinne�ota statute 2����.3'v2, r��ardin� fire ale�: or ��oke detector devices. This ordinance is an er.coller�t oiie and can be enforced by tile Cit� :.�'ire ::arshalls Office. `�::is ordi:�ance reZuires: 1. 1 hard-rrireci smol,e detector �.ZOUr_ted cn +he wall near the sleepin;; area. 2. A �20.00 fee for electrical ir.spection. 3. Installation of a harc��vired s:i;ol>e detector ir. house Uuilt before 1?'�3, as hoiues are sola. �_� 4. � :Jay cor.roliance an��. in.�tal:atio�. requireuent o \�Sv2- 2'� 5. -� ::iust comply beFore sa?e cf lior�e. Une should quote a Joh:s �io�l.ins tiniversit;;r •`.�tud�� thai: sa;rU; reduction o� fire i:.juries occ��rs fro�.;.: 65 to ;�2;�, fire fatalities � re�uction %� t0 3�;� o'�::!� a `7�i� proper+�r Cl�':?a�;° T'Q�.L1Ct1011. .L'nere 1.S � 230;� �reater chance of deat�l ivith no s�:oi;e detectors in hoi�ses. '�'+'e need stricter lar�s to sare live� and '�ard-�Rrired ale:t s�*ste��s fail onl;;� 10;0 of t:ie ti�:ze,il�.'..Zereas,Uai.ter� oF�erateci fail ���;;% of t�ie ti:.e. �;ould ;�ou,:i�:i,��o.iser tl�is piece o� le�;,islation on ti.e council. e '�har... ,�ou �or ;;ivi:.� t'i�is y�our fullest cor:sideratioiz arid for ;;our tiWe to read ti:i� lett�r. Ii ;To�; have any questions rlease call ;ae. �'GL;Y'S ver;, truly, T �ri�+y�l.,�.lL � �.<..C�i�iYy',..� Pa,nela �. Jackso� 5�5 �.us��S �t. Pau1, i-,innesota 55101; j45-5430