280077 wHITE - CITV CLERK COUflC1I l.Uo� • � PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L �r BLUE - MAVOR . Flle NO. Coux�cil R sol ion Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVID, that the proper City officers are authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, an agreement between the City and the County of Ra.msey whereby the City and County agree to cooperate in the participation with the Ttain City Area Urban Corps Program, and whereby the County will appropriate $22,410.00 (7.taenty-two thousand, four hundred ten dollars) and the City will appropriate $52,290.00 (Fifty-two thousand, two hundred ninety dollars) to this program all in accordance with the adopted Budget of the City of Saint Paul as approved by the City Council: Activity Number: 09090 APPROVID AS TO FUNDING: Peter Ha.mes � �11� Director, Finance and l�anagement Services COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fietcher Urban Cor s Levine In Favor Masanz NiCOSia scheibel _ __ Against BY wus�_ �, MAR 2 4 1�3 Form prove by Ci tt ey Adopted by Councii: Date � Certifie ssed by ounc' ecr ary ° w By ' .�.� �i��� Appr d y Mavor: D MAR 2 9'1983 Approved �Ma�}d!for Su ission to ouncil gy � PUBUSHED APR 9 �9 � � ���0'7'7 � . ' AGREFMENT � . �� . THTS AGREENIII3T, made and entered•into this day of - , 198 by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, by t�d through its Board of Commissioners,� hereinafter referred to as the "County", both acting pursuant to the provision of biinnesota Statutes, Section 471.59: " WITNESSETH: - WHEREAS, the objectives of the program are: � � � 1. To provide the Citq and County with the skill.s, motivation, � creativity, and enthusiasm of college students. 2. To provide the college student with a valuabie work experience� in local governa�ent and at the same time expose herihim to some of the real3.stic, pragnatic problems in City and County • � � government. . 3. To create a liason between�local governmeat and the academic community, thereby enabling both to utilize more��ully the xesources of the other. , � NOW, TAEREFORE, by mutual agreement of the parties hereto, the f.ollowing agreement Ys entered into and made effectiv� as £ollows: - - - . . � . _�:. - _ ..� ... . _ _ 1. An Uxbar� Corps Intern Work Program shall be carried on under the supervisian o£ an Urban Corps Coordinator, whose - - duties shall be as follows: a. Iatroduce and describe the operational procedures of the Intern Program to the various City and County : -• depa.rtments. b. To develop withite the City and Couaty departments _ - __ _ _-•_ . meaaiagful internships. c. To be responsible foz the training and orientation of tbe intern's direct snpervisor. ' d. To recruit and place worthwhile iaterns from the various colleges under the Urban Corps. . 2. The Urban Corps Coordinator shall work under the supervision of the Mayorts Office of Saint Paul. 3. Office space for the Saint Paul-Ramsey County Coordinator. will be provided by the City. 4. The total administrative cost of the tasks and purposes set �����/ �� forth are estimated to be $74,700.00 (seventy-four thousand and seven hundred dollars).. Of this amount, the County sha11 ` pay $22,410.00 �(Ztaenty-two ttiousand, and four hundred ten dollars), and the City shall.�pay $52,290.00 (Fifty-two thousand and two hundred ninety dollars). The County will pay said amount in quarterly installments to the City beginning January 1, 1983. Should the total cast to the City be I.ess than that stated above, the City sha11 retura to the County 30X of the unspent sum at the expiration of the agreement. . 5hould the total costs to the City be more than that stated above, the County shall pay the City 309: of the sum in � excess of the total stated above. 5. This Agreement shall terminate December 31, I983. However, either party may terminate the Agreeaent prior ta that time _ upon ninety days written notice. Should such right of ter- mination be excercised, then onl.y the pro-rata portion o£ . such instal2ment coming due herein shall be paid ox sha11 the terminating party be 13able for. IN �TITNESS WEIEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be . executed the day and year first above written. . T�E COUNTY OF RAMSEY � � . Chairman of the Board c��:`Commissioners ' � �,;,�'.-� ATTE5T: ,f.��roved as to Form and Execution: THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL - - _ C/l - � /' _ �sistant .County Attorney Mayor A�provecl as to Form: -- � D rector, Department of Finance and � Manageaent Services � �ssi�tant ity Attorney . � � _ _ � . nator: and Urban Corps ograms Ma or - Urban Cor s p �, ' ��oo�� Y � DE ART 1EN� Susan D. Wachholz �ONTACT . 298-4376 PHONE � �� Februar 17 83 DATE �v� v , 19 (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number far Routinq Order (Clip All Locations for Ma�yoral Signature): Department Di rector City Attorney R�'�EIVED� ._,;:.. �Di rector of Management/Ma�yor �w�„, � .• �inance and Management Services Director � p . /1r' : � (.�' .r�_: � ., . ��i01T 11 5 City Clerk C- , .�cE Budget Di rector AN� r�,:a,.,�u�,.,_,�: �_.,�,��cES What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): That the City of Saint Paul enter into an Agreement with the County of Ramsey for participation in the ltain City Area Urban Corps program. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Irr�acts Anticipated: Provides the City with $22,410.00 (30X) towards the administrative costs of the Urban Corps program. Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: 09090-219-000 ' Attachments (List and N�nber all Attachmentsl : Resolution: Agreements between Saint Paul and Ramsey County 7.tao original 1983 Agreements between Saint Paul and Ramsey County. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIE�I � Yes No Council Resolut�ton Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No A//9� Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for 'Instructians) ������`�'� PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR TAIS ACTION: This Agreement would continue the City and County's �oint participation in the Urban Corps program. The joint participation in the administration of the program between the City and the County began in 1970. The Agree- ment allows the City to: 1) Display how local units of government can work together in providing services to the communities they serve. 2) Reduce administrative costs for the City of Saint Paul. 3) Provide a central administrative office to screen college students interested in interning with the City and/or County. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Resolution: Agreement between Saint Paul and Ramsey County. 2) Ttao (2) original Agreements between Saint Paul and Ramsey County that are referred to in the resolution. If the resolution is adopted, both Agreements should be signed by the appropriate City officials and re- turned to me. I will see that appropriate action is taken by Ramsey County and return an original signed Agreement to the City Clerk.