00-347ORIGINAL � ��.�� �.. - . �0.� �. � � —\a- RESOLUTION CITY OF SgINT PAUL, MINNESOT, Presented Refened To Council File # � � •3�� Green Sheet # 10 � r j OS a� Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, the Ayd Mill Road Environmental Impact Statement was undertaken in order to study the effects of 2 Ayd Mill Road on traffic, noise, and air poliution within a study area bounded by Randolph Avenue, Fairview 3 Avenue, Sherburne Avenue and V ictoria Avenue; and 4 WHEREAS, the EIS considered the effects of six possible alternatives, ranging from a linear park to a four-lane connection with bridge ramps; and 6 WI�EREAS, neighborhoods within the EIS study azeahave seen a dramatic increase in tr�c volumes, resulting in 7 a greater number of traffic-related accidents and an overall reducrion in the public safety of the region; and WHfiREAS, the two-lane extended alternative wili result in a reduction of negative traffic impacts throughout the overall study area and an overall increase in public safety; and 10 WHEREAS, the two-lane extended alternative would dramatically increase pedestrian and bicycle safety at points I 1 where it is critical now and throughout the overali study azea; and 12 WI�EREAS, the two-lane extended aiternative will add to the patk amenities wathin the Ayd Mill Road corridor, 13 including 4.4 acres of additional green space, planting ofnew boulevard trees on both sides of the roadway as well 14 as a row of additional evergreen plantings to the west ofthe roadway, a new picnic and rest area, and a new off-street 15 bicycle/pedestrian path; and 16 WHBREAS, the two-lane extended alternative will limit overall tr�c growth in the Ayd Mi115tudy Area while at 17 the same time easing neighborhood traffic volumes by shifting tr�c to Ayd Mill Road; and 18 WHEREAS, the two-lane extended alternative offers sunilar traffic reductions to other connection altematives wkrile 19 further enhancing community amenities and min;mi�ing the potential for increased use of the study area as a 20 connector for commuters outside of the study azea; and 21 WFIEREAS, traffic calming measures on Lexington Avenue aze appropriate measures to consider as nnplementation 22 of the Ayd Mill Road connection proceeds; and 23 WI�REAS, the two-lane ea-tended alternative would improve access from Ayd Mill Road to the Midway 24 commercial area, ei�liaucing workforce development and economic opportuniries within the region; and 25 WI�REAS, the two-lane extended alternative maintains access to Ayd Mill Road for the 9,000 Saint Paul residents 26 who use it every day; now therefore be it 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby selects the two-lane e�ended option (Alternative 4) as��e 3 �� 2 preferred alternafive for the Ayd Mill Road Environmental Ixnpact Statement; and be it further 3 RESOLVEA, thax the City Council requests that the Department of Public Works develop a financial plan, 4 construction plan, and construction schedule by July i, 2000 for presentaYion to the City Council; and be it fiirther 5 RESOLVED, that the City Council eapresses intent to include the following addirions to the construction plan, and 6 that feasibility and planuing for these inclusions be incorporated in the construction plan and schedule: 7 ]0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 • Reduction of Lexington Avenue to two-lanes from Randolph Avenue to Lincoln Avenue; • Additional traffic calming measures on Le�ngton Avenue from Randolph Avenue to Marshall Avenue; • Additional traffic caluiing throughout the study area; • Lane widths as narrow as allowable under guidelines; • Road positioning as close to the eastem zailroad tracks as possible within safety guidelines; • Usage of rannp metering at the south entrance to Ayd Mill Road; • Usage of existing traffic lighting to control the e�t off of Interstate 35E North; • Elimination of south-side raxnps on St. Clair Avenue and Grand Avenue; • Inclusion of picnic and rest azea amenities; • An examination of potential new housing uses within the corridor; • An examination of closing Ayd Mill Road on weekends for community usage; � Require a 35 m.p.h. desien speed limit; � Prohibit truck traffic, exce�t local deliveries; � Inclusion of bike and uedestrian paths. 21 and be it further 22 RESOLVED, that the City Council, within the twenty-yeaz impact study, commits to a biannual traffic review 23 process within the study area, with appropriate traffic impacts communicated to the City Council and to the 24 Metropolitan Council for inclusion in their overall transit plans; and be it finally .,�.�.��,�.,.���...;..�� . . . . : ��: : : :. . :. . . . :. .� : .� . :� .� : . :� • � :� :, : . : - �: •. Requested by Department of: Adopfion Certified by Council Secretary � Ap� � � Form Approved by City Attorney fs� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adupted 6y Council: Date �e _.� \___� � p�a —��� � fla-5y� Mazch"22. 2000 ���� GREEN SHEET �.-��r, No �% � -%'� a�rcawci Councilmember PaY Harris 6-8630 T07AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ot.�.narowecrorz F � ❑ O1YAiTOp4Y ❑ OlYpifK ❑ A1iIGLiE1t111CFfpt ❑ MINIGY.iFR�L�LY.lO ❑ YYOII(OltllfY[[)/i11 ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SlGNATURE� A resolurion selecfing the two-lane extended opuon (Altemarive 4) as the preferred altemative for Ayd Mill Road and requesting the Depazmient of Public Works to develop a Snancial plan, consh$ction plan and construction schedule by� 1, 2000. �"�Y PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMfREE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION SOURCE �������a������� YES NO tias mis ce�rm ever been a alY�PbYe�Z rES ra Doasttus parean�itm oames a slall �at �possessed h1t enY wment citY �Pbv�7 YE5 NO Is this penwYfirm a tarpeted veridor7 YES NO 1:03T/RhYQlUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNITY N111�ER YEE NO INF�RNATION(IXPWN} 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby selects the two-lane ea�tended option (Alternative 4) as the 2 prefened alternative for the Ayd Mill Road Environmental Impact Statement; and be it further �,34r� 3 RESOLVED, that the City Council requests that the Department of Public VJorks devel a financial platt, 4 conshucrion plan, and construction schedule by July 1, 2000 for presentation to the City C cil; and be it further 5 RESOLVED, that the City Council expresses intent to include the foliowing additions JGthe construction plan, and 6 that feasibility and plauniug for these inclusions be incorporated in fhe conshuctio�plan and schedule: 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • Reduction of Le�ngton Avenue to two-lanes from Randolph Avenue t Lincoln Avenue; Additional traffic cahning measures on Le�ngton Avenue from Ran olph Avenue to Mazshall Avenue; Additional traffic calming throughout the study area; Lane widths as narrow as allowable under guidelines; Road positioning as close to the eastern railroad tracks as poss" le within safety guidelines; Usage of ramp metering at the south entrance to Ayd Mill R d; Usage of existing traffic lighting to control the e�t off of I erstate 35E North; Eliminarion of south-side ramps on St. Clair Avenue and and Avenue; Inclusion of picnic and rest azea amenities; An exatnination of potential new housing uses wi ' e corridor; An exaznination of closing Ayd Mill Road on wee nds for community usage; 18 and be it further 19 RESOLVED, that the City Council, within the tw nty-year impact study, commits to a biannual traffic review 20 process within the study area, with appropriate affic impacts communicated to the City Council and to the 21 Metropolitan Council for inclusion in their ove a11 transit plans; and be it fmally 22 RE50LVED, tbax the selection of the 23 exatniving the complimentary enhancf OR4GINAL ne extended option should in no way foreclose the option of further and access to Ayd M111 Road. Requested by Department of: Benanav Bostrom Coleman Hazris Lantry Reiter � Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Co,dncil: Date Adoption � by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � ., i\.GJ WL v GL� �nac cne �awi raw c,iry Louncll hereby selects me two-lane extended option (Altemative 4) as the 2 grefened altemarive for the Ayd Mill Road Environmental Impact Statement; and be it further � �_�y,� 3 RESOLVED, that the City Councii requests that the Department of Publie Works c 4 construction plan, and construction schedule by 7uly 1, 2000 for presentation to the City 5 RESOLVED, that the City Council expresses intent to include the following additions 6 that feasibility and planning for these inclusions be incorporated in the construction � 7• Reduction of Le�ngton Avenue to twalanes from Randolph Avenue to 8• Additional traffic calming measures on Le�ngton Avenue from Rando 9• Additional h�affic calming throu�out the study area; 10 •.. Lane widths as narrow as allowable under guidelines; 11 • Road positioning as close to the eastem railroad tracks as possible 'th'v 12 • Usage of ramp metering at the south entrance to Ayd Mill Road; a financial plan, ; and be it further ie construction glan, aac. and schedule: ncoln Avenue; Avenue to Mazshall Avenue; safety guidelines; 13 • Usage of exisnng traffic hghtmg to control the exit off of Inte te 35E North; 14 • Elimination of south-side ramps on St Clair Avenue and d Avenue; - 8L ���+ 15 • Inclusion of picnic and rest area amenities; � } �° 16 • An examination of potential new housing uses within the orridor; , b QAd�� y 17 • An examinarion of closing Ayd Mill Roa��weekends or community usage; 18 and be it further �� tu , p ��� S f� * � ���' o.�� � . prvi��b�l. ' k K�a�fi�, �rc !x� t�¢ll�i� 19 RESOLVED, that the City Councii, within the twenty- eaz impact study, commiu to a biannual traf6c review 20 process within the study area, with appropriate traffi impacts communicated to the City Council and to the 21 Metropolitan Council for inclusion in their overall tr it plans; and be it finally 22 RESO D, that.t� 23 e omp S'��Y' INAL Yea Benanav Blakey Bostom Co]emaa Hazris �ay Reiter Adopted by Council: ate Adopuon Certified b Coun By: Approved by Mayor. Date Sy: � ,,, , „q( iP l7v ���^ A �a Secretary no Mill ' .z �� � 5 � Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by Ciry Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: i � oo.3 Ln:`\� Downtown Connection Amendment to Harris Resolution: Insert after line 20, page 1: WIIEREAS, the downtown connection between I-35E and I-94 a cost effective alternative, and has signficant potential as a connector for keep�x'g regional tr�c on regional highways and minimizing regional traffic through the study aze,a; and Insert after line 2, page 2: RESOLVED that the downtown connection be sf study in the Final Ayd Mill Road Environmental traffic impacts in the study area; and be it further as an addifional preferred alternative for Statement, far minimizing regional i i . ;' i� J i`,� !.` ORIGINAL � ��.�� �.. - . �0.� �. � � —\a- RESOLUTION CITY OF SgINT PAUL, MINNESOT, Presented Refened To Council File # � � •3�� Green Sheet # 10 � r j OS a� Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, the Ayd Mill Road Environmental Impact Statement was undertaken in order to study the effects of 2 Ayd Mill Road on traffic, noise, and air poliution within a study area bounded by Randolph Avenue, Fairview 3 Avenue, Sherburne Avenue and V ictoria Avenue; and 4 WHEREAS, the EIS considered the effects of six possible alternatives, ranging from a linear park to a four-lane connection with bridge ramps; and 6 WI�EREAS, neighborhoods within the EIS study azeahave seen a dramatic increase in tr�c volumes, resulting in 7 a greater number of traffic-related accidents and an overall reducrion in the public safety of the region; and WHfiREAS, the two-lane extended alternative wili result in a reduction of negative traffic impacts throughout the overall study area and an overall increase in public safety; and 10 WHEREAS, the two-lane extended alternative would dramatically increase pedestrian and bicycle safety at points I 1 where it is critical now and throughout the overali study azea; and 12 WI�EREAS, the two-lane extended aiternative will add to the patk amenities wathin the Ayd Mill Road corridor, 13 including 4.4 acres of additional green space, planting ofnew boulevard trees on both sides of the roadway as well 14 as a row of additional evergreen plantings to the west ofthe roadway, a new picnic and rest area, and a new off-street 15 bicycle/pedestrian path; and 16 WHBREAS, the two-lane extended alternative will limit overall tr�c growth in the Ayd Mi115tudy Area while at 17 the same time easing neighborhood traffic volumes by shifting tr�c to Ayd Mill Road; and 18 WHEREAS, the two-lane extended alternative offers sunilar traffic reductions to other connection altematives wkrile 19 further enhancing community amenities and min;mi�ing the potential for increased use of the study area as a 20 connector for commuters outside of the study azea; and 21 WFIEREAS, traffic calming measures on Lexington Avenue aze appropriate measures to consider as nnplementation 22 of the Ayd Mill Road connection proceeds; and 23 WI�REAS, the two-lane ea-tended alternative would improve access from Ayd Mill Road to the Midway 24 commercial area, ei�liaucing workforce development and economic opportuniries within the region; and 25 WI�REAS, the two-lane extended alternative maintains access to Ayd Mill Road for the 9,000 Saint Paul residents 26 who use it every day; now therefore be it 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby selects the two-lane e�ended option (Alternative 4) as��e 3 �� 2 preferred alternafive for the Ayd Mill Road Environmental Ixnpact Statement; and be it further 3 RESOLVEA, thax the City Council requests that the Department of Public Works develop a financial plan, 4 construction plan, and construction schedule by July i, 2000 for presentaYion to the City Council; and be it fiirther 5 RESOLVED, that the City Council eapresses intent to include the following addirions to the construction plan, and 6 that feasibility and planuing for these inclusions be incorporated in the construction plan and schedule: 7 ]0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 • Reduction of Lexington Avenue to two-lanes from Randolph Avenue to Lincoln Avenue; • Additional traffic calming measures on Le�ngton Avenue from Randolph Avenue to Marshall Avenue; • Additional traffic caluiing throughout the study area; • Lane widths as narrow as allowable under guidelines; • Road positioning as close to the eastem zailroad tracks as possible within safety guidelines; • Usage of rannp metering at the south entrance to Ayd Mill Road; • Usage of existing traffic lighting to control the e�t off of Interstate 35E North; • Elimination of south-side raxnps on St. Clair Avenue and Grand Avenue; • Inclusion of picnic and rest azea amenities; • An examination of potential new housing uses within the corridor; • An examination of closing Ayd Mill Road on weekends for community usage; � Require a 35 m.p.h. desien speed limit; � Prohibit truck traffic, exce�t local deliveries; � Inclusion of bike and uedestrian paths. 21 and be it further 22 RESOLVED, that the City Council, within the twenty-yeaz impact study, commits to a biannual traffic review 23 process within the study area, with appropriate traffic impacts communicated to the City Council and to the 24 Metropolitan Council for inclusion in their overall transit plans; and be it finally .,�.�.��,�.,.���...;..�� . . . . : ��: : : :. . :. . . . :. .� : .� . :� .� : . :� • � :� :, : . : - �: •. Requested by Department of: Adopfion Certified by Council Secretary � Ap� � � Form Approved by City Attorney fs� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adupted 6y Council: Date �e _.� \___� � p�a —��� � fla-5y� Mazch"22. 2000 ���� GREEN SHEET �.-��r, No �% � -%'� a�rcawci Councilmember PaY Harris 6-8630 T07AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ot.�.narowecrorz F � ❑ O1YAiTOp4Y ❑ OlYpifK ❑ A1iIGLiE1t111CFfpt ❑ MINIGY.iFR�L�LY.lO ❑ YYOII(OltllfY[[)/i11 ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SlGNATURE� A resolurion selecfing the two-lane extended opuon (Altemarive 4) as the preferred altemative for Ayd Mill Road and requesting the Depazmient of Public Works to develop a Snancial plan, consh$ction plan and construction schedule by� 1, 2000. �"�Y PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMfREE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION SOURCE �������a������� YES NO tias mis ce�rm ever been a alY�PbYe�Z rES ra Doasttus parean�itm oames a slall �at �possessed h1t enY wment citY �Pbv�7 YE5 NO Is this penwYfirm a tarpeted veridor7 YES NO 1:03T/RhYQlUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNITY N111�ER YEE NO INF�RNATION(IXPWN} 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby selects the two-lane ea�tended option (Alternative 4) as the 2 prefened alternative for the Ayd Mill Road Environmental Impact Statement; and be it further �,34r� 3 RESOLVED, that the City Council requests that the Department of Public VJorks devel a financial platt, 4 conshucrion plan, and construction schedule by July 1, 2000 for presentation to the City C cil; and be it further 5 RESOLVED, that the City Council expresses intent to include the foliowing additions JGthe construction plan, and 6 that feasibility and plauniug for these inclusions be incorporated in fhe conshuctio�plan and schedule: 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • Reduction of Le�ngton Avenue to two-lanes from Randolph Avenue t Lincoln Avenue; Additional traffic cahning measures on Le�ngton Avenue from Ran olph Avenue to Mazshall Avenue; Additional traffic calming throughout the study area; Lane widths as narrow as allowable under guidelines; Road positioning as close to the eastern railroad tracks as poss" le within safety guidelines; Usage of ramp metering at the south entrance to Ayd Mill R d; Usage of existing traffic lighting to control the e�t off of I erstate 35E North; Eliminarion of south-side ramps on St. Clair Avenue and and Avenue; Inclusion of picnic and rest azea amenities; An exatnination of potential new housing uses wi ' e corridor; An exaznination of closing Ayd Mill Road on wee nds for community usage; 18 and be it further 19 RESOLVED, that the City Council, within the tw nty-year impact study, commits to a biannual traffic review 20 process within the study area, with appropriate affic impacts communicated to the City Council and to the 21 Metropolitan Council for inclusion in their ove a11 transit plans; and be it fmally 22 RE50LVED, tbax the selection of the 23 exatniving the complimentary enhancf OR4GINAL ne extended option should in no way foreclose the option of further and access to Ayd M111 Road. Requested by Department of: Benanav Bostrom Coleman Hazris Lantry Reiter � Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Co,dncil: Date Adoption � by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � ., i\.GJ WL v GL� �nac cne �awi raw c,iry Louncll hereby selects me two-lane extended option (Altemative 4) as the 2 grefened altemarive for the Ayd Mill Road Environmental Impact Statement; and be it further � �_�y,� 3 RESOLVED, that the City Councii requests that the Department of Publie Works c 4 construction plan, and construction schedule by 7uly 1, 2000 for presentation to the City 5 RESOLVED, that the City Council expresses intent to include the following additions 6 that feasibility and planning for these inclusions be incorporated in the construction � 7• Reduction of Le�ngton Avenue to twalanes from Randolph Avenue to 8• Additional traffic calming measures on Le�ngton Avenue from Rando 9• Additional h�affic calming throu�out the study area; 10 •.. Lane widths as narrow as allowable under guidelines; 11 • Road positioning as close to the eastem railroad tracks as possible 'th'v 12 • Usage of ramp metering at the south entrance to Ayd Mill Road; a financial plan, ; and be it further ie construction glan, aac. and schedule: ncoln Avenue; Avenue to Mazshall Avenue; safety guidelines; 13 • Usage of exisnng traffic hghtmg to control the exit off of Inte te 35E North; 14 • Elimination of south-side ramps on St Clair Avenue and d Avenue; - 8L ���+ 15 • Inclusion of picnic and rest area amenities; � } �° 16 • An examination of potential new housing uses within the orridor; , b QAd�� y 17 • An examinarion of closing Ayd Mill Roa��weekends or community usage; 18 and be it further �� tu , p ��� S f� * � ���' o.�� � . prvi��b�l. ' k K�a�fi�, �rc !x� t�¢ll�i� 19 RESOLVED, that the City Councii, within the twenty- eaz impact study, commiu to a biannual traf6c review 20 process within the study area, with appropriate traffi impacts communicated to the City Council and to the 21 Metropolitan Council for inclusion in their overall tr it plans; and be it finally 22 RESO D, that.t� 23 e omp S'��Y' INAL Yea Benanav Blakey Bostom Co]emaa Hazris �ay Reiter Adopted by Council: ate Adopuon Certified b Coun By: Approved by Mayor. Date Sy: � ,,, , „q( iP l7v ���^ A �a Secretary no Mill ' .z �� � 5 � Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by Ciry Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: i � oo.3 Ln:`\� Downtown Connection Amendment to Harris Resolution: Insert after line 20, page 1: WIIEREAS, the downtown connection between I-35E and I-94 a cost effective alternative, and has signficant potential as a connector for keep�x'g regional tr�c on regional highways and minimizing regional traffic through the study aze,a; and Insert after line 2, page 2: RESOLVED that the downtown connection be sf study in the Final Ayd Mill Road Environmental traffic impacts in the study area; and be it further as an addifional preferred alternative for Statement, far minimizing regional i i . ;' i� J i`,� !.` ORIGINAL � ��.�� �.. - . �0.� �. � � —\a- RESOLUTION CITY OF SgINT PAUL, MINNESOT, Presented Refened To Council File # � � •3�� Green Sheet # 10 � r j OS a� Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, the Ayd Mill Road Environmental Impact Statement was undertaken in order to study the effects of 2 Ayd Mill Road on traffic, noise, and air poliution within a study area bounded by Randolph Avenue, Fairview 3 Avenue, Sherburne Avenue and V ictoria Avenue; and 4 WHEREAS, the EIS considered the effects of six possible alternatives, ranging from a linear park to a four-lane connection with bridge ramps; and 6 WI�EREAS, neighborhoods within the EIS study azeahave seen a dramatic increase in tr�c volumes, resulting in 7 a greater number of traffic-related accidents and an overall reducrion in the public safety of the region; and WHfiREAS, the two-lane extended alternative wili result in a reduction of negative traffic impacts throughout the overall study area and an overall increase in public safety; and 10 WHEREAS, the two-lane extended alternative would dramatically increase pedestrian and bicycle safety at points I 1 where it is critical now and throughout the overali study azea; and 12 WI�EREAS, the two-lane extended aiternative will add to the patk amenities wathin the Ayd Mill Road corridor, 13 including 4.4 acres of additional green space, planting ofnew boulevard trees on both sides of the roadway as well 14 as a row of additional evergreen plantings to the west ofthe roadway, a new picnic and rest area, and a new off-street 15 bicycle/pedestrian path; and 16 WHBREAS, the two-lane extended alternative will limit overall tr�c growth in the Ayd Mi115tudy Area while at 17 the same time easing neighborhood traffic volumes by shifting tr�c to Ayd Mill Road; and 18 WHEREAS, the two-lane extended alternative offers sunilar traffic reductions to other connection altematives wkrile 19 further enhancing community amenities and min;mi�ing the potential for increased use of the study area as a 20 connector for commuters outside of the study azea; and 21 WFIEREAS, traffic calming measures on Lexington Avenue aze appropriate measures to consider as nnplementation 22 of the Ayd Mill Road connection proceeds; and 23 WI�REAS, the two-lane ea-tended alternative would improve access from Ayd Mill Road to the Midway 24 commercial area, ei�liaucing workforce development and economic opportuniries within the region; and 25 WI�REAS, the two-lane extended alternative maintains access to Ayd Mill Road for the 9,000 Saint Paul residents 26 who use it every day; now therefore be it 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby selects the two-lane e�ended option (Alternative 4) as��e 3 �� 2 preferred alternafive for the Ayd Mill Road Environmental Ixnpact Statement; and be it further 3 RESOLVEA, thax the City Council requests that the Department of Public Works develop a financial plan, 4 construction plan, and construction schedule by July i, 2000 for presentaYion to the City Council; and be it fiirther 5 RESOLVED, that the City Council eapresses intent to include the following addirions to the construction plan, and 6 that feasibility and planuing for these inclusions be incorporated in the construction plan and schedule: 7 ]0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 • Reduction of Lexington Avenue to two-lanes from Randolph Avenue to Lincoln Avenue; • Additional traffic calming measures on Le�ngton Avenue from Randolph Avenue to Marshall Avenue; • Additional traffic caluiing throughout the study area; • Lane widths as narrow as allowable under guidelines; • Road positioning as close to the eastem zailroad tracks as possible within safety guidelines; • Usage of rannp metering at the south entrance to Ayd Mill Road; • Usage of existing traffic lighting to control the e�t off of Interstate 35E North; • Elimination of south-side raxnps on St. Clair Avenue and Grand Avenue; • Inclusion of picnic and rest azea amenities; • An examination of potential new housing uses within the corridor; • An examination of closing Ayd Mill Road on weekends for community usage; � Require a 35 m.p.h. desien speed limit; � Prohibit truck traffic, exce�t local deliveries; � Inclusion of bike and uedestrian paths. 21 and be it further 22 RESOLVED, that the City Council, within the twenty-yeaz impact study, commits to a biannual traffic review 23 process within the study area, with appropriate traffic impacts communicated to the City Council and to the 24 Metropolitan Council for inclusion in their overall transit plans; and be it finally .,�.�.��,�.,.���...;..�� . . . . : ��: : : :. . :. . . . :. .� : .� . :� .� : . :� • � :� :, : . : - �: •. Requested by Department of: Adopfion Certified by Council Secretary � Ap� � � Form Approved by City Attorney fs� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adupted 6y Council: Date �e _.� \___� � p�a —��� � fla-5y� Mazch"22. 2000 ���� GREEN SHEET �.-��r, No �% � -%'� a�rcawci Councilmember PaY Harris 6-8630 T07AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ot.�.narowecrorz F � ❑ O1YAiTOp4Y ❑ OlYpifK ❑ A1iIGLiE1t111CFfpt ❑ MINIGY.iFR�L�LY.lO ❑ YYOII(OltllfY[[)/i11 ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SlGNATURE� A resolurion selecfing the two-lane extended opuon (Altemarive 4) as the preferred altemative for Ayd Mill Road and requesting the Depazmient of Public Works to develop a Snancial plan, consh$ction plan and construction schedule by� 1, 2000. �"�Y PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMfREE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION SOURCE �������a������� YES NO tias mis ce�rm ever been a alY�PbYe�Z rES ra Doasttus parean�itm oames a slall �at �possessed h1t enY wment citY �Pbv�7 YE5 NO Is this penwYfirm a tarpeted veridor7 YES NO 1:03T/RhYQlUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNITY N111�ER YEE NO INF�RNATION(IXPWN} 1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby selects the two-lane ea�tended option (Alternative 4) as the 2 prefened alternative for the Ayd Mill Road Environmental Impact Statement; and be it further �,34r� 3 RESOLVED, that the City Council requests that the Department of Public VJorks devel a financial platt, 4 conshucrion plan, and construction schedule by July 1, 2000 for presentation to the City C cil; and be it further 5 RESOLVED, that the City Council expresses intent to include the foliowing additions JGthe construction plan, and 6 that feasibility and plauniug for these inclusions be incorporated in fhe conshuctio�plan and schedule: 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • Reduction of Le�ngton Avenue to two-lanes from Randolph Avenue t Lincoln Avenue; Additional traffic cahning measures on Le�ngton Avenue from Ran olph Avenue to Mazshall Avenue; Additional traffic calming throughout the study area; Lane widths as narrow as allowable under guidelines; Road positioning as close to the eastern railroad tracks as poss" le within safety guidelines; Usage of ramp metering at the south entrance to Ayd Mill R d; Usage of existing traffic lighting to control the e�t off of I erstate 35E North; Eliminarion of south-side ramps on St. Clair Avenue and and Avenue; Inclusion of picnic and rest azea amenities; An exatnination of potential new housing uses wi ' e corridor; An exaznination of closing Ayd Mill Road on wee nds for community usage; 18 and be it further 19 RESOLVED, that the City Council, within the tw nty-year impact study, commits to a biannual traffic review 20 process within the study area, with appropriate affic impacts communicated to the City Council and to the 21 Metropolitan Council for inclusion in their ove a11 transit plans; and be it fmally 22 RE50LVED, tbax the selection of the 23 exatniving the complimentary enhancf OR4GINAL ne extended option should in no way foreclose the option of further and access to Ayd M111 Road. Requested by Department of: Benanav Bostrom Coleman Hazris Lantry Reiter � Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Co,dncil: Date Adoption � by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � ., i\.GJ WL v GL� �nac cne �awi raw c,iry Louncll hereby selects me two-lane extended option (Altemative 4) as the 2 grefened altemarive for the Ayd Mill Road Environmental Impact Statement; and be it further � �_�y,� 3 RESOLVED, that the City Councii requests that the Department of Publie Works c 4 construction plan, and construction schedule by 7uly 1, 2000 for presentation to the City 5 RESOLVED, that the City Council expresses intent to include the following additions 6 that feasibility and planning for these inclusions be incorporated in the construction � 7• Reduction of Le�ngton Avenue to twalanes from Randolph Avenue to 8• Additional traffic calming measures on Le�ngton Avenue from Rando 9• Additional h�affic calming throu�out the study area; 10 •.. Lane widths as narrow as allowable under guidelines; 11 • Road positioning as close to the eastem railroad tracks as possible 'th'v 12 • Usage of ramp metering at the south entrance to Ayd Mill Road; a financial plan, ; and be it further ie construction glan, aac. and schedule: ncoln Avenue; Avenue to Mazshall Avenue; safety guidelines; 13 • Usage of exisnng traffic hghtmg to control the exit off of Inte te 35E North; 14 • Elimination of south-side ramps on St Clair Avenue and d Avenue; - 8L ���+ 15 • Inclusion of picnic and rest area amenities; � } �° 16 • An examination of potential new housing uses within the orridor; , b QAd�� y 17 • An examinarion of closing Ayd Mill Roa��weekends or community usage; 18 and be it further �� tu , p ��� S f� * � ���' o.�� � . prvi��b�l. ' k K�a�fi�, �rc !x� t�¢ll�i� 19 RESOLVED, that the City Councii, within the twenty- eaz impact study, commiu to a biannual traf6c review 20 process within the study area, with appropriate traffi impacts communicated to the City Council and to the 21 Metropolitan Council for inclusion in their overall tr it plans; and be it finally 22 RESO D, that.t� 23 e omp S'��Y' INAL Yea Benanav Blakey Bostom Co]emaa Hazris �ay Reiter Adopted by Council: ate Adopuon Certified b Coun By: Approved by Mayor. Date Sy: � ,,, , „q( iP l7v ���^ A �a Secretary no Mill ' .z �� � 5 � Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by Ciry Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: i � oo.3 Ln:`\� Downtown Connection Amendment to Harris Resolution: Insert after line 20, page 1: WIIEREAS, the downtown connection between I-35E and I-94 a cost effective alternative, and has signficant potential as a connector for keep�x'g regional tr�c on regional highways and minimizing regional traffic through the study aze,a; and Insert after line 2, page 2: RESOLVED that the downtown connection be sf study in the Final Ayd Mill Road Environmental traffic impacts in the study area; and be it further as an addifional preferred alternative for Statement, far minimizing regional i i . ;' i� J i`,� !.`