280035 WHITE - CITV CLERK C�unCll 2���35 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANqRV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Coun il es u ' n , -- Presented By ~ � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date wH�R�AS: JA�me�S Rych.Q.t.cFu, da�i:ng 6u�.in¢�s�s a�s Ye,P.�aw Ca6 Cam�any, ha�5 made A�p.?,t.ca�'.i:an Na. R5G71 �an .P,�ce.vvs e �a a�eh.a�e ane f 1) ma�an veh,i:c2.e a�s a �a.x,i.ca6 upvn �he d�r.e,e.t�s a� �he Gi�y a� S�. Pau,2, de�s ch,i.6 ed a�s �a.P.�aw�s: Tax,i.cab Na. N1aFie Se.ru u�2 It�s undnce 30 19�1 Melr.c.uny 1M�B�71�3BK606931 Tvu�wced �a CONTINU�US by Guanar�ty Nc�t,i.ana.e Iwsu�tan.ce Ca Po.P.t.cy Na. BA113752 GIH�R�AS: Su,t;d a���i.ca.n� ha�s �.i:Qed a ca�y o� �l�e cehtc;��.ccc�e ab .i:vusuha.nce w.i:th �he C.i�y a� S�. Pa,u,� and �su,i:d ce�:g�;ca�e ha�s been appnaved a�s �a �anm and execwti.an by �he Can�ana�i.an Cawvs�, �h.etce�ane, be -i,t R�SULV�TJ: Thc�,t .Q.t.cevuse �a a�ena�e �sa,id mo�on veluc2e a�s a �a�c,i:cab upan �he �s�ir.ee,#� a� �he C.i.ty a� S�. Pau,2 6e and xh,e �ame .us hvice6y gnav�ed �a Jame� Rych,P.i.eFr,i:. Renewa.e. Mu.i,P.,�:vcg Addne�s�t: 1223 Caugcvc Lane Ma��euraod, MN 55119 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher GaO� [n Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel � _ Against BY Tedesco - Wilson MAR 2 2 �983 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa_ e ncil S tar BY B � �1ppr by iVlavor: Da � �L L� �983 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B — BY Pt! II�MED APR 2 1983