00-341'Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall ���uli��� Preseated By Beferred To 10 11 12 13 Council File # 04 - 34\ Green Sheet # � v���Z � Date �. WFIEREAS, Building Permit Nos. 19 99 114436, 19 99 114438 and 182801 were issued to BCB Construction, Inc. for homes to be built at 215, 221 and 227 Prescott Street, for which Sewer Availability Charges of $3,150.00 ($1,050.00 for each lot) was collected by the Department of Technology and Management Services (Real Estate Division), as evidenced by Receipt Nos. AS741, A5742 and A5655; and WFIEREAS, BCB Construction, Inc. was lnformed at the time of his bid to the Neighborhood Aevelopment Alliance that these charges would not be required as stated in the Resolution, Counci] File No. 99-818; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, In view of the foregoing, that the proper City Officiais are authorized to issue a refund of the Sewer Availability Charges to BCB Constmction, Inc. in the amount of $3,150.00. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date —�-�n_� �� '..tE o T �— Adoption Certified by Council Secretary s � __ � k- - P��-�,�.,�_ Approved by Mayor: D �� l'[ �O By: (sacresprescott.wpd) Technolo�v & Manasement Services Sy: ��(M.L G���� D D'uector� ` � Form Approved by City Attorney ��� BY� x �l.Jf,/v.�. �jL �( � z Approved by Mayoz for Submission to Council � . �, 4 - I T.M.S.lREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 03/21/00 Gr n S eet Number: 104827 Ernx1�T � Z crrYCOVxcn. ontaM Person and Phon ..e� � 1 ATTORNEY �J CLF,R% Roxanna Flink 266-8858 , � Drx. 2 �CH & MGT. SVG DII2. YOR(ORAS.SISTANT) 3 OUNCII,RF_SF�RCg OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 5IGNAT6RE) CTION REQUESTED: efund Sewer Availability Charges in the amount of $3,150.00 to 8CB onstruction,Inc. COMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RE,)ECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS N1I7ST ANSWER TI� FOLLOWING: , Has the persodfirm ever worked mder a contraM for this depaitment? YES NO PLANNING COMMISSION A STAFP . Has this persodfirm ever beeu a City employee? YES NO CNII, SERV ICE COMMiSS�ON . Does this persoN£um possess a slriR not aormally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? Cffi CAMFIYCl'EE Ex lain all YES answers on a se azate sheet and attach. 1VITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTiJNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): C8 Construction, Inc. paid for 3 building permits for building 3 homes on resaott Street. BCB was informed that these charges would not be required pe esolution, C.F. No. 99-818. DVANTAGESIFAPYROVED: refund can ba made to BCB Construction, Inc. for $3,150.00. ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ��(,4j9(`,� .�b �`�`' � }�- �� '. �����.'�_.,:� one. c _��_w.�,_.�:: �� �-';� � � r� ISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVEA: '��'""'' ��` ���� ontrary to routine AdmiaisCrative action. ���� ������,R���� �md'�':�: _ � TAL AMOUN'P OF TRANSACTION: �` 3� S S O. OO COST/REVENiIE Bi7DGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO uvcsouxcE: Sawer Availability AcTrviTYN[m�ER 260-222U9-63U1 Charge ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIih (6srefsac.wPd) BCB Consfruction,lnc. Rtchcard iC:; ;,ala 15?� Hythe Sh�et Sat»fi Pout. MN. 5510$ 672-,'sb8-4dt82 March 14, 2000 Cifiy of Saint Paul Reai Estate Division Attn: Roxanne Ftink 140 Cify Hai} 15 Kei4ogg Blvd. West Saint Pau{, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Fl+nk, 00 -3y� RECEi1/ED MAR 2 0 200Q REAL ESTATE OIVIStON Please consider this fetter my request for a refund for 3AC charges that accrued fio my company for the buifding of new homes at the following addresses: 215 Prescotfi Street @ $1050 ���y/ 221 Ptescott Street @ $1050 f�57Y2 227 Ptescotf Street @ $1050 9SbSS At the tkme ! bic! this wark to the Neighborhood Devetopment AlEiance(NeDA�,i was informed that these charges would not be assessed during the permifting process as called for in Ciiy Council file #99-818(Attached�. LElP personnel were not aware of this re5o{ution at the time that 1 pv4led these permits and i have consequenily paid afl o� the above fees. f have incfuded evidence of payment for these addresses and i am requesting thafi a check for $3150 be issued to BCB Construcfiion, Inc. and mailed to the address at tl�e head of this letter. Rich rd K4im Presideni BCB Consfsuction, inc. cc:NeDA 00 -3y� c���cil File # 99 - g4R' ��#����� ��sc=utiian x aree:. s�eet � C�!'41'd. 2res�n_ed Sy iteferred To �vsmn�.��ee: wace t ��4'HEREAS, The Cily Counc.�il, in accordance u,zt� Seetion 77.07 of the Legisiative Cada, and to comply with 2 L:e Meuopo'.itan Waste Control Commission's method aF charo nd local govemin;'oodies far Reserve 3.Capacity Char;cs, adoptcd RESOlution C.F. 240524 ore January 23,1973 and C.F, 2629D8 on January 11, 4 1474 (Cl�apter A-6, Administrative Code), which established the Service AvaitAbili:y Charges (SAC); and 5 b � 8 4 i4 Id id WHhRFAS, Resolutions G.F. 260524 and C.F. 262408 ware aannended on Septeraber 27, 1983 to allnx� any person apgiying far a bwtding permit entitir,d to receive 5AC unit eredits ii s d�niolition gersnit had beon issued an the same site during tha five calondar years preccd'uu; the calendar yeaz in whicn the buildiag pezmit was iss=aed. The credits �iven are tased on the iaunediately preceding use of tbs sit�, attd the S�C cxedit are detemrined by the number o£ SAC units which the previous sttt�ct�ue was discharging inio .ha Sewer 8ystem; and ; 3 W'HEILEAS, ;he £arsner Riverview Hospital, located on Prescatt Stseet at the inter�ectian of Moune Hope lA Avenue in 1]istz°ict 3, was demolished in August I993 m ai��na flvailable fifty (50) SAC credits; and ;$ 16 17 18 �g 20 2Y 22 23 24 25 26 27 L� 29 3�, 31 32 33 W FIEREAB, the Saint Paul Housin� and Redevelogment Authority adopted Resolution 91-4/23-4 �ter.ng intn partneaship with the i�ieighbofhood ,�levelopment Allianae, IIIC. {NeDA} ko Const��ct ci +j�t new singIe- fami}y homes on the former Riverview �ospital sitea antl WtiEREAS, NzDA has constrscted three single fa�mi(y hotnes applyie� three of the fifty SAC credirs to the project; snd FS�HLREA5, the bt!lance offhe SAC oredits (47 crzdits) expired an August 13, i94S: and W'H�RrP.5, it Ss NaI3A's s�tent to oomplete thc consisuotion of five additional romes on thc fozmer Rivcxvicw HaspitaF sitc by spxing of 20DCT. NQW THEREFOKE BE IT RESQLVED, that five of the ffty SAC credits from tke £ormer Riverviaw Hospita( site be extended for redevelapment on fhe site witlt an expiration data of �tay t, 2004; BE t'i' 1 UR'CI�EIt RESOt.VF.D, that tha pmper city officials �e aufhorized to Issue a:efund ta NeDA, upoa wrftten request, for SAC; chazges that NeDA has paid for eedevelepment on the former Riverview Hospitai sitt�. E�2a°d 6858 99Z ZI9 3�Ij� 3:sT(k13S N3ZIlI� Lt:Si 000Z-�-33� 04-3y1 �'d lb1Cl 4� -�t$ a:m:c�eea Sy neoe—:.c:c o:: !tl � • �M ��u� � . � � AdcBte2 cy Couaoil: Date Fo:.r. A�p=oc�d bY �iiY o , ndc�tion �_t_`_=ed Ly ceur.c!1 so�eeiary $Y"� BY �-l`?s Appr.ew_d by Mayor: a R \ p�v�d Ay BY: .... • � 8Y: �RI!GlNAI. £9/£0'd 5898 99Z Zt9 37I�� 3�ifk13S N3Zi1I� 94:Si 000L'-8C.-83� _� BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT #:19 99114436 Issued Date: November 19,1999 CONTRACTOR: �L%l�'�'.� CITY OF SAlN7 PAUL Office of License, Inspection 5 EnvironmeMal Ptotection 350 St Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 55102d510 PHONE: (65'I) 266-909U FAX:(651)266-9724 BCB CONSTR WC NEDA 1520 HPTHE ST 481 WABASHA ST S ST PAUL MN 55108-0000 ST PAUL MN 55107 PERMIT ADDRESS: 215 PRESCOTT ST ST PAUL NfN 55107 SUB TYPE: Single Family Dwelling WORK TYPE: New Proposed Primary Use Housing Initiative � AC Charges uilding Length (ft) Building Height (ft) SuildingTotal Sq. Ft. Setback-Front Setback-Side I Plan Number R-Single Famil I 39.6 26 1422 27 12.25 P-1999-0035 State Valuation SAC Credits Scope of New Work Building Width (ft) Building # of Stories Basement? Setback-Rear Setback-Side 2 121133 Full Permit 22 2 Full Basement 57 15.75 FEES Permit Fee 498.63 Check Fee 324.11 Payment (�5?K/ 1,050.00 harge B 60.57 � TOTAL 1,933.31 *Smoke Detectors aze required in all sleeping rooms and cenually looated in hallways adjacent to the sleeping rooms. In muiti-story or multi-leveV homes, a smoke detector is required on each story and in basemznts. For new construction, the smoke detectors must be connected to the house wiring (i.e.-"hazd-wired") and have battery backup. Wlring must be permanent and without a disconnecting switch other than the required overvcurrent protection. Any detector alarm must be audible in all sleeping rooms and it is therefore assumed that they will be inter-connected, any other design must have prior approval from this Office. *Standard Basement- New basements or additions to basements must havz an egress window or a door directly to the exterior installed. My other condition reqaires special prior approval from this Office (submit in writing). The inspector assigned to this Permit is Kenyon, Dave who can be reached at 651-26b-9024 between 730 AM and 9.00 AM Monday through Friday � BUILDING PERMIT PERMTT #:19 99 114438 Issued Date: November 19,1999 CONTRACTOR: �� �����\��� CITY OF SAiNT PAUL Office of License, lnspection & Envimnmental Protection 350 St Peter SVeet, Suke 300 Saint Paul, MN 55702-1510 PHONE: (657) 266-9090 FAX: (651) 266-9124 BCB CONSTR INC NEDA 1520 HYTHE ST 481 WABASHA ST S ST PAUL MN 5510&0000 ST PAUL MN 55107 PERMIT ADDRESS: 221 P�SCOTT ST ST PAUL MN 55107 SUB TYPE: Single Family Dwelling WORK TYPE: New Proposed Primary Use Housing Initiative �AC Charges Building Length (ft) Building Height (ft) BuildingTotal Sq. Ft. Setback-Front Setback-Side 1 P(an Number R-Single Famil 1 39 23 1575 27 10 F-1999-0034 State Valuation SAC Credits Scope of New W ork Building Width (ft) Building # of Stories Basement? Setback-Rear Setback-Side 2 121133 Full Permit 27.67 2 Pull Basement 57 12 it Fee 448.63 Check Fee 324.1 I Payment R57`!2- 1,050.00 �arge B 60.57 "Smoke Detectors are required in all sleeping rooms and centrally iocated in haLlways adjacent to the sleeping rooms. In multi-story or multi-levef homes, a smoke detector is required on each story and in basements. For new conshuction, the smoke detectors must be connected to the house wiring (i.e: "hard-wired") and have battery backup. Wiring must be permanent and without a disconnecting switch other than the required over-current protection Any detector alazm must be audible in all sieeping rooms acid it is therefore assumed that they will be inier-connected, any other design must have prior appcoval from this Office. *Standard Basement- New basemenis or additions to basements must have an egress window or a door directly to the exterior instalted. Any other condition requires special prior approval from this Office (submit in writing). The inspector assigned to this Pernut is Kenyon, Dave who can be reached at 651-266-9024 between 730 AM and 9.OQ AM Monday through Friday . � x � DEPARTMENT CITY OF $AINT PAUL - , Ca -'3y� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL � / r � � I OFFICS OF LICENS£, INSPECI'IONS AND � �� ENVIItONMENCALPROTECITON � BUILDING INSPECI70NAND DESIGN � �� ' 350 St Peter Street - Suite 300 p , - . r �� Saint Paul, M"venesora 55702-ISIO 657-266-9050 � f �� L � r C.� PtAN N0. � �� pE R OF_PROJECT_ A,4TE � ` 'pyV� >..__ _ . -. '� - _ ' `�� - OWNERSADDRESS - ❑ OLD � � � PE OF �J� �NEW TYPE CONST. �'� �' O CUPANCY 1r� �1 bU��l GRADING,. STUCCOOR `��,:. =� ,�BUILD ❑ AND EXC: ' � PLASTER QDRYWALL � j] FENCE ❑ AODITION ❑ALTER�_ �REPAI `OMOVE , ❑WRECK �,.NUMBER`. ", , ;';-STREET�'"'"4�'�'-�'�; iDE _ s? CROSSSTREETS ' "�" "fY�! OR TRACT WIDTH DEPTH � `1'� � �3 ` srRUC- w�oT" TURE 3�t�p" 0 �� f f� � }�� �'J �ITI � r° SIDE L07CLEARANCE BVIIDING LINE - ��HEIGHT "' STO -4` -^-Z4' �. :NT TOTAL FLOOR AREA q ' �YES ,O NO Sp. FT � KS: _ `' _ � _ .. _� � - �t�3=%r� _ � � ?�� RIES -=a16 �' FEE VLAN CHEC% �� �L�.� �l STAT£ /' SUACHARGE �b, � TOTALFEE �/ �-'ff� APPLICANT CERTIf1ES THAT AlL IN- FORMATION IS CORRECT AND THAT ALL PERTINENT STATE REGUTATIONS AND CITY ORDINANCES WILL BE COM- PLIEDWITHiN PERFORMING THE WORK FOR WHICH THiSPFRMIT IS iSSUED. RE STATE 'T /S� , O O` VALUATION OO �� t';�/'� �_=rti; . =6?i �%__.vT?.%-, � �" S�!.�J 1 _ fi i�__�If .. �.��\ �+�;^,: �� _. ^r, '1:': F,f= �� `iiz._'=�iv= s t?v , � '[: a�� �__ •a EASH1ERU5EONLY ="L �l?:a7,LC3 . - . �.'�"_%�.�i ADDRESS �2"7 P��d.l.�. � OF JOB � LENGTH -s - � -i 'Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall ���uli��� Preseated By Beferred To 10 11 12 13 Council File # 04 - 34\ Green Sheet # � v���Z � Date �. WFIEREAS, Building Permit Nos. 19 99 114436, 19 99 114438 and 182801 were issued to BCB Construction, Inc. for homes to be built at 215, 221 and 227 Prescott Street, for which Sewer Availability Charges of $3,150.00 ($1,050.00 for each lot) was collected by the Department of Technology and Management Services (Real Estate Division), as evidenced by Receipt Nos. AS741, A5742 and A5655; and WFIEREAS, BCB Construction, Inc. was lnformed at the time of his bid to the Neighborhood Aevelopment Alliance that these charges would not be required as stated in the Resolution, Counci] File No. 99-818; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, In view of the foregoing, that the proper City Officiais are authorized to issue a refund of the Sewer Availability Charges to BCB Constmction, Inc. in the amount of $3,150.00. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date —�-�n_� �� '..tE o T �— Adoption Certified by Council Secretary s � __ � k- - P��-�,�.,�_ Approved by Mayor: D �� l'[ �O By: (sacresprescott.wpd) Technolo�v & Manasement Services Sy: ��(M.L G���� D D'uector� ` � Form Approved by City Attorney ��� BY� x �l.Jf,/v.�. �jL �( � z Approved by Mayoz for Submission to Council � . �, 4 - I T.M.S.lREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 03/21/00 Gr n S eet Number: 104827 Ernx1�T � Z crrYCOVxcn. ontaM Person and Phon ..e� � 1 ATTORNEY �J CLF,R% Roxanna Flink 266-8858 , � Drx. 2 �CH & MGT. SVG DII2. YOR(ORAS.SISTANT) 3 OUNCII,RF_SF�RCg OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 5IGNAT6RE) CTION REQUESTED: efund Sewer Availability Charges in the amount of $3,150.00 to 8CB onstruction,Inc. COMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RE,)ECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS N1I7ST ANSWER TI� FOLLOWING: , Has the persodfirm ever worked mder a contraM for this depaitment? YES NO PLANNING COMMISSION A STAFP . Has this persodfirm ever beeu a City employee? YES NO CNII, SERV ICE COMMiSS�ON . Does this persoN£um possess a slriR not aormally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? Cffi CAMFIYCl'EE Ex lain all YES answers on a se azate sheet and attach. 1VITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTiJNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): C8 Construction, Inc. paid for 3 building permits for building 3 homes on resaott Street. BCB was informed that these charges would not be required pe esolution, C.F. No. 99-818. DVANTAGESIFAPYROVED: refund can ba made to BCB Construction, Inc. for $3,150.00. ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ��(,4j9(`,� .�b �`�`' � }�- �� '. �����.'�_.,:� one. c _��_w.�,_.�:: �� �-';� � � r� ISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVEA: '��'""'' ��` ���� ontrary to routine AdmiaisCrative action. ���� ������,R���� �md'�':�: _ � TAL AMOUN'P OF TRANSACTION: �` 3� S S O. OO COST/REVENiIE Bi7DGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO uvcsouxcE: Sawer Availability AcTrviTYN[m�ER 260-222U9-63U1 Charge ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIih (6srefsac.wPd) BCB Consfruction,lnc. Rtchcard iC:; ;,ala 15?� Hythe Sh�et Sat»fi Pout. MN. 5510$ 672-,'sb8-4dt82 March 14, 2000 Cifiy of Saint Paul Reai Estate Division Attn: Roxanne Ftink 140 Cify Hai} 15 Kei4ogg Blvd. West Saint Pau{, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Fl+nk, 00 -3y� RECEi1/ED MAR 2 0 200Q REAL ESTATE OIVIStON Please consider this fetter my request for a refund for 3AC charges that accrued fio my company for the buifding of new homes at the following addresses: 215 Prescotfi Street @ $1050 ���y/ 221 Ptescott Street @ $1050 f�57Y2 227 Ptescotf Street @ $1050 9SbSS At the tkme ! bic! this wark to the Neighborhood Devetopment AlEiance(NeDA�,i was informed that these charges would not be assessed during the permifting process as called for in Ciiy Council file #99-818(Attached�. LElP personnel were not aware of this re5o{ution at the time that 1 pv4led these permits and i have consequenily paid afl o� the above fees. f have incfuded evidence of payment for these addresses and i am requesting thafi a check for $3150 be issued to BCB Construcfiion, Inc. and mailed to the address at tl�e head of this letter. Rich rd K4im Presideni BCB Consfsuction, inc. cc:NeDA 00 -3y� c���cil File # 99 - g4R' ��#����� ��sc=utiian x aree:. s�eet � C�!'41'd. 2res�n_ed Sy iteferred To �vsmn�.��ee: wace t ��4'HEREAS, The Cily Counc.�il, in accordance u,zt� Seetion 77.07 of the Legisiative Cada, and to comply with 2 L:e Meuopo'.itan Waste Control Commission's method aF charo nd local govemin;'oodies far Reserve 3.Capacity Char;cs, adoptcd RESOlution C.F. 240524 ore January 23,1973 and C.F, 2629D8 on January 11, 4 1474 (Cl�apter A-6, Administrative Code), which established the Service AvaitAbili:y Charges (SAC); and 5 b � 8 4 i4 Id id WHhRFAS, Resolutions G.F. 260524 and C.F. 262408 ware aannended on Septeraber 27, 1983 to allnx� any person apgiying far a bwtding permit entitir,d to receive 5AC unit eredits ii s d�niolition gersnit had beon issued an the same site during tha five calondar years preccd'uu; the calendar yeaz in whicn the buildiag pezmit was iss=aed. The credits �iven are tased on the iaunediately preceding use of tbs sit�, attd the S�C cxedit are detemrined by the number o£ SAC units which the previous sttt�ct�ue was discharging inio .ha Sewer 8ystem; and ; 3 W'HEILEAS, ;he £arsner Riverview Hospital, located on Prescatt Stseet at the inter�ectian of Moune Hope lA Avenue in 1]istz°ict 3, was demolished in August I993 m ai��na flvailable fifty (50) SAC credits; and ;$ 16 17 18 �g 20 2Y 22 23 24 25 26 27 L� 29 3�, 31 32 33 W FIEREAB, the Saint Paul Housin� and Redevelogment Authority adopted Resolution 91-4/23-4 �ter.ng intn partneaship with the i�ieighbofhood ,�levelopment Allianae, IIIC. {NeDA} ko Const��ct ci +j�t new singIe- fami}y homes on the former Riverview �ospital sitea antl WtiEREAS, NzDA has constrscted three single fa�mi(y hotnes applyie� three of the fifty SAC credirs to the project; snd FS�HLREA5, the bt!lance offhe SAC oredits (47 crzdits) expired an August 13, i94S: and W'H�RrP.5, it Ss NaI3A's s�tent to oomplete thc consisuotion of five additional romes on thc fozmer Rivcxvicw HaspitaF sitc by spxing of 20DCT. NQW THEREFOKE BE IT RESQLVED, that five of the ffty SAC credits from tke £ormer Riverviaw Hospita( site be extended for redevelapment on fhe site witlt an expiration data of �tay t, 2004; BE t'i' 1 UR'CI�EIt RESOt.VF.D, that tha pmper city officials �e aufhorized to Issue a:efund ta NeDA, upoa wrftten request, for SAC; chazges that NeDA has paid for eedevelepment on the former Riverview Hospitai sitt�. E�2a°d 6858 99Z ZI9 3�Ij� 3:sT(k13S N3ZIlI� Lt:Si 000Z-�-33� 04-3y1 �'d lb1Cl 4� -�t$ a:m:c�eea Sy neoe—:.c:c o:: !tl � • �M ��u� � . � � AdcBte2 cy Couaoil: Date Fo:.r. A�p=oc�d bY �iiY o , ndc�tion �_t_`_=ed Ly ceur.c!1 so�eeiary $Y"� BY �-l`?s Appr.ew_d by Mayor: a R \ p�v�d Ay BY: .... • � 8Y: �RI!GlNAI. £9/£0'd 5898 99Z Zt9 37I�� 3�ifk13S N3Zi1I� 94:Si 000L'-8C.-83� _� BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT #:19 99114436 Issued Date: November 19,1999 CONTRACTOR: �L%l�'�'.� CITY OF SAlN7 PAUL Office of License, Inspection 5 EnvironmeMal Ptotection 350 St Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 55102d510 PHONE: (65'I) 266-909U FAX:(651)266-9724 BCB CONSTR WC NEDA 1520 HPTHE ST 481 WABASHA ST S ST PAUL MN 55108-0000 ST PAUL MN 55107 PERMIT ADDRESS: 215 PRESCOTT ST ST PAUL NfN 55107 SUB TYPE: Single Family Dwelling WORK TYPE: New Proposed Primary Use Housing Initiative � AC Charges uilding Length (ft) Building Height (ft) SuildingTotal Sq. Ft. Setback-Front Setback-Side I Plan Number R-Single Famil I 39.6 26 1422 27 12.25 P-1999-0035 State Valuation SAC Credits Scope of New Work Building Width (ft) Building # of Stories Basement? Setback-Rear Setback-Side 2 121133 Full Permit 22 2 Full Basement 57 15.75 FEES Permit Fee 498.63 Check Fee 324.11 Payment (�5?K/ 1,050.00 harge B 60.57 � TOTAL 1,933.31 *Smoke Detectors aze required in all sleeping rooms and cenually looated in hallways adjacent to the sleeping rooms. In muiti-story or multi-leveV homes, a smoke detector is required on each story and in basemznts. For new construction, the smoke detectors must be connected to the house wiring (i.e.-"hazd-wired") and have battery backup. Wlring must be permanent and without a disconnecting switch other than the required overvcurrent protection. Any detector alarm must be audible in all sleeping rooms and it is therefore assumed that they will be inter-connected, any other design must have prior approval from this Office. *Standard Basement- New basements or additions to basements must havz an egress window or a door directly to the exterior installed. My other condition reqaires special prior approval from this Office (submit in writing). The inspector assigned to this Permit is Kenyon, Dave who can be reached at 651-26b-9024 between 730 AM and 9.00 AM Monday through Friday � BUILDING PERMIT PERMTT #:19 99 114438 Issued Date: November 19,1999 CONTRACTOR: �� �����\��� CITY OF SAiNT PAUL Office of License, lnspection & Envimnmental Protection 350 St Peter SVeet, Suke 300 Saint Paul, MN 55702-1510 PHONE: (657) 266-9090 FAX: (651) 266-9124 BCB CONSTR INC NEDA 1520 HYTHE ST 481 WABASHA ST S ST PAUL MN 5510&0000 ST PAUL MN 55107 PERMIT ADDRESS: 221 P�SCOTT ST ST PAUL MN 55107 SUB TYPE: Single Family Dwelling WORK TYPE: New Proposed Primary Use Housing Initiative �AC Charges Building Length (ft) Building Height (ft) BuildingTotal Sq. Ft. Setback-Front Setback-Side 1 P(an Number R-Single Famil 1 39 23 1575 27 10 F-1999-0034 State Valuation SAC Credits Scope of New W ork Building Width (ft) Building # of Stories Basement? Setback-Rear Setback-Side 2 121133 Full Permit 27.67 2 Pull Basement 57 12 it Fee 448.63 Check Fee 324.1 I Payment R57`!2- 1,050.00 �arge B 60.57 "Smoke Detectors are required in all sleeping rooms and centrally iocated in haLlways adjacent to the sleeping rooms. In multi-story or multi-levef homes, a smoke detector is required on each story and in basements. For new conshuction, the smoke detectors must be connected to the house wiring (i.e: "hard-wired") and have battery backup. Wiring must be permanent and without a disconnecting switch other than the required over-current protection Any detector alazm must be audible in all sieeping rooms acid it is therefore assumed that they will be inier-connected, any other design must have prior appcoval from this Office. *Standard Basement- New basemenis or additions to basements must have an egress window or a door directly to the exterior instalted. Any other condition requires special prior approval from this Office (submit in writing). The inspector assigned to this Pernut is Kenyon, Dave who can be reached at 651-266-9024 between 730 AM and 9.OQ AM Monday through Friday . � x � DEPARTMENT CITY OF $AINT PAUL - , Ca -'3y� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL � / r � � I OFFICS OF LICENS£, INSPECI'IONS AND � �� ENVIItONMENCALPROTECITON � BUILDING INSPECI70NAND DESIGN � �� ' 350 St Peter Street - Suite 300 p , - . r �� Saint Paul, M"venesora 55702-ISIO 657-266-9050 � f �� L � r C.� PtAN N0. � �� pE R OF_PROJECT_ A,4TE � ` 'pyV� >..__ _ . -. '� - _ ' `�� - OWNERSADDRESS - ❑ OLD � � � PE OF �J� �NEW TYPE CONST. �'� �' O CUPANCY 1r� �1 bU��l GRADING,. STUCCOOR `��,:. =� ,�BUILD ❑ AND EXC: ' � PLASTER QDRYWALL � j] FENCE ❑ AODITION ❑ALTER�_ �REPAI `OMOVE , ❑WRECK �,.NUMBER`. ", , ;';-STREET�'"'"4�'�'-�'�; iDE _ s? CROSSSTREETS ' "�" "fY�! OR TRACT WIDTH DEPTH � `1'� � �3 ` srRUC- w�oT" TURE 3�t�p" 0 �� f f� � }�� �'J �ITI � r° SIDE L07CLEARANCE BVIIDING LINE - ��HEIGHT "' STO -4` -^-Z4' �. :NT TOTAL FLOOR AREA q ' �YES ,O NO Sp. FT � KS: _ `' _ � _ .. _� � - �t�3=%r� _ � � ?�� RIES -=a16 �' FEE VLAN CHEC% �� �L�.� �l STAT£ /' SUACHARGE �b, � TOTALFEE �/ �-'ff� APPLICANT CERTIf1ES THAT AlL IN- FORMATION IS CORRECT AND THAT ALL PERTINENT STATE REGUTATIONS AND CITY ORDINANCES WILL BE COM- PLIEDWITHiN PERFORMING THE WORK FOR WHICH THiSPFRMIT IS iSSUED. RE STATE 'T /S� , O O` VALUATION OO �� t';�/'� �_=rti; . =6?i �%__.vT?.%-, � �" S�!.�J 1 _ fi i�__�If .. �.��\ �+�;^,: �� _. ^r, '1:': F,f= �� `iiz._'=�iv= s t?v , � '[: a�� �__ •a EASH1ERU5EONLY ="L �l?:a7,LC3 . - . �.'�"_%�.�i ADDRESS �2"7 P��d.l.�. � OF JOB � LENGTH -s - � -i 'Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall ���uli��� Preseated By Beferred To 10 11 12 13 Council File # 04 - 34\ Green Sheet # � v���Z � Date �. WFIEREAS, Building Permit Nos. 19 99 114436, 19 99 114438 and 182801 were issued to BCB Construction, Inc. for homes to be built at 215, 221 and 227 Prescott Street, for which Sewer Availability Charges of $3,150.00 ($1,050.00 for each lot) was collected by the Department of Technology and Management Services (Real Estate Division), as evidenced by Receipt Nos. AS741, A5742 and A5655; and WFIEREAS, BCB Construction, Inc. was lnformed at the time of his bid to the Neighborhood Aevelopment Alliance that these charges would not be required as stated in the Resolution, Counci] File No. 99-818; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, In view of the foregoing, that the proper City Officiais are authorized to issue a refund of the Sewer Availability Charges to BCB Constmction, Inc. in the amount of $3,150.00. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date —�-�n_� �� '..tE o T �— Adoption Certified by Council Secretary s � __ � k- - P��-�,�.,�_ Approved by Mayor: D �� l'[ �O By: (sacresprescott.wpd) Technolo�v & Manasement Services Sy: ��(M.L G���� D D'uector� ` � Form Approved by City Attorney ��� BY� x �l.Jf,/v.�. �jL �( � z Approved by Mayoz for Submission to Council � . �, 4 - I T.M.S.lREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: 03/21/00 Gr n S eet Number: 104827 Ernx1�T � Z crrYCOVxcn. ontaM Person and Phon ..e� � 1 ATTORNEY �J CLF,R% Roxanna Flink 266-8858 , � Drx. 2 �CH & MGT. SVG DII2. YOR(ORAS.SISTANT) 3 OUNCII,RF_SF�RCg OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 5IGNAT6RE) CTION REQUESTED: efund Sewer Availability Charges in the amount of $3,150.00 to 8CB onstruction,Inc. COMMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RE,)ECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS N1I7ST ANSWER TI� FOLLOWING: , Has the persodfirm ever worked mder a contraM for this depaitment? YES NO PLANNING COMMISSION A STAFP . Has this persodfirm ever beeu a City employee? YES NO CNII, SERV ICE COMMiSS�ON . Does this persoN£um possess a slriR not aormally possessed by any YES NO current City employee? Cffi CAMFIYCl'EE Ex lain all YES answers on a se azate sheet and attach. 1VITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTiJNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): C8 Construction, Inc. paid for 3 building permits for building 3 homes on resaott Street. BCB was informed that these charges would not be required pe esolution, C.F. No. 99-818. DVANTAGESIFAPYROVED: refund can ba made to BCB Construction, Inc. for $3,150.00. ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ��(,4j9(`,� .�b �`�`' � }�- �� '. �����.'�_.,:� one. c _��_w.�,_.�:: �� �-';� � � r� ISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVEA: '��'""'' ��` ���� ontrary to routine AdmiaisCrative action. ���� ������,R���� �md'�':�: _ � TAL AMOUN'P OF TRANSACTION: �` 3� S S O. OO COST/REVENiIE Bi7DGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO uvcsouxcE: Sawer Availability AcTrviTYN[m�ER 260-222U9-63U1 Charge ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIih (6srefsac.wPd) BCB Consfruction,lnc. Rtchcard iC:; ;,ala 15?� Hythe Sh�et Sat»fi Pout. MN. 5510$ 672-,'sb8-4dt82 March 14, 2000 Cifiy of Saint Paul Reai Estate Division Attn: Roxanne Ftink 140 Cify Hai} 15 Kei4ogg Blvd. West Saint Pau{, MN 55102 Dear Ms. Fl+nk, 00 -3y� RECEi1/ED MAR 2 0 200Q REAL ESTATE OIVIStON Please consider this fetter my request for a refund for 3AC charges that accrued fio my company for the buifding of new homes at the following addresses: 215 Prescotfi Street @ $1050 ���y/ 221 Ptescott Street @ $1050 f�57Y2 227 Ptescotf Street @ $1050 9SbSS At the tkme ! bic! this wark to the Neighborhood Devetopment AlEiance(NeDA�,i was informed that these charges would not be assessed during the permifting process as called for in Ciiy Council file #99-818(Attached�. LElP personnel were not aware of this re5o{ution at the time that 1 pv4led these permits and i have consequenily paid afl o� the above fees. f have incfuded evidence of payment for these addresses and i am requesting thafi a check for $3150 be issued to BCB Construcfiion, Inc. and mailed to the address at tl�e head of this letter. Rich rd K4im Presideni BCB Consfsuction, inc. cc:NeDA 00 -3y� c���cil File # 99 - g4R' ��#����� ��sc=utiian x aree:. s�eet � C�!'41'd. 2res�n_ed Sy iteferred To �vsmn�.��ee: wace t ��4'HEREAS, The Cily Counc.�il, in accordance u,zt� Seetion 77.07 of the Legisiative Cada, and to comply with 2 L:e Meuopo'.itan Waste Control Commission's method aF charo nd local govemin;'oodies far Reserve 3.Capacity Char;cs, adoptcd RESOlution C.F. 240524 ore January 23,1973 and C.F, 2629D8 on January 11, 4 1474 (Cl�apter A-6, Administrative Code), which established the Service AvaitAbili:y Charges (SAC); and 5 b � 8 4 i4 Id id WHhRFAS, Resolutions G.F. 260524 and C.F. 262408 ware aannended on Septeraber 27, 1983 to allnx� any person apgiying far a bwtding permit entitir,d to receive 5AC unit eredits ii s d�niolition gersnit had beon issued an the same site during tha five calondar years preccd'uu; the calendar yeaz in whicn the buildiag pezmit was iss=aed. The credits �iven are tased on the iaunediately preceding use of tbs sit�, attd the S�C cxedit are detemrined by the number o£ SAC units which the previous sttt�ct�ue was discharging inio .ha Sewer 8ystem; and ; 3 W'HEILEAS, ;he £arsner Riverview Hospital, located on Prescatt Stseet at the inter�ectian of Moune Hope lA Avenue in 1]istz°ict 3, was demolished in August I993 m ai��na flvailable fifty (50) SAC credits; and ;$ 16 17 18 �g 20 2Y 22 23 24 25 26 27 L� 29 3�, 31 32 33 W FIEREAB, the Saint Paul Housin� and Redevelogment Authority adopted Resolution 91-4/23-4 �ter.ng intn partneaship with the i�ieighbofhood ,�levelopment Allianae, IIIC. {NeDA} ko Const��ct ci +j�t new singIe- fami}y homes on the former Riverview �ospital sitea antl WtiEREAS, NzDA has constrscted three single fa�mi(y hotnes applyie� three of the fifty SAC credirs to the project; snd FS�HLREA5, the bt!lance offhe SAC oredits (47 crzdits) expired an August 13, i94S: and W'H�RrP.5, it Ss NaI3A's s�tent to oomplete thc consisuotion of five additional romes on thc fozmer Rivcxvicw HaspitaF sitc by spxing of 20DCT. NQW THEREFOKE BE IT RESQLVED, that five of the ffty SAC credits from tke £ormer Riverviaw Hospita( site be extended for redevelapment on fhe site witlt an expiration data of �tay t, 2004; BE t'i' 1 UR'CI�EIt RESOt.VF.D, that tha pmper city officials �e aufhorized to Issue a:efund ta NeDA, upoa wrftten request, for SAC; chazges that NeDA has paid for eedevelepment on the former Riverview Hospitai sitt�. E�2a°d 6858 99Z ZI9 3�Ij� 3:sT(k13S N3ZIlI� Lt:Si 000Z-�-33� 04-3y1 �'d lb1Cl 4� -�t$ a:m:c�eea Sy neoe—:.c:c o:: !tl � • �M ��u� � . � � AdcBte2 cy Couaoil: Date Fo:.r. A�p=oc�d bY �iiY o , ndc�tion �_t_`_=ed Ly ceur.c!1 so�eeiary $Y"� BY �-l`?s Appr.ew_d by Mayor: a R \ p�v�d Ay BY: .... • � 8Y: �RI!GlNAI. £9/£0'd 5898 99Z Zt9 37I�� 3�ifk13S N3Zi1I� 94:Si 000L'-8C.-83� _� BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT #:19 99114436 Issued Date: November 19,1999 CONTRACTOR: �L%l�'�'.� CITY OF SAlN7 PAUL Office of License, Inspection 5 EnvironmeMal Ptotection 350 St Peter Street, Suite 300 Saint Paul, MN 55102d510 PHONE: (65'I) 266-909U FAX:(651)266-9724 BCB CONSTR WC NEDA 1520 HPTHE ST 481 WABASHA ST S ST PAUL MN 55108-0000 ST PAUL MN 55107 PERMIT ADDRESS: 215 PRESCOTT ST ST PAUL NfN 55107 SUB TYPE: Single Family Dwelling WORK TYPE: New Proposed Primary Use Housing Initiative � AC Charges uilding Length (ft) Building Height (ft) SuildingTotal Sq. Ft. Setback-Front Setback-Side I Plan Number R-Single Famil I 39.6 26 1422 27 12.25 P-1999-0035 State Valuation SAC Credits Scope of New Work Building Width (ft) Building # of Stories Basement? Setback-Rear Setback-Side 2 121133 Full Permit 22 2 Full Basement 57 15.75 FEES Permit Fee 498.63 Check Fee 324.11 Payment (�5?K/ 1,050.00 harge B 60.57 � TOTAL 1,933.31 *Smoke Detectors aze required in all sleeping rooms and cenually looated in hallways adjacent to the sleeping rooms. In muiti-story or multi-leveV homes, a smoke detector is required on each story and in basemznts. For new construction, the smoke detectors must be connected to the house wiring (i.e.-"hazd-wired") and have battery backup. Wlring must be permanent and without a disconnecting switch other than the required overvcurrent protection. Any detector alarm must be audible in all sleeping rooms and it is therefore assumed that they will be inter-connected, any other design must have prior approval from this Office. *Standard Basement- New basements or additions to basements must havz an egress window or a door directly to the exterior installed. My other condition reqaires special prior approval from this Office (submit in writing). The inspector assigned to this Permit is Kenyon, Dave who can be reached at 651-26b-9024 between 730 AM and 9.00 AM Monday through Friday � BUILDING PERMIT PERMTT #:19 99 114438 Issued Date: November 19,1999 CONTRACTOR: �� �����\��� CITY OF SAiNT PAUL Office of License, lnspection & Envimnmental Protection 350 St Peter SVeet, Suke 300 Saint Paul, MN 55702-1510 PHONE: (657) 266-9090 FAX: (651) 266-9124 BCB CONSTR INC NEDA 1520 HYTHE ST 481 WABASHA ST S ST PAUL MN 5510&0000 ST PAUL MN 55107 PERMIT ADDRESS: 221 P�SCOTT ST ST PAUL MN 55107 SUB TYPE: Single Family Dwelling WORK TYPE: New Proposed Primary Use Housing Initiative �AC Charges Building Length (ft) Building Height (ft) BuildingTotal Sq. Ft. Setback-Front Setback-Side 1 P(an Number R-Single Famil 1 39 23 1575 27 10 F-1999-0034 State Valuation SAC Credits Scope of New W ork Building Width (ft) Building # of Stories Basement? Setback-Rear Setback-Side 2 121133 Full Permit 27.67 2 Pull Basement 57 12 it Fee 448.63 Check Fee 324.1 I Payment R57`!2- 1,050.00 �arge B 60.57 "Smoke Detectors are required in all sleeping rooms and centrally iocated in haLlways adjacent to the sleeping rooms. In multi-story or multi-levef homes, a smoke detector is required on each story and in basements. For new conshuction, the smoke detectors must be connected to the house wiring (i.e: "hard-wired") and have battery backup. Wiring must be permanent and without a disconnecting switch other than the required over-current protection Any detector alazm must be audible in all sieeping rooms acid it is therefore assumed that they will be inier-connected, any other design must have prior appcoval from this Office. *Standard Basement- New basemenis or additions to basements must have an egress window or a door directly to the exterior instalted. Any other condition requires special prior approval from this Office (submit in writing). The inspector assigned to this Pernut is Kenyon, Dave who can be reached at 651-266-9024 between 730 AM and 9.OQ AM Monday through Friday . � x � DEPARTMENT CITY OF $AINT PAUL - , Ca -'3y� CTTY OF SAINT PAUL � / r � � I OFFICS OF LICENS£, INSPECI'IONS AND � �� ENVIItONMENCALPROTECITON � BUILDING INSPECI70NAND DESIGN � �� ' 350 St Peter Street - Suite 300 p , - . r �� Saint Paul, M"venesora 55702-ISIO 657-266-9050 � f �� L � r C.� PtAN N0. � �� pE R OF_PROJECT_ A,4TE � ` 'pyV� >..__ _ . -. '� - _ ' `�� - OWNERSADDRESS - ❑ OLD � � � PE OF �J� �NEW TYPE CONST. �'� �' O CUPANCY 1r� �1 bU��l GRADING,. STUCCOOR `��,:. =� ,�BUILD ❑ AND EXC: ' � PLASTER QDRYWALL � j] FENCE ❑ AODITION ❑ALTER�_ �REPAI `OMOVE , ❑WRECK �,.NUMBER`. ", , ;';-STREET�'"'"4�'�'-�'�; iDE _ s? CROSSSTREETS ' "�" "fY�! OR TRACT WIDTH DEPTH � `1'� � �3 ` srRUC- w�oT" TURE 3�t�p" 0 �� f f� � }�� �'J �ITI � r° SIDE L07CLEARANCE BVIIDING LINE - ��HEIGHT "' STO -4` -^-Z4' �. :NT TOTAL FLOOR AREA q ' �YES ,O NO Sp. FT � KS: _ `' _ � _ .. _� � - �t�3=%r� _ � � ?�� RIES -=a16 �' FEE VLAN CHEC% �� �L�.� �l STAT£ /' SUACHARGE �b, � TOTALFEE �/ �-'ff� APPLICANT CERTIf1ES THAT AlL IN- FORMATION IS CORRECT AND THAT ALL PERTINENT STATE REGUTATIONS AND CITY ORDINANCES WILL BE COM- PLIEDWITHiN PERFORMING THE WORK FOR WHICH THiSPFRMIT IS iSSUED. RE STATE 'T /S� , O O` VALUATION OO �� t';�/'� �_=rti; . =6?i �%__.vT?.%-, � �" S�!.�J 1 _ fi i�__�If .. �.��\ �+�;^,: �� _. ^r, '1:': F,f= �� `iiz._'=�iv= s t?v , � '[: a�� �__ •a EASH1ERU5EONLY ="L �l?:a7,LC3 . - . �.'�"_%�.�i ADDRESS �2"7 P��d.l.�. � OF JOB � LENGTH -s - � -i