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WF11TE - CITV CLERK �yiPo.y w� PINK - FINANCE L� � ��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL COUnCII � `�h BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � Counc 'l, eso ti n Presented By LTC�'NS£ CQMMTTT�'�' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date GIf1�R�AS: Jane�s-WendeQ.e, 1nc. , do.c;vi.g 6cv��i,ne��s ct� C,i,�y GV,�de Cub Com�ru�ny, ha� made A���P.t.ca.t�i,an Na R5642 �on .P.t:cev�e �o a�et�a�e �s�,x (6) ma�an �eluc2.e� a� �ax.t.ca6�s u�on �h.e �fiicee,t�s a� �G�,e C.i,�y p� S�. �a.u,Q, de�sau.bed a�s �a.P.2aur�: Taxi.ca6 Na. MdFie. Se�i.d.0 �`ri�unccv�ce 02 197R Che,vna.�e� 1L69�4J142578 Tw$utced �a C�NT�NU�US by 45 1q74 P.�ymau�h. t1,L41C9�143819 ���y Na,t.f.av�a,e In�scvutvi.ce Ca 46 1980 Fascd �K42B181499 p��cy Na. �A71-G6-67 47 19�9 �and 9W82L112202 &1 1480 �ond UGIk2C114534 �7 14k0 Pav►x.t:ccc 2�14WA1511234 wH�R�AS: Sa,i.�d a�p.Q,�.car�,t dia�s �,i,�ed a ca�y o� �he ce�r,t%�,t,cu�e a� .�vvswcccnce w.i.th �he C�y a� Sa-t:wt Pa.u,Q. u.vi.d �a,i,d cetr�c;��,ecr,te ha� 6een a��tcaved a� �a �atcm and exee.wt;i.an by �he Catcpvna,#;i,pn Cou.vuse,e, �he�r.e�v�ce, be .i� R�SULV�D: 7ha� .Q,i,cer�se �a a�eh.cr�e �cu:d ma�on veGu:cee� cvs �a,�c,i,c,a,bd u�an �he �s�c.ee,�s a� �he C�,ty a� S�. Pau,2 6e and �he �same -us hetceby gnuv�ted �p Jan�s-Ulevcde2e, Tv�c. Renewu.2 Ma,i,�i-v�g AdcUce�s�s: 203 N. �u.Qe S� S�. Pau,e, MN 55104 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher Galles In Favor Masanz Nicosia p scne�bei __ Against BY TedesCo Wflson Adopted by Council: Date MAR 2 2 1983 Fotm Approved by City Attorney Certified Ya_ y un il , t BY B � App y Mavor. Dat _ " " Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY �pU���SHED APR 2 1983