280019 WHITE - CITV GLERK COUI1C11 /'I�iJ041,V PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR F1Ie NO. � Co cil esol 'on Presented By Referred To �� Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WH�R�AS: Ju,Q,f,a Ce.n,i:ce�ca�s, da�.ng bws.i;v�e��s aa ye,P.�.aw Ca6 Com�any, ha� made A�p.P.f;cct�i.pn R5623 �an .P,i.cen�e �a a�e�ca�e ane (1) mv�an veFu:e.ee a�s a �a.x,t;ca.6 upan �he ��r.ee.t�s ab �he C.i,t y a b S�. Pu.u.e, de�s eh,i;b ed a�s �a�aw�s: Tax,i;cab Na hla.fze Se�,i:a.e IvvSunu.nce 33 19k0 CG�e�vnp.�e,� 1L35HAT129k65 IncSUned �a C4NTINUOUS 6y Gu.afca.ri,ty N�,#,f.ana.e Tvv�utr.ance Ca Pa�P.i.cy Na. 8,411 66 86 WH�R�AS: Sa,id app.P.i:cari.t ha� b-i:e.ed a ca�y �� �he cet�#�c:��.ca�e a� tivusu�r.ance w.i.th Zhe C.i.ty a� Scu:wt Pau,e and �scu:d cent<".��:eu.,te G�a�s 6een a��naved a�s �a �a�un and execu,t,t.an by �he Cvtc�ana�',i.on Cauv►�e,�, �hehe�ane, be -i.t R�S�LV��: Thu,t .P,i,cevv�e �a a�etca�e �sa,t.d ma.ton veh,i.e.�e a�s a �ax,t.ca6 ci�an �he �s�cee,#�s a� �h.e C.i�y a� S�. Puu,e 6 e and �he �ame -us helr.e6 y gna.wted �a Ju2,i.a C ewt.ce�ca�s. Ren.ewa.2 Ma,i,P.i.ng Adc�ce��s: 4 3 5 C.Q,i,vr,to n A v S�. Pa.u,e, MN 55107 COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher � Galies In Favor Masanz Nicosia scne�bei � __ Against By Tedesco Wilson ("1AR 2 `�, ��� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa:• d y Council S eta BY Ap o by �Vlavor: D �R 2 4 1983 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY BUSF{�U AP R