280012 WHITE - CITV CLERK .y,���o�� PINK - FINANCE COUnC1I r�r �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Coun il, es lut ' n Presented By LTC�NS� C�MMTTTE� Referred To Committee: Date . Out of Committee By Date GlFf�R�AS: �e,2vtce�s Ande�an, da�.ng bws.i;ne�s�s a� D�%amand Ca6 Cam�any, hcUS made A��.P.i.ca�i.an R 5729 and R 6413 �a apetu�e �uto ma�an veh,i:c,e.e�s a�s �a.�c,i.ca.6�s upan �he �fi�r.ee,#�s a� �he C.i.ty a� S�. Puu,e, de�setu.6ed a�s �ak�aw�s: Ta.x,i.ca.6 Na MaFie Setu.a,� Zvv�t.v�.a.v�ce 29 1R82 (�.2d�ma6-i:.�e l�3AR6RA1CM424661 Tvrhutied �a C�NTZNU�US by 31 1 g7R Metccwcy 9G134L611234 ���N Nu.#.i.anak Ivuswcavi.ce Ca. Pa.P,i:cy Na. BA 71 6 5 9 2 WH�R�f1S: Sa,i.d a��.2<.can� h.a� �-i;eed a ca�y a� �he cetc�i,�y�,ca,t�e o� .i;v►�utcance wi�'h �he C.i,ty o� Scc�i;n� Pau,2 and �a�.d cet�#,i.�.i,ca�e ha�s 6een cc��naved a�s �a banm and execw#.i.an 6y �he Can�onu�,t:an Cau.vuse,Q, �l�.etce�ane, 6e ,i:t R�S011/��: That �,i;cevvse �a a�eha�e �a,t;d ma�an veh,i:c,.2e a�s �a.x,i:cab� u�an �he �sfi�cee.#h a� �he C.i.ty a� S�. Pau,2 6e u.v�d �G�e �same .i�s heneb y gtcuwted �a De,eane�s Ande�us an. Renewa.� Ma,i,�,i.ng AdcUce�s�5: 1943 Rand�.��h Av S�. Pau,�, MN 55105 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher ceu� In Favor Masanz Nicosia scneibei � _ Against BY Tedesco W ilson MAR � � �aQ� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �s Certified P•ss C� o4ncil cr BY g�, 1Yu"�`— t�pp d by Ulavor: Da MAR 2 4 1983 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By Pt�tsNt� APR 21983