280011 WMITE - CITV CLERK �("��0��� PINK - FINANCE COUflCll V CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L File NO. BLUE - MAVOR � Cou c 'l o ti � Presented By Referred To mmittee: Date Out of Committee By Date GJH�R�AS: Ulu.P,�e�c M. Lu.vi.zman, da�c;vi.g bu�s,i;v�e�s�s cus ��.amand Cafi Cam�any, hcc� made A��.P,i,ca�,ian R 6353 �an .P,i:cevvse �a a�ena�e ane (1) ma�an veh,i;cee a�s a �ax,i;cab upan xhe �s�`icee.�is a� .the C-i�y a� Sx. Pa.u,e, de�sc��i;6ed a�s �a.P.eaw�: 7ax,i.ca6 Na Mc�F�e Se�u;a.2 Iv�unavi.ce 2� 1 R&2 Chevna.e.e.t 1G1Aw69K5CR130102 Iws�viced �a .Tuu.viiu.an.y 21, 19k4 b y M�:v+.v��s��a Au,ta I vv�wcavi.ce P.Qun, �a.P.i.cy Na. �encli.ng UIH�R�AS: Scu:d a��.P,i:cav►,t h.cr�s �,i;2ed a ca�y a� �he cet�#,t.�ticcr,te a� .i,ws wca,nce w.i�h �Gi,e C.i.ty a� Sa,t.v�t Pau,2 and �a,t.d cet�#,t;��:e.cr�e G�cvs beev� a�ptcoved a�s �a �a�r.m and execu�',i,an by �he Can�ana,t,t;an Cau.vuse2, �helce�ane, be .i.t , R�SULV��: Tha� .2,i,cevv�e �a apeh.a,te �sa,t:d ma�an veh,icP.e a�s a �a�c,t.cab u�an �he �s�icee,#�s a� �h.e C.i,ty a� S�. Pau,e be av�.d �he �same .i.s hetr.e6y gnav�ed �a G�uu,P,te�c M. Lunzman. New Ma,i,P.i.ng Adc�ce�s�: �3� Ca�e Av S�. Pau,2, MN 5510G COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher -� Galles In Favor Masanz Nicosia scneibei __ Against Bv Tedesco Wilson MAR 2 2 1983 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas ouncil cret BY B� App d by Ylavor: Dat MA� 2 4 1983 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By PtiBl�St1E0 APR 21983