280001 N'HITE - CITV CLERK COURCII !ii 7�0�� PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL r�`� BLUE - MAYOR File NO. RETURN COPY TO ' ' VALUATIONS DNISIO��unCZ Reso ution J Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint P�aul does hereby authorize and direct the proper City officials to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Pa.ul, a �+-11�12 years extension of a real property Lea.se Agreement, Public Works No. 8, from February l, 1983 to December 31, 1987, between the City of Saint P�ul (Department of Public Works 3urisdiction) and Rose Karas for land located on the south side of Water Street between the High Bridge and Plato Blvd. and legally described as; Easterly fif"teen (E'J.y 15) feet of Lot eleven (11) "Rosen Addition" St. Pa.ul Minnesota. Said leased property is to be used for drive�w�ay purposes only. Consideration for use of the property is $1�+5.00 per year and total rent consideration for term of the lease is $713.00. Rent receipts to be credited to City Finance Account No. 00000-6801. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � nce and ement Se ices 1sa�a C,alles In Favor Masanz � N��oSia Director ��,� __ Against BY e'F desco Wilson MAR j 7 1983 Form Approved by Ci Adopted by Councit: Date Certified as�ed Cou . ,e ����� By, MAR g 198� Approved by Mayor for S 'on to uncil t�pproved y : or: Date ���� � By By �UBLISHEO MAR 2 6 198 � � , ��0001 ��.�"`o;�,. C ITY (� SAI NT PAUL .�,. ,�, • ', I.F.ASE N0. � REAL PROPERTY o _ . _ — � tin`ii , ; i��t ii • P.W. 8 __t�'INANGE DEPT. LFASI�: N0. ?''a��•��,��F LEASE A�REEMENT DATI; Februar.y l. 1983 _ _ Lrssox , _ci�of st Paul ��_ __ C T'I'Y DEPAR7'MLN'I' Public Works _ i,r�ssrr Rose Ka�as ADI)RESS 705 S. Rpber��re��, S�t��l , Mi nn. __�101 [J I'1'N]?S S G'I'H '1'hat the LESSOR, in consi.deration c�j the payment c�f thc rent hereinaFter specified to be paid by tiie I.ESSI;I:, and the covenants and agreements herein contained, does herehy lease, demise and let unto LI:SSI?I?. PRF.TfISf?S 11DDRF,SS South side of Water Street between__�h.�I�,i�h_Bri��,nd P�ato g1yd�__. ___.________. I,ECAi_. DESCR�IP'I'ION Hereinafter referred to as "pre.mises". Easterl,y Fifteen (E'LY 15) Feet of Lot Eleven (11_) "Rosen Addition" St. Pa.ul, Minnesota. See Gxhihit "!1" Si.te Plan '['YPH; Ol? PROPLR'I'Y (VACANT I,ANll/I30II.I)ING) S(�UARI: F00'I'AGE _yacant -��and ------------ --------------�,�20 sq. ft. TFRM 'I'E?IlM (hfONTHS/YGARS) COMMI:NCING DATE ENDINC: DA'I'F'. ---____?+-1.1 1.2__vrs. --�'�1�x�y-1-,-1,983 becember.3Z; 198�---- tJith the riglit of termination in both LF.SSOR and LESSEE as hereinafter set forth. � . 2��0�1 RENT 'I'OT'AL REN'C OF LFASF TERM PAYMrNT SCHF:DIJLE (MON'TH/YEAR) / INSTALLMEN'1 AMOiJNT' $ $713•00 Year commencing on Feb. 1, 1983 $145•00 Rent Lo be Paicl in advance, on the first day of each and e.very installment peri.od thereafter. LrssLr shall make al_1 payments to LFSSOR to the following address: Public tidorks Accounting Division, 600 City I-Iall Annex, St. Pa.ul, Minn. 55102 c�o Virginia Sanchez `i'he payment received for its expense shall he deposited in CI'TY FINANCE ACCOUN'[' N0. o0000-6801 PURPOSF. AND iISI? 'fhe Prem�i se5 sl�ial l be used and <�ccui� ic��ci hy LF.SSF:E Eor: Driveway Purposes anci f or iio other purpose without t{�e prior writtc=n consent ot LIs'SSOR. COVENAN'CS AND AGRI?GS BY LF.SSI:E (].) Insur.ance Require.ments: L1;SSEE shall furnish and maintain during the term �f this lease agreemenf: a cc�rtificate c�f itisurance wherein the City c�j SainC P�iul_ 51�a11 be design��ted �ts a cc�-insiired, said insurance coverage to l�c� in Chc fr�1l��wing amounts: COr1PRl?HENSIVI? GENERAL PUBL,IC LIAI3II.IT'Y: Piinimum Covera�e each �c_ciirrence � B.I. �500,OOO�P.D. �300,000 Tfinim�im Cov�ra�e a��rc��;at:e s B�?-__�500�000lP.D._�3002000_ ----- nc�TOrlo�tr.t, I.lnriti,TrY: Mi_nim�im C�>ver;��;e e�ch �cciirrence � -- Ttinimum Coverr��;e �i�;�regate � � -- (2) Pr.ior to execut�_ion oY this lease the LF.S5EF. sha'll fiirr��sh r� certiFicate of insurance to the City AtCorne}� for approval. If L�,SSGI� fa�i_ls tc� c��m��lv wit_h the rec�uirements <>f �insuran��e, LFSSt�R may obtaiii stich �i.ns�irran��c� and keel� the same in effecC and 1,F;SS1?F, sha11 pay LF;SSOR the prem�ii.im costs t hc,rc�n f c�n cicnir�ncl. (3) To l�ay Lt?SS�R sai�l re��t as hereinabove pr.ovicleci, and in acicl i t i��n thet-etc�, to pay, whe.n due, as additi.onal rent, all water, el_ectric, �;as ��ncl oChcr li�;htinf,, heati_n� and j�ower rents, all. taxes, gener�l or special , ��ll {�ul��l ic• ra�es, due:,, char�;c�s of whatever nature and special a�;ses5ments of c�verv ki.nd w{iirh shr�li become di�e rind �>ayable upc>n said re�al �st�te r�r irnprovements t}ier.eon during the term of the lease. (Nothing Yierein sliaJ.l -2- prohibit LESSEE from reasonable contesting the levy of any sucli tax) ; and at all times duri.ng the term of this le�se, the I.ESSOR shatl have t}ie right, by itseli, its agents and employees, to enter into and upon the leased premises diiring reasonable business hour.s for the purpose of. examint.n�; aild inspecti.tlg tlie same. (4) 'I'his lease sha11 be subject to cancellation and termi_n�tion by either I�arty at any time during tY�e Lerm hereoE by �iving the other party notice i.n writing at l.east ninety (90) days, (thirty (30) days for :leases with a term of one (1) year or less) in advance of the date when sucil termination sliall become effective. In ttle event of such termination any unearned rental paid by the LF.SSFE shal.l be returned to LESSF.F, without interest. (S) Al1 notice5 t�erei.n pr.ovided to be given, or which may he given, by either p�irty to the otVier, shall be deemed to havc been ftilly �;iven cahF�n served ��ersonally on T.I?SS�R or LESSI?E, or when made in writin�; and deposited in the United States mail_, certif.ied and posta�e prc�paid, and addres5ed as follows: The LI?SSGP aC adclres� ab�ve stated on �>a�e ] and to LESStJR, City I,ease Management, 218 City }lal]_, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 and Re-.nt Payment ].ocation as stated on Page 1 . The address ta which the notices sliall. or may be mailed as aforesaici to either party sli�l.l or may he chan�ed by wri_tten noti.cE: given hy snch party to the other, ��s herein- bef<�re prov�i_ded, but noCh�ing heretn c:ontaine�l shall preclude Che �iving of a�ly such notice by personal service. (6) Nc>t to assigii or sublet th?s lease, and not to malce or cau�e anv alterat�ion to he made in or <m said �ro�erty, without the written cunsent of the I.ESSOR. (7) It is specifically agreed �:ind understood that LESSEF, shal] not ca] 1 oil I.F.SSOK to make atly improvement.a c�r re}?airs on said proPerty of �ny nature whatsoever, hut LESSEE herebv speci_ficall_y covenants and agrees to keep the same in good order and condition at his own cost and expense. (8) 'I'o pay 1.ESSOR atl costs and expenses, including attorney's f.ecs in a reasonahle sum in any acti�n hrou�ht by I_,IiSSOR t� recover any r_ent due and tinpaid hereunder, or for tl�e breacll of any of the covenarlts or a�;reements contai.ned in th.is lease, or to recover possession ot Said pr�perty, whether such action pro�;resses to jud�ment or not. (9) At tlie expirat:ion of said term, or any sooner termination of t:his lc�ase, to quit peacefull.y and surrei�der possession of said �roperty and its a��purtenances, t� LESSOR in as good order and cond.iti.cm as the prr,Perty was delivered to t_he tm�lersi�ned T,ESST?E. (l�) 'I'he i.l?SSI�.P, in<lemnii�ies, :,aves aild ho]_ds harmle5�; tlic� City c�f Saint Paul and any agents or employees thereof from all claims, dE_�mands, ��cti_ons c>r causes of acti�n c�f wl��atsoever nature or character, includinp, but rlot limited to neg].igence on t.he part of ttie City of Saint Pat�l, its a�ents or employees, ar�_sinp, out of or by reason of the l.ease of the here.in described premises by the LF�SSOR to the I.,i;SSF.E or the condition of the premises, it bei�ig fiill_y uilder�stood an�l agreed t}iat LESSF.E is aware of the leased premises and lease the same "as is'+. (11.) Should tlle LF.SSF.I�; hold over after the expiration of tl�e term of this lease with the consent of the LESSOR, express or impl.i_ed, said tenancy shatl be deemed to be a tenancy only from montt� to month, subject otherwise to all of the terms and conditions of this lease so far as applicable. (12) In the event there is any pri.or existing lease or rental agreement between LESS�E anci City (or its predecessor in interest) covering -3- - 2�oao1 the subject property, it is agreed and understood that this lease shall cancel and terminate said prior lease or rental agreement as of the effective date of this lease. (13) The property described herein may be used for only the purposes stated herein; however, it is the sol_e and exclusive responsibili.ty of the LESSEE in the use of the property to comply with any and all laws, ruLes, regt�l.ations or ordinances imposed b_y any _jtirisdiction affecting the tlse to which the property is proposed to be put. Inability or failure on t}le part of tl�e I,ESSLL to comp:ly with any of said laws, rtiles, regul.ation:> or ordinances will not rel_ieve tlie I.FSSF.E of the obligation to pay the rental provided t�erein. (14) The LESSEE for himself, his personal representatives, successors in interest, and assigns, as a part of the c.onsideration hereof, does herehy covenant and agree, as a covenant runn.in� with the land, that (1) no person, on the ground of race, color, sex, c�r national origin shal.l be excluded fr.om partici.pation in, be denied the benefits oC, or he otherwise suhjected to discrimination in the use of said facili.ties, (2) that in connection with t}�e construction of any improvements on said lands and the furnishing of services thereon, no discrimination sha11 be practiced in the selection of e�nplcyees and contractors, by contractors in the selection and retention of ti.rst-tier subcontractors, and by fir5t-ti.er subcontractors in the selection and retention of second-tier subcontractors, (3) that such discrimination shall not i�e practiced against the public in their access to and use of tlie Eacilities and services provided for public accommodations (such as eating, sleeping, rest, recreation, and vehicle servicing) constructed or operated on, over, or under the peace of the right-of-way, and (4) that the LESSEE shall use ttie premises in compliance with all ot}ier requirements impo5ed pursuant te� 'Citle VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and Title 49, Code of Federzl. Regulations, Part Zl, and as said regulations may be amended. 'I'hat in the event of breacll of any of t}ie above nondiscrimination covenants, tlie Citv shall have the right to terminate the lease and to re-enter and repossess sai.d land and the facil.ities thereon, and hold the same as if saicl :l.ease had never been macle or issued. (15) In the event this lease is terminated in accordance with Para�raph 3 herein, the rent shall be Pro-rated as of the date of actti<zl terrn:ination or vacation whichever i.s the later. (16) Anything }ierein contained to the contrary notwithstanding, this lease may be terminated, and the provisions of this lease may be, in writing, altered, changed or amended by mutual_ consent of the parties herein. 'I'fIE �OLLOWII�G SPACL IiELOW IS PROVIDF.D I�OR ANY ADDITIONAL PROVISiONS OR REQUIRGM�NTS (17) The LESSOR reserves the right to use the demised premises for access to ad�acent property awned by the LESSOR and used for floodwall protection. LESSEE shall maintain the property so as to permit the LESSOR access at all times. (18) LESSEE shall not construct any permanent structure on the leased premises . (19) No change in the existing �rade will be permitted; and any construction or improvements made within the leased area will first require the written approval of the Director of the Department of Public Works. (20) The leased premises were acquired by the LESSOR for floodwall purposes, and the driveway shall be under the strict scrutit�y of the Depa.rtment of Public Works so as to insure that the driveway will in no way interfere with the function and maintenance of the floodwo.11. (21) Before any improvements ar changes to improvements may be made by LESSEE, they shall submit plans and modifications to the LESSOR. LESSOR will submit said plans to the District Engineer, U. S. Corps of Engineers. No improvements or modifications shall be made without first obtaining the approval of the Corps of En�ineers. -4- DFFAUI.T/REMFDTES Fail.ure by LESSEE to observe or perform any of the covenants and agreements provided herein shall constitute a def.ault. In such event LESSOR may exercise any one or more of the foll owing remedies: (1) reenter and take possession of ttie Premises withotit termination of this Lease, and use its best efforts to lease the Premises to, or enter into an agreement with, another person for the account of LESSOR: (2) terminate this Lease, exclude LF.SSEE from possession of the Premises, and use its best efforts to lease the Premises to, or enter into an agreement with, another in accordance with a�plicable law; (3) exclt�de LESSF.E� from i�ossession of the Premises, with or wi_tho��t terminatin� this Lease and operate the Premises itself; (4) terminate the Lease, exclude LtiSSEE from possession of the Premises, sell all or any par.t of the Premises at the best pri_ce obtainab:ie (provided such sale is permittecl by applicab.l.e law) , such sale to be on such terms and conditions as the I.ESSOR, in its s�le discretion, shall determine and apply the proceeds of such sale less any expenses thereof for the account of the LESSF.E; (S) exercise any remedies available to it under the Minnesota Uni_form Commer.ci_al Code; (6) take whatever action at law or in equity may appear necessary or appropriate to collect the Rent and additional Rent. ttien d�ie and thereafter to become due, or to enforce performance and observance of any obli�ation, agreement or covenant of the L�SSFF tm der this Lease. (7) in exercising at�y of its remedies set forth in this Section, the L�SSOR may, whether or not the l.ease is then in effect, hold the LESST:}? li.able for the dif.ference between tl�e payments and other costs for which the I.I?SSEE is responsibl.e under this l.ease. (8) No remedy herein conferred upon or reser.ved to LESSOR iiitended to be exclusive of any other availabl.e remedy or remedies, but each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other r.emedy �iven under this Lease or now or ttlereafter existing at law or in equity by statute. No delay or omissi.on to exercise any right or power accruing iipon any default shall i.mpair any such r.ight or power or shall be constr�ied to he a waiver thereof, but any such right and Power may be exercised from ti.me to time and as of-teri as may be deemed expeclient. In order to entitle �I�e LESSnR to exercise any remedy rescrved to it itl tliis Provision, it sha11 not be necessar'y t:o �;ive any notice, ottier than such nc�t:i_ce as may be herei►� expressly rc:�c�uir_ed. -'�- � . ��Q�U� IN WITNESS WHERCOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals the day and year in this lease first above written. LESSOR - CITY OF SAINT PAUL WITNESS: MAYOR ---- -- — -- ------- CTTY CLERK DIRF.C7'OR OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT T i � SrRVICLS llEPAR'I'MI;NT T)�IIZECTOR �--� �---- CI1'Y A1'TORNi�Y -- (FORI�1 APPROVAL) -----^ LESSEI: WITNESS: ----._..,.____--.----�,_ ____�_------------- I,�,S — --------------___-------- IT S --- — - --- -- ----- - -- ---_------------ -- -----------_—�.------- -- ---------------------------� I't'S -�- l ' 2��0�1 . Finance & I�r�aaemen�_S�rDEPARTf1ENT Dave Nelson �ONTACT . 298-5317 �HONE �� �� , Februa 16 1 DATE �� z'Y : 3 (Routi ng and Expl anati on Sheet) ^��� Assign Number for Routing Orc�r (C1ip Al1 Locations for Mayoral Signature): Depart�n�ent Di rector Ci ty Attorney _ RF(',FI\/Fn _ 1. Di rector of Mtana�ment/Mayor _ � FE8 2 � � ;;'� --- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ - - - _ `���U6.,'� _ �� .: ` � � � . +. . �. .. , . . . - . . ,. . d . \` `. _ 2 � � . , . `\ . �o , �' �' ,� ed i � a� 0 ;; , � � � h1� �f � y�<<��o," � � o , r ~~ ' i� �'C '�y` 1 ;� ' ,C � a' � ,�. 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' The GREEN SHEET has several purpo se s: - �- �'j '� ��� � � 1. To assist in routin�c d�ocuments and in securing � requ re s qnatures 2. To brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approva � 3. To help ensure that necessary sus�portina n►aterials ars pre ared and, if required, at�tached. '" ROtJTING ..,.�... . �at G�E�i SH£ET act�ens must �e rev_��aea 5y a �e�zr�:�e�t �isectcr, ;.� C�.ty �t;.orae�, t:'�e �ireczor of idan,aqemsnt, :h� � Director of Finance and �s aqenment Servicea. Other po:sible review�ezs/siqnatures are i'isted. BRIEFING • �_.._ Most of the GREEN SHEET headinqs are desiqned to assist in developinq m reci� of th� decision which the attachm�nts repr�sent. The ea nqs are o fered �o remind users of sone� of the mc��e crit�.cal elements of this brief. , �_ � � _.� � _ � � �:c � � c � ,. �c � � ' The Fiaajncial Bud etar and Persar�nel i ac�s �eadinq prcxvid�s � ` ` ` _ a spaae to exp a e cost bene it aspects of the d�cisiod. Costs and bene�it$ rel�te both to City budqet (Gea�ral Fund and/or Special Fu,nds) auid to broadar fi.nancial ia�acts (cost to users, homeownezs or other groups �ffectad by the action) . The p�rsonnel impact is a description of chanqe or shift of Fuil-Ti.me Equival�nt (FTE) poaitions. • . _ � � - �, . ,� _ SJPPORTING MATE1tIALS � In the Attachments sectfon, list all attacl3ments. If the GREEN SHEET is ara cne, nv letter of transmittal ne�d be includ$d (unless siqn3.nq such a letter is one of the requested actions) . N�te: Actiona which r uire City Council resolutioas include: �� V a. Cont�cactual reiationahip with another qovernmer�t unit. � b. Collective bargaininq. -� � � `� ^� �. =� -, ,� c. Pur.chase or sale of land, or lease of land. d. Issuance of bonds by City. e. Eroinent domain. f. Assumption of liability by City, cr granting by City of indemnification. g. Agreen�ents with State or Federal Government under which they are providing fundinq. Note also: If an aqreement requires evidence of insurance/co- insurance, a Certificate of Insurance shouid be one � - of the attachments at time of routinq. '