280000 WNITE - CITV CLERK COIIflCII �o��o PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL r�v BLUE � MAVOR File NO• i �ETURN COPY TO VALUATIONS Council Resolu �n Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City Council by Council Resolution C.F. No. 278799 adopted June 8, 1982, and B oard of Commissioners of Ramsey County by iCS Resolution No. 82-457 of May 17, 1982, both approved an agreement for the Procedure for Conveyance of Tax Forfeited Lands for Redevelopment Purposes to Housing and Redevelopment Authority. BE IT RESOLVSD, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves the release and conveyance of certain tax forfeited lands for redevelopment purposes to Housing and Redevelopment Authority by the Ramsey County Land Cocrmaissioner's Office and e Certificate of Sale be issued to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for said land identified as follaws for said appraised value: CODE N0. ADDRESS APPRAISED VALUE 07-22000-120-04 849 Marshall $3,200 01-15100-220-01 thru 240-01 311-319 Case 3,900 07-14600-100-02 838 Ashland 5,000 07-26900-020-04 974 Hague 4,200 07-36000-200-06 721 Hague 4,700 07-54500-160-09 833 Hague 5,300 07-54500-070-12 766 Hague 4,400 08-69000-530-08 410 Blair 4,300 01-38000-030-11 666 DeSoto 600 01-79200-021-04 428-430 Rose 2,000 02-48200-110-88 958 Fremont 1,400 07-36000-070-01 640 Marshall 3,000 07-71200-050-03 940 Laurel 4,100 08-48600-090-03 160-164 Charles 9,350 08-65000-120-11 561-563 Elfelt 3,800 09-12000-063-13 794 Capitol Heights 2,200 09-27100-020-06 626 Park 3,800 02-91750-010-12 Skyway Drive 7,500 06-81400-051-62 17 W. Winifred St. 7,500 COUNCILMEN Yeas , Nays Requested by Department of: Fi` e�t���� Fi and Manag ent Services Masanz In Favor Nicosia Dire tor scneibel __ Against BY -- Tedesco � Wilson � Form Approved by City Att Adopted by Council: Date 3"Z"�.� Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By �#pproved by A7avor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY ' � � -— WH17E - CITV CLERK .COUflCII �����0 PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. . r RE'�URN COPY TO VALUATIONS Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date CODE N0. ADDRESS APPRAISED VALUE 07-13700-060-00 220 N. Victoria $4,000 08-53000-072-32 165 Como Avenue 7,500 08-62200-230-02 531 Charles Avenue 4,000 COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays " Requested by Department of: Fletcher Fina & ana em nt Services �°� [n Favor Masanz Nicosia Dire tor .�aa�L, _ __ A gai n s t BY Tedesco Wilson MAR 1 7 1983 Form Approved by C' ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified as-e c , c � B� t�pprove '14avor: Date _ MAR � H 83 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By __�_�'�`�� �— BY PUBLISHED MAR 2 6 1983 � , � k , • ' ��o�Q � RECO:iMENDED PROCEDURE FOR ii�n Aiti� ��6�1E4�I6£ I COhVEYA1�CE OF TA7i FORFEITED LAi7DS FOc� REDEVELOPMENT PURPOSES ! After receipt of notification of classification and proposed � sale of tax forfeit land by the County Land Com�issioner and � application within 90 days of notification to the County Board by the Cit}• �'alLations and Engineering Divisiona�RedevelonmentPAuthority toe City Council on behalf of the Housing an P withhold a tax forfeit parcel from sale for redevelopment purposes , the County Board shall withhold said parcel from sale in accordance wiih i•Sinnesota Statutes Section �9�:e} 252 .01 , Subdivision 1 . Thzough a State conveyance to HRA for redevelopment purposes , the County and City agree upon the followi�g procedure designed to obtain voluntary payment of some consideration for benefit of the taxing districts upon prior unpaid taxes ar:d assessments and to effect enhancement of the parcel valuation t.hrough its redevelopment upon future tax revenues : • � I . The County Board shall fia a value for the parcel upon the raazket value recommendation ef the Land Commissioner . Before making his reconmendation the Land Commissioner shall consult with Valuations respecting proposed redevelopment and valuation . II . The County and H1tA 6i�� shall conclude a par�e� eor.reysn�t bp �o�trset for �e�� a Certificate of Sale of Forfeited Lands -i:z—a-car�ance'�t� lECC�I'perrating these t er�s : s) Price: 24arke� Appraised valuation (or sucr. greater or lesser amount as is fixed by the HKA Contract for sale for private redevelopment and received on such sale) less actual reasonabl.e cosCs incurred by HRE1 in the maintenance , site � preparation, title clearance and sale of the parcel ; b) Deed: 8pca aoti��e frem $�f� cf �a�iuent sa�e ef �i�e parce� The County shall recommen3 to the Commissioner of Fevenue in favor or �is couveyance af the Parcel to IiR� in accordance with Section 282 .01 . Upon payment of the price, the Count}� shall �e�rver make application for the StaLe deed to the ARA. c) Terrnination: In the event the parcel is not sold for redevelopment within three years fron the date of the eor.'trx��t for �ee� , Certificate of Sa1e, HP,A nay pay tY�e narlre� va�ua�ien prite appraised . � .. . r ... _... t..f..,r ...�.1 a�..qR Ri.TCC Yaa����.. a�w�w-....-�.�v _..__ _.. .,�,........ �,r�sJ;m^NS.'•.^.'t,- . .. - . . , ' �, . , ,� ' �; 2��na0 � ,, ►�; valuation and receive a 6euat�y State deed , or �t suffer the termination of said coatrsct certificate without further act or requirement on the part of - the County . In event of contra�t teriaiaafiea termination of the Certificate of Sale, HRA shall deliver a quit claim deed to the 6ocnt7 State; and d) Maintenance: HRA shall be responsible for parcel maintenance during the tera ef t�e cex�tra�t for deed three year period coverir.Q the Certificate of Sale. This Procedure shall be evaluated by the pazties one year from its approval as to the reasonableaess of costs deducted by HRA fron the nrice paid undez paragraph a) above. This procedure may be terminated by mutual agreement or by either party upon 90 days written notice to the other . Procedure termination shall noL affect any outstanding �outract for� ��t� Certificate of Sale . �� ) � ' ��� Finance b liana e�eat Ser �O��O 8 P RTt�tENT J. Willia� DOnovan TACT . 298-5317 MONE � �� March 1, 1983 DATE �v� (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Nun�ber for Routing Orckr (Clip A11 locations for Mayoral Signature): Department Di rECtor 2 City Attorn �5 3-znt/Mayor � �i nance and Management Servi ces Di rector --��-�� ==`d���- r,.� � >-�-��� . 3 City Clerk MAR � - 19�3 B�dget Di rector � :�- ;�.;y: ± ,;W , , . e ,r.;;t . What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale); Mayor�s signature ta submit res�luti�n t� City Council Tax F�rfeited Lauds to be conveyed to Housing aud Bedevelap�ent Authority under City/Countq Tax Forfeited Land Agreement for development purpoaes Financial , 6udgetary and Perso»nel Impacts Anticipated: None Fundi n�, SourcE and, Fund Acti vi ty Nun�r Charged or Credi ted: ------ , Attachments (list and Nt�ber alt Attachments�: 1. proposed Council Resolution 2. Copy of City/County Tax Forfeited I.aad Agreesent DEPARTMENT REYIEW CxTY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes R No Council Resoiution Required? Resolution Required? Yes % No Yes g No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes x No Yes g No Ins�rance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (�ee Reverse Side for �instructions) � � �oo�o r�AC! lt MSA�$a�eaC Serrr. J� iiil lis� Doaovan �98-5317 1�+arct� 1. 1933 2 1 3 M Kayor's si,gaatur� to sa�it r�solu�ias to Gity Couaail Tax Fortei�t�i Ue�ls t4 b� caawrd to �sin� wad lt+�d�v+rlop�t Authositr �rader City/Gwetr ?� Borl�eit� Lsai A�s��wta� for irneloprn� purpsses Noa�t •���r• 1. �L'Op0li�I CO1��1 ll�OL�t��II Z. COp� ot City/Couat�► ?�t !ox!`sits� Laai Apr��tnt , Y � g X x wNITE — CITV CLEtiK ���00�0 PINK — FIN4NCE ■ , I 'rY OF SA I NT �ALS L Council C4NARV — DEP4RTMENT ` BLUE — enqvpR File NO. BETURN COPY TO VALUATZONS CQUnCZl ReSQlutZQn Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City Council by Council Resolution C.F. No. 278799 adopted June 8, 1982, and B oard of Commissioners of Ramsey County by its Resolution No. 82-457 of May 17, 1982, both approved an agreement for the Procedure for Conveyance of Tax Forfeited Lands for Redevelopment Purposes to Housing and Redevelopment Authority. BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves the release and conveyance of certain tax forfeited lands for redevelopment purposes to Housing and Redevelopment Authority by the Ramsey County Land Commissioner's Office and a Certificate of Sale be issued to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for said land identified as follaws for said appraised value: CODE N0. ADDRESS APPRAISED VALUE 07-22000-120-04 849 Marshall $3,200 01-15100-220-01 thru 240-01 311-319 Case 3,900 07-14600-100-02 838 Ashland 5,000 07-26900-020-04 974 Hague 4,200 ' 07-36000-200-06 721 Hague 4,700 07-54500-160-09 833 Hague 5,300 07-54500-070-12 766 Hague 4,400 08-69000-530-08 410 Blair 4,300 01-38000-030-11 666 DeSoto 600 01-79200-021-04 428-430 Rose 2,000 02-48200-110-88 958 Fremont 1 ,400 07-36000-070-01 640 Marshall 3,000 07-71200-050-03 940 Laurel 4,100 08-48600-090-03 160-164 Charles 9,350 08-65000-120-11 561-563 Elfelt 3,800 09-12000-063-13 794 Capitol Heights 2,200 09-27100-020-06 626 Park 3,800 � 02-91750-010-12 Skyway Drive 7,500 06-81400-OS1-62 17 W. Winifred St. 7,500 � COUNCIL'NEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nat�s FI` et�che���� Finance and Management Services Masanz In Favor Nicosia Dire tor scneibei _ __ A gai n s t BY — Tedesco /�. Wilson `�' Form Approved by City Attorney Adupted b�• Councif: Date _ Cert�fied Vassed by Council Secretary BY iB',' -- I � Approved by :Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council I I BY — — — BY WMITE - C�TV CLEkK /�y� � FiNK - FINAN�E � I TY OF SA I NT � AU L Council -■(} C 4 N 4 R Y - D E V A R T M E N T � ;J)��o��n BLUE: - MAYOR , File NO. ��i ii RETURN COPY TO VALUATIONS CQUncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date CODE N0. ADDRESS APPRAISED VALUE 07-13700-060-00 220 N. Victoria $4,000 08-53000-072-32 165 Como Avenue 7,500 08-62200-230-02 531 Charles Avenue 4,000 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Na�•s Fletcher ,� " �1°'�'�� In Favor Finance � ManaQement Services Masanz Nicos�a Direc tor scne�be� _ __ Against BY Tedesco /.' W ilson 2� Form Approved by City Attorney Adupted bt� Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY B�; _—_ t�pproved b} ,N�vor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By -- --- ----- — BY