279996 WH17E - CITV CLERK �QV(�C]j 2'799�6 PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Co cil Resolution Presented By '�t� , t�C�`l A Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby author- ized and directed to execute an agreement entitled "Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Program Grant Rehabilitation and Inno- vation Agreement" with the United States Department of Interior, said agreement providing for the City' s receiving $122,000. 00 in funding for the furtherance of the purposes of said agreement, a copy of which is to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays F�etcher MIINTTY ,SERVTCE$ �evine [n Favor Masanz Nicosia �g,� 9eheibel. `''v __ Against BY� Tedesco Wilson MAR i 7 1983 Form proved b Ci t ey Adopted by Council: Date c Certified P• _ -ed Council cre By BY — Approved by IN Date AR p �9g� Approve yor for Submission to Council .�� �` By _ � '� BY �i16�Es►��o l�A�t 2 6 198� �a -��: ` C('1�MUNITY SERVICES DEPARTh1ENT Jqdv Barr CONTACT . �� 7400 _PHONE ._. 2 24 DATE �v�� �� ' / /83 (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): � Department Di rector �ity Atto e 3 0���3-3-�� _ r. �i-�=ecta=-a ement/Mayor �-���.:���l� ��.r Fi nance and Management Ser�i ces Di rector (��i,y� � - �983 City Clerk Budget Director i��+��``�;T� ,,=�i�;� ►Jhat Will be Achieved by i'aking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): Approve and authorize agreement with U.S. Departr�nt of the Interjor to accept - Resource Expansion Grant of $122,000. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: Will provide City with project funds for: Votunteer Coordinat�on, Fund-ratsing/ Special Pro�ects and Public Information/Marketing Funding Source and Fund Activity Nurr�er Charged or Credited: 13100-000-934 Attachments (List and Number all Attachments) : DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? X Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for 'Instructions) �..-.r�,y:��.... , . . � . .,.:i .j; _ . � � 2'799g+6 ' Ut,'ITED STATES DEPAR'IT'fEr.TI` OF THF. II�TFRIQR � t�TI02�L PARK SERVICE tk2BAI�� PARK AI3� RECRFATION RECOVE�2Y PROGRAM GRAr*T RE'N.�BIL•ITATICP' AND I A�7VATION AGREEMENr Applicant h�m� . GYant ria�ber City of Saint Paul , Minnesata '27-CTY 6330 81 02 Administering Agency , ' Same Grant Ti e � .� Innovdti�Ve C�rant �or ResQUrc� �� dnsion (-9upplement to Handicapped Programming Grant) Rehabilitation Innovation Eligible Discretionary GrJann Expiration Llate 3Q, 1984 Proposal Scope (Description o proposal on individual site or pro�ect basis, with identification of each site.) � The City of Saint Paul intends to expand non-tax resources available for parks and recreation programs and facilities through a coordinated approach.to volunteerism, public information and promotion and Pundraising. This intensive "resource expansion" pro�ect will focus on 1)retaining rograms which might � otherwise be last or reduced to budget reductions and 2� implementing high priority programs which cannot be funded through tax resources. Key elements of this project include staff to coordinate activities in the areas . . of volunteers, public information/promotion and fund-raising; training activities for staff and volunteers; development of a Neighborhood Self-Nelp Fund; and implementation of special projects related to retaining and im�rovinq recreation opportunities for the City's residents. Grant Cost: ' The followinc� are hereby ' incorp�rated into this agreement: �[btal Cost S 175,Q74 ' ' 1. A-102 Asst.rrances UP�tR Request $ 7� $ 122,125 ' ' 2. Proposal as sutmitted . • State Match $ $ -0- � 3. 36 CFR Chapter I, Part 72 Local Match ._ $30 g 52,949 � ' 4. General Provisions Other $ $ -0- � ' S. 43CFR17 Appropriation: FY 82 $ 122,125 � � FY $ � 6. � Fr�-10-9i2 Revised 5/82 Paqe 1 of 2 _. . . 1 . • � • ���� UPARR PRC�7DCT A(�2E�iENr II�FORMATIOA' Sutxnitted as a Part of GRAI�� rD.27-CTY-6330-81-02 SITE r�ME: Innovative Grant Por Resource Expansion Sub. t�. City.of Saint Paul , Oivision of Parks and Recreation LUCATZON: �p0 Citv Nall Annex, St. Paul , MN 55102 �TE= February 18, 1983 ' . • . BOUtvT.ARIES AI`�D STREE IOCATION: NOT APPLICABLE TYPE OF IAI�ID NOT APPLTCABLE �ATE AC()t7IRED: Na SCOPE OF WORK Tp BE ACCCirIPLISHED THROUGH THIS G�APT (Describe 1n detail, provide numbers arx3 work elements) : � Increase usage of targeted recreation facilit�es and programs through increased public information and promotion. Develop non-tax resources to support park and recreation programs and facilities. ° * Volunteer staff for activities which do not require paid staff � * Dona�ed funds and/or services * Private and corporate grants for programs and facilities * New fees and charges where feasible ' Develop ability of sta�f and volunteers to sustain recreation activities. * Provide clear and understandable policies �Por use o� volunteers � * Provide adequate tra�njng and d9rector to ensure that staffl and volunteers can effectively continue providing support * Provide public ioformation to•assist staff and volunteers in performing their functions * Supply appropriate recognition for staff and volunteers detivering services Develop public awareness of programs and facilities and promote them. * Coordinate publicity/promotion efforts for park and recreation activities * Train staff and volunteers in effective cornrnunications including flyers, posters, meetings, community newspapers, television and radio, etc. * Organize booster clubs and City-wide citizen advisory groups to promote park and recreation programs. FSTIMATID AMOUNr OF UPARR ASSISTANCE FQR THIS PROl7DCT $ 122,125 ' Ttie inforn�ation contained herein is a part of Agreement I�b. 2�-CTY-6330-81-02 • �[r�i'emerrtai"-" and Amenci�nent thereto l�b. . Fr� 10-913 � � � Revised 5/82 . � . , ��- ___-_ __-= ��.-�,� . . � , . . - 2'�99�6 • Grant Agreement t�b. Z7'-CTY-6330-81-02 ,. �e United States of America, representecl by the Director, ,I�ational Park Service , United States Department of the Interior, and the Grants Recipient above (hereinafter referred to as the (�Yantee� , mutually agree to perform this aqreement in accordance with the Title X, Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Program, 16 USC 2501, 92 Stat. ?538 (1978), and with the terms, promises, conditions, plans, specifications, estimates; - , proced�es, project proposals, maps, and assurances attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof. . 2he United States hereby promises, in consideration of the promises made by tt�e GYantee herein, to obligate to the GYantee the amount of money referred to above, and to tender to the C�Yantee that porti�n of the obligation which is required to pay the United States' share of the costs af the above GYant, based upon the above percentage of assistance. The Grantee hereby pra�ises, in consideration of the pramises made by the United States herein, to execute the GYant described abave in accordance with the terms of this agreer�ent. �he followinq special GYant terms arx� conditions were added to this agreement before it was signec3 by the parties hereto: � "This Innovation grant suppl�ments UPARR grant no. 27-CTY-6330-81-02." � � � In witness', whereof, the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the date entered belaw. THE IJIVITED STATf� OF AMERICA GRAI�TEE - g y � City of Saint Paul , Minnesota , (Sic3nature) (Gavernment r�me) Bv (Ti tle) (S icma tL-re) r'ational Park Service Georqe Latimer Tfiited States Department (I�me) of the Interior L}ate Ma or (Tit e Fr�-10-912 . vis 5/8 Paqe 2 of 2 D;rector of Finance & Management Services � - . � ,. Assistant Ci Attorney �recto�r, ept. o Commu�ity Services . �1� � � ��` • C�ITY OF SAINT P�UL �����s c '....:� �-_ OFFICE OF Z`FIE CITY COIINCIL �'"'-������� O d t e ; March 10, 1983 t :.P - COMM (TTEE RE PORT TO = Sqint Pcrt� ! City Cou� cit - F R� � = C o rn m it t e e O h F INANCE, MANAGEh1ENT f, PERSONNEL C H A I R James Scheibe 1 Resolution authoriz�ing the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the conversion of the existing heating system of Straus Knitting Mill - .����"�3=Q"'�' Resolution replacing the title and class spec. for Traffic Signman with the title and class spec. for Traffic Sign Worker� . _ ����� Resolution authorizing the,� cceptance of a UDAG for the St. Paul Union ��, Depot.��d"�=�-���., Resolution approving securities pledged by Minnesota State Ba__��—,�. •{_������'C�;� Resolution approvin an_�a�� , �,t� ement" provision of the "90 Retirement P l an." Y.� CL� �_ �� ��� . � NOT ON PREPARED AGENDA: Resolution approving budget amendments to the Innovative Neighborhoo Energy Conservation Program for facilities and activities as listed. .,.�~�_ Resolution authorizing an agreement with the U . S . Dept. of the Interior to accept Resource Expansion Grant of $122 ,000. �` CiTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAU4 �iINNESOTA SS102 ��.„