279993 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT 1 A�L COUIICII BLUERV - MAYORTMENT File NO. ���ij��� C uncil Resolution � Presented By ��"� . e'�'� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution changing the title and class specification for Traffic Maintenance Foreman I to Traffic Maintenance Supervisor I in the Civil Se rvice Rule s. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.H by striking out the title of Traffic Maintenance Foreman I from Grade 36 and by substituting in lieu thereof the title of Traffic Maintenance Supervisor I; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rule s be furthe r amended by striking from Section 32 the class specificati.on for the title of Traffic Maintenance Foreman I and substi.tuting in lieu thereof the attached class specification for the title of Traffic Maintenance Supervisor I. Approved: Chairman, ` ivil Service Com ' ssion COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�etcher Nays /�'„ PERSO EL OFFICE � Masanz �O In Favor �, Nicosia d c.peu�� _ __ Against By �,��4.a l Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date MAR '� "� 1983 Form A ove by C' t ne _ C Certified Y s b Coun .il S t BY By' �;e_ oF /f`��' tapproved y : a or: Date r'1 1 8 1983 Approved by for Subm' sion to uncil �. / By� �' "� - BY , �� v PUBIISHED MAR� 6 1983 Title of Class: 2'7999� TRAFFIC riAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR I DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory work directing the � installation, maintenance and repair of traffic signs and parking meters and performs related duties as required. ` Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and adminis- trative supervision of a higher level unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit immediate technical - and administrative supervision directly over laboring workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED � The listed examples may not include all duties performed by alI positions in this class. Directs and inspects the work of crews engaged in the installation, maintenance and repair of traffic signs and parking meters. Maintains an inventory of parking meters, traffic sign supplies, tools and equipment; assists in the development of semi-annual and annual supply needs estimates. Directs the placement of traffic control barricades and detour routes , around maintenance and construction projects which affect traffic f low. Assists in the planning of preventive maintenance schedules for sign and meter replacement projects. Frepares operating and personnel reports. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITZES Working knowledge of the location of City streets� and alleys. Working knowledge of municipal, state and federal regulations relating to traffic signs and traffic control. Considerable knowledge of the safe use of tools, machines and equipment � needed for the installation, maintenance and repair of parking meters and traffic sigAS. Working ability to demonstrate work practices and to supervise. Working ability to read and interpret maps and regulatory handbooks. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation and four years' experience a:� a Traffic Sign Worker, Painter or Unskilled Laborer working on traffic signs and markings; or four years' experience as a Parking rieter Repair Worker; or two years' experience as an Engineering Aide II or equivalent, at least one year of which shall have been on inspection of construction pro�ects or in traffic engineering. . 2�79993 Title of Class: TR.AFFIC TfAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR I DESCRIPTIO�' OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory work directing the� � installation, maintenance and repair of traffic signs and garking meters and performs related duties as required. , ` Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and adminis- trative supervision of a higher level unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit immediate technical - and administrative supervision directly over laboring workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed .examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class.. Directs and inspects the work of crews engaged in the installation, maintenance and repair of traffic signs and parking meters. Maintains an inventory of parking meters, traffic sign supplies, tools - and equipment; assists in the development of semi-annual and annual supply needs estimates. Directs the placement of traffic control barricades and detour routes around maintenance and construction projects which affect traffic f low. Assists in the planning of preventive maintenance schedules for sign and meter replacement pro�ects. Frepares operating and personnel reports. RNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of the location of City streets� and alleys. Working knowledge of municipal, state and federal regulations relating to traffic signs and traffic control. Considerable knowledge of the safe use of tools, machines and equipment - needed for the installation, maintenance and repair of parking meters and traffic signs. � Working ability to demonstrate work practices and to supervise. Working ability to read and interpret maps and regulatory handbooks. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS H3gh school graduation and four years' experience as a Traffic Sign Worker, Pai�ter or Unskilled Laborer working on traffic signs and markings; or four years' experience as a Parking Tleter Repair Worker; or two years' exgerience as an Engineering Aide II or equivalent, at least one year of which shall have been on inspection of construction pro3ects or in traffic engineering. � � ti�`9993 Title of Class: TRAFFIC r1AINTENANCE SUPERVISOR.I DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory work directing the � installation, maintenance and repair of traffic signs and parking meters and performs related duties as required. ` Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and adminis- trative supervision of a higher level unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit immediate technical - and administrative supervision directly over Iaboring workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFOAMED � The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. � Directs and inspects the work of crews engaged in the installation, maintenance and repair of traffic signs and parking meters. Maintains an inventory of parking meters, traffic sign supplies, tools and equipment; assists in the development of semi-annual and annual supply needs estimates. Directs the glacement of traffic control barricades and detour routes , around maintenance and construction pro�ects which affect traffic f low. Assists in the planning of preventive maintenance schedules for sign and meter replacement projects. Frepares operating and personnel reports. RNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of the location of City streets� and alleys. Working knowledge of municipal, state and federal regulations relating to traffic signs and traffic control. Considerable knowledge of the safe use of tools, machines and equipment - needed for the installation, maintenance and repair of parking tneters and traffic signs. � Working ability to demonstrate work practices and to supervise. Wo�king ability to read and interpret maps and regulatary handbooks. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation and four years' experience as a Traffic Sign Worker, Painter or Unskilled Laborer working on traffic signs and markings; or four years' experience as a Parking Pleter Repair Worker; or two years' experience as an Engineering Aide II or equivalent, at least one year of which shall have �een on inspection of construction pro�ects or in traffic engineering. . 2799�� Title of Class: TRAFFIC PfAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR I _ DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory work directing the�� installation, maintenance and repair of traffic signs and parking meters and performs related duties as required. ' , Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and adminis- trative supervision of a higher level unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit immediate technical - and administrative supervision directly over laboring workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by alI positions in this class. � Directs and inspects the work of crews engaged in the installation, maintenance and repair of traffic signs and parking meters. Maintains an inventory of parking meters, traffic sign supplies, tools - and equipment; assists in the development of semi-annual and annual supply needs estimates. Directs the placement of traffic control barricades and detour routes around maintenance and construction pro3ects which affect traffic f Iow. Assists in the planning of preventive maintenance schedules for sign and meter replacement pro3ects. Frepares operating and personnel reports. RNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITZES Working knowledge of the location of City streets� and alleys. Working knowledge of municipal, state and federal regulations relating to traffic signs and traffic control. Considerable knowledge of the safe use of tools, machines and equipment • needed for the installation, maintenance and repair of parking meters and traffic signs. Working ability to demonstrate work practices and to supervise. Working ability to read and inte~pret maps and regulatory handbooks. MINIMtTM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation and four years' experience as a Traff ic�Sign Worker, Painter or Unskilled Laborer working on traffic signs and markings; or four years' experience as a Parking Pieter Repair Worker; nr two years' experience as an Engineering Aide II or equivalent, at least one year of which shall have been on inspection of construction pro�ects or in traffic engineering. -� �' ' -- -- _ ._ _ - _ _ — ------- __. __ _ _ _. WH17E - UTV CLERK � /'1�¢79993 � PiNK - FINANCE (j I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � � BLUE - MAVOR File N . CITY CLERK Council Resolution Presented I3y Referred To Committee: Date � . Out af Committee By Date �. An administrative Resolution changing the title and class specification for Traffic Maintenance _ Foreman I to Traffic Maintenance Supervisor I in the Civil Se rvice Rule s. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.H by striking out the title of Traffic Maintenance Foreman I from Grade 36 and by substituting in lieu thereof i;he title of Traffic Maintenan.ce Supervisor I; and be it FURTHER RE50LVED, that the Civil 5ervice Rules be further amended by striking from Section 32 the class specification for the title of Traffic Mai.ntenance Foreman Z and substituting in lieu thereof the attached class specification for the title of Traffic Maintenance Supervisor Z. App rove d: Chairman, Civil Sarvice Commission COUNCILNIEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibe� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date _ Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY B; Approved by 11avor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council n_. R.. , _ . . 2`��9�� Title of Class: TRAFFIC PfAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR I DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory work directing the � installation, maintenance and repair of traffic signs and parking meters and performs related duties as required. ` Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and adminis- trative supervision of a higher level unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit immediate technical - and administrative supervision directly over Iaboring workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED - The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. � Directs and inspects the work of crews engaged irc the installation, maintenance and repair of traffic signs and parking meters. Maintains an inventory of parking meters, traffic sign supplies, tools � and equipment; assists in the development of semi-annual and annual supply needs estimates. Directs the placement of traffic control barricades and detour routes , around maintenance and construction projects which affect traffic f low. Assists in the planning of preventive maintenance schedules for sign and meter replacement projects. Prepares operating and personnel reports. RNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITZES Working knowledge of the location of City streets� and alleys. Working knowledge of municipal, state and federal regulations relating to traffic signs and traffic control. Considerable kaowledge of the safe use of tools, machines and equipment • needed for the installation, main.tenance and repair of parking meters and traffic signs. � Working ability to demonstrate work practices and to supervise. Wo�ki.ng ability to read and interpret maps and regulatory handbooks. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS High school graduation and four years' experience as a Traffic Sign Worker, Painter or Unskilled Laborer working on traffic signs and markings; or four years' experience as a Parking Pieter Repair Worker; or two. years' experience as an Engineering Aide II or equivalent, at least one year of which shall have been on inspection of construction pro�ects or in traffic engineering. ���� � � , � CITY OF SA.INT �,�,UL � � OFFIC� OF Z`HF CITY COUNCIL �aJc��l� :.....:. _ `;-•�,:'�'c.'�';_ -� D a t e : D4arch 3, 1983. � CQMMtTT � E RE PORT TO = Soint Pau i Cifiy Counci 1 - F R O M = C o m m if t e e O h FINANCE, MANAGEMENT F, PERSONNEL C N A I R James Scheibel 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held February 24, I983. 2. Resolution extending the length of time for one more year on the Unclassified Status of the following positions: Deputy Director: Planning, Business Revitalization, Community Develo ment, Develo ment and Housing. (Personnel - 3. Resolution rep.lacing the class spec. for Fire Dlarshal with a new on � 4. Resolution replacing the title and class spec. for General Manager -- Water Dept. with the title and class spec. for General Manager--Water Utility. 5. Resolution replacing the title and class spec. for Traffic I�9aintenance Foreman I with title and class spec. for Traffic Maintenance Supg��,,�a� I. ��i11 � 6. Resolution approving a budget amendment to allow the spending of a $41,000 Northwest undation Grant for the New ti9orks/St. Paul proj ect. '� � 7. Discussiq at.a�o. ntos.,G�i.at' �rvice testin rocedures. ���.s' ' ������o�� -��.n�.�is _ _ � _ �� . NOT ON PREPARED AGENDA: Resolution approving a bond issue to finance a fimd to make available a pool of loan funds for St. Paul hospitals. �'� , Ci'i'Y HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 .a��. Pe rsonnel Office DEPARTt�1ENT � ' 9993 g'�-��]Q Be rnard P. Wrigh� rONTACT . 298-4221 PHONE P - F�b�n�ar 15, 1983 DATE 1 V�� �� . (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): � 1 Department Di rector � � Ci ty Attorney `°' ".-`;� :',� ' s Director of Management/Ma�yor FE3 "i �� '��?3 Finance and. Management Services Director . _ _ � 'L��=a?'�_ _:t: __�__ Ci ty C1 erk Budget Director � What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): Thi s re s�lut3.on will replace the title and clas s spe cification for T raf$c Maintenance Foreman I which is in Secti.on 3.H ;�lviaintena.nce Supervisorsj Grade 36 of the Civil Service Rules with the title and clas� specificatian for Traffic Mai,ntena�ce Supervtsor I. The specificatio�n i s written in the new format and the minimum qualificala'ons are le s s re stric�i,ve. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated:_ None. � Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: Attachments (List and Number all Attachrr�nts): ].. Rs solution � 2. Copy for City Clerk ' � DEPARTMENT REVIEW - CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � � Yes � No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? � Yes� No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No�'/�¢ Yes No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 �SPp Reverse Side for 'Instructions� . . . ..�. 2�799�� • T itle of cla s s: TRAFFIC MA.INTENANCE FOREMAN I Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to superv�se the maintenance of traffic contx°ol markings and signs in the Publi� Works Traffic Bux°eau; and to perform related work as assigned, Examples of work performed: To supervise the work involved in the layoult, painting9 installing and repairing of traffic signs and the painting of traffic control markings on city streets. To lay out signs and markings for detours and stx°ee� obstructions. To �onsult with contractors and util�ty companies perfox°ming wox°k on city streets and recommend traffYC control measures to provide for the safe and expeditious movement of tx°affico To keep time records and make cost distx°ibutions. To make reports and recomm�ndationsa To requisition parts and supplies. Minimum qualifications: • High school graduation and four years° experience as a Traffic Signman, Painter or Unskilled Laborex° working on traffic signs and markings; or four years' expex°ience as a Parking Meter Repaixmana i Effe�ciive Sep�:embex° 23, 1968