00-337QRlG�N�L �6 cauo�il F;�e # Co _ 33� Green 5heetN 10459� RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: �� Referred To: Committee:Date: 2 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board has awarded a S18,500.00 Auto Thefr Prevention 3 Program grant for Harley Davidson mortorcycles to the Saint Paul Police Department for the period 4 July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001; and 5 6 WHEREAS, this grant will be used to reduce Harley Davidson motorcycle theft and assist other agencies 7 with reducing Harley Davidson motorcycle theft; and 9 RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this grant award in the amount of S18,SOO.QO from the 10 Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board and authorizes Chief William Finney to enter into an 11 agreement with the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board of the State of Minnesota. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2] ? y 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council:Date: ��� a.�o a Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: 1 By: ~�,���- � n � � o Approved by Mayor:Date: ��� `�j�j By: Polic By: Approval Recommen ed by Budget Director: By: _ Form � By: by City Attorney: for autotheRp rev-barleygroniauthorization. cc00 �i£PARTPAt`iJT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED Potioe 03/15/2000 GREEN SHEET No. 104595 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INmAUDA7E INmnvDaTE WilliazRFlffiey 292 � OEPAiRNENlWRECiOR 3�� 5 u�rcouNrn / � I � /� MUST BE ON GOUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) DO �J J' ( � Y {CfI�'pT(ORNEY �0.ERK `i �J �FlUNMlSERVICESW �FPKNCINLSERV/PCCTG �YpR�ORA$SISTANf) ��{11MN�RIGH�S TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AGTION REQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached Council Resolution to accept a Harley-Davidson Auto Theft grant from the Minnesota Auto Theft Fre�ention Program. RECOMMENDATION ApproVe (A) of RejeCf (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING QUESTIONS' 1. Has this personKrm everworked under a contract for ihis depaAment? PLANNIN6 COMMtSSION YES IVO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this pereoNfirm ever been a city employee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3 Does this persoNfrm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curcent ary employee� YES NO 4. Is this person/firm a targeied vendor? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) Appro�mately 50% of the motorcycles stolen in St. Paul during 1999 were Hazley-Davidson motorcycles. The motorcycles are stolen and used as is, but more often are "stripped" or parted-out. This grant will be used to reduce theft, increase the iecwery rate of stolen Harley-Davidson motorcycles and parts, and assist other agencies undertaking similar activrties (Attached is a copy of the grant award letter and application.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Reduction in Hazley-Davidson motorcycles thefrs. �� 1�. n �� la � S,�' �. i'� !� nr � b �� �":-�.`.-a.� � `� a �.;''s. � r T �'• i�r. . OISADVpNTAGES IF APPROVED ' r � } �kr±� L v'' L��V �,� � 2 � 20�0 None. a �,,;� � ��:,.� � `�'�� e'� ; g � �` a z : �z. a : �. .; ;:z .. s � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED � Loss of grant money and opportunity to fiuther reduce thefts of Harley Davidson motorcycles in the ciry of St. Pau] TOTAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION $ I H,SOO.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE MN Auto Thefr Prevention Board Grant ACTIVITY NUMBER 436-34160 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) v • e � 00 -J3`1 Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board 11'10 Centre Pointe Curve, Suite 405 Mendota Heights, Minnesota 55120 Phone: 657-405-6755 Fax: 651-405-6156 I30ARA OF DIRECTORS [3ob .Iohnson Chair Inwrancc Pcdera[ion ur Minvcsota I3o6 Larson v��� cn.��� puluth Policc Dept. (Rctired) 'fom 13crgrc❑ St Paul Policc Dcpt. "1'an Harbinson � Scott Count}' Attorncy � �i.,�«i �t�c�>>�u ����. ��r ���ni�� s�r��y "Cracic \�tortenson 3�t Curnp�ny Jim Schutjcr Mfnncsota Auto D�alcr� A<socialit�n IsYIs'C[JTNE DIR�CTOR Dennis Ros�e :\inu Thcft Prc�cntion Board March 7, 2000 St. Paul Police Dept. Attn: Commander Reed 100 E. 1 I`�' St. St. Paui., MN 55101 De1r Commander Reed, On Feb. 28, 2000 the Auto Theft Prevention Board met to review grant requests for the fiscal year 2001 ( Juiy 1,2000 — June 30, 2001) . This year [he Board ceceived requests for nearly � 500,000.00 more than what was lppropriated for granting out. Tlie amount approved was for the sum of � 18,500.00 for the motorcycle theft recovery program. The Board also needs a city council resolution Stltlllb Wj10 I7aS bC1Rt a�Ce2R10C1t S(�I11R� authority and that the Ciry of St. Yaul a�rees to accept the grant money. Plelse send this to us as soon as possible. Sincere y, Denny Roske CC: Amy Brown ATTACHMENT C Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Program ( MATPP ) Grant AppIication Oo �33 NOTE: This "Attachment C" form should be used if possible. If duplicated, no change in format will be accepted (no deletions or rearrangements) SECTION 1: Applicant Information Type of Govemmental Agency or Organization; State ❑ County 0 City X Private Non-Profit ❑ Private for Profit ❑ Name of Agency or Organization: Saint Paul Police Department Agency Address: 100 E. 11"' Street City: Saint Paul County: Ramsev State: M Zip: 55101 Federal Identification Number: 41-600�521 Project Title, if applicable: Total MATPP Budeet R�uest: $18.500.00 Motorcvcle Thefr Recover�Mitigation, and Intelligence Project Geographical Area Applicable to Grant Project: (identify statewide, county, city, other) Cit�of Saint Paul located within Ramsev Countv Other Aeencies Participating in the Project: (If a multi-agency project, attach letters of confirmation and resolution(s) by a11 entities). Each agency or participant listed below must provide a city/county Boazd resolution before an executed grant can be issued. Form AT:O1 Rev. 2/99 00 -�'3`1 SCCtiOn 2: Certi�ica[iaii/Si�natures - ( ackno��ledge that I ha.•c rcad. understand and agroc to [hc conditions sct torth in thc app(ication aad supQorting matcnals and tha� thc in(ormanon I am supply[ng �n this applicalion is truc, complc[c and corrcct. Cypc or Print Namc of Pro�cct Dircctor (Projcct Dircctor is thc pnmary contact person for aU as{�ccts of thc gr.mt) /'�'J/' -6l n�e�t-� �i�e-�-c� (NAME) c( 1'cic�ilt�nc Numbcr (Dircc[or's) ( ypc or Pnnt Namc of Financ�al OfCiccr t��1�� i !� r�� oc0�✓ r�,�M�� �_( �Z�S�f rr�o,��: ) J �—� (SlGN TURE) (DATE) �,s/ > 7 �Z- / SZ Z Fax Numbcr (Dircctor's) 2 �p� (SlGN.4TURE) (DATE) Typc or Pnnt Namc and [ u(c of Authonty OC�cial: (Pcrson authonzcd to cntcr into a Cormaf agrccnicnt) � �� /�/`�--l� �/ � /(/ �?� - v (NAME) � �� �� G� �Gl� r ,�<<<, � z9Z ����� r�n,,,«: ( ( � (SlGNATURE) ; �- _ .. 7Y_') Foim A C 01 2 (Attachment C) � Oo t1�`j SCCt[Ott 3. Currerzt and Proposed Auto Theft Prevention Responsibilities - For each of the auto theft reduction strategies and activities listed below, check whether they are current efforts undertaken by your a�ency. Check the activities and strategies that aze proposed for MATPP grant funding. Check all activities and str ategies that apply. STRATEGIES AND ACTIVITIES CURRENT LEVEL OF EFFORT (NOT MATPP FUNDED) MULTI-AGENCY INVOLVEMENT Multiple Law Enforcement Agencies Prosecutors Insurance Industry ' Businesses Community Groups Other Pro-Active EfForts Decoy Operations Chop Shop Identification Investigations, Long Term Investigations, ShoR Term Oiher Crin:e Analvsis Identify Trends & Methods Develop ProFiles [dentify High Risk Areas & Vehicles Identify Repeat Offenders Other Public Edrecation & Awareness Prevention Seminars Presentationsto Schools Advertising Campaigns Other Trainin� Development Programs Law Enforcement Officers Prosecutors Other Fonn AT-01 � -3- (Attachment C) PROPOSED FOR (MATPP GRANT) X ` x 0�-� Section 4. Grant Purpose and Description - Provide a smnmary description of the project that is to be funded by the MATPP. Briefly describe the grant objectives and the grant-funded strate�ies and activities that wiil be implemented to achieve the objectives. Describe how the project meets priorities established by the MATPP, if applicable. Use additional space if needed. This is a request, based on feedback from the Boazd received by this writer on 2/17l00, for at least a partial continuation of our FY 2000 proa am and implementation strategies funded by the MATPP n ant. Because of the Board's decision to reduce funding, we will not be able to continue the successful strategies we have developed at the same level as in past funding cycles. These initiatives would not be possible without MATPP funding. A summary of our efforts from the Sununer of 1999, included in the original submission, is no longer included as an attachment to this section at the request of the Boazd. Saint Paul Police investigators have long been awaze that there is a significant, and profitable, market for illegitimate Hazley-Davidson motorcycles and their component parts. According to SPPD Auto Theft Unit statistics, approximately 50% of the motorcycles stolen in St. Paul during 1999 (1/1/99 - 11/18/99) were Hazley-Davidson motorcycles. In 1998 that figure was 31%, while in 1997 the figure was 40°l0. The motorcycles are stolen and used as is, but more often aze "stripped" or parted-out. The component parts are then mixed with after-market items, the "new" motorcycle is re-registered, and then it is sold to, oftentimes, unsuspecting buyers. This cycle of crime causes loss to the original owners, to the insurance companies, to the unsuspecting purchasers, and to future owners who pay increasingly higher costs to own a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. For the past two years, the Saint Paul Police have proposed and implemented a two-tiered project aimed at reducing the rate of Harley-Davidson motorcycles being stolen in St. Paul, and disrupting the possession, sale and transfer of stolen parts. We have used two strategies to accomplish these objectives: 1) Identifying those individuals or groups associated with the thefrs of Harley-Davidson motorcycles occurring in the City of St. Paul environs, and 2) Locating and identifying sources of motorcycle parts that have been obtained from the theft of motorcycles. Under past MATPP grant funding initiatives we were successful in identifying, and in several cases referring for crizninal charges, suspects believed to be involved in some aspect of the Hazley-Davidson motorcycle theft problem experienced in Saint Paul. In addition, we have successfully recovered a few of the stolen motorcycles, or their parts, which in the past has proven difficult to do. Saint Paul Police requests FY 2001 grant monies to continue to fund our long-term investigative strategy which entails the use of confldential and electronic intelligence/evidence sources, surveillance, analysis, and the use of a leased decoy motorcycle. As was documented in the summary included with the initial submission, the leased decoy motorcycle was successfully deployed based on an analysis of theft trends in the downtown azeas of the city. Form AT:O1 4 MATPB (Attachment C) , pc -�3R We did experience a problem in replicating the deployment of the leased motorcycle again during the summer of 1999 a$er its initial successful use due to a need to tighten up the contractual relationship with the vendor in lieu of City of St. Paul rules, but that problem has been rectified with a new contract negotiated between the City and the vendor. As a result we will be makin� addiuonal deployments through the remainder of FY 2000 and into the FY 2001 grant period. The second strategy we requested funding for was to continue the assignment of officers to record throu�h the use of photographs and other documentation engine and component numbers on Hazley-Davidson motorcycles legally encountered either throu�h uaffic stops or voluntary contacts at festivals and other events in the City. The engine and component numbers would have been documented in order to track and analyze the history of the motorcycles and(or component parts in partnership with the Minnesota State Patrol, Minnesota Departrnent of Motor Vehicles, and the National Insurance Crime Bureau, as we11 as to locate stolen parts. Based on feedback from the Board we no longer are requesting funding for this strategy. The Saint Paul Police also plan to continue providing formal and informal training with Team investigators and patrol officers to assist in the above strategies, although funding for this is not being sought. The funding request for FY 2001 meets MATPP priorities for pro-active, long-term, effective efforts, and crime analysis. The grant monies would be used to fund payments to informants, to lease the decoy motorcycle, and to fund overtime for personnel dedicated solely to project initiatives. 6 oi�� { SCCtion 5. - S(a[eu�cir� of Necd a�rd Ct�rrerrt Staff Part R . Describe the sE�eciFic problem or deCicicncy that is to be corrected. Documcnt thc nccd by provicling thc sourcc oCthc statistica( data, and includc bottt numbcrs and pccccntagcs. Statistical data should correspond to ttic gcographical project area dcscnbcd in Sec[ion 1. Do nol c�cecd the spacc provided. According to SPPD Auto Theft Unit statistics, approximately 50% of the motorcycles stolen in St. Paul during 1999 (1/1/99 - 11/18/99) were Harley-Davidson motorcycles. In 1998 that figure was 31 %, while in 1997 the figure was 40%. There were 124 motorcycles of all makes and models stolen in St. Paul during the yeazs 1997, 1998, and part of 1999 (as of this writing). The motorcycles are stolen and used as is, but more often are "stripped" or parted-out. The component parts aze then mixed with after-market items, the "new" motorcycle is re-registered, and then it is sold to, oftentimes, unsuspecting buyers. This cycle of crime causes loss to the original owners, to the insurance companies, to the unsuspecting purchasers, and to future owners who pay increasingly higher costs to own a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. The source of the statistical data was provided in the original submission, but was requested not to be included in this re-submission. Part 6 . Lisl currcnt staff (not MA"f'PP Ciuidcd) that havc auto thcf[ responsibilitics in your agcncy. [ncludc thc position t�[fc, CuII-timc salary, and perccnt of timc spcnt on auto thcCt responsibiliucs. One Lieutenant FTE (40% auto theft) at 30 years for $27,683 One Sergeant Investigator FTE (100% auto theft) at 30 yeazs for $60,027 One Sergeant Investigator FTE (100% auto theft) at 20 yeazs for $55, 708 Fringe rate for swom personnel is 28.144% for $40,363 , Total SPPD personnel expenditures equal $183,781 Form AT:OI 5 (r�[tachmeat C) t L V N 3 B � V O cp _ L 3 L - ' I p �� N N i L � E • '� v, _, �, ' T Q) 4 U ,v 4 -a , O (o 6� N � • � N U 1� tll ' D L N N Qi � � cU �0 -+ �0 U n � i+ t. � N a O v �, C ..t +.. N O +� a�+�rou� 1 � tn Q. L N .�vaa m -� m m i N u N ✓ y.l � ..i tn � N 41 > N - •i N u O .� +., L ��t �.+ +� rn U m S�1 U Ul N U u� �o E a, >, -� m � c G a t� N O �� N o-� . Q �1 N �� � u L i� Ul n N m 3 0 E +� � � Q. �� N �-1 O� Q. .� u N ro c � -� �+ > .,. �n o ,. � W 1� � cu .i V N ro �. c c � G u ro �n o.� ro nu�,aa� a � a� � E Hv ��s v v E � c �i T r 7 -� N p,.� �� c m a, � � � Q L � v � v N U 11 C N {.� ..-� ..y .i f.� > U w S� - CS v �II �1 ..i U � - O L \ U �1 r-+ C h N 41 U� u7 v Q. a c v �i N -i > u � -+ �-1 . - O v c �� � E: N > N U '�-1 N U �� -C N U t� u1 . 3 � U [J` -� V S� a o. �, r, c .a.n�atia, h � o � v �� ., . �� > c��wv� ��i �6 U L N i+ u s a� � E N U O� �r -+ L y �] v U t� 'n N O > 4J O ✓ t � G 3 U L �0 m+-� m u E v ti o a� �u c ,q ua 3 --+ n1 t+ O O E H (n O � L L� 7 N C.. 4/ �I > �� , v rp .i J N N W �-� �`� O C - 6 � U N O N � �J O �. �U Ql u l0 O� t �, � � � v�n�ao�n -� .c u � � Q 1] 3 .� �0 N N N ti >. Sl -� � � 7 4 (J N --� U .-i � � � ~ � � � r . z O H F � � ; W a a �, � O , � 'D 4-r � � O � Y (� � O i a�i y U �y ,� �,., CJ fl. N U c3 .� � bA ,� H � O i � � N C� � � � � CJ U "d c�G � y T y.�e � U 'v t" 7 (/ �' � Y O ` � q o ei � � o E �� M N � �. w 3 O , a � y � L U 'D c3 ' ,� O � � � Gl G .-`� >' O � L RS s�-� �^ 'C7 O ^ U 'C7 M � j. � i-� y � F , a� � � � w H � w F C4 � � � W H H H � H F U � � � � � U (]� S � O Y W 0 0 � y TU � L'� � � ,� .r � � N U � � 'v � •� M N � N �-. c � o � � � '� o � -o � � � � p : � � � � � � x .� Y N N � U O �O b O O � U -"o 0 M N � � o � y � � � .� � � � � o O GJ �V GJ � °" ,�, v� a�i � on w -� � o o �> 'O � U � .-� y � � G U GH '� b0 � '+:� � � V1 .� O � � m N � � � � � � � � � .� ❑ � � � U y � � . � � � � O y . � � � N � � � � Q ��n Q M N a � � � U •V � o v� ti � � N m i .^.�.� c3 y � � O .., O v� w �� O � � 'T''� � Q � C A � O ?; U • � Y � N C�3 �""� y � .Y H 3 3 0 0-13 q U u c � � � � ro � i� Q � H a W H H a U � > F U h O w a � � � N O O � N � U O � � cd y � p � ' c� b y y O T U •� '°— U >, � Y � � • a �-+ N Q G a�' � � � ." � .+ 'O i ��--' cC ,.� � at � a� . �xw�a N a� � Y C y ¢' N ,4: � � � � � y U`'"" o� C ,� y 'd � cC � � ^� U � � � � ~ T 77 N C c� T � � �' '++ > ,�,N„ O N N O � R O N � U � x 8 � - Y N w o � � � U C � i O i.., • i .d T Q � � O N � � � Q '� C � .� � � �� r^ �. � � ,� � O O �,., U G oo T O a�i y � � � L1. .� o o �' F� a E " � � � ti Ci. p 'LS i y�, pq +a+ y vi u� M U c�C U w 3 � � w�" s��. � N � s � • s�.. +-' � � � � � � N � cC V QJ '� t ^.� � . .`� C U :D '«�+ 'C N .� Q'� � c�G � � � o �3 C] M a� U � >' QJ z O .� � � 0. y �C p,� ai y � u � � � O F. �' � O O 4+�' � v N C p � r�ii vi •p v�i O � c�C .. �a u.., u. i � �a 00-�3'1 y . � � � � o '�' m `� ��a c `,-' ° '> s. � � 'C "� A, � y .� U O �� � � d '� N � • O.� c3� U.� �pi � i--� � � A � � � .� � c3 p � � -- G 6� y � , � > y RS i 'O �O 4� � .� C i:+ '� cF.i > cC � � N � �' vi � � Q � � T O ��'+ � , �' �• y y � N c�'3 y � � � W O y c � n. p .� O. O'O V � c� � bA � ,T a� +.. �+-i b C N � �' r Q � � �. s"' y 'y., d vl � CL �', 'O U � Z c��0 � O � O ' C U O .� N .+ bA � � rti m '� U C � ti Q cC � ��—, • � � e U � ��a"'i ° s,'� � � `v : � °' >, °J 3 �:y 0 V `� V U � r -� a' 3� ° �'-o° a�i� Q �.� o � �s z w wa'�� O� d C � � ., ,� 'a ¢ � C '� O W � � ° 0 P, o 0 o c ° c O s °. °o ° o in .. a o � `D °�°� F" � ss E» s9 � � w T � � � N � � � � � �� F o � � W � :.o E� E- G � U � O °' ' 'n " � �, 'a O w c a� n � ``" W .� d F ' 'a � � � �o C7 � Q Q � o>,o � A , F U 01 ��� u >, ci p c � O � � � o a. � � 8 z � c7 � � � o � � ' FF C " � z � '�, _ > o :� � � ca -- . .. .� o H :� QRlG�N�L �6 cauo�il F;�e # Co _ 33� Green 5heetN 10459� RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: �� Referred To: Committee:Date: 2 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board has awarded a S18,500.00 Auto Thefr Prevention 3 Program grant for Harley Davidson mortorcycles to the Saint Paul Police Department for the period 4 July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001; and 5 6 WHEREAS, this grant will be used to reduce Harley Davidson motorcycle theft and assist other agencies 7 with reducing Harley Davidson motorcycle theft; and 9 RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this grant award in the amount of S18,SOO.QO from the 10 Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board and authorizes Chief William Finney to enter into an 11 agreement with the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board of the State of Minnesota. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2] ? y 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council:Date: �„ `� 2.�o a �—��- � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By: ~�,���- � n � � o Approved by Mayor:Date: ��� `�j�j By: Polic By: Approval Recommen ed by Budget Director: By: _ Form � By: by City Attorney: for autotheRp rev-barleygroniauthorization. cc00 �i£PARTPAt`iJT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED Potioe 03/15/2000 GREEN SHEET No. 104595 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INmAUDA7E INmnvDaTE WilliazRFlffiey 292 � OEPAiRNENlWRECiOR 3�� 5 u�rcouNrn / � I � /� MUST BE ON GOUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) DO �J J' ( � Y {CfI�'pT(ORNEY �0.ERK `i �J �FlUNMlSERVICESW �FPKNCINLSERV/PCCTG �YpR�ORA$SISTANf) ��{11MN�RIGH�S TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AGTION REQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached Council Resolution to accept a Harley-Davidson Auto Theft grant from the Minnesota Auto Theft Fre�ention Program. RECOMMENDATION ApproVe (A) of RejeCf (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING QUESTIONS' 1. Has this personKrm everworked under a contract for ihis depaAment? PLANNIN6 COMMtSSION YES IVO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this pereoNfirm ever been a city employee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3 Does this persoNfrm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curcent ary employee� YES NO 4. Is this person/firm a targeied vendor? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) Appro�mately 50% of the motorcycles stolen in St. Paul during 1999 were Hazley-Davidson motorcycles. The motorcycles are stolen and used as is, but more often are "stripped" or parted-out. This grant will be used to reduce theft, increase the iecwery rate of stolen Harley-Davidson motorcycles and parts, and assist other agencies undertaking similar activrties (Attached is a copy of the grant award letter and application.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Reduction in Hazley-Davidson motorcycles thefrs. �� 1�. n �� la � S,�' �. i'� !� nr � b �� �":-�.`.-a.� � `� a �.;''s. � r T �'• i�r. . OISADVpNTAGES IF APPROVED ' r � } �kr±� L v'' L��V �,� � 2 � 20�0 None. a �,,;� � ��:,.� � `�'�� e'� ; g � �` a z : �z. a : �. .; ;:z .. s � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED � Loss of grant money and opportunity to fiuther reduce thefts of Harley Davidson motorcycles in the ciry of St. Pau] TOTAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION $ I H,SOO.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE MN Auto Thefr Prevention Board Grant ACTIVITY NUMBER 436-34160 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) v • e � 00 -J3`1 Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board 11'10 Centre Pointe Curve, Suite 405 Mendota Heights, Minnesota 55120 Phone: 657-405-6755 Fax: 651-405-6156 I30ARA OF DIRECTORS [3ob .Iohnson Chair Inwrancc Pcdera[ion ur Minvcsota I3o6 Larson v��� cn.��� puluth Policc Dept. (Rctired) 'fom 13crgrc❑ St Paul Policc Dcpt. "1'an Harbinson � Scott Count}' Attorncy � �i.,�«i �t�c�>>�u ����. ��r ���ni�� s�r��y "Cracic \�tortenson 3�t Curnp�ny Jim Schutjcr Mfnncsota Auto D�alcr� A<socialit�n IsYIs'C[JTNE DIR�CTOR Dennis Ros�e :\inu Thcft Prc�cntion Board March 7, 2000 St. Paul Police Dept. Attn: Commander Reed 100 E. 1 I`�' St. St. Paui., MN 55101 De1r Commander Reed, On Feb. 28, 2000 the Auto Theft Prevention Board met to review grant requests for the fiscal year 2001 ( Juiy 1,2000 — June 30, 2001) . This year [he Board ceceived requests for nearly � 500,000.00 more than what was lppropriated for granting out. Tlie amount approved was for the sum of � 18,500.00 for the motorcycle theft recovery program. The Board also needs a city council resolution Stltlllb Wj10 I7aS bC1Rt a�Ce2R10C1t S(�I11R� authority and that the Ciry of St. Yaul a�rees to accept the grant money. Plelse send this to us as soon as possible. Sincere y, Denny Roske CC: Amy Brown ATTACHMENT C Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Program ( MATPP ) Grant AppIication Oo �33 NOTE: This "Attachment C" form should be used if possible. If duplicated, no change in format will be accepted (no deletions or rearrangements) SECTION 1: Applicant Information Type of Govemmental Agency or Organization; State ❑ County 0 City X Private Non-Profit ❑ Private for Profit ❑ Name of Agency or Organization: Saint Paul Police Department Agency Address: 100 E. 11"' Street City: Saint Paul County: Ramsev State: M Zip: 55101 Federal Identification Number: 41-600�521 Project Title, if applicable: Total MATPP Budeet R�uest: $18.500.00 Motorcvcle Thefr Recover�Mitigation, and Intelligence Project Geographical Area Applicable to Grant Project: (identify statewide, county, city, other) Cit�of Saint Paul located within Ramsev Countv Other Aeencies Participating in the Project: (If a multi-agency project, attach letters of confirmation and resolution(s) by a11 entities). Each agency or participant listed below must provide a city/county Boazd resolution before an executed grant can be issued. Form AT:O1 Rev. 2/99 00 -�'3`1 SCCtiOn 2: Certi�ica[iaii/Si�natures - ( ackno��ledge that I ha.•c rcad. understand and agroc to [hc conditions sct torth in thc app(ication aad supQorting matcnals and tha� thc in(ormanon I am supply[ng �n this applicalion is truc, complc[c and corrcct. Cypc or Print Namc of Pro�cct Dircctor (Projcct Dircctor is thc pnmary contact person for aU as{�ccts of thc gr.mt) /'�'J/' -6l n�e�t-� �i�e-�-c� (NAME) c( 1'cic�ilt�nc Numbcr (Dircc[or's) ( ypc or Pnnt Namc of Financ�al OfCiccr t��1�� i !� r�� oc0�✓ r�,�M�� �_( �Z�S�f rr�o,��: ) J �—� (SlGN TURE) (DATE) �,s/ > 7 �Z- / SZ Z Fax Numbcr (Dircctor's) 2 �p� (SlGN.4TURE) (DATE) Typc or Pnnt Namc and [ u(c of Authonty OC�cial: (Pcrson authonzcd to cntcr into a Cormaf agrccnicnt) � �� /�/`�--l� �/ � /(/ �?� - v (NAME) � �� �� G� �Gl� r ,�<<<, � z9Z ����� r�n,,,«: ( ( � (SlGNATURE) ; �- _ .. 7Y_') Foim A C 01 2 (Attachment C) � Oo t1�`j SCCt[Ott 3. Currerzt and Proposed Auto Theft Prevention Responsibilities - For each of the auto theft reduction strategies and activities listed below, check whether they are current efforts undertaken by your a�ency. Check the activities and strategies that aze proposed for MATPP grant funding. Check all activities and str ategies that apply. STRATEGIES AND ACTIVITIES CURRENT LEVEL OF EFFORT (NOT MATPP FUNDED) MULTI-AGENCY INVOLVEMENT Multiple Law Enforcement Agencies Prosecutors Insurance Industry ' Businesses Community Groups Other Pro-Active EfForts Decoy Operations Chop Shop Identification Investigations, Long Term Investigations, ShoR Term Oiher Crin:e Analvsis Identify Trends & Methods Develop ProFiles [dentify High Risk Areas & Vehicles Identify Repeat Offenders Other Public Edrecation & Awareness Prevention Seminars Presentationsto Schools Advertising Campaigns Other Trainin� Development Programs Law Enforcement Officers Prosecutors Other Fonn AT-01 � -3- (Attachment C) PROPOSED FOR (MATPP GRANT) X ` x 0�-� Section 4. Grant Purpose and Description - Provide a smnmary description of the project that is to be funded by the MATPP. Briefly describe the grant objectives and the grant-funded strate�ies and activities that wiil be implemented to achieve the objectives. Describe how the project meets priorities established by the MATPP, if applicable. Use additional space if needed. This is a request, based on feedback from the Boazd received by this writer on 2/17l00, for at least a partial continuation of our FY 2000 proa am and implementation strategies funded by the MATPP n ant. Because of the Board's decision to reduce funding, we will not be able to continue the successful strategies we have developed at the same level as in past funding cycles. These initiatives would not be possible without MATPP funding. A summary of our efforts from the Sununer of 1999, included in the original submission, is no longer included as an attachment to this section at the request of the Boazd. Saint Paul Police investigators have long been awaze that there is a significant, and profitable, market for illegitimate Hazley-Davidson motorcycles and their component parts. According to SPPD Auto Theft Unit statistics, approximately 50% of the motorcycles stolen in St. Paul during 1999 (1/1/99 - 11/18/99) were Hazley-Davidson motorcycles. In 1998 that figure was 31%, while in 1997 the figure was 40°l0. The motorcycles are stolen and used as is, but more often aze "stripped" or parted-out. The component parts are then mixed with after-market items, the "new" motorcycle is re-registered, and then it is sold to, oftentimes, unsuspecting buyers. This cycle of crime causes loss to the original owners, to the insurance companies, to the unsuspecting purchasers, and to future owners who pay increasingly higher costs to own a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. For the past two years, the Saint Paul Police have proposed and implemented a two-tiered project aimed at reducing the rate of Harley-Davidson motorcycles being stolen in St. Paul, and disrupting the possession, sale and transfer of stolen parts. We have used two strategies to accomplish these objectives: 1) Identifying those individuals or groups associated with the thefrs of Harley-Davidson motorcycles occurring in the City of St. Paul environs, and 2) Locating and identifying sources of motorcycle parts that have been obtained from the theft of motorcycles. Under past MATPP grant funding initiatives we were successful in identifying, and in several cases referring for crizninal charges, suspects believed to be involved in some aspect of the Hazley-Davidson motorcycle theft problem experienced in Saint Paul. In addition, we have successfully recovered a few of the stolen motorcycles, or their parts, which in the past has proven difficult to do. Saint Paul Police requests FY 2001 grant monies to continue to fund our long-term investigative strategy which entails the use of confldential and electronic intelligence/evidence sources, surveillance, analysis, and the use of a leased decoy motorcycle. As was documented in the summary included with the initial submission, the leased decoy motorcycle was successfully deployed based on an analysis of theft trends in the downtown azeas of the city. Form AT:O1 4 MATPB (Attachment C) , pc -�3R We did experience a problem in replicating the deployment of the leased motorcycle again during the summer of 1999 a$er its initial successful use due to a need to tighten up the contractual relationship with the vendor in lieu of City of St. Paul rules, but that problem has been rectified with a new contract negotiated between the City and the vendor. As a result we will be makin� addiuonal deployments through the remainder of FY 2000 and into the FY 2001 grant period. The second strategy we requested funding for was to continue the assignment of officers to record throu�h the use of photographs and other documentation engine and component numbers on Hazley-Davidson motorcycles legally encountered either throu�h uaffic stops or voluntary contacts at festivals and other events in the City. The engine and component numbers would have been documented in order to track and analyze the history of the motorcycles and(or component parts in partnership with the Minnesota State Patrol, Minnesota Departrnent of Motor Vehicles, and the National Insurance Crime Bureau, as we11 as to locate stolen parts. Based on feedback from the Board we no longer are requesting funding for this strategy. The Saint Paul Police also plan to continue providing formal and informal training with Team investigators and patrol officers to assist in the above strategies, although funding for this is not being sought. The funding request for FY 2001 meets MATPP priorities for pro-active, long-term, effective efforts, and crime analysis. The grant monies would be used to fund payments to informants, to lease the decoy motorcycle, and to fund overtime for personnel dedicated solely to project initiatives. 6 oi�� { SCCtion 5. - S(a[eu�cir� of Necd a�rd Ct�rrerrt Staff Part R . Describe the sE�eciFic problem or deCicicncy that is to be corrected. Documcnt thc nccd by provicling thc sourcc oCthc statistica( data, and includc bottt numbcrs and pccccntagcs. Statistical data should correspond to ttic gcographical project area dcscnbcd in Sec[ion 1. Do nol c�cecd the spacc provided. According to SPPD Auto Theft Unit statistics, approximately 50% of the motorcycles stolen in St. Paul during 1999 (1/1/99 - 11/18/99) were Harley-Davidson motorcycles. In 1998 that figure was 31 %, while in 1997 the figure was 40%. There were 124 motorcycles of all makes and models stolen in St. Paul during the yeazs 1997, 1998, and part of 1999 (as of this writing). The motorcycles are stolen and used as is, but more often are "stripped" or parted-out. The component parts aze then mixed with after-market items, the "new" motorcycle is re-registered, and then it is sold to, oftentimes, unsuspecting buyers. This cycle of crime causes loss to the original owners, to the insurance companies, to the unsuspecting purchasers, and to future owners who pay increasingly higher costs to own a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. The source of the statistical data was provided in the original submission, but was requested not to be included in this re-submission. Part 6 . Lisl currcnt staff (not MA"f'PP Ciuidcd) that havc auto thcf[ responsibilitics in your agcncy. [ncludc thc position t�[fc, CuII-timc salary, and perccnt of timc spcnt on auto thcCt responsibiliucs. One Lieutenant FTE (40% auto theft) at 30 years for $27,683 One Sergeant Investigator FTE (100% auto theft) at 30 yeazs for $60,027 One Sergeant Investigator FTE (100% auto theft) at 20 yeazs for $55, 708 Fringe rate for swom personnel is 28.144% for $40,363 , Total SPPD personnel expenditures equal $183,781 Form AT:OI 5 (r�[tachmeat C) t L V N 3 B � V O cp _ L 3 L - ' I p �� N N i L � E • '� v, _, �, ' T Q) 4 U ,v 4 -a , O (o 6� N � • � N U 1� tll ' D L N N Qi � � cU �0 -+ �0 U n � i+ t. � N a O v �, C ..t +.. N O +� a�+�rou� 1 � tn Q. L N .�vaa m -� m m i N u N ✓ y.l � ..i tn � N 41 > N - •i N u O .� +., L ��t �.+ +� rn U m S�1 U Ul N U u� �o E a, >, -� m � c G a t� N O �� N o-� . Q �1 N �� � u L i� Ul n N m 3 0 E +� � � Q. �� N �-1 O� Q. .� u N ro c � -� �+ > .,. �n o ,. � W 1� � cu .i V N ro �. c c � G u ro �n o.� ro nu�,aa� a � a� � E Hv ��s v v E � c �i T r 7 -� N p,.� �� c m a, � � � Q L � v � v N U 11 C N {.� ..-� ..y .i f.� > U w S� - CS v �II �1 ..i U � - O L \ U �1 r-+ C h N 41 U� u7 v Q. a c v �i N -i > u � -+ �-1 . - O v c �� � E: N > N U '�-1 N U �� -C N U t� u1 . 3 � U [J` -� V S� a o. �, r, c .a.n�atia, h � o � v �� ., . �� > c��wv� ��i �6 U L N i+ u s a� � E N U O� �r -+ L y �] v U t� 'n N O > 4J O ✓ t � G 3 U L �0 m+-� m u E v ti o a� �u c ,q ua 3 --+ n1 t+ O O E H (n O � L L� 7 N C.. 4/ �I > �� , v rp .i J N N W �-� �`� O C - 6 � U N O N � �J O �. �U Ql u l0 O� t �, � � � v�n�ao�n -� .c u � � Q 1] 3 .� �0 N N N ti >. Sl -� � � 7 4 (J N --� U .-i � � � ~ � � � r . z O H F � � ; W a a �, � O , � 'D 4-r � � O � Y (� � O i a�i y U �y ,� �,., CJ fl. N U c3 .� � bA ,� H � O i � � N C� � � � � CJ U "d c�G � y T y.�e � U 'v t" 7 (/ �' � Y O ` � q o ei � � o E �� M N � �. w 3 O , a � y � L U 'D c3 ' ,� O � � � Gl G .-`� >' O � L RS s�-� �^ 'C7 O ^ U 'C7 M � j. � i-� y � F , a� � � � w H � w F C4 � � � W H H H � H F U � � � � � U (]� S � O Y W 0 0 � y TU � L'� � � ,� .r � � N U � � 'v � •� M N � N �-. c � o � � � '� o � -o � � � � p : � � � � � � x .� Y N N � U O �O b O O � U -"o 0 M N � � o � y � � � .� � � � � o O GJ �V GJ � °" ,�, v� a�i � on w -� � o o �> 'O � U � .-� y � � G U GH '� b0 � '+:� � � V1 .� O � � m N � � � � � � � � � .� ❑ � � � U y � � . � � � � O y . � � � N � � � � Q ��n Q M N a � � � U •V � o v� ti � � N m i .^.�.� c3 y � � O .., O v� w �� O � � 'T''� � Q � C A � O ?; U • � Y � N C�3 �""� y � .Y H 3 3 0 0-13 q U u c � � � � ro � i� Q � H a W H H a U � > F U h O w a � � � N O O � N � U O � � cd y � p � ' c� b y y O T U •� '°— U >, � Y � � • a �-+ N Q G a�' � � � ." � .+ 'O i ��--' cC ,.� � at � a� . �xw�a N a� � Y C y ¢' N ,4: � � � � � y U`'"" o� C ,� y 'd � cC � � ^� U � � � � ~ T 77 N C c� T � � �' '++ > ,�,N„ O N N O � R O N � U � x 8 � - Y N w o � � � U C � i O i.., • i .d T Q � � O N � � � Q '� C � .� � � �� r^ �. � � ,� � O O �,., U G oo T O a�i y � � � L1. .� o o �' F� a E " � � � ti Ci. p 'LS i y�, pq +a+ y vi u� M U c�C U w 3 � � w�" s��. � N � s � • s�.. +-' � � � � � � N � cC V QJ '� t ^.� � . .`� C U :D '«�+ 'C N .� Q'� � c�G � � � o �3 C] M a� U � >' QJ z O .� � � 0. y �C p,� ai y � u � � � O F. �' � O O 4+�' � v N C p � r�ii vi •p v�i O � c�C .. �a u.., u. i � �a 00-�3'1 y . � � � � o '�' m `� ��a c `,-' ° '> s. � � 'C "� A, � y .� U O �� � � d '� N � • O.� c3� U.� �pi � i--� � � A � � � .� � c3 p � � -- G 6� y � , � > y RS i 'O �O 4� � .� C i:+ '� cF.i > cC � � N � �' vi � � Q � � T O ��'+ � , �' �• y y � N c�'3 y � � � W O y c � n. p .� O. O'O V � c� � bA � ,T a� +.. �+-i b C N � �' r Q � � �. s"' y 'y., d vl � CL �', 'O U � Z c��0 � O � O ' C U O .� N .+ bA � � rti m '� U C � ti Q cC � ��—, • � � e U � ��a"'i ° s,'� � � `v : � °' >, °J 3 �:y 0 V `� V U � r -� a' 3� ° �'-o° a�i� Q �.� o � �s z w wa'�� O� d C � � ., ,� 'a ¢ � C '� O W � � ° 0 P, o 0 o c ° c O s °. °o ° o in .. a o � `D °�°� F" � ss E» s9 � � w T � � � N � � � � � �� F o � � W � :.o E� E- G � U � O °' ' 'n " � �, 'a O w c a� n � ``" W .� d F ' 'a � � � �o C7 � Q Q � o>,o � A , F U 01 ��� u >, ci p c � O � � � o a. � � 8 z � c7 � � � o � � ' FF C " � z � '�, _ > o :� � � ca -- . .. .� o H :� QRlG�N�L �6 cauo�il F;�e # Co _ 33� Green 5heetN 10459� RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: �� Referred To: Committee:Date: 2 WHEREAS, the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board has awarded a S18,500.00 Auto Thefr Prevention 3 Program grant for Harley Davidson mortorcycles to the Saint Paul Police Department for the period 4 July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001; and 5 6 WHEREAS, this grant will be used to reduce Harley Davidson motorcycle theft and assist other agencies 7 with reducing Harley Davidson motorcycle theft; and 9 RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this grant award in the amount of S18,SOO.QO from the 10 Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board and authorizes Chief William Finney to enter into an 11 agreement with the Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board of the State of Minnesota. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2] ? y 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council:Date: �„ `� 2.�o a �—��- � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By: ~�,���- � n � � o Approved by Mayor:Date: ��� `�j�j By: Polic By: Approval Recommen ed by Budget Director: By: _ Form � By: by City Attorney: for autotheRp rev-barleygroniauthorization. cc00 �i£PARTPAt`iJT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED Potioe 03/15/2000 GREEN SHEET No. 104595 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INmAUDA7E INmnvDaTE WilliazRFlffiey 292 � OEPAiRNENlWRECiOR 3�� 5 u�rcouNrn / � I � /� MUST BE ON GOUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) DO �J J' ( � Y {CfI�'pT(ORNEY �0.ERK `i �J �FlUNMlSERVICESW �FPKNCINLSERV/PCCTG �YpR�ORA$SISTANf) ��{11MN�RIGH�S TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) AGTION REQUESTED Signatures requested on the attached Council Resolution to accept a Harley-Davidson Auto Theft grant from the Minnesota Auto Theft Fre�ention Program. RECOMMENDATION ApproVe (A) of RejeCf (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING QUESTIONS' 1. Has this personKrm everworked under a contract for ihis depaAment? PLANNIN6 COMMtSSION YES IVO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this pereoNfirm ever been a city employee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION YES NO 3 Does this persoNfrm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curcent ary employee� YES NO 4. Is this person/firm a targeied vendor? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) Appro�mately 50% of the motorcycles stolen in St. Paul during 1999 were Hazley-Davidson motorcycles. The motorcycles are stolen and used as is, but more often are "stripped" or parted-out. This grant will be used to reduce theft, increase the iecwery rate of stolen Harley-Davidson motorcycles and parts, and assist other agencies undertaking similar activrties (Attached is a copy of the grant award letter and application.) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Reduction in Hazley-Davidson motorcycles thefrs. �� 1�. n �� la � S,�' �. i'� !� nr � b �� �":-�.`.-a.� � `� a �.;''s. � r T �'• i�r. . OISADVpNTAGES IF APPROVED ' r � } �kr±� L v'' L��V �,� � 2 � 20�0 None. a �,,;� � ��:,.� � `�'�� e'� ; g � �` a z : �z. a : �. .; ;:z .. s � DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED � Loss of grant money and opportunity to fiuther reduce thefts of Harley Davidson motorcycles in the ciry of St. Pau] TOTAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION $ I H,SOO.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE MN Auto Thefr Prevention Board Grant ACTIVITY NUMBER 436-34160 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) v • e � 00 -J3`1 Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Board 11'10 Centre Pointe Curve, Suite 405 Mendota Heights, Minnesota 55120 Phone: 657-405-6755 Fax: 651-405-6156 I30ARA OF DIRECTORS [3ob .Iohnson Chair Inwrancc Pcdera[ion ur Minvcsota I3o6 Larson v��� cn.��� puluth Policc Dept. (Rctired) 'fom 13crgrc❑ St Paul Policc Dcpt. "1'an Harbinson � Scott Count}' Attorncy � �i.,�«i �t�c�>>�u ����. ��r ���ni�� s�r��y "Cracic \�tortenson 3�t Curnp�ny Jim Schutjcr Mfnncsota Auto D�alcr� A<socialit�n IsYIs'C[JTNE DIR�CTOR Dennis Ros�e :\inu Thcft Prc�cntion Board March 7, 2000 St. Paul Police Dept. Attn: Commander Reed 100 E. 1 I`�' St. St. Paui., MN 55101 De1r Commander Reed, On Feb. 28, 2000 the Auto Theft Prevention Board met to review grant requests for the fiscal year 2001 ( Juiy 1,2000 — June 30, 2001) . This year [he Board ceceived requests for nearly � 500,000.00 more than what was lppropriated for granting out. Tlie amount approved was for the sum of � 18,500.00 for the motorcycle theft recovery program. The Board also needs a city council resolution Stltlllb Wj10 I7aS bC1Rt a�Ce2R10C1t S(�I11R� authority and that the Ciry of St. Yaul a�rees to accept the grant money. Plelse send this to us as soon as possible. Sincere y, Denny Roske CC: Amy Brown ATTACHMENT C Minnesota Auto Theft Prevention Program ( MATPP ) Grant AppIication Oo �33 NOTE: This "Attachment C" form should be used if possible. If duplicated, no change in format will be accepted (no deletions or rearrangements) SECTION 1: Applicant Information Type of Govemmental Agency or Organization; State ❑ County 0 City X Private Non-Profit ❑ Private for Profit ❑ Name of Agency or Organization: Saint Paul Police Department Agency Address: 100 E. 11"' Street City: Saint Paul County: Ramsev State: M Zip: 55101 Federal Identification Number: 41-600�521 Project Title, if applicable: Total MATPP Budeet R�uest: $18.500.00 Motorcvcle Thefr Recover�Mitigation, and Intelligence Project Geographical Area Applicable to Grant Project: (identify statewide, county, city, other) Cit�of Saint Paul located within Ramsev Countv Other Aeencies Participating in the Project: (If a multi-agency project, attach letters of confirmation and resolution(s) by a11 entities). Each agency or participant listed below must provide a city/county Boazd resolution before an executed grant can be issued. Form AT:O1 Rev. 2/99 00 -�'3`1 SCCtiOn 2: Certi�ica[iaii/Si�natures - ( ackno��ledge that I ha.•c rcad. understand and agroc to [hc conditions sct torth in thc app(ication aad supQorting matcnals and tha� thc in(ormanon I am supply[ng �n this applicalion is truc, complc[c and corrcct. Cypc or Print Namc of Pro�cct Dircctor (Projcct Dircctor is thc pnmary contact person for aU as{�ccts of thc gr.mt) /'�'J/' -6l n�e�t-� �i�e-�-c� (NAME) c( 1'cic�ilt�nc Numbcr (Dircc[or's) ( ypc or Pnnt Namc of Financ�al OfCiccr t��1�� i !� r�� oc0�✓ r�,�M�� �_( �Z�S�f rr�o,��: ) J �—� (SlGN TURE) (DATE) �,s/ > 7 �Z- / SZ Z Fax Numbcr (Dircctor's) 2 �p� (SlGN.4TURE) (DATE) Typc or Pnnt Namc and [ u(c of Authonty OC�cial: (Pcrson authonzcd to cntcr into a Cormaf agrccnicnt) � �� /�/`�--l� �/ � /(/ �?� - v (NAME) � �� �� G� �Gl� r ,�<<<, � z9Z ����� r�n,,,«: ( ( � (SlGNATURE) ; �- _ .. 7Y_') Foim A C 01 2 (Attachment C) � Oo t1�`j SCCt[Ott 3. Currerzt and Proposed Auto Theft Prevention Responsibilities - For each of the auto theft reduction strategies and activities listed below, check whether they are current efforts undertaken by your a�ency. Check the activities and strategies that aze proposed for MATPP grant funding. Check all activities and str ategies that apply. STRATEGIES AND ACTIVITIES CURRENT LEVEL OF EFFORT (NOT MATPP FUNDED) MULTI-AGENCY INVOLVEMENT Multiple Law Enforcement Agencies Prosecutors Insurance Industry ' Businesses Community Groups Other Pro-Active EfForts Decoy Operations Chop Shop Identification Investigations, Long Term Investigations, ShoR Term Oiher Crin:e Analvsis Identify Trends & Methods Develop ProFiles [dentify High Risk Areas & Vehicles Identify Repeat Offenders Other Public Edrecation & Awareness Prevention Seminars Presentationsto Schools Advertising Campaigns Other Trainin� Development Programs Law Enforcement Officers Prosecutors Other Fonn AT-01 � -3- (Attachment C) PROPOSED FOR (MATPP GRANT) X ` x 0�-� Section 4. Grant Purpose and Description - Provide a smnmary description of the project that is to be funded by the MATPP. Briefly describe the grant objectives and the grant-funded strate�ies and activities that wiil be implemented to achieve the objectives. Describe how the project meets priorities established by the MATPP, if applicable. Use additional space if needed. This is a request, based on feedback from the Boazd received by this writer on 2/17l00, for at least a partial continuation of our FY 2000 proa am and implementation strategies funded by the MATPP n ant. Because of the Board's decision to reduce funding, we will not be able to continue the successful strategies we have developed at the same level as in past funding cycles. These initiatives would not be possible without MATPP funding. A summary of our efforts from the Sununer of 1999, included in the original submission, is no longer included as an attachment to this section at the request of the Boazd. Saint Paul Police investigators have long been awaze that there is a significant, and profitable, market for illegitimate Hazley-Davidson motorcycles and their component parts. According to SPPD Auto Theft Unit statistics, approximately 50% of the motorcycles stolen in St. Paul during 1999 (1/1/99 - 11/18/99) were Hazley-Davidson motorcycles. In 1998 that figure was 31%, while in 1997 the figure was 40°l0. The motorcycles are stolen and used as is, but more often aze "stripped" or parted-out. The component parts are then mixed with after-market items, the "new" motorcycle is re-registered, and then it is sold to, oftentimes, unsuspecting buyers. This cycle of crime causes loss to the original owners, to the insurance companies, to the unsuspecting purchasers, and to future owners who pay increasingly higher costs to own a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. For the past two years, the Saint Paul Police have proposed and implemented a two-tiered project aimed at reducing the rate of Harley-Davidson motorcycles being stolen in St. Paul, and disrupting the possession, sale and transfer of stolen parts. We have used two strategies to accomplish these objectives: 1) Identifying those individuals or groups associated with the thefrs of Harley-Davidson motorcycles occurring in the City of St. Paul environs, and 2) Locating and identifying sources of motorcycle parts that have been obtained from the theft of motorcycles. Under past MATPP grant funding initiatives we were successful in identifying, and in several cases referring for crizninal charges, suspects believed to be involved in some aspect of the Hazley-Davidson motorcycle theft problem experienced in Saint Paul. In addition, we have successfully recovered a few of the stolen motorcycles, or their parts, which in the past has proven difficult to do. Saint Paul Police requests FY 2001 grant monies to continue to fund our long-term investigative strategy which entails the use of confldential and electronic intelligence/evidence sources, surveillance, analysis, and the use of a leased decoy motorcycle. As was documented in the summary included with the initial submission, the leased decoy motorcycle was successfully deployed based on an analysis of theft trends in the downtown azeas of the city. Form AT:O1 4 MATPB (Attachment C) , pc -�3R We did experience a problem in replicating the deployment of the leased motorcycle again during the summer of 1999 a$er its initial successful use due to a need to tighten up the contractual relationship with the vendor in lieu of City of St. Paul rules, but that problem has been rectified with a new contract negotiated between the City and the vendor. As a result we will be makin� addiuonal deployments through the remainder of FY 2000 and into the FY 2001 grant period. The second strategy we requested funding for was to continue the assignment of officers to record throu�h the use of photographs and other documentation engine and component numbers on Hazley-Davidson motorcycles legally encountered either throu�h uaffic stops or voluntary contacts at festivals and other events in the City. The engine and component numbers would have been documented in order to track and analyze the history of the motorcycles and(or component parts in partnership with the Minnesota State Patrol, Minnesota Departrnent of Motor Vehicles, and the National Insurance Crime Bureau, as we11 as to locate stolen parts. Based on feedback from the Board we no longer are requesting funding for this strategy. The Saint Paul Police also plan to continue providing formal and informal training with Team investigators and patrol officers to assist in the above strategies, although funding for this is not being sought. The funding request for FY 2001 meets MATPP priorities for pro-active, long-term, effective efforts, and crime analysis. The grant monies would be used to fund payments to informants, to lease the decoy motorcycle, and to fund overtime for personnel dedicated solely to project initiatives. 6 oi�� { SCCtion 5. - S(a[eu�cir� of Necd a�rd Ct�rrerrt Staff Part R . Describe the sE�eciFic problem or deCicicncy that is to be corrected. Documcnt thc nccd by provicling thc sourcc oCthc statistica( data, and includc bottt numbcrs and pccccntagcs. Statistical data should correspond to ttic gcographical project area dcscnbcd in Sec[ion 1. Do nol c�cecd the spacc provided. According to SPPD Auto Theft Unit statistics, approximately 50% of the motorcycles stolen in St. Paul during 1999 (1/1/99 - 11/18/99) were Harley-Davidson motorcycles. In 1998 that figure was 31 %, while in 1997 the figure was 40%. There were 124 motorcycles of all makes and models stolen in St. Paul during the yeazs 1997, 1998, and part of 1999 (as of this writing). The motorcycles are stolen and used as is, but more often are "stripped" or parted-out. The component parts aze then mixed with after-market items, the "new" motorcycle is re-registered, and then it is sold to, oftentimes, unsuspecting buyers. This cycle of crime causes loss to the original owners, to the insurance companies, to the unsuspecting purchasers, and to future owners who pay increasingly higher costs to own a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. The source of the statistical data was provided in the original submission, but was requested not to be included in this re-submission. Part 6 . Lisl currcnt staff (not MA"f'PP Ciuidcd) that havc auto thcf[ responsibilitics in your agcncy. [ncludc thc position t�[fc, CuII-timc salary, and perccnt of timc spcnt on auto thcCt responsibiliucs. One Lieutenant FTE (40% auto theft) at 30 years for $27,683 One Sergeant Investigator FTE (100% auto theft) at 30 yeazs for $60,027 One Sergeant Investigator FTE (100% auto theft) at 20 yeazs for $55, 708 Fringe rate for swom personnel is 28.144% for $40,363 , Total SPPD personnel expenditures equal $183,781 Form AT:OI 5 (r�[tachmeat C) t L V N 3 B � V O cp _ L 3 L - ' I p �� N N i L � E • '� v, _, �, ' T Q) 4 U ,v 4 -a , O (o 6� N � • � N U 1� tll ' D L N N Qi � � cU �0 -+ �0 U n � i+ t. � N a O v �, C ..t +.. N O +� a�+�rou� 1 � tn Q. L N .�vaa m -� m m i N u N ✓ y.l � ..i tn � N 41 > N - •i N u O .� +., L ��t �.+ +� rn U m S�1 U Ul N U u� �o E a, >, -� m � c G a t� N O �� N o-� . 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