279950 WHi.TF � (`ITV CLERK COUIICII 2����0 • • PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT 1 AU L � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO• Go ncil Resolution Presented By ��'�'���'�! v Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 1983-1984 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of St. Paul and the International Associ- ation of Fire Fighters, Local 21. App rove d: ivil Servic Commission Chai rman COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays �� Requested by Department of: F�etcner PERSONNEL OFFICE �.°""'° C�-1jerS [n Favor Masanz � � Scheibel _ __ Against By — �edeseo Wilson MAR 1 0 1983 Form prov by Ci tt ey Adopted by Council: Date � Cerlified �s by Counci ret BY sy Flpproved . vor: Date _�� �� 1983 r d by Mayor fo S sion to C ncil ����:ii l� �'�'i� � By PUBLISHED MAR 19 1983 Y WMITE — CITV CLEFtK COUTIGII 2�9950 ^ PINK — FINAN�E (� IT�' O�' �AINT ��ALTL CANARY — OcP4RTMENT ,1 BLUE — ti�AVO�a File 1\0. CITY CLERK Cou�cil �esolution Presented By� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 1983-1984 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of St. Paul and the International Associ- ation of Fire Fighters, Local 21. App rove d: Civil Service Commission Chai rman COUNCILI�1EN Yeas Nays Requested by Depactment of: Fletcher PERSONNEL OFFICE �.evtne In Favor Masanz , Nicosia scneibei __ Against BY -- Tedesco Wilson Form Approvea by City Attorney Adopted by� Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary ( B� By� Approved by :Navor: Date __ Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Courtcil By� -- -- - --- - By . ., , � . � fv I a,Fc7V-tJ . . � � , 1983 - 1984 AGRE�IENT - between - THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL - and - THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS AFL-CIO LOCAL 21 ` .�� . ��9���1 ► - ' � z�ti� ARTICLE TITLE PAGE Preamble iii I Purpose 1 II Definitions 2 III Recognition 4 IV Security 5 V Employer Authority 6 VI Employee Rights - Grievance Procedure 7 �'II Saving Clause 11 - VIII Position Openings 12 IX Working Out of Classification 13 X Seniority 14 XI Overtime 17 XII Call Back 18 XIII Military Leave of Absence 19 XIV Insurance 21 YV Exchange of Tours of Duty 24 XVI Vacation 25 � XVII Holidays 26 XVIII Incapacitation , 27 XIX Residence 28 XX Sick Leave 29 XXI Fire-Fighting Equipment 30 XXII Station Supplies 31 XXITI Telephones 32 XXIV Wage Schedule 33 XXV Uniform Allowance 34 XXVI Legal Service 35 XXVII Severance Pay 36 XXVIII Physical Incapacitation 38 XXIX City Mileage 39 XXX Paid Time Off For Negotiations 40 XXXI Maintenance of Standards 41 XXXII Premium Pay for Paramedic and E1`4TA Assignments 42 XXXIII Duration of Agreement 43 Appendix A A1 -ii- • ,�� . ��9950 � , P R F. A :i B L E � � � This AGREEMEPdT bet�aeen the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter referred to as the Er1PL0YER, and the International Association of Fire Fighters AFL-CIO Local 21, hereinafter referred to as the L'NION. The EMPLOYER and the UNION concur that this AGREF.�IENT has as its basic objective the promotion of the mutual interests of the City of Sair.t Paul and its em.ployees to provide the highest level of services by methods which will best serve the needs of the generaZ public. -iii- � . 2�9�5� i . ARTICLF I - PliRPOSE l.l The E:�IPLOYEF. and the UPvION agree tiiat the purpose of entering into this AGREEriE:�T i s to: 1.11 Achieve orderly and peaceful relations. 1.12 Establish the full understanding of the parties concerning terms � and conditions of this AGREE1�iE.:T. ' 1.13 Establish procedures to orderiy and peacefully resolve disgutes as to the application or interpretation of this AGREEMENT. 1.14 Place in written form the parties' agreertent upon terms and con- ditions of employment for the duration of this AGREEMENT. -1- . i ARTICLE II - DEPINITIONS � - 2.1 UtiION: International Association of Fire Fighters AFL-CIO Local 21. 2.2 F1�IPLOYFR: The City of Saint Paul. � 2.3 UNION MF�^1BER: A member of the International Association of Fire Fighters AFL=CIO Local 21. 2.4 EMPLOYEE: A member of the exclusively recognized bargaining unit. 2.5 VACANCY: As determined by the department head, a funded position opening in a class specified in Article 3.2. 2.6 POSITION: Any specific office, employment or job in the Fire Department in a class specified in Article 3.2. 2.7 TOUR OF DUTY: A. For a fifty-six (56) hour work week employee: The performance of job duties and acceptance of the responsi- bilities of a position for a consecutive and uninterrupted twenty-four (24) hour period from 8:00 a.m. on a calendar day to 8:00 a.m. on the following calendar day. B. For a forty (40) hour work week employee: The performance of job duties and acceptance of the responsi- bilities of a position for a consecutive and uninterrupted eight (t3) hour period within a calendar day. 2.8 SENIORITY: An EMPLOYEE'S length of continuous employment in the IIKPLOYER'S Fire Department. 2.9 DEPARTMENT: The fire department of the City of Saint Paul as established and amended from time to tir.►e pursuant to Section 9.01 of the City Charter. 2.10 OVEITINIE: Work performed by an Fl`1PLOYEE in excess _.of the EMPLOYEE'S tour of duty by order of the EMPLOYER. -2- V ARTICLE II - DEFII�?ITIO\S (conrinued) 2.11 OGERTI�iE PAY: Overtime pay for the purposes of Articles XI and XII will be based on a forty (40) hour �aork week. 2.12 k'ORK G'EEK: The work week for �•iPLOYEES working twenty-four (24) hour tours of duty will be an averaged fifty-six (56) hour per calendar �aeek. The work week for ErIPLOYEFS working eight (8) hour tours of dut}� :aill be � forty (40) hours per calendar week. 2.13 CALL BAC�:: A call to report for work by the E1�IPLOYER during an ENIPLOYEE'S scheduled off time. _�_ �RTICLE III - RECOGNITIOLd 3.1 The EP4nL0�ER recognizes the L'NION as the e�clusive representative for the purpose of ineeting and negotiating the terms and conditions of employment for all eligible personnel under Minnesota Statutes. , 3.2 Job classes which are within the bargaining unit and covered by this AGREII�SEPdT are as follows: Fire Captain Fire Equipment Operator Fire Engineer Fire Fighter Fire Investigator Fire Prevention Inspector Fire Alarm Dispatcher I Fire Alarm Dispatcher II 3.3 In the event the EMPLOYER and the UNION are unable to agree as to the inclusion or exclusion of a new or modified job position, the issue sha11 be submitted to the Bureau of Mediation Services for determination. -4- � � � - ��9�50 ARTICLF. I�' - SECURITY 4.1 The EriPLOYER shall deduct fro�^ the wages of ETIPLOYEES who authorize such a deduction in �ariting an amount necessary to cover monthly L;`IIOi� dues and assessments. Such monies shall be remitted as directed by the L'NION. 4.2 The UNION may designate F1�IPLOYEES from the bargaining unit to act as stewards and shall inform the II�IPLOYER in writing of such choice. 4.3 The F1�SPLOYER shall make space available on bulletin boards for posting UNION notice(s) and announcement(s) . 4.4 The UNION agrees to indemnify and hold the �lPLOYER harmless against any and all claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or issued against the city as a result of any action taken or not taken by the city under the provisions of this article. 4.5 The UNION agrees that an administrative service fee of twenty-five cents (25�) per member per month shall be deducted by the City of Saint Paul from the amount withheld for dues or fairshare prior to remittance of dues or fairshare to the UNION. -5- �RTICLE V - E�IPLOYER AL'THORITY 5 .1 The UNION recognizes the right of the F�IPLOYEIZ to operate and manage its affairs in all respects in accordance with applicable laws and � regulations of appropriate authorities. The rights and authority which the EMPLOYER has not officially abridged, delegated or modified by this AGREEMENT are retained by the II�IPLOYER. -6- • ARTICLE VI - Ei''iPLOYEE RIGHTS - GRIEVA�ICE PROCIDURE 6. 1 Definitior_ of Grievance A �rievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation or application of the specific terms and conditions of this AGREENiEPdT. It is specifically understood that any r�tters governed by civil service rules or statutory provisions shall not be considered grievances and subject to - the grievance procedure hereinafter set forth. No disciplinary action which may be appealed to a civil service authority will be considered a grievance and subject to the grievance procedure herein. 6.2. Union Representatives The EMPLOYER will recognize EMPLOYEE REPRESENTATIVES designated by the UNION as the grievance representatives of the bargaining unit having the duties and responsibilities established by this Article. The UNIQN shall notify the EMPLOYEP. in writing of the nau��es of such L'NION REPRESENTATIVES � and of their successors when so designated. The EMPLOYER shall notify the UNION in writing of the name or names of the EriPLOYER'S grievance repre- sentatives and of their successors when so designated. 6.3 Processing of Grievances It is recognized and accepted by the UNION and the EMFLOYER that the processing of grievances as hereinafter provided is limited by the job duties and responsibilities of the E1�iPL0YEES and shall therefore be accomplished during normal working hours only �ahen consistent with such EI�LOYEE duties and responsibilities. The aggrieved II�IPLOYEE and the UNION shall be allowed a reasonable amount of time without loss of pay when a grievance is investigated and presented to the EMPLOYER during normal working hours provided the EMPLOYEE and the UNION have notified and received the approval of the designated supervisor who has determined that sucH absence is reasonable and would not be detrimental to the work programs of the ErlPLOYER. -7- ARTIC�E VI - EMPLOYEE RIGHTS - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (continued) ' ' 6.4 Procedure - , Grievances, as defined by Section 6.1, shall be resolved in confcrmance with the following procedure: Step l: An E:SPLOYEE claiming a violation concerning the � interpretation or application of this AGREEMENT shall within ; twenty-or.e (21) calendar days after such alleged violation has occured present such grievance to the EMPLOYEE'S super- visor as designated by the EMPLOYER. The EMPLOYER-designafed representative will discuss and give an answer to such Step 1 grievance within ten (10) calendar days after receipt. A grievance not resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step 2 shall be placed in �*riting by the UNIO� setting forth the nature of the grievance, the facts on which it is based, the provision or provisions of the AGREII`4ENT allegedly violated, the remedy requested, and shall be appealed to Step 2 within ten (10) calendar days after the �IPLOYER-designated representative's final answer in Step l. Any grievance not appeal.ed in writing to Step 2 by the UNIOI� within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived. SteP 2: If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented to and discussed with the EMPLOYEP.-designated Step 2 representa- tive. The EMPLOYER-designated representative shall give the UNION the EMPLOYER'S Step 2 answer in writing within ten (10) calendar days after the receipt of such Step 2 grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 2 may be appealed to Step 3 by the UNION within ten (10) calendar days following the EMPLOYER-designated repre- sentative's final Step 2 answer. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 3 by the UNIOlv' w�thir. ren (10) calendar days shall be considered waived. -8- � � ARTICLE VI - E:'�SPLOYEE RIGHTS - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (continued) �e�995�1 � Step 3. A grievance unresolved in Step 2 and appealed to Step 3 shall be submitted to arbitration by the UNIOIv subject to the pro- visions of the Public EmploS�nent Labor Relations Act of 1971 as amended. The selection of an arbitrator shall be made in accordance with the "Rules Governing the Arbitration of Grievances" as established by the Public Employment Relations Board. 6.5 Arbitrator's Authority , A. The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to, or subtract from the terms. and conditions of the AGREF1�iENT. The arbitrator shall consider and decide only the specific issue(s) submitted in writing by the EMPLOYER and the UNION, and shall have no authority to make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. B. The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to or inconsistent with or modifying or varying in any way the application af 1aws, rules, or regulations having the force and effect of law. The arbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty (30) days following close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whichever is later, unless the parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or application of the express terms of the AGREEMENT and to the facts of the grievance presented. C. The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings shall be borne equally by the EMPLOYER and the UNION provided that each party shall be responsible for compensating its own representatives and witnesses. If either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays for the record. If both garties desire a verbatim record of the proceedings, the cost: shall be shared equally. - -9- ARTICLE VI - �PLOYEE RIG�iTS - GRIEVAI�CE PR�CEDURE (continued} 6.6 Waiver If a grievance is not presented within the time limits set forth above, it shall be considered "waived". If a grievance is not appealed to the next step within the specified time limit or any agreed extension thereof, r it shall be considered settled on the basis of the EMPLOYER'S last answer. If the EMPLOYER does not answer a grievance or an appeal thereof within the specified time limits, the UNION may elect to treat the grievance as denied at the step and immediately appeal the grievance to the next step. The time limit in each step may be extended by mutual written agreement of the F1�iPL0YER and the UNION in each step. -10- � � � � 2"79950 ARTICLF. VII - SAVINGS CLAUSE 7.1 In the event any provision of this AGREII�IENT shall be held to be contrar}� to law by a court of competent jurisdiction from whose fir.al judgment `or decree no appeal has been taken �aithin the time provided, such prouisions shall be veided. All othe� provisions shall continue in full force and effect. The voided provisions may be renegotiated at the request of either party. � -11- ARTICLE ��III - POSITION OPENINGS 8.1 To expedite the filling of vacancies under civil service procedures , the head of the department or designated representative will: 8.11 Make requisition for certification of eligibles to fill a vacancy within fifteen (15) days after determining that a vacancy exists. 8.12 Within f ifteen (15) days after the department head has �et with the certified eligibles, he will fill a vacancy. 8.13 If no eligibility list is in effect when a vacancy occurs, the department head shall within fifteen (15) days request the appropriate civil service officials to conduct an exam- � ination for the purposes of establishing an eligibility list. -12- � �`�9�� AItTICLE IY - 4?GRI:ING Oi?T GF CLASSIFIC�TION 9.1 Any �tiPLOYEE required by the F�IPLOYER to perform the work duties anc? accept the responsiLilities of a higher class, will receive the rate � of pay for that class beginning with the tour of duty, provided that he . shall work a full tour of duty. It is understood that the higher rate shall not apply when an II�iPLGYEE works in the higher class for less than a full tour of duty. . -13- . ARTICLE X - SENIORITY • 10.1 Department Seniority. For the purposes of this AGREFI`1ENT department seniority shall be defined as the length of continuous and uninterrupted enplo}��ent in the fire department. 10.2 Seniority Lists. The department shall maintain at all times during this AGREEMENT seniority lists by department. 10.3 Loss of Department Seniority. An II�iPLOYEE will lose acquired department seniority in the following instances: 10.31 Resignation 10.32 Discharge 10.33 Retirement 10.4 Work Force Reduction. In the event of a reduction in the departr�ent kork force, such reduction shall occur on the basis of seniority in the department. 10.5 Reduction in Rank. Reduction in rank shall be in accordance with the Civil Service Rules as of June 30, 1973. (Except as indicated below) 10.51 Reduction in rank for periods up to but no �ore than 30 consecutive calendar days will be by platoon seniority. 10.52 Reduction in rank for more than 30 consecutive calendar days shall be in accordance �aith the Personnel Rules as of June 30, 1973. 10.53 There will be a minimum of 3.6 regular Fire Captains appointed for each engine, squad and ladder company. 10.54 There will be a minimum of 3.6 regular Fire Equipment Operators - Fire Engineers appoir.ted for each engine, squad and ladder company. This minimum number shall include the starred nen in this position until they are phased out by normal attrition. 10.55 When promotion positions (Fire Captain - Fire Equipment Operator) fall below minimum requirements (3.6 per position) , the Chie� of the Fire Department will use existing eligibility lists to fill vacancies within 15 calendar days. . - 14 - � ARTICLE Y - SENIORITY (continued) 10.56 Short Term Demotion: 1. The man demoted goes to the last rank held and is assigned to the pool. 2. Vacation selections will not be affected by short ter� demotion (i.e. Fire Captain demoted for short tern. to Fire Fighter will retain his vacation selection in the Fire Captain rank.) . 10.57 All promoted personnel will be designated a platoon regardless of assignment. Such platoon assignment will determine their seniority to be followed in cases of reduction in accordance with Section 10.51. 10.6 Job Transfer by Eid System The EMPLOYER and the UNION recognize ttie principal of seniority. In the event of a job opening due to the pro�otion, transfer, demotion, retirement or demise of an e�ployee, which the employer determines should be filled by a lateral transfer, such transfer shall be made in accordance with the follow- ing provisions. 10.61 All positions to be filled by lateral transfer shall be announced by bulletin, which shall be posted for a period of thirty (30) days prior to the date service is to commence in the vacant position. Such positions shall be considered open f or written bi� for the thirty (30) day period. 10.62 For the convenience of the employer, temporary assignment to a vacant position may be made during the thirty (30) day period for which the position is open fcr bid. Any such temporary assignment, however, shall not be of a duration in excess of two (2) days beyond the expiration of the thirty (30) day bid period. 10.63 Employees who desire bulletined positions shall file written applications therefor not later than 2400 hours on the date of expiration of the bid period. Such applications shall be filed by delivery to the employee's Union officer of the original and one copy of the application, both of which shall be time stamped when received. The Union officer shall be responsible for deli- vering the original application to the employer and all such applications shall be so delivered not later than 1630 hours on the day following the close of the bid period. 10.64 Assignment to positions for which bids have been received shall be made not later than the second day following the close of the b id period. 10.65 In the event one or more employees submit bids for the same position, _the position shall be filled in accord with the follo�ving: - 15 - ARTICLE X - SENIORITY (continued) a) Except in those cases contemplated by subparagraph (b) , below, the bidding employee tiith the greatest seniority shall be transferred to fill the position. Provided, however, that in rhe event that the emplo}�er determines that transfer of the most senior applicant or less senior applicant(s) is not in the best interest of the Department, another employee may be transferred to fill the position. In every such case, however, the employer shall provide to the most senior bidder and any other unsuccessful less senior bidder(s) a written statement of the reasons and factual basis on which the decisior. not to transfer him to fill the position was � based. b) In cases where the position to be filled by lateral transfer is such that a paramedic who bid therefor would, if transferred to fill the position, be enabled to make use of his paramedic skills and training and such paramedic was not at the time of making his bid in such a position on the Department, the emplayer may transfer the most senior paramedic who bid to fill the position without regard to the seniority of other applicants. ' 10.66 In the event no bid is received for a posted position, the employer may offer the position to any employee or transfer the most junior employee on the seniority roster to fill the position. 10.67 When an employee bids for and is awarded a bulletined position and in the event the employer determines that the employee's former position is to be filled by lateral transfer, the employee's former position shall be filled in accordance with the tenns set forth above. 10.68 Employees who have bid for and been awarded a bulletined position shall not be permitted to bid for the vacancy created by their transfer until that vacancy has been filled at least once in the manner set forth herein. - 16 - = _ . f�.+F�9g5Q' � ARTICLE YI - 0�ERTIr:E 11.1 EMPLOYEES reqtiired to work hours in excess of their assigned tour of duty will be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (12) times the EMPLOYEEtS . normal rate in cash. � , 11.2 (a) EMPLOYEES working a forty (40) hour work week may accumulate up to a maximum of forty (40) hours of compensatory time. (b) It is also agreed that FIRE PREVENTIOI3 EMPLOYEES may accumulate up to a maximum of fifty-six (56) hours of compensatory time. It is understood that compensatory time shall be scheduled only with the prior approval of management, and that such time shall not be scheduled so as to interfere with operations. Such time shall normally be scheduled in eight (8)-hour segments, except that FIRE PREVEIvTION EMPLOYEES may, with the approval of the Fire Chief, take time off in four (�)-hour segments. - 17 - ARTICLE XII - CALL BACf: 12.1 EriPLOYEES required to report for work by the EMPLOYER during scheduled off-duty tiMe will be compensated at the rate of one and one-half (li1) times the EtiPLOYEE'S normal hourly rate. The minimum payment under this Article will be four (4) times the �fiiPLOYEE'S hourly rate. An early report of two (2) hours or less or an extension of a normally � scheduled tour of duty shall not qualify an EMPLOYEE for this minimum payment. - 18 - ARTICLE XIII - MILITARY LEAVE OF ABSENCE 13.1 Pay Allowance Any ENIPLOYEE who shall be a member of the National Guard, the Naval Militia or any other component of the militia of the state, now or hereinafter organized or constituted under state or federal Iaw, or who shall be a member of the Officer's Reserve Corps, the Enlisted Reserve Corps, the Naval Reserve, the Alarine Corps Reserve or any other reserve conponent of the military or naval force of the United States, now or hereafter organized or constituted under federal law, sha11 be entitled to leave of absence from employment without lass of pay, seniority status, efficiency rating, vacation, sick leave or other benefits for all the time when such EMPLOYEE is engaged with such organization or component in training or active service ordered or authorized by proper authority pursuant to law, whether for state or federal purposes, provided that such leave shall not exceed a total of fifteen (15) days in any calendar year and further provided that such leave shall be allowed only in case the required military or naval service is satisfactorily performed, which shall be presumed unless the contrary is established. Such leave shall not be allowed unless the EMPLO�'EE (1) returns to his position immec�iately upon being relieved from such military service and not later than the expiration of the time herein limited for such leave, or (2) is prevented from so returning by physical or mental disability or other cause not due to_such EMPLOYEE'S own fault, or (3) is required by proper authority to continue in such military or naval service beyond the time herein limited for such leave. - 19 - ARTICLE XIII - :�`_ILITARY LEAVE CF ABSE:�CE (continued) 13.2 Leave jdithout Pay Any E1�IPLOYEL who engages in active service in time of war or other emergency declared by proper authority of any of the military or naval forces of the state or of the United States for which leave is not otherwise allowed by law shall be entitled to leave of absence from . employment without pay during such service with right of reinstatement and subject to such conditions as are imposed by law. 13.3 Such leaves of absence as are granted under Article XIII shall conform to Minnesota Statutes, Section 192, as amended from time to time and shall confer no additional benefits other than those granted by said statute. - 20 - ' � ARTICLI: :�I�' - INSliRA\CE 14.1 The E'.PLOYFR wiil cor_tinue for the period of this AGREEA1EPuT to provide for E`IPLOYEES such health and life insurance benefits as are provideZ by � Er;PL01'ER at the tine of the execution of this AGREEi1ENT. r 14.2 The Ei�fPLOYER will for the period of this AGREEMEi1T provide for .�ifPLOYEES who retire after the ti�e of execution of this AGREE�fENT and until such ET:PLOYEES reach sixty-five (65) years of age such health insurance benefits as are provided by the E1�IPLOIE�. 14.3 In the event of the death of an active EMPLOYEE or an early retiree, the dependents of such EMPLOYEE or retiree shall have the option within thirt�� (30) days to continue or begin the current hospitalization and �!edical benefits, including such improvement as may be made from time to time, which. said dependents previously had, or be eligible for at the premium applicable to dependents of active employees. It is further understood that coverage shall cease in the event of: 14.31 Subsequent remarriage of L-he sur�iving spouse of the deceased employee or retiree. 14.32 The employment of the surviving spouse where hospitalization and medical insurance coverage is obtained through a group program by said employer. It is further understood, however, that in said event, the surviving spouse shall have tYce right to maintain City hospitalization and medical insurance coverage for the first ninety (90) days of said employment. T4.4 City provided life insurance in existence at time of retirement shall continue to be provided by the City after an employee shall take early retirement, but such coverage shall terminate at age 65. , -. -21_ ARTICLE XIV - INSURANCE (continued) - . 14.5 All early retirees covered in this Bargaining Unit shall receive the same �Iealth and Ldelfare ber�efits regardless of the date of their early retirement. In order to be eligible for the benefits under this early retiree provision, the employee must: 14.51 Be receiving benefits from a Public Employee Retirement Act. 14.52 Nave severed his relationship with the City of Saint Paul under one of the early retiree plans. - The City and above Union also agree that any employee who is eligible for a deferred Fire Pension shall receive such Health and Welfare benefits when he begins to receive his pension benefits. 14.6 For each eligible employee covered by this AGREII�IENT selecting that health insurance program supplied to the City by Elue Cross-Blue Shield, the City shall pay the entire cost of such coverage, or $87 .06 per month, whichever is less. In addition, for each employee selecting dependent's coverage under the program offered to the City by Blue Cross-Blue Shield, the City shall pay the entire cost of such dependent's coverage or $203.86 per month, whichever is less. 14.7 For. each eligible employee covered by this AGREEMENT selecting that health insurance program supplied to the City by Group Eealth, the City shall pay the entire cost of such coverage, or $52.36 per month, which- ever is less. In addition, for each employee selecting dependent's coverage under the program offered to the City by Group Health, the City shall pay the entire cost of such dependent's coverage or $87.57 per month, whichever is less. - 22 - . ARTICLE XIV - INSURANCE (continued) 14.8 For each eligible employee covered by this AGRE ,�iENT selecting that health insurance program supplied to the City '�y Coordinated Care, the City shall pay the entire cost of such coverage, or $65.10 per �onth, whichever is less. In addition, for each employee selecting dependent's coverage under the program offered to the City by Coordinated Care, the City shall pay the entire cost of such dependent's coverage or $117.80 � per month, whichever is less. 14.9 For each eligible employee covered by this AGREEMENT selecting the health insurance program supplied to the City by HMO-riinnesota, the City shall pay the entire cost of such coverage, or $52.75 per month, whichever is less. In addition, for each employee selecting dependent's coverage under the program offered to the City by HMO riinnesota, the City shall pay the entire cost of such dependent's coverage or $141.88 per month, whichever is less. 14.10 For each eligible employee covered by this AGREII�IENT selecting that health insurance program supplied to the City by SHAR.E, the City shall pay the entire cost of such coverage, or $50.67 per month, whichever is less. In addition, for each employee selecting dependent's coverage under the program offered to the City by SHARE, the City shall pay the entire cost of such dependent's coverage or $100.34 per month, whichever is less. - 22A - ARTICLE XIV - INSURANCE (continued) 14.11 The City agrees to contribute the cost of $5,000 of life insurance coverage for each employee who is eligible for such coverage or $3.25 per month, whichever amount is less. � 14.12 Effective October 1, 1983, the dollar caps, specif ied in Articles 14.6, 14.7, 14.8, 14.9 and 14.10 for employee coverage shall be increased to equal the total October l, 1983 premium cost for employee coverage in the respective plan. 14.13 Effective October l, 1983, the dollar caps, specified in Articles 14.7 , 14.8 and 14.10 for dependent's coverage shall be increased to equal the total October 1, 1983 premium cost for dependent's coverage in the respective plan. 14.14 Effective October 1, 1983, the dollar caps, specified in Articles I4.6 and 14.9 for dependent's coverage shall be adjusted to equal ninety percent (90%) of the total October 1, 1983 premium cost for dependentts coverage in the respective plan. 14.15 The contributions required of the City in 14.6 through 14.11 shall be paid to the City's group health and welfare plan. Any increase in any premium cost after September 30, 1984 shall be paid by the employee. The parties agree that if future negotiations between them result in increases in the City's contribution toward health and welfare benefits over and above the levels of the City's contributions in effect as of September 30, 1984, then any such increases may be retroactive to October 1, 1984 or such later date as the parties may agree during the course of their negotiations. - 23 - ARTICLE :iV - EXCHAr+GE OF TOURS OF Di;TY 15.1 Voluntary exchanges of tours of duty shall be granted only after approval by the department head or his designated representative. � r 15.2 No II`1PLOYEE shall be entitled to �aorking out of classification pay under Article IX as a result of any voluntary exchange of tours of duty. - 24 - ARTICLE �VI - �':�CATION 16.1 EI:PLOYEES shall be granted in each calendar year vacation at the rate of � � two (2) ti�:es the number af hours designated as the work week. After five (5) �ears of continuous employment in �'iPLOYER'S fire degartment, ErIPL0YEE5 shall be granted vacation at the rate of three (3) times the number of hours designated as the work week. After fifteen (I5} years of continuous employment in EMPLOYER�S fire department, .F'�iIPLOYEES shall be granted vacation at the rate of four and tcao-tenths (4.2) times the number of hours designated as the work week. After twenty-five (2S) years of continuous employment in E1�iPL0YER'S fire depart�±ent, EriPLOYEES shall be granted vacation at the rate of four and four-tenths (4.4) times the number of hours designated as the work week. 16.2 The department head may permit EMPLOYEES to carry over into the following calendar year vacation time equivalent to two work weeks. Vacation schedules shall be fixed by the department head. An �iPLOYEE not working full-time shall be granted vacation on a pro-rata basis. 16.3 EMPLOYEES separated from employtnent by reason of resignation shall be granted such vacation pay as has been earned and remains unused at the time of separation, provided notification of resignation has been sent to the department head, in writing, at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the date of resignation. EMPLOYEES separated from employment by reason of discharge, retirement or death shall be granted such vacation pay as has been earned and remains unused at the time of separation. EMPLOYEES granted more vacation time than earned at the time of separation.from employment sha11 pay the EMPLOYER for such unearned vacation. 16.4 This article shall not apply to temporary or emergency employees. - 25 - , ������ ARTICLE ��III - HOLIDAYS 17.1 In addition to �ahat is provided in Saint Paul Ordinance No. 6446, add one additional floating holiday �ahich is to be added to the vacation �' schedule by increasir.g vacation by .2 (two-tenths) times the number of hours designated as the worlc week. 17.2 For those employees assigned to a work week other than Monday through Friday, the holiday shall be observed on the calendar date of the holida5. - 26 - ARTICLE XVIII - INCAPACITATIO� " 18.1 EMPLOYEES injured duzing the course of e�pioyr.:ent and thereby rendered incapable of performing job duties and responsibilities shall receive full wages during the period of incapacity, not to e�ceed the period equal to twelve (12) months plus accumulated sick Ieave. It is under- stood that in such cases, the twelve (12) month period shall first be utilized and only when same is exhausted shall accumulated sick leave be applicable. 18.2 EMPLOYEES disabled through injury or sickness other than specified in Section 18.1 above shall receive fu11 wages for a period equal to accumulated sick leave, plus six (6) months as provided herein. It is understood that in such cases, accumulated sick Ieave shall first be utilized before the six (6) months, or any part thereof, shall be applicable. It is further understood that the six (6) �onth period shall be available only in those years where the last available Annual Report of the City Civil Service office shall show average sick leave used per Fire Department Employee (based on the 1972 Annual Report method of calculating same) , of eight (8) days or less. 18.3 EMPLOYEES in�ured or incapacitated by illnesses in the line of duty shall be entitled to reinstatement at any time within five (5) years from the date of injury or ,incapacity provided they are physically capable of resuming their 3ob. 18.4 Except as specifically provided in this Article, all illness and incapacity rules and policies previously in effect shall continue. - 27 - . , , 2'�`���� � ARTICLE YIX - RESIDENCE 19.1 The residency requirements as passed by the City Council on December 30, 1982 under Council File No. 279643 shall apply to a�.l employees covered by this AGREEriENT. � f 19.2 In the event the City of Saint Paul repeals or is prohibited by a superior governmental authority from imposing residency requirements for its employees, the provisions in this contract regarding residency shall be of no force and effect. - 28 - ARTICLE XX - SICK LEAVE 20.1 As provided in City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rules Section 20. 20.2 Modify the sick leave conversion to vacation policy, to allow eligibility for conversion when one hundred eighty (180) days have been accumulated. -29- • ` � � � �'�gg50 ARTICLE X}:I - FIP.E FIG��'TING EQUIP�SE�T 21.1 The F::�iPLOYEP. will provide the folloi�:ir_g fire fi.ghting equipment for individual Er1PL0YEES; such as : ` � Coats Boots Helmets Choppers Liners - 30 - ARTICLE XhII - STATION SUPPLIES � 22.1 The EMPLOYER will provide station supplies such as : Refrigeratcrs Stoves Tables Chairs Soap Brass Polish Cleaning Rags Light Eulbs Chamois - 31 - . � � � 2"�9�5� ARTICLE YXIII - TELEPIiO�ES 23.1 The E.'PLOYER will provide a public telephone as a back-up to the alarr� system. � , 23.2 Telephones installed for individual Etii1PL0YEES or groups of EMPLOYEES wi11 be at the EMPLOYEES' expense. All such telephones must be approved prior to installation by the department head or his designated representative. - 32 - � ARTICLE XXIV - GIAGE SCHEDULE � 24.1 The wage schedule for tlie purpose of this Agreement shall be Appendix A attached hereto. 24.2 Forty (40) hour work week EMPLOYEES regularly assigned to night duty (e.g. - dispa.tcher, inspectors and fire prevention employees) will receive night differential in accordance with e�isting City rules and policies. - 33 - � � �r9S�Q ' ARTICLE XXV - UNIFOP.Pi ALLO�,TP�CE 25.1 Tt:e 1972 base of One Hundred Ztaenty Dollars ($120.00) as a clothing allot•:ance on a voucher system �aill be increased January 1, 1974, anc3 each year thereafter on the basis of a yearly study of the increased cost of the defined uniform. , The 1972 base cost of the uniform is stipulated and attached as Appendix B. 25.2 It is further understood that Fire Prevention Employees shall receive a cloth- ing allowance cohich is Thirty ($30.00) Dollars greater than that provided herein for other employees. - 34 - ARTICLE XXVI - LEGAL SERVICES 26.1 Except in cases of malfeasance in office or �illful or wanton neglect of duty, the E�:PLO�'ER shall defend, save harmless and indemnify an EMPLOYEE, and/or his estate, against any claim or demand, �ahether groundless or otherwise, arising out of an alleged act or omission in the perfQrmance and scope of the EMPLOYEE'S duties. - 35 - ' �����V � ARTICLE XXVII - SEVERANCE PAY 27.1 The er:iployer shall provide a severance pay program as set for in this Article. � 27.2 To be eligible for the severance pay program, an employee must meet , the following requirements: 27.21 The employee must be 58 years of age or older or must be eligible for pension under the "rule of 90" provisions of the Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA) . 27.22 The employee must be voluntarily separated from City employment or have been subject to separation by lay-off or coa.pulsory retirement. Those employees who are discharged for cause, misconduct, inefficiency, incompetency, or any other disciplinary reason are not eligible for the City Severance pay program. 27.23 The employee must have at least ten (10) yeazs of service under the classified or unclassified Civil Service at the time of separation. 27.24 The employee must file a waiver of re-employment with the Director of Personnel, which will clearly indicate that by requesting severance pay, the employee waives all claims to reinstatement or reemployr.ient (of any type) , with the City or with Independent School District No. 625. 27.25 The employee must have accumulated a minimum of sixty (60) days of sick leave credits at the time of his separation from service. 27.3 If an employee requests severance pay and if the employee meets the eligibility requirements set forth above, he or she will be granted severance pay in an amount equal to one-half of the daily rate of pay for the pos3.tion held by the employee on the date of separation for each day of accrued sick leave subject to a maximum of 2Q0 accrued sick leave days. 27.4 The maximum amount .of money that any employee may obtain through this severance pay program is $6,500. - 36 - ARTICLE XXVII - SEVERANCE PAY (Continued) ` ' 27.5 For the purpose of this severance program, a death of an employee shall be considered as segaration of employment, and if the enployee would have met all of the requirements set forth above, at the time of his or her death, payment of the severance pay may be �ade to the employee',s estate or spouse. 27.6 For the purpose of this severance program, a transfer from the City • of Saint Paul employment to Independent School District No. 625 employment is not considered a separation of employment, and such transferee shall not be eligible for the City severance program. 27.7 The manner of payment of such severance pay sha11 be made in accordance with the provisions of City Ordinar.ce No. 11490. 27.8 This severance pay program shall be subject to and governed by the pro- visions of City Ordinance No. 11490 except in those cases where the specific provisions of this article conflict with said ordinance and in such cases, the provisions of this article shall control. 27.9 An employee may, in any event, and upon r,leeting the qualifications of this article or City Ordinance No. 11490, as amended by City Ordinance No. 16303, section 1, section 6, draw severance pay. However, an election by the employee to draw severa.nce pay under either this article or the ordinance sha11 constitute a bar to receiving severance pay from the other. - 37 - ' �F��r,f�� PRTICLE XXVIII - PI'YSICAL I\CAPACIT�.TIO�: 28.1 Any physic�l inc�pac�tated ��`_?'LOYT:�: unable te gzr�crr.: :�o_i::al �.orF dutie:< may be assicned at the direct�o^ o{ the dep�trtr.�ent 'r_ead to per*orrc tt�� duties of Fire Dispatcher or Fire Inspector. ��tLC�EES so ass?�ned by the department head will recei�-e their regular rate cf pay for a period not to exceed one hundred and eighty (180) days. After one hur_dred and eighty (1S0) days, F�iPLOYEES so assigned ���iZl receive their re�ular pay - rate or th� Dispatcher II pay rate -- whichever is lo�aer. - 38 - � s�tTICLE XXIX - CITY riILEAGF. � � 29.1 Automobile Peimbursement Autnorized: Pursuant to Chapter 33 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code, as amended, pertaining to reimbursei�en*_ of City of.ficers and enployees for the use of their oi.-n automobiles in the performance of their duties, the following provisions are adopted. 29.2 Method of Computation: To be eligible for such reimbursement, aIl officers and employees must receive written authorization fror:_ tY:e , Department Head. pe 1. If an employee is required to use his/her own automobile T OCCASIOI�?ALLY during employment, the employee shall be rei�bursed at the rate of $3.00 per day for each day the employee's vehicle is actually used in perfor�ing the duties of the employee's position. In addition, the employee shall be reimbursed 15� per mile for each � mile actually driven. If such employee is required to drive an automobile during emplo5�aent and the depaxtment head or designated representative determine� that an employer-vehicle is available for the employee's use but the employee desires to use his/her own.automobile, then the employee shall be rei�:- bursed at the rate of 15� per mile driven and shall not be eligible for any per diem. TyPe 2. If an e�ployee is required to use his/her oc,m automobile REGULARLY during employment, the employee shall be rei.mbLrsed at the rate of $3.00 per day for each day of work. In addition, the employee shall be reimbursed 15� per mile for each mile actually driven. If such employee is required to drive an automobile during employment and the department head or designated representative determines that an employer vehicle is available for the employee's use but the euzployee desires to use his/her own automobile, then the employee sha11 be reir.i- bursed at the rate of 15� per mile driven and shall not be eligible for any per diem. 29.3 The City wi7,1 provide parking at the Civic .Center Parking Ranp for City employees on either of the above mentioned types of rei�bursement plans who are required to have their personal car available for City business. Such parking will be provided oniy for the days the emgloyee is required to have his or her own personal car available. 29.4 Rules and Regulations: T'he Mayor shall adop.t rules and regulations governing the procedures for automobile reimbursement, which regulations and rules shall contain the requirement that recipients shall file daily xeports indicating miles driven and shall file monthly affidavits stating the number of da3�s worked and the number of mi2es driven, and further require that they maintain autoMObile liability insurance in anounts of not less than $1G0,000/$300,000 for personal injury, and $25,000 for property dar_age, or liability insurance in amounts not less than $300,000 single li�ait coverage, with the City of Saint Paul named as an additional insured. These rules and regulations, together with the amendment thereto, shall be maintained on file with the city clerk. - 39 - � � � ��g�50 ARTICLE ��.Y.Y - PAID TIME OFF FOR NEGOTIATIONS 30.1 Employees elected to office in Local 21 shall be granted reasonable time off to meet �aith City officials for contract negotiatior.s without loss, of pay. The number of employees permitted to attend such negotiations . shall be limited to two at any one meeting and such employee shall give prior reasonable notice for such absence and receive approval of the employee's designated supervisor. - 40 - ARTICLE XXXI - MAINTENANCE OF ST�'�DAP�DS 31.1 The parties agree that all conditions of emplo}�nent relating specifically to wages, hours of work, t-acations, holidays and sick leave eYCept as modified by this agreement shall be maintained at not less than the minimum standard as set forth in the Civil Ser��ice Rules of the City of Saint Paul, (Resolution I�'o. 3250) and Resolution �To. 6446 at the time of the signing of this AGRE�:EI�'T, and these conditions of employment shall be improved wherever specific provisions for improvement are tuade elsewhere in this AGREEMENT. It is specifically agreed that the Civil Service Rules set forth above are not a part of this contract and that these rules shall only be am.ended by the present legislative process by the Civil Service Commission and the City Council. - 41 - • � ARTICLE }:'r�XII - PREi�1IUM PAY FOR PAF�'��[EDIC AI�� FT1TA ASSIG�,fiSEI�TS 32.1 Any employee ��ho is assigned to an advanced life support unit as a � Paramedic shall be paid a differential of six percent (6%) of his/her � regular base rate for those shifts actually worked by the employee. Only employees who have satisfactorily completed all requirsd Paramedic training shall be eligible for such assignment and pay differential. 32.2 Any employee who is assigned to an advanced life support unit or a basic life support unit as an E�ergency Medical Technician-Assigned (�ITA) shall be paid a differential of three percent (3%) of his/her regular base rate for those shifts actually �aorked by the employee. Only employees who have satisfactorily completed all required EMT training shall be eligible for such assignment and pay differential. - 42 - . ��995�J � ARTICLE XXXIII - DURATION OF AGREEMENT � 33.1 Except as herein provided, this AGREEMENT shall be effective as of the date the AGREEMEl1T is executed by the parties and shall continue in full force and effect, except for wages, thru the 30th day of September, 1984, and thereafter until modified or amended by mutual agreement of the � parties. In the case of wages, the wage schedule shall continue through , January 4, 1985. Any negotiations for future wage increases shall be only for dates subsequent to January 4, 1985. Either party desiring to amend or modify this AGREII�IENT shall notify the other in writing so as to comply with the provisions of the Minnesota Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971 as amended. 33.2 The wage schedule attached hereto as Ap�endix "A" shall take force and effect at such time as is specified in the administrative resolution recognizing and approving this AGREEMENT in accordance with Section 12.09 of the St. Paul City Charter. WITNESSES: CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS, LOCAL N0. 21 . By• �/ �Y: ��� — a o el ion irector P esident BY: BY: Civil Service Commission Secre ary-Treasurer / BY: B�': Mayor Recording S reta y BY: BY: Daced at St. Paul, Minnesota February 28, 1983 - 43 - APPEI�TDIX "A" 1983 Salary Schedule Effective December 25, 1982 � Fire Fighter � A B C D E F Id-yr I5-yr 783.47 822.63 863.77 898.64 944.59 982.88 1033.92 1059.47 Fire Alarm Dispatcher I *Fire Engineer Fire Equipment Operator Fire Prevention Inspector A B C D E �' 10-yr 15-yr 830.48 87]..98 915.59 952.58 1001.26 1041.87 I095.96 1123.04 Fire Alarm Dispatcher II A B C D E F 10-yr 15-yr 877.50 921.36 967.44 1006.49 1057.94 1100.80 1158.02 1186.59 Fire Captain Fire Investigator A B C D E F 10-yr 15-yr 924.50 970.70 1019.26 1060.40 1I14.61 1159.81 1220.05 125Q.17 The above December 25, 1982 rates represent a seven and one-half percent (7.5%) increase over the December 26, 1981 rates. - A1 - . � r ` +° �ri'g��0 �• APPEIv�IX "A" (continued) 1984 Salary Schedule Effective January 7, 1984 Fire Fighter A B C D E F 10-yr 15-yr 830.48 871.99 915.60 952.56 1001.27 1041.55 1095.96 1123.04 . Fire Alarm Dispatcher I *Fire Engineer Fire Equipment Operator Fire Preventi�n Inspector A B C D E F 10-yr 15-yr 880.31 924.30 970.53 1009.73 1061.34 1104.38 1161.72 1190.42 Fire Alarm Dispatcher II A B C D E F 10-yr 15-yr 930.15 976.64 1025.49 1066.88 1121.42 1166.85 1227.50 1257.79 Fire Captain Fire Investigator A B C D E F 10-yr 15-yr 979.97 1028.94 1080.42 1124.02 1181.49 1229.40 1293.25 1325.18 The above January 7, 1984 rates represent a six percent (6.0%) increase over the December 25, 1982. - A2 - PersoxinelOffice DEPART�,IENT ��g�0 ±t Bernard P. Wright �'ONTACT � 298-4221 PHONE � March 1 1 DATE r �+/V� � , 983 (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assiqn Number for Routing Order (Clip A11 Locations for Ma�yoral Signature): ,� Department Director �Ci ty Attorney S 3-�-s�� � 3 a� � " or� �_ Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk _ . - Budget Director �: ��hat Wiil be Achieved by iaking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale):_ This resolution approves the 1983-1984 Agreement between the City of �St. Paul and the Fire Fighter Union:• �he Agree�nent calls for the follawing changes: 1. -Article IV - Security � � -A new� provision calling €or an administrative service fee. - : 2. Article XIV - Insurance - -� � � EffeEtive October 1, 1983. The employee selecting Blue'Cross' or BM0 M�nnesota :de�penflent coverage will pap lOX of the premium. F,mployee to pay all premium R�i�tlf�'��$ increases,after Sept. 30, 1984. 3. Article XXVII - Severance Pay Severance Pay increased to $6500 under certain coaditions`wfth a minimum of age 58. 4. Article XXIV - Wages 1983`- 7.5'X�'increase � . . 1984 =�'6.OX increase. ' Funding Source and Fund Activity Number Charged or Credited: FINANCIAL IMPACT:� ' � Wages: 1983 - $772,662 Insurance: 1983 - $149,368 1984 - $664,489 1984 - Unknown Attachments (List and Nund�er all Attachments): 1. Resolution _ . _ . . • 2. Agreement 3. Copy for City Clerk , UEPARTMENT REVIEW � CITY ATTOtiNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resalution Required? Resolution Reguired? � Yes Na Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No ��- Yes No Instarance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (�ee Reverse Side for :Instructions)