00-333��, oR���NA� RESOLUTION CIT'Y OFj�'AI?vT PAUL, MI�NF,SOTA Presented Bc: Referred To: W riP;Ht�;AS, the �aint Yaut rouce Uepaitment recervea a �o i i y4a eops lviore iyyo trra� U.S. Department of Justice for the period October 10, 1996 through March 31, 2000, and 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 1S 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Council File # OQ - 333 Green Sheet # 104�93 Committee:Date: WEiEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council accepted this gra¢t on November 5,1997 (Council File #97-1310); and WHEREAS, this grant is for a police officer mobile communication system; and WAEREAS, there are remaining funds from this grant that will he used in 20�0; and WHEREAS, the police department needs to increase the 2000 spending and financing plan for this grant, and W��REAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds of 5321,212 in excess of those estimated in the 2000 budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2000 budget: CURRENT AMENDED FINANCINGPLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 436 - Police-Special Projeets 34153 - Cops More II Grant 3099 - Other Federal DireM Grants 412,130 240,909 653,Q39 9830 - Use of Fund Balance 137,376 80,303 217,C79 549,506 321,212 870,7I8 SPENDING PLAN: 436 - Police-Special Projects 34153 - Cops More II Grant Ol ll- Full-Time Permanent Salaries 0161 - Salary Needs 0219 - Fees-Other Professional Service 0251- Transportation 0252- Lodging-Meals 0389 - Other Miscellaneous Supplies 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0848 - Other Specialized Equipment 36 37 38 THEREFORE BE IT BOSVOM AdoptedbyCouncil:Date: �„ '�_�, \y gfl� c Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By: Approved by Mayor. 1te: ` sy: 19,757 34,107 53,894 1,106 - t,106 522,620 (460,977) 61,643 - 472 472 - 473 473 - 1,182 1,182 5,993 8,989 14,952 - 736,966 736,966 e e e the chanees to the 2000 Requested by Department of: �' � � �� ,�/-" � Appr ecommended by Budget By. Y � Form ed by Cit Attorney: Br• �U_ , _ � • (� for Submisst�h to sy: 34153copsmore96Gant. cr2000 �DEPARTPAENT/OFFICNCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED Police Department 3/13J00 GREEN SHEET No. 104593 CON ACT PERSON & PHONE INRIAUDAiE i NmAUDn T E C l�1Q.I12�Piy 292-3�88 � DEPARTAIENTDIRECTOR � CT'COUNQL s �� MUST BE ON COUNCII AGENDA BY (DATE) � , �, j A ^ QO �� �1.� P1CLSf.' �IIOCP.SS ASAC �CIiYARORNEY 1-' `I t , �CIiYCLERK .�'' ' � h��/ IJ • �I �/�'/\ �F6W�LlALSENVICE5Ol1�� _ �FWNd4L5ERVlACCTG � � w // �'''""" �YOR(ORASSISTPNT���� �n�wwqlGMS (/ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Approval of the attached council resolulion increasing the 2000 budget for the Cops More 1996 Grant. RECOMMENDATION APpfOVe (A) Of RejeCt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE LONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING Ql1ESTIONS' 1. Has this personKrm ever worked under a contract for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has �his person/firm ever been a ciry employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3 Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee� YES NO 4. Is this person/frm a targeted vendor� YES NO Expiain all yes answers on separete sheet and aflach to green sheet INITIATING PROB�EM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WH�, WHA7, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Department received a$677,945 Cops More 1996 Grant from the United States Department of Justice for a police officer mobile communication system. This grant was accepted by the Saint Paul Ciry Council on November 5, 1997. The 2000 spendmg and financmg plan for this grant needs to be increased for remaining grant funds to be used in 2000. {Attached is a copy of the grant awardJ ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Abiliry to use grant funding and complete police officer mobile communication system ( I DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED -"" ' None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED , - .. - ._ _ _„ _. Grant funds will be unused. ��° �'�'��'��� °'��`}�� � �A� 2 � 2000 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 3Z7,212 COSTlREVENUE BUDGEfED (qRCLE ONE) YES NO I FUNDING SOURCE U.S. Department of JusUCe Fedexal grant AGTIVITV NUMBER 34li3 � � FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) . / ✓ , . 34153CopsMore96Gr �� .��; L• (�0�[�5 � U �. P�`�� 1 V� O�'ice oftheD+rector 1100 l�emiontAvemie, NLY Nashi�gton, DC?0530 "! tl � oo -�33 � RECEIVED `n U. Department of Justice n �nn� �f ` �,�D. j � �� Offrce of Communiry Oriented Policing Services (COP CNi�F'S OFFICE Apri127,1999 Chizf ��lilliam K �inneti• St. Paul. Citv of 100 East l lth Street St. PauL IvIN 55101 Re: COPS MORE'96 Et - Grant n 96CLWX00�4 Dear Chief Finney: I am pleased to infortn you that }•our rzquest for an estznsion af }�our COPS MORE '96 has been appzoved. Youc new COPS MORE'96 �cant end date is 03f31/2000. As }ou knotiv the funds provided under COPS MORE'96 must result in an increase in the number of full-lime-equivalent (FTE's) deplo}'ed into communit}' policing. Thz levei o£ redeployment is indicated on the awazd page of i'our grant and is the espected restdt of thz funding of S'our ori�inal application. In addition, achievin� and maintaining the level of redeplo}"ment is a condition of your grant �Ve expect [his e�tension �vill enable vou to maintain the ]evel of redeployment outlined in vour original �ant. If pou have any ques[ions regarding your estension please contact the U.S. DepaRment of Justice Response Center at 1-800-421-6770 or call your grant advisor. S' re1}', � "'"" ( 1 seph E. Brann irec[or ti 5:Y' �� ��... ����? � COPS MORE `46 MODIFIED AWARD U.S. DEPART_1�IENT OF JUSTICE RECEIVED FE8 2 5 1998 00 -3�3 CHIEF'S OFFiCE� OFFICE OF CO�YI_��IUNITY ORIE_NTED POLICIIVG SERVICES Grant #: 96CL�VX0054 ORI n: MN06209 Vendor n: 416005521 Applicant Organization's Legal Name: St. Paul, City of Authorized Officia] Name: Vlavor Norm Coleman ContactName: Ms.;4vzy Brown 100 East Eleventh Sneet Saint Pau1, M�1 >j 101 Phone Numbe:: (612)292-3�33 Award start date: 1011J96 Original Award Amount: 59�4,427.00 Supplement to Award Amount: 50.00 Reduction to Award Amount 5376,d32.00 Final Award Amount: 5677,945.00 Br�nn FEB 5 I�:.� Datc FaxNumber. (b12���� 292-3542 Award end date: 3/i t(99 Number of Redeployed Officers: 34.? 6y si�nin this award. thc sisn � Fficiat is a,rc�ins a ide by th<Con ' io s t Grant A«ard found o he cvcac iida of is o umznr. � Si�n ure ofOtTicial ��i[h [hz au[horiry to accept this sranc a�vard Norm Coleman, I4ayor Typ�d Vamc and Titlz ot OtTicial ��2 � � �' u;��u , '.�8%12�98 THII 12:46 F:la 202 514 92i2 COPS f r" - - t J ����� ; f-�. ,��_ . 1VI�'M()�'AND �IM li.S. De�;artment oi'Justice Off•ce �f Cr,mmunrh f�r�ein.ra Po;i: in{ Sen %cci (CC)P.SJ Grpr;a .{`j� Givrsiw� TO: FRO?vi; SU$JEC7': DATE� Tracie b4itche!! Nanoy Leach City of Saint Pauf 96Ci,W3�pps4 _ �,*Ob2G9 Januar;- 29, I )9S � 00? Oo -s31 The City of Saint Paul, ,�IAI is rc:ques+ing a modificatiun to their COPC I�.qORE 96 grant aKazd. Due io circumstances outlines ir. the altar.}led letters iiom the Mayor, they would like Eo modify their award to �.��itlidrziv from th;; portiun of th� grant covering the local ttetwork system. The total program cost for ihat portion of Yhe acvard was 368,6�}4. Redeploymcnt will decrease from 48.5 to 34.2 FT'£. Thzrefore, the €;rantee: w�utti like to ntodify the awazd as foilows: �'rom Mcdifeed Program Cost: Personne? $ 60,000.00 Pexsonne} $ SS,OOQ.00 FringeBen � 16,344.U0 fringeBen $ 14,982.00 Eqaipment $162,300.00 Eqi.ipmerR $746,>OQ00 Contractual $130,000.00 Coraractual $ 85,Q0�7.00 Therefore, the new totaIs for the awazd vviil be as follows: Persuivxel Prugram Cost Pringc: Bene�is Trave'•, Equip;ment Yrogram Cost Supplies Contr2:ctuat Total I'rogram Cost Federai Share Local Share Recommend� tion: Grant Request $ SS,000.00 $ 14,9'52.00 � 945.00 $7�t6,500.00 S 1,SO�.QO S 'RS,Ci00.00 �9C�3 $677,945.00 $225,9t�2.0U � � . <. . ����! po 333 C.'�t3 A. NO 1t31-0188 ECi'IR'-5 r38 B�dge� De��i 1l�ar�cs�e� A�ency Name and Stafe: c-; .�-• � n��: n _ * u° ORIi CFBI ID Number): 1 ��F�09n� A Persannel List each position by titie and name of employee, if available. Show the annua! salary rate and t�e perenta�e of time to be devo.ed to the projec.. Compensation paid for empioyees en�a�ed in grant activities must be consistent witn that pzid for sunilar work within the applicant organiza;ion. Name/Posifion Computation Cost 2 Part-time FTEs One part-time FTE at $20,000, to backfill a position in oui Systems Unit. The full time position would be assigned to work with the vendors and consultants to learn the software applications and interfaces of the new Mobile Data Networl� system. The part- time position would be used to fi11 the time normally credited to 't4e fu11 time positi this would a11ow our permanent staff to support the system after the vendors and cons- ultants leave. One part-time position to fill the s2me role with our Radio 40,000 Communications Unit - working with communications, Tota1:5 installations and CAPD modems. 8. ffinge Bene�s Frin;e benefits should be baszd on known acival costs or an es�ablished for:nulz. Frinae benefits zrz For the personnel listed in bud�et category (A) and only for the pe:centa�e oi Eime dzvoted io tne project. Uniforms, equipment, and vehides are unallowable costs under this o anE progrm. Please list FICA and Workers Compensaaon, if applicable. Name/Position Computation Cost 2 FTEs @z7•247 S10,896 Total: c 10,896 "'Budoet tiVorksheet: COPS �f02E'96 (This page must be atumed to t co-s o�;��E.r• 41 _ ao-333 P_�ency Name and State: Saint Paul Police Denartment> I�?V ORI' (FBI ID Number): t�;nF�o9M G. Trvel I�emize �avel expenses of project per=onnel by purpose (a�. s:a£` to trai, fie!d incer�ie�,vs, advisory �roup meecin�s). Snocv t�'�e bas:s of computanon (e.�. six people to S-day trainin� at SX air:are, $X lodo in�, SX subsiscence). In trainin� projeccs, iravel and meals for t�ainees shoeld be lis.ed szparztely. Snozv tne number of traine°s and the unit cos:s involved. Idenii£y ihe loca�ion of i*avel, if known. � Purpose of Travel Location Ifem Comp utation Co Site visit of TBA Air/Hotel�3 days per diem a comparable system Total: S 945 t7. F�uipmerrt Lisc nonexpencable items chat a_re to be purchased. Nonexpendable equioment is tan� ole prope�y hzvin� a u=e.`sl life of more Enan tsvo years and zn zcquis:Hon cost of 5�,000 or more per unit. Expendable ite:ns snouid be inciuded eiEher in the "Supplies' cate�ory or in the "Othe*" category. Applicznts should analyze the cost benei;cs oF purcnasin� versus leasin� equipment, especaLy for hijh-cost icems and khose subjec: Eo rapid techrucal advances. Rented or leased equipment costs should be lisEzd in ihe °Contractuzl" cate- gon: Expizin hoov the equipment is necessary for the success of the projecc. AE�acn � na:.ative descrioin� tne procurzment method to be used. Ite� Computation Cost CD?D Bzse Station Router 12� CDPD Modems @1,250 e2ch 12� CDPD Access Software @1,500 each 30 Hand—held Query Devices @3,000 each 57 Taptop Computers @2,500 each 65,000 9,000 156,250 187,500 90,000 1�2,500 Totz1: 5 650, Z50 42 •'6udget 4Vorkshect COPS DfOP.E'96 (This pa�e must be rtu;�ed to tne COPS Oince )" 00 -�33 Agency.Name and StzEe: Saint Paul Police Deoartment. A*_V ORI T(FBI ID Numbez): �IN0620900 - E. S7ap{�iies Lis. ife�s by type (o'f,ice supplies; pos:a�e; trainin� materials; cooyin� pape:; and ex�endable equpment items cos�inj less thzn SS,000, such as books, hand-held tape recorde*s) and show ihe bas's for compuia- tion. Generally, supplies inclucie any maierials that are expendable or consumed dur�n� the coerse oi the project. IEems Computation Cost Misc. cables, hardware, brackets, etc. 1,856 ToEai: s 1, as6 "Budget Workshect COPS �IOP.E'96 (This page must be rehimed ro tiie COPS Oilicz.)^ n'3 0 0-�3 A�ency Name and Stafe: Saint Paul Poi ice De�artenent. NLi ORI - (FBT ID Number): .L�0620°00 F Gaasuitatt�sl�tr'trac�s Consultant Fees: For each cons encer the name, ii known, service to be provided, houriy or daily fee (8-hour day), and escimatee time on the projecc_ Consnitant fees ia excess o; $250 pe* day require addiiional jusafication. Name of ConsulEant Service Pzovided Comp uEaHon Cost TBA Software developu�ent to interface . CDPD and the SPPD Network 85,000 (340 FTE days @ 250 per day) �I 5� ^= J C a � TBD To develop RFP and supervise�� �, 5 5��- �' = s�' `' the development, installation and testing of new system. 65,000 (260 FTE days @ 250 per day) Subtota1:�150,000 ................... ................................................................................................ .......... .... Cons<<ltarit Espenszs: Lisc all expenszs to be paid from the o ant to the individual consultants in addirion to tneir fe=s (e.g. travel, meals, lod�in�). Item Location Computafion Cost Subiofal: 5 ................... ..... ........... .............................................................................................. ConirncEs: Provide a description of the product or service to be procured by contract and an est:mate of the cost Applicants are encoura�ed to promoEe free and open competition in awardin� contracs. A separate jus:incztion must be provided for sole source contracts in excess of �I00,000. Item CDPD Access Fees (This is assumed this funds be returned to of zdditional laptop mounts, connections, Cost 50,000 is an 211owable charge. If not, we would request that these the equiptaent account. They would be used for the purchzsz computers and installation hardware for the laptops, such zs heat adaptors for the screens, power szvers, etc.) Subtotal: � 50,000 Total: S �On.000 4'�r "'6ud�et YYorksheet COPS �tOP.E (T�his page must be re[urned to the COPS Oitice )" _ oo _�� A�encyName and State• c paul Police Devartment 2�' ORI = (FBI ID 1�iumbez): �0620900 t� ' �.t List iieats (e.g. rent, production, telephone, janiiorial or securi'ry se*vices, and i..ves5�aiive or con=:dental � snds) by major type znd ihe basis of the computation. For example, provide the square fooia�e znd 'cne cos; per square fooE for rent, or provide a monihiy rental cos: and how many montns to rent. Description Computation Cost �ONE TotaI: S -�- "I3udoet Worksheet: COPS ID10RE'96 (This page mast be returned to the CO?=S Otiice.Y' 45 A�ency i�;ame and SEate: Saint Paul Police Devartment, ��'1^I . , Oo ,�� ORI � (F$I ID Number): .`i�`T0620900 Sudg� �mmary 4Vhen you have compleizd the budoei wor?csheet, trans:er the tocaLs for eacn c�te�or� to the spaces below. ComouEe tne toial direcE costs and the total project coss. Indicate fihe anounc o: Fede:al funds reques�eci. $ud�et Cate�ory �ou�� A. Pe:sonnel B. Frinbe Benefits C Travel D. Ecuipment E. S�pplies F. Consultants/Contracts G. Otner Total Direct Cos�s Z'otal Project Costs Federai Request Non-Federal Amount 5 �0,000 e� 10,8 � 9G5 Sf�S(1 �SO � 1,886 � 200, 000 S _n- �903;927 cJc�, ;'?-7 S 909.9�7 5 677, 945 ( 75 q � 225 983 ( 25 0) 46 "Budget Workshect: COPS MORE'96 (This p�ge must be retumed ro the COPS Oiiice.)" ��, oR���NA� RESOLUTION CIT'Y OFj�'AI?vT PAUL, MI�NF,SOTA Presented Bc: Referred To: W riP;Ht�;AS, the �aint Yaut rouce Uepaitment recervea a �o i i y4a eops lviore iyyo trra� U.S. Department of Justice for the period October 10, 1996 through March 31, 2000, and 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 1S 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Council File # OQ - 333 Green Sheet # 104�93 Committee:Date: WEiEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council accepted this gra¢t on November 5,1997 (Council File #97-1310); and WHEREAS, this grant is for a police officer mobile communication system; and WAEREAS, there are remaining funds from this grant that will he used in 20�0; and WHEREAS, the police department needs to increase the 2000 spending and financing plan for this grant, and W��REAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds of 5321,212 in excess of those estimated in the 2000 budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2000 budget: CURRENT AMENDED FINANCINGPLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 436 - Police-Special Projeets 34153 - Cops More II Grant 3099 - Other Federal DireM Grants 412,130 240,909 653,Q39 9830 - Use of Fund Balance 137,376 80,303 217,C79 549,506 321,212 870,7I8 SPENDING PLAN: 436 - Police-Special Projects 34153 - Cops More II Grant Ol ll- Full-Time Permanent Salaries 0161 - Salary Needs 0219 - Fees-Other Professional Service 0251- Transportation 0252- Lodging-Meals 0389 - Other Miscellaneous Supplies 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0848 - Other Specialized Equipment 36 37 38 THEREFORE BE IT BOSVOM AdoptedbyCouncil:Date: �„ '�_�, \y gfl� c Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By: Approved by Mayor. 1te: ` sy: 19,757 34,107 53,894 1,106 - t,106 522,620 (460,977) 61,643 - 472 472 - 473 473 - 1,182 1,182 5,993 8,989 14,952 - 736,966 736,966 e e e the chanees to the 2000 Requested by Department of: �' � � �� ,�/-" � Appr ecommended by Budget By. Y � Form ed by Cit Attorney: Br• �U_ , _ � • (� for Submisst�h to sy: 34153copsmore96Gant. cr2000 �DEPARTPAENT/OFFICNCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED Police Department 3/13J00 GREEN SHEET No. 104593 CON ACT PERSON & PHONE INRIAUDAiE i NmAUDn T E C l�1Q.I12�Piy 292-3�88 � DEPARTAIENTDIRECTOR � CT'COUNQL s �� MUST BE ON COUNCII AGENDA BY (DATE) � , �, j A ^ QO �� �1.� P1CLSf.' �IIOCP.SS ASAC �CIiYARORNEY 1-' `I t , �CIiYCLERK .�'' ' � h��/ IJ • �I �/�'/\ �F6W�LlALSENVICE5Ol1�� _ �FWNd4L5ERVlACCTG � � w // �'''""" �YOR(ORASSISTPNT���� �n�wwqlGMS (/ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Approval of the attached council resolulion increasing the 2000 budget for the Cops More 1996 Grant. RECOMMENDATION APpfOVe (A) Of RejeCt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE LONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING Ql1ESTIONS' 1. Has this personKrm ever worked under a contract for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has �his person/firm ever been a ciry employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3 Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee� YES NO 4. Is this person/frm a targeted vendor� YES NO Expiain all yes answers on separete sheet and aflach to green sheet INITIATING PROB�EM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WH�, WHA7, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Department received a$677,945 Cops More 1996 Grant from the United States Department of Justice for a police officer mobile communication system. This grant was accepted by the Saint Paul Ciry Council on November 5, 1997. The 2000 spendmg and financmg plan for this grant needs to be increased for remaining grant funds to be used in 2000. {Attached is a copy of the grant awardJ ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Abiliry to use grant funding and complete police officer mobile communication system ( I DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED -"" ' None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED , - .. - ._ _ _„ _. Grant funds will be unused. ��° �'�'��'��� °'��`}�� � �A� 2 � 2000 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 3Z7,212 COSTlREVENUE BUDGEfED (qRCLE ONE) YES NO I FUNDING SOURCE U.S. Department of JusUCe Fedexal grant AGTIVITV NUMBER 34li3 � � FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) . / ✓ , . 34153CopsMore96Gr �� .��; L• (�0�[�5 � U �. P�`�� 1 V� O�'ice oftheD+rector 1100 l�emiontAvemie, NLY Nashi�gton, DC?0530 "! tl � oo -�33 � RECEIVED `n U. Department of Justice n �nn� �f ` �,�D. j � �� Offrce of Communiry Oriented Policing Services (COP CNi�F'S OFFICE Apri127,1999 Chizf ��lilliam K �inneti• St. Paul. Citv of 100 East l lth Street St. PauL IvIN 55101 Re: COPS MORE'96 Et - Grant n 96CLWX00�4 Dear Chief Finney: I am pleased to infortn you that }•our rzquest for an estznsion af }�our COPS MORE '96 has been appzoved. Youc new COPS MORE'96 �cant end date is 03f31/2000. As }ou knotiv the funds provided under COPS MORE'96 must result in an increase in the number of full-lime-equivalent (FTE's) deplo}'ed into communit}' policing. Thz levei o£ redeployment is indicated on the awazd page of i'our grant and is the espected restdt of thz funding of S'our ori�inal application. In addition, achievin� and maintaining the level of redeplo}"ment is a condition of your grant �Ve expect [his e�tension �vill enable vou to maintain the ]evel of redeployment outlined in vour original �ant. If pou have any ques[ions regarding your estension please contact the U.S. DepaRment of Justice Response Center at 1-800-421-6770 or call your grant advisor. S' re1}', � "'"" ( 1 seph E. Brann irec[or ti 5:Y' �� ��... ����? � COPS MORE `46 MODIFIED AWARD U.S. DEPART_1�IENT OF JUSTICE RECEIVED FE8 2 5 1998 00 -3�3 CHIEF'S OFFiCE� OFFICE OF CO�YI_��IUNITY ORIE_NTED POLICIIVG SERVICES Grant #: 96CL�VX0054 ORI n: MN06209 Vendor n: 416005521 Applicant Organization's Legal Name: St. Paul, City of Authorized Officia] Name: Vlavor Norm Coleman ContactName: Ms.;4vzy Brown 100 East Eleventh Sneet Saint Pau1, M�1 >j 101 Phone Numbe:: (612)292-3�33 Award start date: 1011J96 Original Award Amount: 59�4,427.00 Supplement to Award Amount: 50.00 Reduction to Award Amount 5376,d32.00 Final Award Amount: 5677,945.00 Br�nn FEB 5 I�:.� Datc FaxNumber. (b12���� 292-3542 Award end date: 3/i t(99 Number of Redeployed Officers: 34.? 6y si�nin this award. thc sisn � Fficiat is a,rc�ins a ide by th<Con ' io s t Grant A«ard found o he cvcac iida of is o umznr. � Si�n ure ofOtTicial ��i[h [hz au[horiry to accept this sranc a�vard Norm Coleman, I4ayor Typ�d Vamc and Titlz ot OtTicial ��2 � � �' u;��u , '.�8%12�98 THII 12:46 F:la 202 514 92i2 COPS f r" - - t J ����� ; f-�. ,��_ . 1VI�'M()�'AND �IM li.S. De�;artment oi'Justice Off•ce �f Cr,mmunrh f�r�ein.ra Po;i: in{ Sen %cci (CC)P.SJ Grpr;a .{`j� Givrsiw� TO: FRO?vi; SU$JEC7': DATE� Tracie b4itche!! Nanoy Leach City of Saint Pauf 96Ci,W3�pps4 _ �,*Ob2G9 Januar;- 29, I )9S � 00? Oo -s31 The City of Saint Paul, ,�IAI is rc:ques+ing a modificatiun to their COPC I�.qORE 96 grant aKazd. Due io circumstances outlines ir. the altar.}led letters iiom the Mayor, they would like Eo modify their award to �.��itlidrziv from th;; portiun of th� grant covering the local ttetwork system. The total program cost for ihat portion of Yhe acvard was 368,6�}4. Redeploymcnt will decrease from 48.5 to 34.2 FT'£. Thzrefore, the €;rantee: w�utti like to ntodify the awazd as foilows: �'rom Mcdifeed Program Cost: Personne? $ 60,000.00 Pexsonne} $ SS,OOQ.00 FringeBen � 16,344.U0 fringeBen $ 14,982.00 Eqaipment $162,300.00 Eqi.ipmerR $746,>OQ00 Contractual $130,000.00 Coraractual $ 85,Q0�7.00 Therefore, the new totaIs for the awazd vviil be as follows: Persuivxel Prugram Cost Pringc: Bene�is Trave'•, Equip;ment Yrogram Cost Supplies Contr2:ctuat Total I'rogram Cost Federai Share Local Share Recommend� tion: Grant Request $ SS,000.00 $ 14,9'52.00 � 945.00 $7�t6,500.00 S 1,SO�.QO S 'RS,Ci00.00 �9C�3 $677,945.00 $225,9t�2.0U � � . <. . ����! po 333 C.'�t3 A. NO 1t31-0188 ECi'IR'-5 r38 B�dge� De��i 1l�ar�cs�e� A�ency Name and Stafe: c-; .�-• � n��: n _ * u° ORIi CFBI ID Number): 1 ��F�09n� A Persannel List each position by titie and name of employee, if available. Show the annua! salary rate and t�e perenta�e of time to be devo.ed to the projec.. Compensation paid for empioyees en�a�ed in grant activities must be consistent witn that pzid for sunilar work within the applicant organiza;ion. Name/Posifion Computation Cost 2 Part-time FTEs One part-time FTE at $20,000, to backfill a position in oui Systems Unit. The full time position would be assigned to work with the vendors and consultants to learn the software applications and interfaces of the new Mobile Data Networl� system. The part- time position would be used to fi11 the time normally credited to 't4e fu11 time positi this would a11ow our permanent staff to support the system after the vendors and cons- ultants leave. One part-time position to fill the s2me role with our Radio 40,000 Communications Unit - working with communications, Tota1:5 installations and CAPD modems. 8. ffinge Bene�s Frin;e benefits should be baszd on known acival costs or an es�ablished for:nulz. Frinae benefits zrz For the personnel listed in bud�et category (A) and only for the pe:centa�e oi Eime dzvoted io tne project. Uniforms, equipment, and vehides are unallowable costs under this o anE progrm. Please list FICA and Workers Compensaaon, if applicable. Name/Position Computation Cost 2 FTEs @z7•247 S10,896 Total: c 10,896 "'Budoet tiVorksheet: COPS �f02E'96 (This page must be atumed to t co-s o�;��E.r• 41 _ ao-333 P_�ency Name and State: Saint Paul Police Denartment> I�?V ORI' (FBI ID Number): t�;nF�o9M G. Trvel I�emize �avel expenses of project per=onnel by purpose (a�. s:a£` to trai, fie!d incer�ie�,vs, advisory �roup meecin�s). Snocv t�'�e bas:s of computanon (e.�. six people to S-day trainin� at SX air:are, $X lodo in�, SX subsiscence). In trainin� projeccs, iravel and meals for t�ainees shoeld be lis.ed szparztely. Snozv tne number of traine°s and the unit cos:s involved. Idenii£y ihe loca�ion of i*avel, if known. � Purpose of Travel Location Ifem Comp utation Co Site visit of TBA Air/Hotel�3 days per diem a comparable system Total: S 945 t7. F�uipmerrt Lisc nonexpencable items chat a_re to be purchased. Nonexpendable equioment is tan� ole prope�y hzvin� a u=e.`sl life of more Enan tsvo years and zn zcquis:Hon cost of 5�,000 or more per unit. Expendable ite:ns snouid be inciuded eiEher in the "Supplies' cate�ory or in the "Othe*" category. Applicznts should analyze the cost benei;cs oF purcnasin� versus leasin� equipment, especaLy for hijh-cost icems and khose subjec: Eo rapid techrucal advances. Rented or leased equipment costs should be lisEzd in ihe °Contractuzl" cate- gon: Expizin hoov the equipment is necessary for the success of the projecc. AE�acn � na:.ative descrioin� tne procurzment method to be used. Ite� Computation Cost CD?D Bzse Station Router 12� CDPD Modems @1,250 e2ch 12� CDPD Access Software @1,500 each 30 Hand—held Query Devices @3,000 each 57 Taptop Computers @2,500 each 65,000 9,000 156,250 187,500 90,000 1�2,500 Totz1: 5 650, Z50 42 •'6udget 4Vorkshect COPS DfOP.E'96 (This pa�e must be rtu;�ed to tne COPS Oince )" 00 -�33 Agency.Name and StzEe: Saint Paul Police Deoartment. A*_V ORI T(FBI ID Numbez): �IN0620900 - E. S7ap{�iies Lis. ife�s by type (o'f,ice supplies; pos:a�e; trainin� materials; cooyin� pape:; and ex�endable equpment items cos�inj less thzn SS,000, such as books, hand-held tape recorde*s) and show ihe bas's for compuia- tion. Generally, supplies inclucie any maierials that are expendable or consumed dur�n� the coerse oi the project. IEems Computation Cost Misc. cables, hardware, brackets, etc. 1,856 ToEai: s 1, as6 "Budget Workshect COPS �IOP.E'96 (This page must be rehimed ro tiie COPS Oilicz.)^ n'3 0 0-�3 A�ency Name and Stafe: Saint Paul Poi ice De�artenent. NLi ORI - (FBT ID Number): .L�0620°00 F Gaasuitatt�sl�tr'trac�s Consultant Fees: For each cons encer the name, ii known, service to be provided, houriy or daily fee (8-hour day), and escimatee time on the projecc_ Consnitant fees ia excess o; $250 pe* day require addiiional jusafication. Name of ConsulEant Service Pzovided Comp uEaHon Cost TBA Software developu�ent to interface . CDPD and the SPPD Network 85,000 (340 FTE days @ 250 per day) �I 5� ^= J C a � TBD To develop RFP and supervise�� �, 5 5��- �' = s�' `' the development, installation and testing of new system. 65,000 (260 FTE days @ 250 per day) Subtota1:�150,000 ................... ................................................................................................ .......... .... Cons<<ltarit Espenszs: Lisc all expenszs to be paid from the o ant to the individual consultants in addirion to tneir fe=s (e.g. travel, meals, lod�in�). Item Location Computafion Cost Subiofal: 5 ................... ..... ........... .............................................................................................. ConirncEs: Provide a description of the product or service to be procured by contract and an est:mate of the cost Applicants are encoura�ed to promoEe free and open competition in awardin� contracs. A separate jus:incztion must be provided for sole source contracts in excess of �I00,000. Item CDPD Access Fees (This is assumed this funds be returned to of zdditional laptop mounts, connections, Cost 50,000 is an 211owable charge. If not, we would request that these the equiptaent account. They would be used for the purchzsz computers and installation hardware for the laptops, such zs heat adaptors for the screens, power szvers, etc.) Subtotal: � 50,000 Total: S �On.000 4'�r "'6ud�et YYorksheet COPS �tOP.E (T�his page must be re[urned to the COPS Oitice )" _ oo _�� A�encyName and State• c paul Police Devartment 2�' ORI = (FBI ID 1�iumbez): �0620900 t� ' �.t List iieats (e.g. rent, production, telephone, janiiorial or securi'ry se*vices, and i..ves5�aiive or con=:dental � snds) by major type znd ihe basis of the computation. For example, provide the square fooia�e znd 'cne cos; per square fooE for rent, or provide a monihiy rental cos: and how many montns to rent. Description Computation Cost �ONE TotaI: S -�- "I3udoet Worksheet: COPS ID10RE'96 (This page mast be returned to the CO?=S Otiice.Y' 45 A�ency i�;ame and SEate: Saint Paul Police Devartment, ��'1^I . , Oo ,�� ORI � (F$I ID Number): .`i�`T0620900 Sudg� �mmary 4Vhen you have compleizd the budoei wor?csheet, trans:er the tocaLs for eacn c�te�or� to the spaces below. ComouEe tne toial direcE costs and the total project coss. Indicate fihe anounc o: Fede:al funds reques�eci. $ud�et Cate�ory �ou�� A. Pe:sonnel B. Frinbe Benefits C Travel D. Ecuipment E. S�pplies F. Consultants/Contracts G. Otner Total Direct Cos�s Z'otal Project Costs Federai Request Non-Federal Amount 5 �0,000 e� 10,8 � 9G5 Sf�S(1 �SO � 1,886 � 200, 000 S _n- �903;927 cJc�, ;'?-7 S 909.9�7 5 677, 945 ( 75 q � 225 983 ( 25 0) 46 "Budget Workshect: COPS MORE'96 (This p�ge must be retumed ro the COPS Oiiice.)" ��, oR���NA� RESOLUTION CIT'Y OFj�'AI?vT PAUL, MI�NF,SOTA Presented Bc: Referred To: W riP;Ht�;AS, the �aint Yaut rouce Uepaitment recervea a �o i i y4a eops lviore iyyo trra� U.S. Department of Justice for the period October 10, 1996 through March 31, 2000, and 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 1S 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Council File # OQ - 333 Green Sheet # 104�93 Committee:Date: WEiEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council accepted this gra¢t on November 5,1997 (Council File #97-1310); and WHEREAS, this grant is for a police officer mobile communication system; and WAEREAS, there are remaining funds from this grant that will he used in 20�0; and WHEREAS, the police department needs to increase the 2000 spending and financing plan for this grant, and W��REAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation funds of 5321,212 in excess of those estimated in the 2000 budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2000 budget: CURRENT AMENDED FINANCINGPLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 436 - Police-Special Projeets 34153 - Cops More II Grant 3099 - Other Federal DireM Grants 412,130 240,909 653,Q39 9830 - Use of Fund Balance 137,376 80,303 217,C79 549,506 321,212 870,7I8 SPENDING PLAN: 436 - Police-Special Projects 34153 - Cops More II Grant Ol ll- Full-Time Permanent Salaries 0161 - Salary Needs 0219 - Fees-Other Professional Service 0251- Transportation 0252- Lodging-Meals 0389 - Other Miscellaneous Supplies 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0848 - Other Specialized Equipment 36 37 38 THEREFORE BE IT BOSVOM AdoptedbyCouncil:Date: �„ '�_�, \y gfl� c Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By: Approved by Mayor. 1te: ` sy: 19,757 34,107 53,894 1,106 - t,106 522,620 (460,977) 61,643 - 472 472 - 473 473 - 1,182 1,182 5,993 8,989 14,952 - 736,966 736,966 e e e the chanees to the 2000 Requested by Department of: �' � � �� ,�/-" � Appr ecommended by Budget By. Y � Form ed by Cit Attorney: Br• �U_ , _ � • (� for Submisst�h to sy: 34153copsmore96Gant. cr2000 �DEPARTPAENT/OFFICNCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED Police Department 3/13J00 GREEN SHEET No. 104593 CON ACT PERSON & PHONE INRIAUDAiE i NmAUDn T E C l�1Q.I12�Piy 292-3�88 � DEPARTAIENTDIRECTOR � CT'COUNQL s �� MUST BE ON COUNCII AGENDA BY (DATE) � , �, j A ^ QO �� �1.� P1CLSf.' �IIOCP.SS ASAC �CIiYARORNEY 1-' `I t , �CIiYCLERK .�'' ' � h��/ IJ • �I �/�'/\ �F6W�LlALSENVICE5Ol1�� _ �FWNd4L5ERVlACCTG � � w // �'''""" �YOR(ORASSISTPNT���� �n�wwqlGMS (/ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Approval of the attached council resolulion increasing the 2000 budget for the Cops More 1996 Grant. RECOMMENDATION APpfOVe (A) Of RejeCt (R) PERSONAL SERVICE LONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING Ql1ESTIONS' 1. Has this personKrm ever worked under a contract for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has �his person/firm ever been a ciry employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3 Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee� YES NO 4. Is this person/frm a targeted vendor� YES NO Expiain all yes answers on separete sheet and aflach to green sheet INITIATING PROB�EM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WH�, WHA7, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Department received a$677,945 Cops More 1996 Grant from the United States Department of Justice for a police officer mobile communication system. This grant was accepted by the Saint Paul Ciry Council on November 5, 1997. The 2000 spendmg and financmg plan for this grant needs to be increased for remaining grant funds to be used in 2000. {Attached is a copy of the grant awardJ ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Abiliry to use grant funding and complete police officer mobile communication system ( I DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED -"" ' None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED , - .. - ._ _ _„ _. Grant funds will be unused. ��° �'�'��'��� °'��`}�� � �A� 2 � 2000 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 3Z7,212 COSTlREVENUE BUDGEfED (qRCLE ONE) YES NO I FUNDING SOURCE U.S. Department of JusUCe Fedexal grant AGTIVITV NUMBER 34li3 � � FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) . / ✓ , . 34153CopsMore96Gr �� .��; L• (�0�[�5 � U �. P�`�� 1 V� O�'ice oftheD+rector 1100 l�emiontAvemie, NLY Nashi�gton, DC?0530 "! tl � oo -�33 � RECEIVED `n U. Department of Justice n �nn� �f ` �,�D. j � �� Offrce of Communiry Oriented Policing Services (COP CNi�F'S OFFICE Apri127,1999 Chizf ��lilliam K �inneti• St. Paul. Citv of 100 East l lth Street St. PauL IvIN 55101 Re: COPS MORE'96 Et - Grant n 96CLWX00�4 Dear Chief Finney: I am pleased to infortn you that }•our rzquest for an estznsion af }�our COPS MORE '96 has been appzoved. Youc new COPS MORE'96 �cant end date is 03f31/2000. As }ou knotiv the funds provided under COPS MORE'96 must result in an increase in the number of full-lime-equivalent (FTE's) deplo}'ed into communit}' policing. Thz levei o£ redeployment is indicated on the awazd page of i'our grant and is the espected restdt of thz funding of S'our ori�inal application. In addition, achievin� and maintaining the level of redeplo}"ment is a condition of your grant �Ve expect [his e�tension �vill enable vou to maintain the ]evel of redeployment outlined in vour original �ant. If pou have any ques[ions regarding your estension please contact the U.S. DepaRment of Justice Response Center at 1-800-421-6770 or call your grant advisor. S' re1}', � "'"" ( 1 seph E. Brann irec[or ti 5:Y' �� ��... ����? � COPS MORE `46 MODIFIED AWARD U.S. DEPART_1�IENT OF JUSTICE RECEIVED FE8 2 5 1998 00 -3�3 CHIEF'S OFFiCE� OFFICE OF CO�YI_��IUNITY ORIE_NTED POLICIIVG SERVICES Grant #: 96CL�VX0054 ORI n: MN06209 Vendor n: 416005521 Applicant Organization's Legal Name: St. Paul, City of Authorized Officia] Name: Vlavor Norm Coleman ContactName: Ms.;4vzy Brown 100 East Eleventh Sneet Saint Pau1, M�1 >j 101 Phone Numbe:: (612)292-3�33 Award start date: 1011J96 Original Award Amount: 59�4,427.00 Supplement to Award Amount: 50.00 Reduction to Award Amount 5376,d32.00 Final Award Amount: 5677,945.00 Br�nn FEB 5 I�:.� Datc FaxNumber. (b12���� 292-3542 Award end date: 3/i t(99 Number of Redeployed Officers: 34.? 6y si�nin this award. thc sisn � Fficiat is a,rc�ins a ide by th<Con ' io s t Grant A«ard found o he cvcac iida of is o umznr. � Si�n ure ofOtTicial ��i[h [hz au[horiry to accept this sranc a�vard Norm Coleman, I4ayor Typ�d Vamc and Titlz ot OtTicial ��2 � � �' u;��u , '.�8%12�98 THII 12:46 F:la 202 514 92i2 COPS f r" - - t J ����� ; f-�. ,��_ . 1VI�'M()�'AND �IM li.S. De�;artment oi'Justice Off•ce �f Cr,mmunrh f�r�ein.ra Po;i: in{ Sen %cci (CC)P.SJ Grpr;a .{`j� Givrsiw� TO: FRO?vi; SU$JEC7': DATE� Tracie b4itche!! Nanoy Leach City of Saint Pauf 96Ci,W3�pps4 _ �,*Ob2G9 Januar;- 29, I )9S � 00? Oo -s31 The City of Saint Paul, ,�IAI is rc:ques+ing a modificatiun to their COPC I�.qORE 96 grant aKazd. Due io circumstances outlines ir. the altar.}led letters iiom the Mayor, they would like Eo modify their award to �.��itlidrziv from th;; portiun of th� grant covering the local ttetwork system. The total program cost for ihat portion of Yhe acvard was 368,6�}4. Redeploymcnt will decrease from 48.5 to 34.2 FT'£. Thzrefore, the €;rantee: w�utti like to ntodify the awazd as foilows: �'rom Mcdifeed Program Cost: Personne? $ 60,000.00 Pexsonne} $ SS,OOQ.00 FringeBen � 16,344.U0 fringeBen $ 14,982.00 Eqaipment $162,300.00 Eqi.ipmerR $746,>OQ00 Contractual $130,000.00 Coraractual $ 85,Q0�7.00 Therefore, the new totaIs for the awazd vviil be as follows: Persuivxel Prugram Cost Pringc: Bene�is Trave'•, Equip;ment Yrogram Cost Supplies Contr2:ctuat Total I'rogram Cost Federai Share Local Share Recommend� tion: Grant Request $ SS,000.00 $ 14,9'52.00 � 945.00 $7�t6,500.00 S 1,SO�.QO S 'RS,Ci00.00 �9C�3 $677,945.00 $225,9t�2.0U � � . <. . ����! po 333 C.'�t3 A. NO 1t31-0188 ECi'IR'-5 r38 B�dge� De��i 1l�ar�cs�e� A�ency Name and Stafe: c-; .�-• � n��: n _ * u° ORIi CFBI ID Number): 1 ��F�09n� A Persannel List each position by titie and name of employee, if available. Show the annua! salary rate and t�e perenta�e of time to be devo.ed to the projec.. Compensation paid for empioyees en�a�ed in grant activities must be consistent witn that pzid for sunilar work within the applicant organiza;ion. Name/Posifion Computation Cost 2 Part-time FTEs One part-time FTE at $20,000, to backfill a position in oui Systems Unit. The full time position would be assigned to work with the vendors and consultants to learn the software applications and interfaces of the new Mobile Data Networl� system. The part- time position would be used to fi11 the time normally credited to 't4e fu11 time positi this would a11ow our permanent staff to support the system after the vendors and cons- ultants leave. One part-time position to fill the s2me role with our Radio 40,000 Communications Unit - working with communications, Tota1:5 installations and CAPD modems. 8. ffinge Bene�s Frin;e benefits should be baszd on known acival costs or an es�ablished for:nulz. Frinae benefits zrz For the personnel listed in bud�et category (A) and only for the pe:centa�e oi Eime dzvoted io tne project. Uniforms, equipment, and vehides are unallowable costs under this o anE progrm. Please list FICA and Workers Compensaaon, if applicable. Name/Position Computation Cost 2 FTEs @z7•247 S10,896 Total: c 10,896 "'Budoet tiVorksheet: COPS �f02E'96 (This page must be atumed to t co-s o�;��E.r• 41 _ ao-333 P_�ency Name and State: Saint Paul Police Denartment> I�?V ORI' (FBI ID Number): t�;nF�o9M G. Trvel I�emize �avel expenses of project per=onnel by purpose (a�. s:a£` to trai, fie!d incer�ie�,vs, advisory �roup meecin�s). Snocv t�'�e bas:s of computanon (e.�. six people to S-day trainin� at SX air:are, $X lodo in�, SX subsiscence). In trainin� projeccs, iravel and meals for t�ainees shoeld be lis.ed szparztely. Snozv tne number of traine°s and the unit cos:s involved. Idenii£y ihe loca�ion of i*avel, if known. � Purpose of Travel Location Ifem Comp utation Co Site visit of TBA Air/Hotel�3 days per diem a comparable system Total: S 945 t7. F�uipmerrt Lisc nonexpencable items chat a_re to be purchased. Nonexpendable equioment is tan� ole prope�y hzvin� a u=e.`sl life of more Enan tsvo years and zn zcquis:Hon cost of 5�,000 or more per unit. Expendable ite:ns snouid be inciuded eiEher in the "Supplies' cate�ory or in the "Othe*" category. Applicznts should analyze the cost benei;cs oF purcnasin� versus leasin� equipment, especaLy for hijh-cost icems and khose subjec: Eo rapid techrucal advances. Rented or leased equipment costs should be lisEzd in ihe °Contractuzl" cate- gon: Expizin hoov the equipment is necessary for the success of the projecc. AE�acn � na:.ative descrioin� tne procurzment method to be used. Ite� Computation Cost CD?D Bzse Station Router 12� CDPD Modems @1,250 e2ch 12� CDPD Access Software @1,500 each 30 Hand—held Query Devices @3,000 each 57 Taptop Computers @2,500 each 65,000 9,000 156,250 187,500 90,000 1�2,500 Totz1: 5 650, Z50 42 •'6udget 4Vorkshect COPS DfOP.E'96 (This pa�e must be rtu;�ed to tne COPS Oince )" 00 -�33 Agency.Name and StzEe: Saint Paul Police Deoartment. A*_V ORI T(FBI ID Numbez): �IN0620900 - E. S7ap{�iies Lis. ife�s by type (o'f,ice supplies; pos:a�e; trainin� materials; cooyin� pape:; and ex�endable equpment items cos�inj less thzn SS,000, such as books, hand-held tape recorde*s) and show ihe bas's for compuia- tion. Generally, supplies inclucie any maierials that are expendable or consumed dur�n� the coerse oi the project. IEems Computation Cost Misc. cables, hardware, brackets, etc. 1,856 ToEai: s 1, as6 "Budget Workshect COPS �IOP.E'96 (This page must be rehimed ro tiie COPS Oilicz.)^ n'3 0 0-�3 A�ency Name and Stafe: Saint Paul Poi ice De�artenent. NLi ORI - (FBT ID Number): .L�0620°00 F Gaasuitatt�sl�tr'trac�s Consultant Fees: For each cons encer the name, ii known, service to be provided, houriy or daily fee (8-hour day), and escimatee time on the projecc_ Consnitant fees ia excess o; $250 pe* day require addiiional jusafication. Name of ConsulEant Service Pzovided Comp uEaHon Cost TBA Software developu�ent to interface . CDPD and the SPPD Network 85,000 (340 FTE days @ 250 per day) �I 5� ^= J C a � TBD To develop RFP and supervise�� �, 5 5��- �' = s�' `' the development, installation and testing of new system. 65,000 (260 FTE days @ 250 per day) Subtota1:�150,000 ................... ................................................................................................ .......... .... Cons<<ltarit Espenszs: Lisc all expenszs to be paid from the o ant to the individual consultants in addirion to tneir fe=s (e.g. travel, meals, lod�in�). Item Location Computafion Cost Subiofal: 5 ................... ..... ........... .............................................................................................. ConirncEs: Provide a description of the product or service to be procured by contract and an est:mate of the cost Applicants are encoura�ed to promoEe free and open competition in awardin� contracs. A separate jus:incztion must be provided for sole source contracts in excess of �I00,000. Item CDPD Access Fees (This is assumed this funds be returned to of zdditional laptop mounts, connections, Cost 50,000 is an 211owable charge. If not, we would request that these the equiptaent account. They would be used for the purchzsz computers and installation hardware for the laptops, such zs heat adaptors for the screens, power szvers, etc.) Subtotal: � 50,000 Total: S �On.000 4'�r "'6ud�et YYorksheet COPS �tOP.E (T�his page must be re[urned to the COPS Oitice )" _ oo _�� A�encyName and State• c paul Police Devartment 2�' ORI = (FBI ID 1�iumbez): �0620900 t� ' �.t List iieats (e.g. rent, production, telephone, janiiorial or securi'ry se*vices, and i..ves5�aiive or con=:dental � snds) by major type znd ihe basis of the computation. For example, provide the square fooia�e znd 'cne cos; per square fooE for rent, or provide a monihiy rental cos: and how many montns to rent. Description Computation Cost �ONE TotaI: S -�- "I3udoet Worksheet: COPS ID10RE'96 (This page mast be returned to the CO?=S Otiice.Y' 45 A�ency i�;ame and SEate: Saint Paul Police Devartment, ��'1^I . , Oo ,�� ORI � (F$I ID Number): .`i�`T0620900 Sudg� �mmary 4Vhen you have compleizd the budoei wor?csheet, trans:er the tocaLs for eacn c�te�or� to the spaces below. ComouEe tne toial direcE costs and the total project coss. Indicate fihe anounc o: Fede:al funds reques�eci. $ud�et Cate�ory �ou�� A. Pe:sonnel B. Frinbe Benefits C Travel D. Ecuipment E. S�pplies F. Consultants/Contracts G. Otner Total Direct Cos�s Z'otal Project Costs Federai Request Non-Federal Amount 5 �0,000 e� 10,8 � 9G5 Sf�S(1 �SO � 1,886 � 200, 000 S _n- �903;927 cJc�, ;'?-7 S 909.9�7 5 677, 945 ( 75 q � 225 983 ( 25 0) 46 "Budget Workshect: COPS MORE'96 (This p�ge must be retumed ro the COPS Oiiice.)"