279881 M�HITE - C�TV CLERK � /yQ�� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII �rE ��V CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � , ncil Resolution , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council for the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Section 1.15 of the Request for Proposals adopted by Council Resolution No. 279412 on October 28 , 1982 , intends that there be created two non-profit corporations - St. Paul Community Access Corporation (SPCAC) and St. Paul Institutional Access Corporation (SPIAC) - to play a primary role in administering access to the cable system; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes it is in the best interests of the City to commence the process for creation of the two afore- mentioned corporations; now, therefore, be it RE50LVED, That the City Council hereby adopts items one through seven of the attached Recommendations of the Association for Community and Institutional Cable Access ; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor's Office is hereby requested to begin the open appointments process for the selection of incorporators for the two aforementioned access corporations . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher �^ �evine � In Favor Masanz 1�lleeslR'r Q�- scheibel _ __ Against BY — ?mo�ssas- Wilson —�.rn � 1983 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �-C-a-� Certified Pa s d oun il S ta By �-� hl• I��LC./Q.�i.�G. JL-!S�Z B� t�pprov by�� vo • Dat _ �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B _e�\���_ BY Y — PUBLISNED M AR 5 19g3 � - � � �'7g8�� . `Recom�endations �for the Energy, Utilities and Enviror.�ent Coamit.tee L�illiam Wilson, Chair • Dece�ber 1, Z982 The Association for Co�nunity and Institutior�21 Cable Access has . studied the wor�:ing paper prepared by Linda Camp and sub�itted to you on rTovember�l9. As a result of ouz. review, we make the following • reco�nendations : • . 1- A single group of incorporators should be selected. This group - ' should include �repres�ntatives from bo�h institutions and the , . community (the "single incorporators group r�odel") . 2- This group� of incorporators should be afforded stafr support ' f rom the City. . � � , 3- There should be between five and seven representatives serving 2s incorporators for each� corp oration. The total number of - . incorporators should not eYCeed fifteen. . 4- The incorporators should be selected through the open appointments � process. , . S- The most important criteria for selection. of incorporators must• . be the creation of an effective working group uhich is sensitive and responsi.ve to the needs of St Paul. We believe it is more . i�portant that the people selected be knowled�eable and ca�abZe of respondin� to tlie concerns of the �any. speci2l interest �rou�s � rather than composed of representativesof those groups. � � With the folloWing exceptions ue believe tl�e possible list of � , �� criteria for incorporators, {page 2. IIZ of the Nov. 19 working paper) .' ," is appropriate: . � - kfi ile it may be heloful to have a majority of incorporators who are residents of St Pzul, -there is no need €or an ' � absolute residency requirement. Such a restriction may � � exclude the participation of people and institutions�wittl � valuable knoc�led�e and �experience. . ' .� - Neither a�e nor geographic distribution within the city . are relevant criteria for incor�orators. jde believe the � ; incorpotators may subsequently deterr�ine that these factors � : � are inportant for the selection of the r�embers of the Board • of Directors . � 6- The appoint�ents process should 'oe opened on March 1, 1983; screening should begin on Ma,y 1, 1983• 7- The incorporators should be appo�nted after the intial desi€nation of tne franchisee, prefera5l� within two k*eeks of �hat selection� _ � � but at least 6J days before the franchise ordinance is passed. This protects the incorporztion process fro� the pressures involved in selectin� a fra�►chisee, but nernits effective participation in the development of. tne franchise itself. 8- �;e c:ill be pre�ared to sub�it specific recom�endations defining tlie euties of the incorporators on �Jan. 14 , 1933. � : - � 2'�9881 , 'Reco:��endations for the Energy, Utilities and Enviror.u�ent Co�nittee L�illiam uilson, Chair . • Dece�ber Z, 1982 . The Associ2tion for Co�nunity and Institutional Cable Access has . studied the working paper prepared by Linda Ca�p and sub��tted to you �n A�ovenber�l9. As a result of our review, we ma�:e the following • reco�endations : . , � 1- A single group of incorporators should be selected. This group - � . - should include representatives fro� both institutions and the , community (the "single incorporators group r�odel") . 2- This group of incorporators should be afforded stafi support ' from the City. • , 3- There should be between five and seven representatives serving 2s incorporators for each corp oration. The total nu,.-,ber of . incorporators should not e:cceed fifteen. 4- The incorporators should be selected through the open appointments � process. , S- The most imp�rtant criteria for selection. of incorporators must• • be the creation of an effective working group Ghich is sensitive . and responsive to the needs af St Paul. We believe it is mor� _ . important that the people selected be knowtedoeable and ca�able of respondin� to t;ie concerns of the many sFecial ?nterest �rou�s : � rather than composed of re�resentativesof those groups. � � With the folloc�ing exceptions c�e believe tize possible list of , �� criteria for incorporators, (page 2_ III of the Nov. 19 workin� paper) .' _� is appropriate: . � - k'hile it may be heloful to have a majority of incorporators who are residents of St Paul, •there is no need for an ' � absolute residency require�ent. Such a restrzction may � exclude the participation of people and institutions witli - valuable knowled�e and experience. . ' .� - Neither a�e nor geographic distribution within. the city . . are reZevant criteria for incor�orators. t�e believe the � _ incorpotators may subsequently deterr�ine that these factors . � are inportant for the selection of the nemoers of the Board • of Directors• � 6- The appoint�ents process should 'oe ope:�ed on .March l, 1983; screening should begin on �,y l� 1983• 7- The incorporators should be appo�n[ed after the intial desi€nation of tne franchisee, preferabl; �.�ithin two �.ieeks of �hat selection, . " - but at least 60 days before the franchise ordinance is passed. This protects the incorporation process fro�a the pressures involved i.n selectin� a fraachisee, but pernits effective participation in the development of. the franchise itself. 8- t:e uill be prepared to su�=it specific reco��endations defining the euties of the incorporators on Jan. 14, 1933. . 'Reco:��endati ns Jfor the Ener E viroru�en e ��88�- . o gy, Utilzties and n t Co�nitt e �illiam Wilson, Chair • Decenber 1, 1982 The Association for Co�ounity and Institutional Cable Access has . studied the wor�:ing paper prepared by Linda Camp and sub��tted to you on November�l9. As a result of our. review, we malce the following � reco�nendations : • , 1- A single group of incorporators should be selected. This group - should include representatives from bo�h institutions and the , . community (the "single incorporators group raodel") . 2- This group� of incorporators should be afforded stafr support ' � f rom the City. . • , 3- There should be between five and seven representatives serving as incorporators for each� corporation. The total nu�ber of incorporators should not esceed fifteen. 4- The incorporators should be selected through the open .appointments � process. , 5- The most important criteria for selection. of incorporators must• . be the creation of an effective working group �:hich is sensitive and responsive to the needs of St Paul. We believe it is mora . important that the people selected be know.ted�eable and ca�able of respondin� to t��e concexns of the �any sFeci21 ?nterest �rou�s �� rather than composed of representatives of those groups. � � With the folloWing exceptions Ue believe t1�e possible list of � , .� criteria for incorporators, {page 2. III of the Nov. 19 working paper) .' ,� is appropriate: . � - k'hile it may be helpful to have a majority of incorporators who are residents of St Paul, -there is no need for an ' � absolute residency requirement. Such a restriction may � � exclude the participation of people and institutions witl� • valuable knowledge and �experience. ' .� - Neither a�e nor geographic distribution within the city . . . are reZevant. criteria for incor�orators. ��e believe the � , incorpotators �y subsequently deterraine that these factors � are inportant for the selection of the �aembers of the Board • of Directors • � 6- The appoint�ents process should be opened on March l, 198�; screening should begin on Ma.y i, 1983• 7- The incorporators should be appoint�ed aiLer the intial designation af the franchisee, preferabl} within two weeks of �hat selection� . � � . but at least 6J �days before the franchise ordinance� is passed. This pratects the incorporation process fror� the pressures involved in selectin� a fraachisee, but pernits effective participation in the development of. the franchise itself. _ 8- �;e will be prepared to sub�it specific recom�end2tions defining tl�e euties of the incorporators on �Jan. 14, 1933. • y �1 �l��� ,�+ � ._�. ' CITY OF SAINT P.�.UL �`' OFFIC� OF TH� CITY COIINCIL ' :.-.�.;. ';.�.,,.o.�.,. • '`'-'��"� �i � D d t e : February 7, 1983 �> - ..� . COMM (TT � E RE PORT TO = Sq�n� Pau ! Cifiy Councit F� � � = Cornr�nittee p� ENERGY, UTILITIES AND ENVIRONMENT COMP4ITTEE CH AI R WILLIAM L. WILSON - Resolution creating two non-profit corporations -- St. Paul Community Access Corporation and St. Paul Institutional Access Corporation and requesting the Mayor's Office to begin the open process for the selection of incorporators for the two aforementioned access .corporations At its meeting of February 4, the Committee recommended approval of the resolution CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 .a�,a ...... .__ __ .....,�w.i!+�a!r.. L„y....,