279859 WHITE CITY CLERK COUtICIl �• ��� PINK �FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BUGE - MAVOR File NO. uncil solution Presented By � 'G Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�REAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section10.07.01 of the city charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1983 budqet; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1983 budget: Current Amended Budget Change Budget FINANCING PLAN 375 Tree Maintenance Fund 33121-7299 General Fund Contribution 631,770 -0- 631,770 33123-7299 General Fund Contribution 85,683 -0- 85,683 33124-7299 General Fund Contri.bution 544,853 75,411 620,264 All Other Financing 161,753 -0- 161,753 NET CHANGE � 75,411 1,499,470 SPENDING PT.AN 375 Tree Maintenance 33121 Shade Tree Disease Control 661,770 -0- 661,770 33123 Wood Recycling Plant 85,683 -0- 85,683 33124 Tree Trimming 33124-111-000 Salaries 358,365 55,801 414,166 33124-116-000 Reserve 50,578 4,528 55,106 33124-439-000 Fringes 141,883 15,082 156,965 33124 Other 125,780 -0- 125,780 NET CHANGE 1,424,059 75,411 1,499,470 Now therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts these changes to the 1983 budget. Approved: Budget Director COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: F tch r FletCher - � �e n In Favor Ma z Galles Masanz sc t ei �� _ _ Against BY — T es �Ison Scheibel � � 1983 Tedesto f EB Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Wilson Date — Certified Y�ss y ouncil cret BY B� Approved . voc Date �ED �_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council sy _— By PUBLISHED FEB 2 6 1983