279856 � M�HITE - C�TV CLERK 2'�9855 PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L COUIICIl CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAYOR Co cil Resolution Presented By to A Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the City of Saint Paul, the proper City officer s are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund, 09070-511-328, to Robins, Zelle, Larson and Kaplan, in trust for Commercial Union Insurance Company, the sum of $62,500.00 in full settlement of its claim for damages arising out of the fire and explosion at the Commodore Hotel on February 15, 1978. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Fletcher �xe Galles [n Favor Masanz �� � scheibel _ __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson FEg 17 1�3 Form Approv Ci y Attorne Adopted by� Council: Date — Certified P�: -ed Council cret BY B' � /� ��� Approved . vor. Date i 8 1983 Approved�i for�bmi sion to Co il By _ BY PUBLISHED FEB 2 6 1983 . • _ + • KUEPPERS KUEPPERS VON FELDT HZ SALMEN ����� > > ATTORNEYS AT LAW 12b0 NORTHERN FEDERAL BUILDING WABASHA AT SIXTIi STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 FRED A. KUEPPERS TELEPHONE FRED A.KUEPPERS,7R. AREA CODE 612 C.E.VON FELDT 228-1100 T. ]AY SALMEN Januar 25� 1983 FRANK E.VILLAUME III y JOAN M.HACKEL R[CHARD C.SALMEN NANCY L. PONTO Honorable Members of the Saint Paul City Council Gentlemen: On October 18, 1982 I was appointed special counsel to repre- sent the City of Saint Paul in continuing the prosecution of its appeal from an adverse judgment in the trial of the Commo- dore Hotel fire and explosion case. Some of you will recall that the trial court found the City of Saint Paul' s inspection at the time of instal.lation to be neg- ligent and a contributing factor to the ultimate fire and ex- plosion, which injured numerous persons and caused extensive damage to the hotel. The City' s liability was found to be 10�. Commercial Union Insurance Company provided the fire and extended coverage for Summit Court, Inc. , the owner of the hotel. Payment under its policy amounted to $978, 400.00 and the City' s share was $97,840. 00. The City has appealed from this judgment. Should the City have been unsuccessful in its appeal, it would have owed not only this amount but interest at a rate of approximately 12$ from the date of judgment (June, 1981) until the appeal is decided, plus the likelihood of pre-judgment interest at a rate of 6� from the time of payment (August, 1979) until the jud�:nent date. I have reached a settlement with counsel for Commercial Union in the amount of $62, 500. 00. I have consulted with City Attor- ney, Ed Starr, and he finds the terms of the agreement accept- able. Full releases executed on behalf of Commercial Union have already been obtained. I respectfully ask that you approve the settlement and autho- rize payment in the amount of $62, 500. 00. Yours truly, KUEPPERS, KUEPPERS, VON FELDT & SALMEN ..r—� gy i- ...� k E. Villaume, III FEV/mjr �- . , . 2'7985� �`; 'r ,� C�ITY OF SAINT PAUL - • OFFIC� OF THIt: CITY COIINCIL .,,.�..- k- �.�,...�.,..� • . �",.=,�,. D d f e • � . February 10, 1983 CO (�/iM (TT � E REPORT TO = Sa�n� Pau i City Cour�ci! J F�� M = C o rn rn i t�t e e O h Finance, Management � Personnel CN A I R James Scheibel 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held February 3, 198�,����,� 2. Resolution to increase the 1983 Community Services budget by $1,527,644 in grant expenditures. ;�� 3. Resolution to transfer $114,500 from 1983 MSA Contingency Fund to Railroad Island sewer project 4. Resolution to increase the Division of bianpower Programs estimated revenue and expenditure budget for the CETA program from $1,899,599 to $2,895,217. �i�"� . 5. Resolution approving the payment of $250.00 to the State for the purchase of property in Irvine's Second Addition to St. Paul for a storm sewer.�.�C€Q� 6. Resolution to transfer $5,200.00 from General Government Accounts, Contingent Reserve Specified, and Operating Transfer Out to Appeals and Special Services and Fees. �,��••��•en��.-..:�+--�s-.� ` NOT ON PREPARED AGENDA: \ 7. Resolution approving a settlement reached between the City and Commercial Union Insurance Co. of claim for dama es arising out of fire and . explosion at the Commodore Hotel. /'/�� Q\ l 7) 8. Resolution setting date of hearing for Ma.rch 15, 1983, to consider the level of street maintenance to be performed during 1983. -„� n-6,4G w4 �h C1TY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, bi1NNFSOTA SSI02 •��.„ . �a-,a-�� EPARTt�1ENT � � � Edward P. Starr �� ��� �'ONTACT 5121 PHONE � January 26, 1983 DATE �v�� � (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): Department Director City Attorney l l� __ Finance and Management Services Director 2 City Clerk Budget Director i�hat Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): Approval of settlement reached between City and Commercial Union Insurance Company of claim for damages arising out of fire and explosion at the Commodore Hotel. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: City' s potential liability on this claim is $97,840.00, plus interest � from August 1979 until final disposition of appeal. Settlement has been reached between attorneys for the City and Commercial Union pro- viding for a pay-out of $62,500.00 in full settlement of this claim. Funding Source and Fund Activity Nurr�er Charged or Credited: 09070-511-328 Attachments (List and Number all Attachments� : Council Resolution and Letter to City Council from Frank E. Villaume III DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? X Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for 'Instructions)