279850 WHITE — UTV CLERK � a 2"7985Q PINK — { vAN�E GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV� D�PAR�TMEN T BLUE — MAVOR File NO• oun 'l Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strati.ve Re solution e stabli shing the title and class specification for Bond Technician in the Civil Service Rules . RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Secti.on 3.B by striking out of Grade 30 the title of Bond Registrar; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended in Section 3. L by inserting the title of Bond Technician in Grade 31; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r arnended in Section 32 by striking out the class specification for Bond Registrar and by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Bond Technician. Approved: Chairman Civil Service C mission COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fle 'he Nays , � pERSONNEL OFFICE � �ev ne F�etcher In Favor Ma a Galles �'� � S ibel Ma�''� � -- Against BY '��� � � d sco p{icosj� ils n Scheib8l � TedesCO f EB 17 1983 Form prove y Cit y Adopted by C uncil:wi�son �ate �. Certified �s d y Council � t BY By -,� , 1� '8+ Appr by Mayor for i ion to Council t�pproved avor• Date — + By B . . . 2i9�5� Title of class: BOND TECHNICIAN DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs auditing and baokkeeping work related to the preparation, sale and continuing administration of tax exempt debt; and performs related duties as required. '' Sup.ervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a division head. Supervision Exercisede Exercises within a unit close technical supervision directly over clerical workers. - � - TYPICAL DUTZES PERFORMED • The listed examples nay not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Assembles and computes maturity schedules, notice of sales and bond prospectuses. Works with fiscal advisor and attorneys in the preparation of documents relating to the sale of debt. Prepa�es and maintains bond and interest ledgers. Reconciles and audits bank statements for all Debt Issues. Prepares City Council resoluCions. Prepares miscellaneous claims authorizing payments of principal, interest, and service charges to paying agent. Answers inquiries relating to bond issues, interest payments, redemption, lost bonds and registration of bonds. Prepares budget papers for debt service accounts. Prepares reports on long-term investment, debt statements and short-term borrowing. Prepares lists and arranges for destruction of interest cougons and bonds that have matured. Prepares for publication notices concerning short-term borrowing and is responsible for transfers of monies and miscellaneous claims. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AI'vD ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of laws, statutes, ordinances and resolutions concerning all phases of Tax Exempt bond sales and administration. Considerable knowledge of practices, procedures and policies concerning Tax Exe�pt bond sales and administration. Considerable skill in modern office practices and procedures. Working ability to operate modern office equipment. Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with city personnel and general public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Six years' clerical experience, at least two years of which must have been as a Clerk III or equivalent, assisting the:� Treasury Manage�� in; the administration of tax-exempt debt. . 2�98�0 Title of class: BOI3D TECHNICIAN DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs auditing and bookkeeping work related to the preparation, sale and continuing administration of tax exempt debt; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a division head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within a unit close technical supervision directly over clerical workers. � - • TYPiCAL DUTIES PERFORMID • The listed examples raay not include all duties performed by all positions in ghis class. Assembles and computes maturity schedules, notice of sales and bond prospectuses. Works with fiscal advisor and attorneys in the preparation of documents relating to the sale of debt. Prepares and maintains bond and interest ledgers. Reconciles and audits bank statements for all Debt Issues. Prepares City Council resolutions. Prepares miscellaneous claims authorizing payments of principal, interest, and service charges to paying agent. Answers inquiries relating to bond issues, interest payments, redemption, lost bonds and registration of bonds. Prepares budget papers for debt service accounts. Prepares reports on long-term investment, debt statements and short-term borrowing. Prepares lists and arranges for destruction of interest coupons and bonds that have matured. Prepares for publication notices concerning short-term borrowing and is responsible for transfers of monies and miscellaneous claims. RNOWLEAGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of laws, statutes, ordinances and resolutions concerning all phases of Tax Exempt bond sales and administration. Considerable knowledge of practices, procedures and policies concerning Tax Exe�pt bond sales and administration. Considerable skill in modern office practices and procedures. Working ability to operate modern office equipment. Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with city personnel and general public. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Six years' clerical experience, at least two years of which must have been as ��.Clerk III or equivalent, assisting fhe;�Treasury: Manage��.in. ."Le administration of tax-exempt debt. � _ _ _ • - - - -- -. �=---y wM17E - C�TV CLEkK . COIli1C1I 2'�9850 PINK - FI`i�,��E GITY O�' SAINT PALIL CANARV - DEP4RTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. CITY CLERK ���ncil Resolution. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ` A.n admini strative Re solution e stabli shing ` the title and class specification for Bond Technician in the Civil Service Rules . RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.B by striking out of Grade 30 the title of Bond Registrar; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended in 5ection 3.L by inserting the title of Bond Technician in Grade 31; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended in Section 32 by striking out the class specification for Bond Registrar and by inserting, in proper alphabeticai order, the attached class specification for Bond Technician. App rove d: Chairman, Civil Service Commission COUNCIL;NEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�etcher Nays PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine In Favor hAasanz Nicosia scheibel __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b� �.ouncil: Date Certified t'assed by Council Secretary BY _ _ - — B}• —._ Approced bt �tavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ BY . . - , ` - 2`798�0 Title of class: BOND TECHNICIAN DESCRIETION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs auditing and bookkeeping work rela�ed to the preparation, sale and continuing administration of tax exempt debt; and performs related duties as required. ' Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a division head. Supervision Exercisedt Exercises within a unit close technical supervision directly over clerical workers. - - TYPICAL DUTIES P�RFORMID The listed examples nay not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Assembles and computes maturity schedules, notice of sales and bond prospectuses. Works with fiscal advisor and attorneys in the preparation of documents relating to the sale of debt. Prepares and maintains bond and interest ledgers. Reconciles and audits bank statements for all Debt Issues. Prepares City Council resolutions. Prepares miscellaneous claims authorizing payments of principal, interest, and service charges to paying agent. Answers inquiries relating to bond issues, interest payments, redemption, lost bonds and registration of bonds. Prepares budget papers for debt service accounts. Prepares reports on long-term investment, .debt statements and short-term borrowing. Prepares lists and arranges for destruction of interest coupons and bonds that have matured. Prepares for publication notices concerning short-term borrowing and is responsible for transfers of monies and iniscellaneous claims. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of laws, statutes, ordinances and resolutions concerning all phases of Tax Exempt bond sales and administration. Considerable knowledge of practices, procedures and policies concerning Tax Exenpt bond sales and administration. Considerable skill in modern office practices and procedures. Working ability to operate modern office equipment. Working ability to deal tactfully and effectively with city personnel and general putilic. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Six years' clerical experience, at least two years of which must have been as��-�. Clerk III or equivalent, assisting the: Treasury- Manage��i.n the administration of tax-exempt debt. CITY OF �AINT PAUL �r�g��0 - OFFIC� OF THE CITY COIINCIL � ..,,�. 77 7fl�iY9�e! ' ��=i=���" D a t e ; February 3, 1983 CoMMfTT � E RE PqRT TO = Saint PQUI City Council F� � M = C o m m it t e e O Il Finance, Management F� Personne 1 C M A(R James Scheibel 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held January 27, 1983. �pro��� 2, Resolution enabling the Library Division to undertake a feasibility study s`� of "Centralized Ready Reference Center for the Central Library." ��'a'� 3. Resolution enabling the expenditure of grant money received for the � � St. Paul Public Library. A��b� 4. Resolution adopting additions to the 1983 budget from funds which have been recieved. p. ,r»»r�al �z�o Resolution establishing the title of Bond Technician with class specification and abolishing title of Bond Registrar and class specification. � ilCUb•� Q Qa+sN�a� ���� ' �. Resolution certifying funds received from contributions and grants as appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1983 budget. ����a� 7. Resolution approving securities pledged by Summit National Bank. t-D ��,Q 8. Resolution authorizing acceptance of a $41,000 grant from the Northwest Area Foundaition (to be used to promote arts in the Lowertown area.) �Qfd+� g. Resolutions amending the voluntary leave without pay provisions in various ��� bargaining contracts. 10. Discussion of the policy for City employee snow days. � P�p�aQ,ll. Discussion of the financing plan for Civic Center Parking Ramp and Auditorium �s a�►�ead.� renovations. s-v CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ��� ° � � � 2'79850 V � Pe r sonnel Office DEPAR'Tt,1ENT� �O?-��� Bernard Wright .GONTACT � 4221 PHONE ���� �� , 1-13-83 DATE (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routin9 Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): 1 / Department Director ��T City Attorney F�'�=�����,�°�w=�-� 3 Di rector of Management/Mayor . ;; ; �_- �c�3 Finance and Management Services Director ; City Clerk i::,�.,-, -- �.�-qr°�,�" Budget Director What Will be Achieved by Taking Action on the Attached Materia�ls? (Purpose/Ra�ionale): This R.esoluti.on establishes the title of Bond Technician in Grade 31 of Section 3.L (Technical Group) of the Civil Se rvice Rule s and it e stabli she s the cla s s I specification for this ti.tle in Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules. It abolishes from Grac�e 30 of Section 3.B (Clerical Group) the title of Bond R:egistrar an.d the class' specificati.on for that title from Section 32. The bi-we�kly salary ranges for Grades 30 (Clerical) & 31 ('�'echnical) are shown below: G rade 30 A B. C D E F 10 yr. ' 15 yr. 20 yr. 25 yr. 730.80 TG�,.. Z . ?97. 98 837. 74 876. 02 916448�` 941. 77 968. 50 978. 00 987. 50 ��T��'� �_-_ __ � ��" _....r'�� .� > ;.w . . $25, 774 .. G rade 31 A B C D E F 10 yr. 15 yr. 20 yr. 25 yr. 742. 81 775.:01 807. 20 840. 74 878. 30 917. 20 9�2. 02 964. 16 977. 16 990. 16 $19, 387 arinually . $25, 843 Fundin� Source and �und Activity Nur�er Charged or Credited: Attachments (List and Number all Attachments1 : 1. Re solution 2. Copy for City Clerk. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATT(�RNEY REVIEW � Yes No Coun�il Resolution Required? Resolutiqn Required? Yes Na Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �/� Yes No Insurance Attached? Revisiorr of October, 1982 (See Re�Yerse Side for �Instructions) . , � . ^ 2'79850 Title of class: BOND REGiSTRAR Duties and responsibilities: Under direction, to be �°esponsible f.or the rer_ords of registered and coupon municipal bonds and payment of interest t?�ereon; to handle details incident to the advertisement, printing, sale, signing and delivery of bonds; and to pex�form related work as assigned. Examples of work perfor.med: To supervise or keep detailed xecords of regi.stered and coupon bond s oi th e C ity. To write interest checks for re�istered bor..ds. To verify c�anceled bor..ds and coupons returned by ban.ks. To list paid or �ast c?ue bonds and coupons. To prepare, for approval by the legal departmer�t, ordinances and resolutions for t_h.e sale and i.ssuance of bonds aizt�orized. To reconci.le bank statements as to coupons paid. To conduct correspondence re?ative to bond issues. Mini.mum qualification.s: . - Higlz school graduation and eigr�t �rears' clerical experienre, at least three years of whi�ch must have been as a C1_erk III, or equi�-alent, assisting a Bor._d Registrar. � Effectiv�e April 24, 1965 - �� 2'79850 Title of class: BOND TECF�IICIAN DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs auditing and bookkeeping work rela�ed to the preparation, sale and continuing administration of tax exempt debt; . and performs related �uties as required. � Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a division head. Supervision Exercisedt Exercises within a unit close technical supervision _ directly over clerical workers. - - TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORPIID ' The listed examples nay not include all duties performed by aIl positions in this class. Assembles and computes maturity schedules, notice of sales and bond prospectuses. Works with fiscal advisor and attorneys in the preparation of documents relating to the sale of debt. Prepares and maintains bond and interest ledgers. Reconciles and audits bank statements for all Debt Issues. Prepares City Council resolutions. Prepares miscellaneous claims authorizing payments of principal, interest, and service charges to paying agent. Answers inquiries relating to bond issues, interest payments, redemption, lost bonds and registration of bonds. Prepares budget papers for debt service accounts. Prepares reports on long-term investment, .debt statements and short-term borrowing. Prepares lists and arranges for destruction of interest coupons and bonds that have matured. Prepares for publication notices concerning short-term borrowing and is responsible for transfers of monies and miscellaneous claims. RNOWLIDGES, SKILLS A1�ID ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of laws, statutes, ordinances and resolutions concerning all phases of Tax Exempt bond sales and administration. Considerable knowledge of practices, procedures and policies concerning Tax Exenpt bond sales and administration. Considerable skill in modern office practices and procedures. Working ability to operate modern office equipment. T�Jorking ability to deal tactfully and effectively with city personnel and general public: MINIMUM QUALIFZCATIO,�S Six years' clerical experience, at least two years of which must have been as a Clerk III or equivalent, assisting the� Treasury� Manage��:in the administration of tax-exempt debt.